General Workout Routines and Questions

  • Thread starter Der Alta

Der Alta

Official GTP Bouncer
Staff Emeritus
In the "how much can you Bench Press" thread, we've all been discussing different routines and what works, and what doesn't. I figure its time to put together a thread showing what each one of us does for a workout.

Workout Week 6 This is my weekly workout in an Excel Spreadsheet. I add in my daily results, and rebuild it at the end of the week. Adding in the new goals and tracking my progress.

This isn't my workout design, its my trainers plan. I'll follow this until the end of April, and then rework it to better aim for my Year End goal.

I did a quick google and found a Youtube of the Trainer who has been guiding me. Steve Braga.

What do the rest of you use?
I do Rippetoe's Starting Strength workouts when I go to the gym. And then I do Kendo on Sundays. I'll outline Rippetoe's program below, and you can either google or youtube Kendo if you're not familiar with it.

Basically, it consists of two workouts done on non-consecutive days. You alternate Workouts A and B each time you go to the gym.
Workout A: 3x3 squats, 3x3 bench press, 3x3 deadlifts
Workout B: 3x3 squats, 3x3 military press, 3x3 pendlay rows
And you lift as much weight as you can, as explosively as you can in each.

edit: That girl in white in the Steve Braga video is hot. :eek:
I use Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength program.

It uses two different workouts with three workouts per week, something which suits me perfectly.

Workout A: squats, bench presses and deadlifts
Workout B: squats, presses and power cleans

I've been into the program for 3 weeks now and my strength is going up smoothly. I started squatting at 80 lbs, and I'm now at 145 lbs.

I'm on a break right now since my braces have been thightened and I cannot eat properly, leaving me with little energy for such heavy workouts.

All in all I think it's an awesome program, it rather focusses on body exercises than isolation exercises 👍


Hehe, what a coincidence eh Omnis :D? But I don't know if you're using your own version of SS, but the program is three sets of five reps, rather than 3X3. I also considered rows, but power cleans are so much more awesome 👍 The three reps performing is used in power cleans, where the usual 3X5 changes to 5X3.
I use Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength program.

It uses two different workouts with three workouts per week, something which suits me perfectly.

Workout A: squats, bench presses and deadlifts
Workout B: squats, presses and power cleans

I've been into the program for 3 weeks now and my strength is going up smoothly. I started squatting at 80 lbs, and I'm now at 145 lbs.

I'm on a break right now since my braces have been thightened and I cannot eat properly, leaving me with little energy for such heavy workouts.

All in all I think it's an awesome program, it rather focusses on body exercises than isolation exercises 👍


Hehe, what a coincidence eh Omnis :D? But I don't know if you're using your own version of SS, but the program is three sets of five reps, rather than 3X3. I also considered rows, but power cleans are so much more awesome 👍 The three reps performing is used in power cleans, where the usual 3X5 changes to 5X3.

Yeah, you're right. I think 5 would kill me though. I could do five if I used a lighter weight, but I always try to do the max. Squats are also harder for me because my hamstrings are so tight. I wish I could stretch them back to normal.
Squats are indeed hard, but surprisingly I'm managing them better than deadlifts, which is my favourite exercise.

I'd say go with the 5 instead and move your way up. This way you'll be having a better time going into a 5X5 or a 3X12 program, and you'll get less excuses from people going "Pfft! Those are only for three times?!" :lol:
Squats are indeed hard, but surprisingly I'm managing them better than deadlifts, which is my favourite exercise.

I'd say go with the 5 instead and move your way up. This way you'll be having a better time going into a 5X5 or a 3X12 program, and you'll get less excuses from people going "Pfft! Those are only for three times?!" :lol:

Repping a few pounds under your max 3 times is no joke.
Over the weekend, I reviewed my supplements with the trainer, and he approved of the Protein shake that I was using. I hadn't considered other things that seemed almost inconsequential. He pointed out the vitamins I take every morning are also part of my supplements. So instead of the Two Flinstones Chewables, he directed me towards one Centrum every morning.

