Features that I think PD should implement in Gran Turismo 7

  • Thread starter o000o
Betting on what @sems4arsenal said at the beginning of the GT7 wish list thread ("PD read the forum"), I think these are the features that GT7 should feature, and I'd talk about as many aspects that I can fill in here, let me know what you think should be improved from the list here (correct me if there are features that are already implemented but I falsely treat it as new):

  • Status Window: Implement GT Sport's Mode Menu there, done in similar manner as GT1/GT2's shortcut menus.

  • Top Screen: Keep the Mode Menu in any menu you're in, not replacing it with the title of the menu you're in like GTS did (e.g. from Top Screen to "Home" in Home):


  • Tutorial:
    • Option to turn off the face cam on the dialogues.
    • Option to skim through the dialogues, like with Start (infos like track or tuning parts should be given outside the dialogues here, like GT5's tuning menu).
  • Music:
    • Different music in every section of the menu (ex: Dealership having different music with GT Auto, Tuning Shop, etc.).
    • Allow the players to set up musics of their choice in the menus as well.
  • GT World:
    • Show more detalied map the track is around like Burnout 3 or Forza Motorsport 4.
    • Other than infos for cars, add up infos for coursesas well, like 3D CAD model view or graphics showing measurements, probably even videos or other stuff like Brand Central's Museum and Channel.
      • Keep the video guide from GTS in how to pass corners.
  • Menu:
    • For easier navigation, rearrange the icons/buildings to form a grid, instead of being spread out diagonally.
    • More of a personal wish, but would like for the map menu to be shown in city instead of being in nature with some buildings, probably to differentiate it from GearClub's one.
  • Show the actual locations of the menu you're in, in the background.
    • Like the GT Auto in GT7 currently showing a workshop and GT Cafe showing a cafe, but implement that in other location too like for example garage for Home (along with the car roster), like in GT4, GT6, and GT Sport.

  • Implement more interactive menu if able.

  • Level: Implement a trait from GT4's A-Spec system, where the amount of exp gained depends on how hard the race is to you (slower car = more exp, faster car = less exp).
  • Status: Display more stats, like top speed, most amount of cash spent/gained (like events), most amount of overtakes, most amount of lapped opponents, most pit stops, etc.
  • Outfit: More variation in the outfit choices like vintage helmet, etc.

  • Either all cars and tracks available, or have GT4 system where good chunk of cars are already available in the beginning, and when you buy cars in GT Mode, it's unlocked in this mode.
  • Custom Race:
    • Allow to choose cars each AI will use, and which tuning part the cars use.
    • The options in GTS is already good, but more can be added like choosing car's performance range or specifications (PP range, drivetrain, aspiration, weight, brand, year, road/race, etc.)
    • Allow to set range of certain regulation (ex: Weight is set between 1500 to 2000 kg).
    • Allow to create Championship races.
    • Allow to save Custom Race settings.
    • Allow to name the race and give it title card (upload pic), also export Custom Races to GT Mode or online for others to play/download (and if the races are done this way, you're allowed to add prize cars, either from your car roster or by paying for the cars selected as prizes).
  • Track selection:
    • Allow every track to have the same customizable options (dynamic weather, time, etc.).
    • Don't separate the Variable/Forward/Reverse Courses, just choose to implement variable in the track settings (toggle off the variable if you don't want variable weather/time), set forward/reverse within the track itself like GT4:

  • When choosing cars from garage: The car retrains the same properties as the actual car you use for GT Mode other than color (the parts, performance, etc.)

  • Utilizing GT6's Tutorial sequence so non-beginners can start at higher place on the game if they want:
    • Make the tutorial sequence more than just driving guide, turn it into a time trial, where there's Gold, Silver, and Bronze time (or any form of driving like actual racing, and adjust the Gold/Silver/Bronze requirement accordingly).
    • If time trial, give no time limit for Bronze (--'--.---) like GT4's Coffee Break, where its a chance for beginners to just get used to controls and finish the tutorial, where Silver and Gold are chances for more experienced players to show off their skills and gain some bonuses.
    • Have the game evaluate your performance depending on the player's action throughout the lap.
    • If you manage to get Silver or Gold, you get a chance to skip some part of licenses depending on the result (like GT2/GT4's data transfer, where the player is considered to have passed B and A Licenses even if there are no results there, but you can still try to gold them for getting the prize cars (like GT4's GT3 Transfer).
      ), and get some credit bonus (like up to 100k for GT4) to compete in higher level races.
    • You can skip the tutorial sequence, but you'll start from zero that way.
  • In a more traditional way, give an option to transfer data from GTS as well, like the GT2/GT4 Data Transfer before, and transfer more than just porting garage, but like above, credit bonus and/or skipping licenses (based on Driving School progress).
  • Evolve the GT's Calendar system:
    • Add year in GT's date format - therefore it's day/month/year (year number is like day number in GT1-GT3's calendar system; year 1/year 2/year 9/etc.).
    • More detailed day progression compared to GT4 (where each activities use up 1 day); like certain races, tuning parts, or car services advances different number of day, or even using the in-game's clock time too (like taking several hour instead of a day or such).
    • You can open an actual calendar to track your activities (for shortcut, you can click on the date on Status Window).
    • You can either:
      • Do activities right away and automatically advancing the day/time by that number like in previous GTs, or;
      • Schedule activities, noted in the calendar, won't advance the day, but that activity won't be done/completed right away until you reach said date.
        • Ex: Buying a part at 1st August that takes up 4 days to obtain, but not advance the day yet to obtain the part, therefore the calendar schedules to obtain that part on 5th August. You can also then schedule another activity at 1st August like maintenance, etc.
    • When opening an actual calendar, you can click on any date to advance the time into that day.
    • Other random future informations will be contained there, such as discounts.
  • Bring back Diary from GT4 to keep track of your activities.

  • Other than the garage being 3D (from menu suggestion of using actual location), the garage can be customized.
    • Choose a certain number of cars to be displayed (though there's a default slot displaying the car you're currently using).
    • Add more decorations, like perhaps scape photos, or any achievement, trophy, certificate, or awards you've received.
    • You can visit other player's garage as well and look at their content.

  • Allow to see a list of which parts are equipped into the car (like GT2).

  • Allow to sort or filter the car list by more than 1 specifications of a car (ex: listing American MR cars, sorting cars by both year and weight)
  • Instead of only changing livery, allow to do anything on the car at once in a garage, the screen including an option to change wheels, aero kits, parts, liveries, etc. just like dealership.
  • Selling cars should take into account not only for the car value, but also the car's mileage, maintenance record (ex: oil change), and the upgrades or parts that is currently equipped into the car (intercooler, wheels, etc.).

  • Give classification for the cars type-wise, like GT6's Recommended Cars (Super GT, NASCAR, DTM, Wagon, Sedan, etc.).
    • To divide cars for races for car type such as Kei or Group C easier, or to deal with event regulations easier.

  • Make the car menu resembling "realistic" way to buy cars, like web ad, brochure, etc. and navigate more cars at once.
    • GT7 did the line-up style (similar to GT1/GT2) Used Cars menu (Used Cars consistently had this menu style though) that resembles car auction and web ad, dunno about the Brand Central one.
  • After clicking a car in line-up, provide every options you can do for the car in 1 screen, including the already existing one like colors and "Buy/Purchase".
    • Specs: Return those that is no longer in recent games like engine type, wheelbase, aspiration type, power/weight ratio, torque/weight ratio.
    • Info: Museum-like info for individual cars, in addition to shorter summary about the car like the brand itself (short summary on main menu, more elaborate info on Museum).
    • Gallery Mode: Allow the player to highlight the car looks by themselves (like Preview on GTS' Livery Editor), also the player can open the hood, door, and trunks of the car and see the interior.
    • Allow to choose between top up or top down for convertibles.
    • Allow to rebadge the car if able, like choosing to put MX-5 Miata, Roadster, or Eunos badge in NA MX-5.
    • Allow to choose between LHD and RHD, if able.
    • Allow to choose color for the car's other parts separately, such as interior.
    • Only allow vehicles to use traction control and ABS if they have it in real life, otherwise it must be purchased at places like Tuning Shop.
    • Apply all the above in other menu where you select cars (like Garage).
    • Allow to test drive the cars (dunno which location to use though).
      • Damaging the car will force you to pay the fine depending on how much damage you caused.
GT2's Showroom.
GT6's Showroom.

  • Bring back the car model logos like in the first 4 GT games, also never remove the logos for other things (like courses, events).
    • Use both of the car's brand logo and model logo in the car display (GT7 currently in tuning, had both the model and brand not being displayed in logo).


