Gran Turismo 4 Media

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That theme park looks pretty stylised and rendered to me, but hey, who knows. Do we have anyone here from Japan, or at least recent visitors to Suzuka?
It's not a theme park, it's a futuristic city, hence the caption "looking ahead".
From what I gathered from the footage, I think its like the city set-up in GT3 where you select which part of the city for certain car makers, like down south was Ford and Chevrolet etc. Mainly because KY says something about a Theme Park for cars meaning each area is home to a certain group of car makers. Well that's my take on it anyway.
Originally posted by gt3freak_2001
From what I gathered from the footage, I think its like the city set-up in GT3 where you select which part of the city for certain car makers, like down south was Ford and Chevrolet etc. Mainly because KY says something about a Theme Park for cars meaning each area is home to a certain group of car makers. Well that's my take on it anyway.

That North, South, East, West manufactuer selection thing was in GT2, In GT3 you choose manufactuers by country.
I think i've seen all those vids, but thanx 4 the links anyway. I was pleased to see they put the Nurburgring in GT4. I remember playing it on Grand Priz Legends and damn it was a hard course to remember.


Originally posted by gt3freak_2001
From what I gathered from the footage, I think its like the city set-up in GT3 where you select which part of the city for certain car makers, like down south was Ford and Chevrolet etc. Mainly because KY says something about a Theme Park for cars meaning each area is home to a certain group of car makers. Well that's my take on it anyway.
It's a pic of the fut5ure with a caption "looking ahead" above it, thats al. It's not liek any of the menu screens and it's not a pic of a theme park. It's apic of ehat a futuristic city might look like to indicate that GT is moving forward, the menu's seen so far have nothing in common in style or presentation to that pic.
Nice movie Skunk! Excellent coverage. I like the impact effect. More like 1/4 lap of ring though, not 2/3. Lighting on the ring looks great. Noticed an error there when the lap is starting it says Evo VII instead of Evo VIII, no big deal but I knew someone would point it out anyway. Thanks a lot!
Originally posted by KiwiGrowler
Is it just me or is the E3 2004 Preview the same as the Skunkwerx video two?

The e3 2004 Preview was official footage released around the time e3.

skunkwerx's footage is similar to what is in the e3 video but since footage of Nurburgring in GT4 is rare it was the only new bit as well as the collision animation.

I'm not complaining, his video showed off the pretty menus, car selection+colour choosing and a cool loading animation.
I've just watched the new "Exclusive" vids. Well done again Skunkwerx. 👍 :cool: :)

Hint; If you used a longer song, we could have had a longer vid.;) :lol:

I was watching the GT4 preview vid, I think. The first bit of music started in a New Order style. Anyone know who that is? Sounds like a New Order track with a different singer.
Hey great stuff! :cheers: If it's possible (and i know how annyoing it is with those gamespot / ign / gamespy signup contracts, could you try and grab some d/l links for the streaming ones? I hate streaming audio, it doesnt play properly, and i have broadband. God knows what it's like for 56k people.
GTJugend wrote;
Thanks for the video! Is it just me or is Nurb very narrow? I recall it being wider irl.

I thought that as well, especially after playing Project Gotham 2 on the XBox. That seems a lot wider in comparison.
Originally posted by Polyphony001
Hey great stuff! :cheers: If it's possible (and i know how annyoing it is with those gamespot / ign / gamespy signup contracts, could you try and grab some d/l links for the streaming ones? I hate streaming audio, it doesnt play properly, and i have broadband. God knows what it's like for 56k people.

I use Net Transport to download the streaming vids (I am on 56k).

BTW the new Nurburgring vid is great thanx 👍
Originally posted by redhed17
GTJugend wrote;
Originally posted by GTJugend
Thanks for the video! Is it just me or is Nurb very narrow? I recall it being wider irl..

I thought that as well, especially after playing Project Gotham 2 on the XBox. That seems a lot wider in comparison.
In real life it's narrow, in PGR2 they made the track smoother and wider to go hand in hand with the more arcade style of the game. I'd go for a realistic version over the PGR2 version anyday, it's blast to drive.
Finally!!!! A video in-game that´s actually in-game. Ty very much dude, great job with the videos. Nurb looks amazing to drive..... OMG we have to wait till november:(

Lets play some prologue then....:D

I think they should fix that upper camera angle though. They should loose the cam a ltl, its strange how it moves with the car... I like the close one better
After watching a real life vid of Nurburgring, it is fairly narrow, but give abit of a illusion of being wider (hard to explain)