When I make my shake after the workout, he wants me to add a spoonful of L-Glutamine to the mix. My shake consists of 1 cup skim milk, 1 banana, a few frozen strawberries, 2 scoops of Body Fortress Protein Shake, 2 spoonfuls of Strawberry yogurt, and a spoonful of L-Glutamine (again, from Walmart). I like it alot, but the Banana really thickens the shake up. I'm going to drop some milk out of it, and add ice to chill it and thin it out.
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I see workouts as a very organic thing, they change as I learn new things off people and as my circumstances change (time, gym-buddies, gyms etc).

The only thing that stays the same is my choice of muscle groups I work. Biceps and back, chest and tri's, shoulders and legs. Abs usually fitted in at the end once or twice a week.

And for cardio I usually jog once or twice a week. 3 times a week if I'm training for a 10Km or just feel like it. Routes vary at 5Km, 8Km and 10Km.

The core of my chest and tri workout.
Bench press 3 x 4-6
Skull Crushers 3 x 6-8
Dumbell flyes 3 x 6-8
Pull downs 3 x 6-8

Or extended ...
Decline bench press 3 x 4-6
Cable cross overs 3 x 6-8
Tricep dips +~10Kg 2 x Failure

Core of Bicep and back
Preacher curl EZ bar 3 x 4-6
Deadlifts 3 x 6 (I don't venture near my max)
Seated Rows 3 x 4-6
Lat pulldowns 3 x 4-6

Pull ups +~10Kg 2 x Failure
Dumbell Curls 3 x 6-8
Standing Rows 3 x 6-8
21's Bicep curl 1 set of 7 top, 7 bottom, and (hopefully) 7 full.

Shoulders and legs
Dumbell shoulder press 3 x 4-6
Front raises 2 x 6-8
T-Raises 2 x 6-8
Reverse Flyes 2 x 6-8
Shrugs 3 x 6-8

Then legs is usually just on the machines. Squating sled, curl and extension. Mostly because I prefer my legs for speed and running, and get power from sprints and hill running.

Half clean and press 3 x 4-6
Rotator Cuffs 2x 8-10

That's alot fo stuff, but like I said, I add in things for a longer workout and remove some for others. On a fast day I can be in and out in 45mins to and hour, on a slow day, hour and a half. Slow day with a gym buddy, 2 and a half hours.

All that said, I'm not even all that big. Then again, my friend looks pretty big but I lift approx 75% of what he does while only being approx 75% of his weight.
I totally agree on the organic routine. I try not to be so rigid that I ignore what my body is telling me. If I need more sets to get my body warm, I'll do more sets. If I feel like more volume, I'll lift lighter but more reps, if I'm feeling strong, I'll lift heavy, smaller reps.

Currently on a 5 day routine.

Monday - Chest/Abs
Tuesday - Bi's and Tri's
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Shoulders/Calf
Friday - Back

I am considering hitting the three major's, chest, legs, and back on the first three days saving the two secondary groups for Thursday and Friday. I am even considering a three week rotation where each major could get a chance of being on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday respectively.

I have attached an older routine we used to do, it has since been modified, but it's close to what we do now.
I like it alot, but the Banana really thickens the shake up. I'm going to drop some milk out of it, and add ice to chill it and thin it out.

Can't you just say eat half of the banana or is there some sort of workout shake rule against it?
Can't you just say eat half of the banana or is there some sort of workout shake rule against it?
I could, but the whole banana is what I want in there.

I have modified to ingredients to make a much better tasting shake though. I traded out the cup of milk for 2/3 cup of Orange Juice and 1/3 cup of ice. Still keep the L-Glutamine, protein mix, entire banana, strawberries and yogurt in there. Its not as thick and its much smoother.
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Another post workout or even day off shake that even the kids will love consist of:

About two cups of ice put into the blender.
Fill with milk to top of ice but you don't want the ice floating.
4 scoops of your favorite vanilla protein and other suppliment powder.
Whole banana.
Heaping scoop of peanut butter, maybe a 1/4 cup.