  • Show the actual dealership like GT6 (better yet, as one option).
  • Overhaul the car stats (top speed, acceleration, cornering, braking, stability) to show accurate representation of the car's performance, and make PP related to it; as the overall point of all the stats combined.
  • Implement Fuel Consumption.
  • Give cars different fuel tank size as well.
  • For duplicate cars, already made a thread about which one should enter the game, for the most egregious cases.
  • Put the liveries of the race car in color selection.
    • Probably PD is going for this with the name of the returning JGTCs being "Supra GT500 '97" and "GT-R GT500 '99".
  • My ideal car roster for each manufacturers (not refering to which cars) contains each of these, if any of them is available from the manufacturer:
    • Family cars of various type such as hatchback, sedan, wagon, SUV, etc.
    • Sleeper cars (high performance wagon, SUV, hatchback, etc.).
    • Sport cars.
    • Supercars/hypercars.
    • Concept cars.
    • Race cars of various discipline.
    • Oddball cars.
    • Each of above in classic and modern era.
  • Probably integrate manufacturer events with Museum, progressing through the history with both; give manufacturers their own career mode akin to NFS Porsche Unleashed's Evolution mode.
  • Implement manufacturer affinitysystem, including from Museum and manufacturer events.
    • Anything from Events section below can be applied here for manufacturer events.
  • Add some changes for dealership, such as occassional car discounts, like near end of the year.
  • Make a more real car acquiring sequence after buying but is skippable, such as when buying car, show something like GTS' cutscene when acquiring first car, and/or use GT5 Prologue's scene (like the semi-trailers, unfortunately can't find the video now) here as the base.
    • Also make the sequence different from the prize car one.

  • More variatons of the car condition other than mileage, like how dirty or dented the car is, those also determine the car's price.
    • GT7's star rating in the Used Cars should show more of those.
  • Inform more conditions about the car like oil and engine condition, which parts are not working, etc.
  • Place cars sold by players here.
  • You can choose to display the game's pre-determined used cars list, or cars sold by various users and players (in a same manner as Discover).
  • Not only those sold by users and players, the pre-determined used car list also can have other traits such as fitted tuning parts, but make it as a rare addition like cars with little mileage.

  • Display the brand's tuning name, depending on which car you use (ex: Using Nissan on Tuning Shop makes it display "Nismo").

  • More parts like in the first 4 GT games (Turbo Kit Stage 4, Intercooler, etc).
  • Shopping Cart function, allow players to save wanted parts in carts to buy them collectively, like GT5's Aero Kits in GT Auto.

  • Implement a purposeful Quick Tune, like choosing which performance class you want to turn your car into, then the game buys every part to turn your car into that class.
    • An example, in conjugtion to Racing Modifications below (which utilizes GTS' fictional race cars), you can choose Gr. 4/3/2/1 (or other forms of established racing class) and each selection buys the required parts to turn your car into that performance class respectively. Players can still choose which parts they won't want to buy in the package.
  • Inform before buying if a part is permanently equipped to the car (like Weight Reduction) or not.
  • Show the actual result of the tuning parts in the car, like Weight Reduction actually removing the seat inside if looking through the car's interior.
  • Utilize the newly-3D rendered tuning parts, same like above showing the changed exhaust, engine, etc. Probably even have a skippable animaiton of fitting those parts into the car.
    • GT7 probably implemented this in a GT Auto screenshot here.
  • Tuning menu toggles which part division to tune like GT1-GT3 & GT5, not fit everything in 1 scroll like GT6.

  • More tuning options that hasn't been implemented in game such as tire pressure.

  • Can be accessed pre or post-race, but for the former maintenance time are more limited.
  • Bring back car wash, oil, change, color change, etc. animations.
  • Allow to setting background in GT Auto like GTS' Livery Editor, where for example it can take place in orange field or an actual workshop (like GT6).
  • Customization: Allow every car to fit every available wheels and wings like in GT2-GT4.
  • Wing: Custom Rear Wing for every car.
  • Wheels:
    • Allow to fit different wheels, or different sizes for each 4 tyres individually.
    • Fit more wheels in 1 screen like GT6, but can still sort by Manufacturer like GTS.
GT6's Wheel list.
GTS' Wheel brands.

  • Paint:
    • More choice for paint type other than Solid/Metallic/Pearl, like Matte or Gloss.
    • Color pickerto recreate an exact same color as something (car color, decal color, etc.).
      • Color picker can be used (either inherently or earned) on other place like Brand Central or Scapes.
    • Add a factory choice where you choose the car's default colors.
    • Allow to save a picked color in a list of saved colors.
    • Allow to color the car's parts other than outside body, like parts of engine, brakes, or interior.
  • Livery Editor:
    • Allow to edit and color the Racing Items (such as Window Banner).
    • Allow to edit multiple layers at once, like duplicating the whole car's layer on reverse, or group multiple layers into one.
    • Allow to use Move Controller as a brush.
    • Allow to keep racecar's default livery and edit it from there.
    • Apart from "Save", add "Load" where you can load other livery designs the car have, or load it to the other car.
  • Racing Modifications/Wide Body:
    • Give a set of available liveries, or leave them with car body's color.
    • Turn the existing fictional race cars(Gr.3, Gr.4, Gr.B) as that base car's personal RMs.
      • Ex: Using stock Subaru WRX STI and going to Racing Modifications, you'll get the Gr version of WRX STI), like the opposite of what's done in GT6; where due to removal of RM, previous RM cars in GT5 are made as separate cars.
GT5's RM cars.
RM cars as separate cars in GT6.

  • Maintenance:
    • Provide more services in addition to Engine Overhaul and Body Rigidity, such as replacing damaged parts with an identical one.
    • Give a choice to let the game automatically takes care of your car after each part reaches specific condition, such as Oil, Engine, and Body Rigidity respectively reaching Poor condition, the game automatically performs Oil Change, Engine Overhaul, and Restore Rigidity, like after race for example. It'll still take up your money as usual, except when you don't have enough Cr.

  • Much improved A.I., but also variative too, depends on the race (in 1 race there're AI that are cautious, reckless, agressive, etc.)
    • At least for speed, take cues from the License demonstration replays (gold time) and the superhuman A.I. performance video.
  • Fuel reduction are more realistic (ex: Economy cars's fuel lasted for a longer time).
  • Environment affecting car parts like the wind (no, not that event!) or temperature, or tire pressure.
  • For rally, like the road physics, make it closer to the rally sims, like no soap effects.
  • Car damage, both visually and mechanical (Visual damages like rally cars in GT5 is enough, but put emphasize in mechanical).
    • Keep the dirt and damages intact on a car after the race ends including Championships (especially for Rally events), so that going to GT Auto to fix that is even more meaningful.
  • Increase the amount of maximum opponents, like to 40+, but also allow to reduce the number of opponents, like allowing 1-on-1 race.
  • Ability to retire from race when the car's total-ed, blown engine (Not revving when the tachometer goes red), or empty fuel (make the car completely stop after that instead of being limited to 80 km/h).
  • Allow to make use of more of the cars' features in game (the game already does like horns or turn signals), like allowing to start its engine manually, play certain music/songs, or radio, on the car's tape (for those having them).
  • Improve the shifting sound to have actual delay instead of instantly going back to car sound.
  • Allow an option to manually drive in pit stops.
  • Quick Menu:
    • In addition to showing off the track locations, add immersive atmosphere in the menu's background like they do in the game's intros, or other modes like GT Auto's animations.
      • Like pre-race, there's actual racing scenes with you suiting up, preparing cars or talking with crew, etc. And post-race, there's a scene like podium.
    • Provide options that are removed from previous GTs like lap records, Data Logger, Save Best Lap Replay, etc.
    • Allow to delete lap records individually instead of only all at once.
    • Allow to access GT Auto, but in races, maintenances have time limit.
    • Starting Grid shows the opponent car's performance stats, like GT1's Entry List and GT4's Arcade.
      • For this game, can give more like obviously PP, but also which parts are equipped to the cars (click on the car listed on Starting Grid to get more info).
      • Or probably this feature can be used as one of the B-Spec's crew bonuses.
GT1's Entry List.
GT4's Arcade opponent list.

  • HUD:
    • Allow to setting it. Like arranging it, or deciding which part to be displayed or not.
    • HUD displays specific instrument clusters for the specific cars that you drive, but you can setting to display the game's provided stock HUD too.
      • Ex: When driving S2000, the HUD will display the F1-like S2000 clusters.
    • Display more detail on infos that need it, like readout for fuel (???/100 L).
    • Displays more condition for cars instead of only tires like engine, body, brakes, etc.
      • Those 2 above may or may not be reserved as engineer bonus from B-Spec.
  • Racing Views:
    • Add more views like a bonnet view, close and far chase view (like in early GT games), etc.
    • 360 degree cameras for each view.
  • Replay:
    • Allow to turn off automatic replays.
    • Allow to freely adjust timestamps like usual video player.
    • Walk Mode; where you can freely move the position of the camera while either the replay is paused or played (like Counter Strike's free cam). To allow for full recreation of something like previous intros.
    • Include Replay edit (GT Movie Maker). Some application suggestion: Trim replays, merge different replays, filter some parts of it like it's done in Scapes, etc.

  • For sure, NEVER make it separate mode like GT5.
    • However the GT5's team building part can be utilized and developed, make it the case again for GT7. In general, utilize B-Spec as GT's way to do a team management style-career.
  • Crew:
    • When hiring drivers, allow to adjust their stats (ex: Physical strength) with certain limit, but it'll add more cost to hire them and their paycheck.
    • Allow players to decide the name of the drivers by themselves, or set their gender.
    • Implement more members that you hire like pit crew, engineers (works in Tuning Part Shop), mechanics (works in GT Auto), etc.
      • Other members also can be leveled up and has stats like B-spec drivers.
      • Leveled up members give bonuses in their respective field like all pit services being worked at once (changing tyres, refuel, etc. starts at the same time), or in Tuning Part Shop and GT Auto; shorter day usage for certain parts/maintenance.
    • Paycheck routine can be decided (ex: months will take 30 in game day).
    • If no one is hired, there's stock driver, mechanic, etc. A.I. so that B-Spec, Tuning Part Shop, and GT Auto can still be used.

  • Gameplay:
    • Fast forward feature like in GT4.
    • GT4 pace system where you don't need to repeatedly selecting which pace.
    • Switch drivers on pit like GT4, including switching between other B-Spec drivers.
    • Driver condition in race like strength, mental strength, etc. can change mid-race.
    • Real-Time Controls from GT6.
    • In-race and out-race feedback/radio responses from the B-Spec driver (like GT5's "OK!", but obviously far more than that), varying responses depending on the mode (like car setup talk for returning Practice mode, pace talk or such depending on the driver's condition for the racing, etc.).
  • Driver condition stays in and out of race, where if a driver is too tired they can't be used until they've recovered.
  • Allow to have the drivers join in the events and drive as teammates (prize moneys are accumulated from both yours and your team).
  • Give a choice to coach the driver or not(if yes, then it goes like previous GT's B-Spec, if not, then you go back to the menu, while that event is played out with the B-Spec driver).
    • Set up the race strategies like pit changes before leaving.
    • Allow to re-enter the live event with that B-Spec driver (and play out like regular B-Spec) or go back to the menu at any point, and save replay after the event ends.
  • Allow to train drivers outside the race, such as sending your drivers in Time Trial mode.
  • There are sponsors that can be picked, or struggled to gain (for the latter, example is winning a Manufacturer Event to gain sponsorship from that brand), with them giving some objectives to achieve, but also with payouts/rewards for acheiving said objectives.

  • General:
    • Grid starts!
    • Difficulty settings for the races like Arcade, with different rewards (and probably prize cars too).
    • Allow races to have tyre wear/fuel depletion/damage on non-Endurance races (probably optional as well, turning them on gives more rewards after race).
    • Increase the scale of races (Championship events consists of max. 10-15 race like GT4, or even more).
    • Each events have Offline and Online choiceto enter, where if it's Offline, it progresses just like in previous games, and if it's Online, you are placed in a Room to wait until all the race grids are filled with other players.
      • Provide a team/opponent option (for co-op, including driver swap in Endurance or regular races), which'd also mean option to provide which number of grids occupied by players or AI.
    • For AI in any race, the AI gets the same treatment as the player; if they deserve penalty then inflict it to them.
  • With new Calendar system (look "GT Mode" section above):
    • Depending on the Championship schedules, if you suspend a Championship, you can do other activities before the next event, but no more than the day gap between latest race and next race.
      • Ex: A Championship has 4 day gap between each event, if you suspend, you can do other activities, but not more than 4 day before resuming the Championship.
    • Season system, where after a year (from calendar system) ends, by random, some events stay the same, but some events undergo changes, be it in tracks, regulations, etc.
      • There are some events which had inherent random course like GT2 (but depends on their length for the choices).
GT2's Random course.

  • Prize cars:
    • Can be sold, but they can only be won once (or any way to prevent prize abuse), no resetting to win them repeatedly like in GT4.
    • Can choose colors like GT6.
    • Implement early GT's system where there are some cars hidden and not visible in dealership, but after acquiring them as prize car, they appear in dealerships permanently (because they can only be won once).
    • Make prize cars appropriate to the events duration and/or difficulty, in general prioritize cars that are harder to obtain as prize cars.
      • Like completing 24h Le Mans endurance gives you a 20 million car like Ferrari 330 P4, the most expensive - hardest car to obtain. Even better it's related to Le Mans.
    • Like License, reward players for not winning the race/event as well (such as getting podium finish), giving them prize cars as well, but a bit dumbed down compared to when the player wins (such as when the prize car in an event is more than 1, finishing 3rd have it picked at random, but finishing 1st gives the player a choice to pick one of them).
    • Make a more real car acquiring sequence after buying but is skippable, such as when buying car, show something like GTS' cutscene when acquiring first car, and/or use GT5 Prologue's scene (like the semi-trailers, unfortunately can't find the video now) here as the base.
      • Also make the sequence different from dealership one.
  • Different style trophies for certain races (like GT3, highlight the pic to know which race have these trophy), also for its display in garage.
GT3's Sunday Cup trophy.
GT3's GT World Championship (Amateur) trophy.
GT3's Formula GT trophy.
GT3's GT World Championship (Amateur) Championship win trophy.
GT3's Formula GT Championship win trophy.

  • Bring back event Previews (GT2-GT4).
    • Allow to explore tracks, having access on the track's areas like pit, grandstand, or even buildings, etc. Like the player can watch the race or take photos on grandstand in addition to usual replay-like showing.
GT2's Preview.
GT3's Preview.
GT4's Preview.

  • GT1/GT3/GT4 Feature: Practicing and Qualifying in races, and not only Championships. They've returned power limit from GT2, why those aren't?
    • Either A-Spec or B-Spec, Practicing plays out like Circuit Experience (with same number of divided sectors) but with other opponents on 1 track.
    • Allow to determine Qualifying duration, either by laps (ex: 1 lap like GT1, 3 laps like GT3) or time. Like GT3, can quit Qualifying anytime.
    • GT1's Pole Position bonus.
GT1's Qualify and Test Run.
GT3's Qualify.
GT4's Practice.

  • Event structure:
    • Contains different levels of car performance, from low level perfomance, mid, and finally high level of that car type to enter to enjoy type of cars in every tier, make use of as many cars as possible in the game.
      • Low performances are slow cars of that type, high performances can be either high end super/race cars, or max. tuned cars like GT1's Megaspeed (Supra is 320 hp at stock, but in high level events, it'll be a fully tuned Supra with 900+ hp that is participating), or even Racing Modification versions if it's coming back.
      • For example, MR event can be divided into low (MR-S level), mid (BMW i8 level), and high tier (FXX level) of that car type (MR cars).
      • Example of games that do this is GT2 (GT3 also does, but in separate same-titled events, like FF Challenge in both Beginner and Amateur), varying hp limit (ofc replace with PP for GT now), also License requirement and rewards shown in GT2's Japan National:
GT2's Japan National event.

  • Main entry events like Clubman Cup, Drivetrain (FF/FR/etc.) Challenge, Dream Car Championship, are placed in the main event list (for GT1-GT2, they were named "Special Events", but it seems that the name is used for more unique challenges in late game now like GT6's Moon driving).
GT2's Event list.
GT4's Main events.

  • Country-based events like Euro Hot Hatch League, La Festa Italiano are placed in National Events
GT4's Nation events.

  • Manufacturer events like Elise Trophy, Type-R meeting are placed in the Events part of the car's brand in Brand Central (like GT2/GT4).
GT2's Brand menu.
GT4's Manufacturer races.

  • Give an option to sort events by other ways (multiple categories), such as difficulty (most GT games), licenses (GT6), car type (ex: Super GT, GT3, etc.), event type (ex: Drivetrain contest, etc.), etc.
GT5's Event list.
GT6's Event list.