Blend and enjoy.
Pako, what kind of supplements/protein are you taking?

I've picked up a pre-workout drink and basically a heavy weight gainer type of shake. I've been told to take the weight gainer 2x a day regardless whether I workout or not. Is that true? As for the pre-workout drink, I never believed in that stuff, but I will give it a try now.

I've got a pretty crappy BMI, I remember the last time I checked it told me that I needed to be taking about 100g of protein a day.

I'll open up a thread or something so I can continue to post updates on how my body is doing, and my weight most importantly.
-Whey Protein shake mixed with powered oats post workout.
-NO and Creatine/Glutamine blend pre/during workout.
-Animal Pak multi vitamin pre workout.
-And I try to eat right, or as best I can.
Sounds like you've got something that works for you. I've heard alot of mixed responses regarding Creatine, especially the ones saying it was known to cause liver damage or something?

I have used Whey Protein in the past and as far as I know it had no effects on my weight gaining, which is primarily why I've decided to get serious about my stuff.
Another post workout or even day off shake that even the kids will love consist of:

About two cups of ice put into the blender.
Fill with milk to top of ice but you don't want the ice floating.
4 scoops of your favorite vanilla protein and other suppliment powder.
Whole banana.
Heaping scoop of peanut butter, maybe a 1/4 cup.

Blend and enjoy.

It's an Elvis shake. :D Maybe you should try some Honey too (but not for Micah).

I bought the ON 100% Whey variety pack from bodybuilding dot com. They all taste good for what they are, but they still have this funny aftertaste tang to them. I'm guessing it's the amino acids, as it were. But they do help me out after going to the gym. With the whey I'm destroyed for only a day instead of 3 or 4 days.

Post up the Kendo Video in the "Workout Routine Thread". At teh gym I go to, there is a Tae Kwon Do session every night. That's a tough routine to make it through every night.

This doesn't really fit the "triceps" topic, but it is arms. Because I injured my right rotator cuff years ago, and never had it properly looked at I've been looking at adding a Kettle Bell Exercise to my regiment. With the change over at the end of April, I'll be grouping that into my Ab day workouts.

(from the tricep thread)

Well, you can youtube it all you want on your own. Here is a quintessential warm-up exercise, though.

These guys do it really fast and I don't know why he hits the head on the second cycle. But, as you can see, it's pretty intense for cardio, back, calves, and arms.
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Pako, what kind of supplements/protein are you taking?

I've picked up a pre-workout drink and basically a heavy weight gainer type of shake. I've been told to take the weight gainer 2x a day regardless whether I workout or not. Is that true? As for the pre-workout drink, I never believed in that stuff, but I will give it a try now.

I've got a pretty crappy BMI, I remember the last time I checked it told me that I needed to be taking about 100g of protein a day.

I'll open up a thread or something so I can continue to post updates on how my body is doing, and my weight most importantly.
Dazzla, how much do you weigh? If your Body Mass Index is out of whack, you may want to re-think your Weight Gainer supplement. Using that, will simply add massive amounts of good Calories to your system. However, overloading the Calories, will give your body too much fuel and it'll turn those good calories into Fat and you'll not make good gains. Yes, you'll gave more muscle, but it'll be buried under layers of fat.

The Pre-Workout Drink will help, but be careful of the amounts. The easiest way to lose weight is to count your calories. Create a "food log" and stick to it. You'll not realize how many wasted calories you have, until you do that.

As for supplements, The Protein Mix I use has Creatine in it, and therefore I don't add it to my supplements. I do take a Centrum Multivitamin every morning along with a Vitamin C and B12 (Makes me happpppy).