  • Other than events centering around 1 car type, also implement comparison events, like car rivalries such as Viper against Corvette, or Lancer against Impreza, or Turbo against NA.
    • Still sort them out by what type of event they are, like putting car rivalries in Brand Central (and each of the involved manufacturer display the event; like you can go to Viper against Corvette in either Dodge or Chevrolet Brand Central).
  • Implement Museum like-immersion (but as extra info) for events such as Engine type (Boxer, detailing the type of that engine along with the events).
  • Motorsport:
    • Implement real-life stuff like opponent number, rules, laps (in Endurance Championships), also point system, in motorsport racing events such as NASCAR or Super GT, while other events such as road car races aren't given the same restrictions.
      • For example, in 24h Le Mans races, implement something like Full Course Yellow that can occur from time to time, or implement mandatory pitstops for Super GT.
    • Safety Cars (especially as the games include them!) are utilized in motorsports involving them, also mimicking the motorsport's rule of what to do with it being present on track depending on which motorsport.
    • You can join a team (buying or enter with owned cars which is related to the team), or bringing your B-Spec team.
      • Team offers have stats for its members similar to B-Spec.
      • If using own team, the racecar uses your team's livery.
    • If any, replace existing events that has nearly-identical real life motorsport version with the real one, such as Mini Sports Meeting with UK Mini Challenge.
    • Implement the motorsport's requirement to enter that players have to fulfill (played within the event itself) to allow to enter that event.
      • For example, something like GT5's Special Events, like implementing improved NASCAR School-like event for NASCAR before entering the event for the first time.
  • Rally:
    • Keep the rally circuits around, like Special Stages in rally games as they're based around circuits, but start implementing actual rally events, where it's point-to-point time trial on dirt tracks (divided on several stages), take GT5's Gran Turismo Rally Special Event for the start, and improve it up.
    • Use in-race GT Auto as repair system like what's usually seen on rally games where you can only choose certain part to be repaired within limited time.
GT5's Gran Turismo Rally.

  • Endurance:
    • Back to full duration ones, with the ability to save-and-continue from GT5.
    • Make endurance championships too, a series of events with each track having many laps and/or long duration.
      • Formula GT in GT4 was an example of this, albeit listed in main events, but give more events like this, such as Super GT Championship with each track giving 1000 km duration, or NASCAR Championship consisting of various NASCAR tracks with their actual lap number (Daytona 500, Indy 500, etc.).
  • Missions: Implement a reverse type of 1 Lap Magic from GT4, where you drive the slowest, oldest part of car generation at 1st position and you have to win before the newer, faster generation cares start and catch up.
  • License:
    • Add more difficulties to actually teach driving properly, especially for online races.
    • Add more lessons than just time trials in a track (a section or full), like basics of racing such as attacking, defending, braking, cornering, slipstreaming, etiquette (written or not), etc.
    • Have the guide actually appear throughout the gameplay, depending on the player's actions, instead of just being provided by text pre-gameplay
    • Implement what GT did in GT Academy as some of the game tests.
    • Bring back the sequences of crews evaluating you after finishing license like in GT4/GT5.
    • Keep the menu like GTS where selecting a session doesn't immediately jump into the track (which would require loading, and would take a longer time to change into other session if misclicked).
    • Instead of just next session to like in GT4, allow to choose which number of session to jump up like GT1/GT2/GTS:
GT1's License menu.
GT2's License menu.

GTS' Driving School menu in-race.

  • Circuit Experience:
    • Allow to take any car to use in the circuits, with time limit adjusted to the car's current performance.
      • The clock for Gold, Silver, and Bronze each is determined by the performance of the car you use.
    • Allow players to keep lapping the full circuit after completing a lap until they stop by their own volition.
    • Implement Circuit Experience for Practice mode, but it can still be accessed on its own like GTS.
    • The game can evaluate the player's performance throughout the lap (with text too, can be enhanced with better crews in B-Spec), one of the ways being utilizing the player's positioning against the track markers.

  • Scape-like application when taking photos in other places like garage or Brand Central.
  • More options to choose for the car, like opening/closing doors or top up/down for convertibles.
  • Set up the environment, like the weather, etc.
  • Implement more stuff than cars like placing driver avatar besides the cars, etc., with their own setting like pose.
  • Implement more high end camera features, like ISO, focus area, etc.
  • Implement both scenery and 3D model locations, depending on the setting.
  • In conjuction with 3D model locations, implement record system, to create videos with the cars on that setting.
    • You can setting how far the car moves and to which direction.
    • You can choose to move or pause car's movement in recording.
    • Also implement the delayed shot feature (shots taken after 2 sec for example), can use delayed shot like video above, with car moving/paused. Like taking a shot of fast moving cars at a blur.
  • Allow to make a car show with Scapes, either offline or online with other players with their cars.

If featured:
  • Possibly like Livery Editor, allow the use of Move Controller.
  • Show the actual track model to edit things, like ModNation Racers, for more detailed creating (like adjusting gate height, or terrain making), but still provide track map editing like GT5/GT6 for shortcut/quicker navigation.
ModNation Racers' Track Creator.
GT6's Track Path Editor map.

  • Theme: More different type of environments than just open field (like cities or something), probably an option to merge 2 different environments.
  • Layout:
    • More max. length than 10 km.
    • Allow tracks to intersect (of course using something like bridge and/or tunnel to make it work).
  • Items:
    • Can add Items outside the track line.
    • Make most items available on any environment, like putting both trees and buildings (tracks such as Tokyo R246).
    • Can implement some items inside the tracks such as barriers.
    • More options like adjusting the height for a gate, barrier type, or putting different sponsors there (like Livery Editor's Tyre Racing Items).
  • Kerbs:
    • Can set Track Width differently in each section of the track.
    • Can set the track borders; adjusting their width (individually in left or right side of the track), removing them, or shaping them as you wish.
  • Can choose different surface of the track (ex: asphalt to create road tracks, dirt to create rally tracs, etc.).
  • Can apply multiple surface in a track (ex: adding tarmac and snow in rally track like Chamonix).
  • Allow to arrange the start grids (ex: make all the cars parallel in a track for a drag race).
  • Allow to adjust the length of pit stops and create your own route for the pit stop (ex: Circuit de la Sarthe's pit stop route).

  • Race-related wishes for GT Mode Events can be applied too for Online (ex: Practice & Qualifying).
  • More than 16 cars on track.
  • For motorsport-esque races, allow player to take a role of one of the crews like B-Spec (but varies between which job the roles are) in the Online events.
  • Allow to implement License requirement for the online room/races (any licenses from Free to S).
  • Allow to choose which type of motorsport race to simulate its penalty system, pit stops, etc.
  • Obviously, improve the penalty system, but also..
    • Allow some player to take a role of a race enforcer where they decide the rules and penalties.
  • Room Creation:
    • Allow to implement License requirement in Room Creations as well, instead of just completing National B/A for Seasonal/Open Lobby respectively like in GT6.
    • Allow to add prize cars, either from your car roster or by paying for the cars selected as prizes.
    • Allow to set Race duration between laps or endurance (Time Limit).
    • More types of regulation like car's drivetrain, aspiration, brand, year, road/race, etc.
    • Allow to set range of certain regulation (ex: Power Limit is set between 500 to 700 hp).
    • Allow to create Championship races.
    • Allow to choose which type of race is created (normal car race, motorsport, etc.).
    • Allow to ban only specific things like a player, car, etc.
    • Allow for more broad choice of which car Settings are allowed or prohibited instead of all or nothing.
    • Allow for a team racing between multiple players, either multiple cars considered 1 team or individual cars consisting several Drivers. For example in Endurance, to replace the current player driving the car with another player when pitting in.
  • Return features that were missing from previous games, like Shuffle Mode, Voice Chat, Player Kick-out Vote, My Lounge, etc.

  • Implement open world mode, using the map shown in the menu as the setting, to teach driving on the streets.
    • A license for open world, with tests such as parking cars, etc. Like other Licenses, it can be kept for later game's Data Transfer.
    • Utilize GT's big number of everyday cars (such as Honda Fit), as the AI traffic cars in the open world.
    • You can drive to places like Home, Tuning Shop, or GT Auto on the free roam, with the same route as the one displayed on the main menu.
    • Implement real life driving rules for open world such as traffic light (with other working types of lights as well), speed limit, etc.
    • Probably provide some car driving-related jobs that you can apply to make more money.
    • Have no idea yet of how to punish those that breaks the rules and drive like maniac (those you'll see on games like NFS); possibly reset the car if they do something naughty, like in rally games when you hit people.
  • Think about the ways to keep the game being playable offlineother than Arcade (especially Livery Editor), while repeling cheaters.
    • Possibly make the game detect cheater's action but save it for later instead of online detecting player's action in real time, then the cheating record will be used if they go to online, like preventing them to enter and/or getting punishment that time.
  • Implement back Power & Speed, and you can dyno-test the car.
    • Allow the player to record the car's performance stats like 0-60, 1/4 mile, etc, either by driving or dyno.
  • Add more things in the loading screen, such as GTS' world/racing facts.
  • No credit limit.
  • No restrictions for certain cars to enter events like GT4 ("Because it's a special car").
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Wow, there are some really good suggestions there. If we even get the half, that would be great lol
Yeah, though some of what I'd want the most if within the half are Shortcut menu (and GT Auto being accessible in race), Custom Race, GT Calendar, car features, RM, AI, maximum opponent, B-Spec, different performance level Events, Motorsport traits, Track Editor, and open world.
Some great ideas there @o000o I'd like to pick up on some of the points made and also throw in some of my own thoughts here ubt I think I agree with a lot of the ideas you've had.

I like your ideas for the menus, I like the menus reflecting the enviroments they represent having the menu over the 3d modelled background adds to the immersiveness.

Having the shortcuts to other menus and locations at the top or side of the screen is really handy for getting to where you want to be fast, especially in a menu heavy game.

Regarding the menu music, sure I'd like the standard game music to be varied and have tracks tailored to the locations like in older GT's, but I'd also like to see custom playlists return and the ability to assign your own music to the menus in addition to in race music.

On your profile, you should be able to see all of your stats, achievements etc. here. If your level is returning, then I would like (though I think this will not be the case) for either, your level to determing which events you can enter, or having an eligible/competetive vehicle to determine wha you can enter. I'd like this to be tied into a race calendar which I think you've touched on as well, but I'll expand on that shortly. The old A License, B License etc. should not be used to determine what you can enter, but it looks like this will be the case in GT7.

Instead of the licenses determining what you can enter, there should be a driving school that emulates those tests. The driving school should be purely optional, but it could provide some rewards for completing it.

Arcade mode should have everythign unlocked from the start, it should allow you to quickly enter a race but also it should have comprehensive race settings that allow you to create custom grids, set the weather, time of day, time acceleration, multi-class races etc. Your suggestions here are good.

You mention an event calendar, I like this idea and I've thoght about it before. Every weekend could be a race weekend, and you have the time mid-week to prepare for your next race, buying cars, turning cars, installing modifications etc. Everything you do takes time, it can be less than a day, more than a day etc. But everything takes time.

The races themselves should be split into different types, the game should have a spot race generator that will create a small number of spot races suitable for your currently chosen car. These could be bhp and drive train restricted, pp restricted, region restricted etc. just like the events, but they will be simply single races with no prize car, designed to add some variety to the availalbe races.

Events themselves should be split into club events, special events and GT league events.

Club events can be low key affairs that take place every race weekend, such as the Sunday Cup, which is say 3 races over 3 race weekends. Special Events could be events like a Japanese 90's champions trophy or similar. These will take place less frequenlty but you should see them appear fairly often.

GT League events should represent the pinnicle of the career, starting with races in production cars, working up through Gr.4 to Gr.1 and finally the Formula GT trophy. These events should take place only once or twice per season (a season being 52 weeks).

This would create a degree of planing and stratergy to how you play. You would need a huge range of events to ensure each race weekend has enough to keep players interested.

The race weekends themselves should consist of practice sessions, qualifying and then the race itself.

It would also be great if PD could include an event creator tool which would allow people to populate the race calendar with thier own events or to download other players events. They should have full control over the rules right down to specifically selecting what cars are eligible or not.

Prize cars should be awared for finishined 1st, 2nd or 3rd. There should be 3 prize cars per event, and if you finish first you should be able to pick which of the three prize cars you want to have. If you finish second, one of the three is randomly removed from the selection and you pick from the remaining two. If you finish 3rd, you are given one of the three at random.

This, combined with making races harder, would provide a sense of reward and accomplishment even if you fail to win every race/event.

Prizes for user created events can be set depending on the event, the game could have an algorythm that resticts the Cr value of the prizes you can choose. So you couldn't for example create a 1 lap race at High Speed Ring that rewards you with the most expensive cars in the game.

In your home, I would like to be able to customise it to some degree and then be able to use that as a scape/photo location.

They should reintroduce the mission challenges or similar, maybe have exhibition events that pop up every now and then.

All prize cars should be able to be sold for Cr. The daily workout should not be a prize car, it should be some other kind of reward or scrapped entirely. I'm in favour of scrapping, games should't encourage players to play more than they want to play or be time limited (I'm looking at you Forza), but should reward them for what they achieve while they are playing.

The event previes feature is great, I enjoyed using that in GT4 to see what I'd be up against in different competitions without going in and humiiating mylsef/breezing past the opposition.

A lot of events have the potential to be sub-divided into different classes like in GT2 and GT3 but I prefered GT3's approach though that itself wasn't perfect.

You could for example have an FF140 event which is for FF cars with up to 140bhp, then an FF200, FF280 etc. Not only is this an easy way to expand the event list, but it also creates more variety in the sense that once you've beated the FF championship in your stock FTO you can then tune your FTO, take it to the next level and have more places to race it.

Rally should be treated like other events are and not treated as a second fiddle. Have classic rally trophies, Group B championships etc. Give it the love it needs. But I'd also reintrodruce the track generator for rally stages, it needed some tweaking from GT5, but it had tonnes of potential and it's a big shame they didn't stick with it.

The circuit experience should remain, that was a nice feature in GTS.

The Cr limit should go, but also the game economy needs to be balanced far better than it has been since GT5. GT Sport might not be too bad if it weren't for the fact you can't sell prize cars. But all in all, even once you're late game, it takes far too long to be able to purchsae the more expensive cars compared to GT4 and earlier. I don't want to start earning 5m Cr a race to makeit easier, that blows up the economy and makes everything but those cars a doddle to buy. Rather they should bring those prices down a bit so eveything balances better.

Something else they could introduce is sponsorship. As you enter more races, you begin to get offered sponsorships by comapnies repersented in the game. These will periodically reward you with certain payouts/rewards for acheiving certain goals. Being sponsored by a manufacturer for example may require that during 1 season you enter a certain number of races in cars made by that manufacturer and if you do, they give you a concept car you can't buy. Just another thought on how to add goals into the game.

Those are some comments/extra suggestions from me, let me know what you think.
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@Keef what are your thoughts on the license tests? I know you think it’s important that they remain, but do you think the way they work/are implemented should change in any way? Or keep them exactly as they are?
Well it's a bit late, game is already pretty much done. Besides fans have been throwing out ideas for years now, PD do their own thing and always have. Heck, as of a few years ago they said they don't even look to other racing games for ideas. Which I think is incredibly short sighted, but that's PD for you.
Well it's a bit late, game is already pretty much done. Besides fans have been throwing out ideas for years now, PD do their own thing and always have. Heck, as of a few years ago they said they don't even look to other racing games for ideas. Which I think is incredibly short sighted, but that's PD for you.
Yeah there’s not much chance of any of these suggestions influencing the final product, but I alway enjoy reading ideas how to evolve and improve the game regardless. And there’s alway GT8 for us to get excited about the potential for innovation before we get the game only to do a standing start and stop in a Demio :lol:.
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@Keef what are your thoughts on the license tests? I know you think it’s important that they remain, but do you think the way they work/are implemented should change in any way? Or keep them exactly as they are?
I'll have to think about this more and come back. Literally in the past few weeks I've been replaying them in GT2 and GT4 just for the nostalgia factor - I'm not viewing them from a learning perspective and in fact I'm more struggling with the game engines themselves than anything.

GT4's game engine in particular is making several tests rather difficult but I think there's something to that. Many of us think of the tests as something you quickly whip through and never bother with again but proper difficulty demands precision and skill, something you develop as you play the game, and therefore adds some value to not golding the tests until later in the game.

As for how effective they are, I'm not sure. They're a great introduction to the controls and functions of the game, that's for sure. They're a good way to slowly acclimatize players to increasing power and speed, something that can be pretty overwhelming to new players. These days I no longer need to read the data cards for each test but I definitely think they should exist - there's science to driving, terminology, techniques, and knowing it can help develop skill and make drivers plan rather than react.