For Workout day Supplements, I take a spoonful of L-Glutamine, mixed with a Banana, yogurt, OJ and Ice before each workout. During the workout, I drink usually 4 pints of water. That's Treadmill, weights, treadmill (total of 1:15-1:30). After the workout, I have make a Shake with OJ, Banana, Frozen Strawberries, Yogurt (Strawberry), Spoonful of L-Glutamine, Two Scoops of Protein Mix and Ice. This totals me up to 70-80 grams of Protein each day.

I've dropped 30 lbs between December and March and my Bench Weight has doubled. I've also seen a dramatic increase in my Arms and Chest.

The other Clue that I've made improvements, is that my grip strength has increased. I don't use straps at this time (When I get reach the Pako Realm, I will) and am forced to either hold strong or not get a good workout.

I've dropped 30 lbs between December and March and my Bench Weight has doubled. I've also seen a dramatic increase in my Arms and Chest.

The other Clue that I've made improvements, is that my grip strength has increased. I don't use straps at this time (When I get reach the Pako Realm, I will) and am forced to either hold strong or not get a good workout.

Great improvements, that is awesome!👍

I have some tips for straps when you get there. :D
Dazzla, how much do you weigh? If your Body Mass Index is out of whack, you may want to re-think your Weight Gainer supplement. Using that, will simply add massive amounts of good Calories to your system. However, overloading the Calories, will give your body too much fuel and it'll turn those good calories into Fat and you'll not make good gains. Yes, you'll gave more muscle, but it'll be buried under layers of fat.

The Pre-Workout Drink will help, but be careful of the amounts. The easiest way to lose weight is to count your calories. Create a "food log" and stick to it. You'll not realize how many wasted calories you have, until you do that.

On a good day I weigh about 150, so yeah I'm extremely underweight. I'm not too worry about layers of fat as long as I can gain some size, I'm not looking for a body builder body either.

Good to hear your getting the improvements your looking for 👍
On a good day I weigh about 150, so yeah I'm extremely underweight. I'm not too worry about layers of fat as long as I can gain some size, I'm not looking for a body builder body either.

Good to hear your getting the improvements your looking for 👍
At you age and 150 lbs, you can dig into the Mass Gainer all you want. Keep in mind, that any excess calories will be stored by your body. The big thing to worry about, is an injury. You're young enough to hit hte weight sharder than you realize, and to burn the calories, sets the stage for overdoing an exercise regime.

Like Pako says, read as it has a slew of great articles on beginner workouts to build muscle. You may not want to have a bodybuilder physique, but Body builders know alot about adding muscle to your body. Just be sure to read enough that you can decide for yourself and plan what you want.
Just an update here. I picked up some NO to add to my supplement regiment. First night on them, so I'll have a better feel after a few days.

Tonight was a shoulder night, and a lightweight stubborn muscle for me. So, no miraculous weight improvements. Tomorrow is Arms which should hopefully show some results.

I picked up the Body Fortress "Super NOS Pump" (From Walmart = $10) and its in pill form. 3 before workout, 3 after workout. Did I pick up the right stuff? or should I have picked up this stuff: Super NOS Blast ?
A further update, after talking with a Pro BodyBuilder (Dave Finelli) today at the gym, while he was taking measurements for my BMI (which is BTW 18.5% at 168lbs Lean), I now have to adjust my Protein Shake and meals. No more Fruit, as it contains too many carbs. Which means my shake is now, 1 cup water, 1/2 cup Ice, teaspoon of L-Glutamine, two scoops of Protein Mix and two spoonfuls of Yogurt.

I'm supposed to work towards eliminating Carbs from my diet for the next month. This is in an effort to trim down my BMI. My Goal is goal is 10% BMI by July 1, which should get me to my goal weight of 185lbs.

At which then its a matter of adding Bulk to my frame. I'll never be in Pako range with weights, but I'll look much better in speedo than he would. :D
Ugh, another one of these diets that removes all traces of a much needed food group?