From a practical standpoint, GTS's Track Experiences were the most effective track-learning tools I've seen in the series and genuinely did help this grown adult learn tracks quickly. But those challenges aren't required or even encouraged for licenses or online play, they're just off to the side. Especially in terms of online play and in the interest of minimizing the riff raff, having Track Experiences become an integral part of license tests would immediately give new players a head start in being able to race online effectively. Perhaps the B and A tests should be reserved for game and driving familiarization, and the rest should be made up of Track Experiences. I think something similar to GT4's various challenges which focus on driving in traffic and clean passing would also be engaging and helpful. I agree with others that the tests can get monotonous and we all want to get racing so that seems like a decent compromise between learning useful info and skills and actually driving on track. I for one am willing to struggle through the tests but making them more engaging and less repetitive definitely makes sense.
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Well it's a bit late, game is already pretty much done. Besides fans have been throwing out ideas for years now, PD do their own thing and always have. Heck, as of a few years ago they said they don't even look to other racing games for ideas. Which I think is incredibly short sighted, but that's PD for you.
Well I can't exactly guess what they're doing this time, but 6 months remaining I bet they're trying to raise the car number to 420+ or something, so I guess they're still working on the game that way, and there can be updates anyway (for some at least). Or potentially some of the stuff people still view/hope as placeholder, like the car prizes, High Speed Ring graphics, or windshield rain. Actually them making a pretty big change (not that it's 100% favorable) like the menu change was the one that spurred me to finally post this.

I know about them not looking to other racing games for ideas (and didn't outsource either, but they apparently outsource now), but I didn't refer to other racing game here either... except the world map part. Just betting on the claim on PD reading this forum by sems4arsenal.
As for how effective they are, I'm not sure. They're a great introduction to the controls and functions of the game, that's for sure. They're a good way to slowly acclimatize players to increasing power and speed, something that can be pretty overwhelming to new players. These days I no longer need to read the data cards for each test but I definitely think they should exist - there's science to driving, terminology, techniques, and knowing it can help develop skill and make drivers plan rather than react.
Which is why I'd suggest for them to add more lessons than just time trials in a track (a section or full), like basics of racing such as attacking, defending, braking, cornering, slipstreaming, etiquette (written or not), etc. GT5 so far was the game that added another type of test, overtaking. Being fast isn't purely enough for racing, like how in racing there are drivers that are fast but will get stuck under other opponents or such due to lacking racecraft.
From a practical standpoint, GTS's Track Experiences were the most effective track-learning tools I've seen in the series and genuinely did help this grown adult learn tracks quickly. But those challenges aren't required or even encouraged for licenses or online play, they're just off to the side. Especially in terms of online play and in the interest of minimizing the riff raff, having Track Experiences become an integral part of license tests would immediately give new players a head start in being able to race online effectively. Perhaps the B and A tests should be reserved for game and driving familiarization, and the rest should be made up of Track Experiences. I think something similar to GT4's various challenges which focus on driving in traffic and clean passing would also be engaging and helpful. I agree with others that the tests can get monotonous and we all want to get racing so that seems like a decent compromise between learning useful info and skills and actually driving on track. I for one am willing to struggle through the tests but making them more engaging and less repetitive definitely makes sense.
I don't know if this can be done, but one of my suggestions there is to utilize Circuit Experience as Practice Mode (probably combine sector time + full lap time there), and that I'd want for any car to be use in the circuits (I mean, that'd differentiate it from Licenses more too, to freely test any car), with time limit (gold, silver, bronze) adjusted to the car's current performance.
offline saving
IIRC I did type about game being offline before, but it was probably a canceled edit (like I'm closing the tab or such), now done.
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Well I can't exactly guess what they're doing this time, but 6 months remaining I bet they're trying to raise the car number to 420+ or something, so I guess they're still working on the game that way, and there can be updates anyway (for some at least). Or potentially some of the stuff people still view/hope as placeholder, like the car prizes, High Speed Ring graphics, or windshield rain. Actually them making a pretty big change (not that it's 100% favorable) like the menu change was the one that spurred me to finally post this.

I know about them not looking to other racing games for ideas (and didn't outsource either, but they apparently outsource now), but I didn't refer to other racing game here either... except the world map part. Just betting on the claim on PD reading this forum by sems4arsenal.

Which is why I'd suggest for them to add more lessons than just time trials in a track (a section or full), like basics of racing such as attacking, defending, braking, cornering, slipstreaming, etiquette (written or not), etc. GT5 so far was the game that added another type of test, overtaking. Being fast isn't purely enough for racing, like how in racing there are drivers that are fast but will get stuck under other opponents or such due to lacking racecraft.

I don't know if this can be done, but one of my suggestions there is to utilize Circuit Experience as Practice Mode (probably combine sector time + full lap time there), and that I'd want for any car to be use in the circuits (I mean, that'd differentiate it from Licenses more too, to freely test any car), with time limit (gold, silver, bronze) adjusted to the car's current performance.

IIRC I did type about game being offline before, but it was probably a canceled edit (like I'm closing the tab or such), now done.
Oh yes, I completly forgot Circuit Experience. Maybe they could include it in Missions mode alongside GTS missions + some funny challenges.
Here's a couple:

  • Complex engine swaps. The ability to buy any two cars, and swap the engines into each other. (as long as the engine would fit into the selected engine bay in the real world.) This could also result in a used engine market similar to the UCD, where you can buy engines from a section of the menu with mileage on it, Or buy brand new crate engines straight from the Manufacturers in Brand Central. I don't believe race engines should be barred from this, and instead should be balanced by requiring engine rebuilds and oil changes after every use similar to in the real world.

  • Performance Points and Tire regulations for every singleplayer event. No more cheating allowed.

  • Only allow vehicles to use traction control and abs if they have it in real life. Otherwise, they must be installed in the tuning shop.

  • Unique car VIN numbers for every car you purchase, or get rewarded. (I'm assuming this would be possible with Online-only saving.)

  • Unique collectable suits. Would love to see things like vintage open faced helmets as rewards. (FIA is gonna have a cow)

  • Let us buy color chips directly from manufacturers in Brand Central. 'MR Blue Mica' from Subaru, 'British Racing Green' from Aston Martin, 'Castrol White' from Toyota, etc. Have an unlock system similar to a 'tech tree' for each manufacturer, and make the most iconic/valuable colors the last to unlock. All while, making all the colors really cheap to purchase.

  • The addition of Bias-Ply tires for vintage cars. Lower grip, but more slip angle. Comes with all vintage cars as default.

  • The ability to unlock Multiplayer Matchmaking for non-endurance A-Spec event's after you get gold. Once you achieve 1st in the singleplayer race (Gold), you have the option to do the same race again, using online Matchmaking. Any unused grid positions, will be filled with AI. Winning the online version of the race will result in double the amount of credits.

  • Singleplayer Co-op. This can include not only racing together as a team in any A-spec race or championship with your friend(s), but this also includes the ability to driver swap during A-Spec endurance races. (6hr, 12hr, 24hr, etc.) If your car wins, each player who drove gets the full reward and the event win credited to their own campaign progress.

  • Add a time punishment if players don't lift off the accelerator while shifting in manual mode, and add slight damage to the cars engine.

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Would you put any functionality behind these different things? If so, what?
Sure, different cameras would have different quirks and performance characteristics just like cars. Then of course there'd be different lenses, filters, types of film, etc. And photo events, you could call it C-spec (or P-spec for extra humor), where you photograph races or other car/track-related events.

While the PS5's hardware RT acceleration might not be fast enough for all real-time use cases, I think dropping off film to be "developed" (aka fully path traced to properly simulate camera characteristics) in the background while navigating menus should be feasible.
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Sure, different cameras would have different quirks and performance characteristics just like cars. Then of course there'd be different lenses, filters, types of film, etc. And photo events, you could call it C-spec (or P-spec for extra humor), where you photograph races or other car/track-related events.

While the PS5's hardware RT acceleration might not be fast enough for all real-time use cases, I think dropping off film to be "developed" (aka fully path traced to properly simulate camera characteristics) in the background while navigating menus should be feasible.
That seems both super niche and a strict downgrade from the current implementation. Realistically, the game is going to implement filters, film types and the like as post-processing on an image taken by an "optimal" simulated CCD. Having more options like this in the game is interesting, but gating it behind similar ideas to a physical camera seems limiting to everyone for no tangible benefit.

I'm not seeing the appeal other than people who want to enjoy the feeling of "owning" a virtual camera lens through artificial scarcity. Or the engaging gameplay that would draw non-photographers in to experience any appeal that might be there.
Wait....you're actually serious?
Yeah, of course. If they wanna lean into photo mode stuff, why not go all out with it?

That seems both super niche and a strict downgrade from the current implementation. Realistically, the game is going to implement filters, film types and the like as post-processing on an image taken by an "optimal" simulated CCD. Having more options like this in the game is interesting, but gating it behind similar ideas to a physical camera seems limiting to everyone for no tangible benefit.

I'm not seeing the appeal other than people who want to enjoy the feeling of "owning" a virtual camera lens through artificial scarcity. Or the engaging gameplay that would draw non-photographers in to experience any appeal that might be there.
Niche, sure. I don't agree that gating options behind progression is a bad thing though, in fact it's GT's bread and butter. Besides, realistically the difference between the various simulated cameras wouldn't be nearly as big as on the car side of things... people will be able to get a camera equivalent of a Skyline and stick with it since most of the other cameras would just be slightly different Skylines, and the ones that aren't Skyline equivalents would just generally be worse and only for the niche.

As for it being a strict downgrade, fully path traced images would definitely not be a downgrade. They'd be more photorealistic than the currently used rasterization technique (or GT7's presumable rasterization with some raytracing), with the downside being that they'd be prone to imperfections such as image noise... blemishes that would be more understandable for the end user if contextualized as simulating film, not to mention contextualizing the long rendering time as it being developed/processed. And they could still offer the basic rasterization photo mode for people who just want quick images or who didn't want any image noise.

And regarding the appeal of photography gameplay, I think the appeal of such a mode could extend beyond photographers just as GT's extends beyond car enthusiasts... or, in some cases, inspire people to get into it. I mean, photo modes in games kinda already do that... so an audaciously over-the-top photo mode that radiated the same passion as the carpg side of GT just might be similarly infectious. Aside from RPG progression being a fun gameplay loop that lots of people enjoy, I think both cars and cameras have a similar sort of appeal in terms of ownership. But even if someone wasn't interested in all that, I think most people could find some enjoyment in photo missions that afforded the opportunity to explore tracks on foot in first-person, take photos from the stands, maybe even explore the interiors of buildings or photograph virtual car conventions.
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I can see where it separates the players that want to just free roam and those that actually do want to wander and photograph.
If players have to achieve anything to participate in unlocking a camera to access the pit area or grand stand or just outside the gates of a circuit or at sections of Pike's Peak, it could put many off. However, I could see PD doing just that and it would be inline with the rest of the game.
Yeah, of course. If they wanna lean into photo mode stuff, why not go all out with it?
Well sure, but even if they do it's a Sony product, they're not going to let you 'buy' different cameras and pay for licensing. It'll be Sony or nothing, I'm sure.
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Well sure, but even if they do it's a Sony product, they're not going to let you 'buy' different cameras and pay for licensing. It'll be Sony or nothing, I'm sure.
True, that thought did cross my mind as a potential roadblock. Even if Sony was willing to let Polyphony include other cameras, would other camera manufacturers trust that their products would be fairly represented?
Having the shortcuts to other menus and locations at the top or side of the screen is really handy for getting to where you want to be fast, especially in a menu heavy game.
The "nostalgia stuff" that is overlooked but really important. Though I was inspired by GTS' Top Menu for this.
On your profile, you should be able to see all of your stats, achievements etc. here. If your level is returning, then I would like (though I think this will not be the case) for either, your level to determing which events you can enter, or having an eligible/competetive vehicle to determine wha you can enter. I'd like this to be tied into a race calendar which I think you've touched on as well, but I'll expand on that shortly. The old A License, B License etc. should not be used to determine what you can enter, but it looks like this will be the case in GT7.

Instead of the licenses determining what you can enter, there should be a driving school that emulates those tests. The driving school should be purely optional, but it could provide some rewards for completing it.
Won't levels determining which event you can enter means similar stuff like GT5? And I'd think it's probably worse than License restriction, that you can at least just Bronze the Licenses to enter event (truth is that's me in the past), no need to perform extremely good for getting Gold. If you'd want optional Licenses, then that'd mean GTS did the right thing as Driving School is optional (though still there would be still those who complain of it beginning with very basic stuff).
You mention an event calendar, I like this idea and I've thoght about it before. Every weekend could be a race weekend, and you have the time mid-week to prepare for your next race, buying cars, turning cars, installing modifications etc. Everything you do takes time, it can be less than a day, more than a day etc. But everything takes time.

This would create a degree of planing and stratergy to how you play. You would need a huge range of events to ensure each race weekend has enough to keep players interested.
Well so you did have a thought about the calendar system for GT as well, albeit never hear it mentioned. Was thinking about how people can long for something in... yeah other games like the one with calendar system like Codies F1 game, and I realized that GT also had calendar system, and it was used mainly iirc before to cycle Used Cars, and I think of evolution ideas (instead of revolution) regarding GT's calendar, giving additions other than Used Cars cycle that still roots back to GT (at least IMO); well in general the features I talked about here is suggested based on GT's identity.

The previous GT's quick access should be retained though, I'd not like if the calendar slowed down the game or such, like what you'd talk about next race, tuning, etc. only would happen when you suspend Championship or such, if you'd instantly jump into the next race then it'd proceed like the old games, just more number of the days to be skipped (games with calendars like Motorsport Manager did have an option to skip days, but it's a bit slow of processing all the days individually). So the Calendar system here would offer only benefit like you can play like any older GT but you have more chance to improve something between the races, by that I'd doubt about the races being restricted to fixed schedules (maybe can apply that to some races such as motorsport events but not free events I think like Turbo race; probably consider free events only run when it got full participants or such).
The races themselves should be split into different types, the game should have a spot race generator that will create a small number of spot races suitable for your currently chosen car. These could be bhp and drive train restricted, pp restricted, region restricted etc. just like the events, but they will be simply single races with no prize car, designed to add some variety to the availalbe races.
I don't know, I think Arcade already quite filled the role of race generator, and iirc GTS now provides cash rewards in Arcade (and I think if based on currently chosen car, why the restrictions? Your car's guaranteed to be able to enter). I think GT2 had event generator because the Arcade and GT Mode discs are separate.
Events themselves should be split into club events, special events and GT league events.

Club events can be low key affairs that take place every race weekend, such as the Sunday Cup, which is say 3 races over 3 race weekends. Special Events could be events like a Japanese 90's champions trophy or similar. These will take place less frequenlty but you should see them appear fairly often.

GT League events should represent the pinnicle of the career, starting with races in production cars, working up through Gr.4 to Gr.1 and finally the Formula GT trophy. These events should take place only once or twice per season (a season being 52 weeks).
So this is like GT1/GT2 for the event split then for GT League for the primary races with Special Events for the rest. I'm actually proposing for the events to be listed in various ways in the game though, like either by event difficulty (like most GT games such as GT5), licenses (like GT6), car type (like open wheel, supercars, etc.), event type (like drivetrain comparison, engine comparison, etc.), etc.
The race weekends themselves should consist of practice sessions, qualifying and then the race itself.
This probably depends on how much they improved the AI to re-add those.
Arcade mode should have everythign unlocked from the start, it should allow you to quickly enter a race but also it should have comprehensive race settings that allow you to create custom grids, set the weather, time of day, time acceleration, multi-class races etc. Your suggestions here are good.

It would also be great if PD could include an event creator tool which would allow people to populate the race calendar with thier own events or to download other players events. They should have full control over the rules right down to specifically selecting what cars are eligible or not.
I think I've already used the Arcade's Custom Race as the Event Creator here, so no need for 2 separate menus, use the event settings to race freely, or also save those settings for the others to download or such there.
Prize cars should be awared for finishined 1st, 2nd or 3rd. There should be 3 prize cars per event, and if you finish first you should be able to pick which of the three prize cars you want to have. If you finish second, one of the three is randomly removed from the selection and you pick from the remaining two. If you finish 3rd, you are given one of the three at random.

This, combined with making races harder, would provide a sense of reward and accomplishment even if you fail to win every race/event.

Prizes for user created events can be set depending on the event, the game could have an algorythm that resticts the Cr value of the prizes you can choose. So you couldn't for example create a 1 lap race at High Speed Ring that rewards you with the most expensive cars in the game.
I do want for the game to give more reward to non-winning players probably for fairness and some realism that people won't win every single race. It's a nice idea for the option to have the user created events include prize cars. Something similar to the Gifts, but have the players working more towards it.
In your home, I would like to be able to customise it to some degree and then be able to use that as a scape/photo location.
Yeah, already said in the Home section to add more decorations, like perhaps achievement, trophy, certificate, or awards you've received. This'd mean they should have the home display your garage instead of just a car with some grey background or such, though previous GT game did this like GT6 (but you can't look into the details of it), the first GT7 trailer had the grey background one for the Home....
The event previes feature is great, I enjoyed using that in GT4 to see what I'd be up against in different competitions without going in and humiiating mylsef/breezing past the opposition.
Oh... you'd use that to see what you'd be up against... I guess then the next GT has "Typical opponents".
A lot of events have the potential to be sub-divided into different classes like in GT2 and GT3 but I prefered GT3's approach though that itself wasn't perfect.