I understand this guy is a pro and his advice is more than valid, but you're gonna feel so drained of energy without carbs. Good luck training with that.
Indeed, lifting those amounts of weight you posted earlier will be tough now that you've cut your energy intake. Good luck, be sure to let us know how it's working out :D:tup:

As for me, I've damaged my right shoulder on Thursday when performing power cleans. I blame myself for warming up too little. I had to give up on lifting today as I can't hold my right shoulder tight, something which is very important with squatting and benching. So, I'm taking a break untill my shoulder is good to go 👍 Also, I'm 6-8 kilos short of squatting and deadlifting my bodyweight, the day that I'll reach that short term goal will be a great day, and I'll feel proud. My current bodyweight is about 185 lbs. It isn't much, but it's a goal you've got to have on the road to keep yourself motivated 👍

Right now that I'm recovering my shoulder, I've begun with cardio again. I ate much, and the squats went up from 80 lbs to 167 lbs in 7 weeks, but I've grown some pounds of fat as well. I shouldn't be caring too much with weight in powerlifting, but I don't want to grow too much in the overweight direction.

Well, the offset to combat the energy drain, is that concurerntly, I'm supposed to start eating 6-7 meals a day. Each consisting of 3-400 calories each. Breakfast, mid morning, lunch, mid afternoon, light dinner, before workout, after workout, and a small 200 calorie meal before bed (supposed to be cottage cheese).

As I've spread the caloric intake throught the day in near consistent amounts, it should alleviate the lethargy associated with no carbs.

Bram, sorry to hear about the shoulder injury. I had a Rotator cuff injury 16 years ago, and for such a minor injury, it was incredibly painful and really took me a few years to get completely over. I hope it heals up quickly.
Bram, sorry to hear about the shoulder injury. I had a Rotator cuff injury 16 years ago, and for such a minor injury, it was incredibly painful and really took me a few years to get completely over. I hope it heals up quickly.

I'm pretty sure that my injury isn't as serious as yours, but thanks 👍 The affected muscle is probably a bit stretched because I may have let my shoulder hung a bit too loose during power cleans, but it is hopefully nothing more serious than a stretched muscle. It hurts when tightening and holding pressure on the muscle, but it's way less painfull than it was on Friday 👍
Anyone else found that they've become a fitness magnet?

Me and my home gym buddy have always been the ones that my mates have looked to for work out advice and some of them have stuck to running or doing weights to some extent. Even used to go jogging with a busty female friend of mine until she realised rockclimbing was more fun for her and didn't require such a tight sports bra.

But since starting uni I've dragged my housemate to the gym (he's now starting for the freshers Varsity rugby team), have 2 mates from lectures going to the gym (I drag them along 2 mornings a week, I need the spot :D ) and last night a (fit, but I'm taken) female friend asking me for ab advice before summer, not that mine are great right now.

Think I should start charging....:dopey:
Meh, I'm right now, but I'm predicting I won't be next year when I'm going to University. I'm a shallow guy, and the nerves training among much more powerful people and "those guys" in the gym that always like to point out a better way would make me feel uncomfortable there. I'd also feel like so many eyes would be pointing at me that I'd loose my concentration, power, and ultimately form. I will be trying, but if the first week is going to suck, to hell with it and 'll keep it to running and jogging to become a skinny dude. Got some muscle on me already, so getting skinny would finally make those visible :indiff:
To be fair Bram you'll probably earn alot of respect if you go in under the radar and do some good weights.

I've never had anyone comment on form in my uni gym because nearly everyone is young and has alot to learn. Even the rugby lads who think they are "the best". At my local gym I had one guy comment on how my gym buddy and I don't touch the weight to the ground when we did deadlifts. We listened, heard is reasoning and now we do.

Focus on what you are doing, put on some music if you must, and there's no need to ever feel intimated in a gym.

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