You could for example have an FF140 event which is for FF cars with up to 140bhp, then an FF200, FF280 etc. Not only is this an easy way to expand the event list, but it also creates more variety in the sense that once you've beated the FF championship in your stock FTO you can then tune your FTO, take it to the next level and have more places to race it.
I mean ofc, GT3's approach had several races while GT2 had only 1 race of the different hp. The GT2 approach that I'd like to be implemented is only about how GT2 fits all the events in 1 menu instead of GT3 having all FF Challenges in Beginner, Amateur, and Professional (kinda the reason I'd like for various ways to list events). And as I've already said before events now should use PP not car hp.
Rally should be treated like other events are and not treated as a second fiddle. Have classic rally trophies, Group B championships etc. Give it the love it needs. But I'd also reintrodruce the track generator for rally stages, it needed some tweaking from GT5, but it had tonnes of potential and it's a big shame they didn't stick with it.
GT3 and GT4 was the one where Rally had their own section in the events... but yeah the rally there wasn't a proper rally (more like rallycross at best with lapping circuits). But yeah GT5 was what you said treated as second fiddle, of it being relegated in Special Events, despite proper implementions.
Something else they could introduce is sponsorship. As you enter more races, you begin to get offered sponsorships by comapnies repersented in the game. These will periodically reward you with certain payouts/rewards for acheiving certain goals. Being sponsored by a manufacturer for example may require that during 1 season you enter a certain number of races in cars made by that manufacturer and if you do, they give you a concept car you can't buy. Just another thought on how to add goals into the game.
It's mentioned in the B-Spec section here, though you probably describe more on how it works. But here would mean the not for sale cars again? Concept is now sold albeit for expensive price.
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The "nostalgia stuff" that is overlooked but really important. Though I was inspired by GTS' Top Menu for this.
Some of it is, as long as it's not nostalgia for the sake of it, and it's actualy taking the best and most useful bits of old and bringing them into a new title then I'm all for it.

Won't levels determining which event you can enter means similar stuff like GT5? And I'd think it's probably worse than License restriction, that you can at least just Bronze the Licenses to enter event (truth is that's me in the past), no need to perform extremely good for getting Gold. If you'd want optional Licenses, then that'd mean GTS did the right thing as Driving School is optional (though still there would be still those who complain of it beginning with very basic stuff).
It could, but I certainly wouldn't tie everything into them like in GT5. There's no reason to lock cars behind a level in a game like Gran Turismo when they're already locked behind thier in game Cr cost. It could work, but they'd just need to balance it well, unlike GT5.

The alternative is to have everything unlocked from the start, which could work well in tandem with a calendar system like you and I have both mentioned, or to link events to licenses as they previousely have been.
Well so you did have a thought about the calendar system for GT as well, albeit never hear it mentioned. Was thinking about how people can long for something in... yeah other games like the one with calendar system like Codies F1 game, and I realized that GT also had calendar system, and it was used mainly iirc before to cycle Used Cars, and I think of evolution ideas (instead of revolution) regarding GT's calendar, giving additions other than Used Cars cycle that still roots back to GT (at least IMO); well in general the features I talked about here is suggested based on GT's identity.

The previous GT's quick access should be retained though, I'd not like if the calendar slowed down the game or such, like what you'd talk about next race, tuning, etc. only would happen when you suspend Championship or such, if you'd instantly jump into the next race then it'd proceed like the old games, just more number of the days to be skipped (games with calendars like Motorsport Manager did have an option to skip days, but it's a bit slow of processing all the days individually). So the Calendar system here would offer only benefit like you can play like any older GT but you have more chance to improve something between the races, by that I'd doubt about the races being restricted to fixed schedules (maybe can apply that to some races such as motorsport events but not free events I think like Turbo race; probably consider free events only run when it got full participants or such).
Yes you could easilly over complicate such a system and make it too difficult to find the events you're after or slow moving between races. At the end of each race there could easilly be a summary page that shows what you need to do before the next race i.e. repair the car, change oil, change tyres etc. And as long as that fits within the week (which it should) there should be an option to proceed with that work and jump to the next race weekend in a single click.

But the option would be there for those who want to go and browse, buy cars, do other stuff in the time between the races if they want to.
I mean ofc, GT3's approach had several races while GT2 had only 1 race of the different hp. The GT2 approach that I'd like to be implemented is only about how GT2 fits all the events in 1 menu instead of GT3 having all FF Challenges in Beginner, Amateur, and Professional (kinda the reason I'd like for various ways to list events). And as I've already said before events now should use PP not car hp.
Yes I'd like that system as well, there should be simple and quick ways yo find the events you're interested in. Whether the events use bhp or pp the important thing is that they allow different classes of performance in each event.
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Here's a couple:
  • Complex engine swaps. The ability to buy any two cars, and swap the engines into each other. (as long as the engine would fit into the selected engine bay in the real world.) This could also result in a used engine market similar to the UCD, where you can buy engines from a section of the menu with mileage on it, Or buy brand new crate engines straight from the Manufacturers in Brand Central. I don't believe race engines should be barred from this, and instead should be balanced by requiring engine rebuilds and oil changes after every use similar to in the real world.
It'd be work yeah to determine which car would fit or not, I was thinking of the other parts to swap rather than only engine for this case.
  • Performance Points and Tire regulations for every singleplayer event. No more cheating allowed.
It already happened since GT6 (not GT2 as there are no limit in ironically Sunday Cup or such), all events are given PP limit, though not everything iirc are given tire regulation, but it's still present in many.
  • Only allow vehicles to use traction control and abs if they have it in real life. Otherwise, they must be installed in the tuning shop.
For more realism, yeah true I'd want for this too, albeit it can be "inconvenient" for some others.
  • Unique collectable suits. Would love to see things like vintage open faced helmets as rewards. (FIA is gonna have a cow)
I guess more variation in outfits won't hurt.
  • Let us buy color chips directly from manufacturers in Brand Central. 'MR Blue Mica' from Subaru, 'British Racing Green' from Aston Martin, 'Castrol White' from Toyota, etc. Have an unlock system similar to a 'tech tree' for each manufacturer, and make the most iconic/valuable colors the last to unlock. All while, making all the colors really cheap to purchase.
Was thinking of the Color Picker and color save feature (from GT Auto part), but I guess it's only applicable for cars you own (this'd be just like GT5, having to buy the car to gain the color chips. Probably include Color Picker anywhere, in dealership, scapes, etc.
  • The ability to unlock Multiplayer Matchmaking for non-endurance A-Spec event's after you get gold. Once you achieve 1st in the singleplayer race (Gold), you have the option to do the same race again, using online Matchmaking. Any unused grid positions, will be filled with AI. Winning the online version of the race will result in double the amount of credits.

  • Singleplayer Co-op. This can include not only racing together as a team in any A-spec race or championship with your friend(s), but this also includes the ability to driver swap during A-Spec endurance races. (6hr, 12hr, 24hr, etc.) If your car wins, each player who drove gets the full reward and the event win credited to their own campaign progress.
I did suggest in Events for them to have Offline and Online choice to enter (better not being done after getting gold, do it from right away), where if it's Offline, it progresses just like in previous games, and if it's Online, you are placed in a Room to wait until all the race grids are filled with other players, but I guess this'd have a team/opponent option and the option of the number of grids occupied by players or opponents.
  • Add a time punishment if players don't lift off the accelerator while shifting in manual mode, and add slight damage to the cars engine.
This'd be an extension of car damage (mechanical) I guess.
Incorporate a option to adjust FOV into drivers view and a bit finer control to drivers seating height & distance, this is a option that most racing titles these day implement.

In previous GT's, I think GT5 there was a option for the HUD to change the map size.
Incorporate a option to adjust FOV into drivers view and a bit finer control to drivers seating height & distance, this is a option that most racing titles these day implement.

In previous GT's, I think GT5 there was a option for the HUD to change the map size.
I agree. For all PD's detail of the interior, I need the instrument panel enlarged.
I'd also need PD to add fuel calculation and lap counter to all race car displays. Some have all the information(Huracans, WRX, Audi TT Cup, GR.4 RC F, RX-Vision GT3, C7s). Some are incomplete(Atenzas, Supra Concept). Some too basic(Mustangs, Vipers, GR.4 86).