Gran Turismo Toyota Gazoo Racing GT Cup Announced for 2024 Season

  • Thread starter Famine
Anyone else feeling like the BRZ is way less likely snap over steer?
Was like that last year but I still stuck to Toyota the whole way through
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Do we know already race 1 details (laps, tyres,...)?
Both on first page of thread
These were never going to happen, Toyota want road car rounds for this cup for marketing purposes.

Anyway, full combo details are now out:

30 laps of Catalunya in the Super Formulas sounds like good fun if you can drive those well.
Schedule tables for TGR GT Cup 2024

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Anyone else feeling like the BRZ is way less likely snap over steer?
From doing research on both cars for league play.. the GR86 rear is more lively than BRZ In reality.
Is there any way to find out what class you will be in.

I just opened the link for the details and it has GT1 above my name, no matter which league I click on but I don't think that is right for a DR - C and SR - S
The link defaults to the GT1 details but the league format is just like GTWS - as a DR C you’ll be in GT3 here as well.
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These were never going to happen, Toyota want road car rounds for this cup for marketing purposes.
Well 4/7 rounds are already using race cars, so what's 2 more? Ok the first round could be for marketing, but the Prius is 2 generations out of date so you couldn't go out and buy one even if someone magically decided it is their dream car after doing the Laguna race :lol:
Anyone else feeling like the BRZ is way less likely snap over steer?
It's like that in real life too. Although I always found these 2nd gen cars to understeer more than the GT86/BRZ, so I always preferred how the Toyota handled. Also Suzuka is a handling track so that oversteer will come in handy to rotate the car in the esses and high speed turns. Plus the tyre wear is quite high so again the front tyres will take a beating and you want some oversteer to combat the understeer late in stint.
To clarify, in order to get the free GR010 do you actually have to participate in a race itself, or is just signing up (maybe doing some TTing) good enough? I am assuming the latter...

"All players who enter the event will receive a Toyota GR010 in-game, in a special black livery."
Hopefully it's like the last one where TT'ing was enough. I'm in no class to real race. lol
Not gonna lie, kinda looking forward to watching streamers do the Prius race just for the memes.
I remember thinking this about the AE86 round last year. Turns out the drivers in top splits just don't make mistakes with cars that slow, so it just becomes a procession.
Definitely finding it interesting that the last two rounds seem to have a mandatory pit-stop, plus that round at Le Mans featuring the GR010 seems like fun, too.
Definitely finding it interesting that the last two rounds seem to have a mandatory pit-stop, plus that round at Le Mans featuring the GR010 seems like fun, too.
That one I think may be interesting for a couple of reasons:

1) No mandatory pit-stop, but RS tires and 12 laps. Will they last 12 laps (it's only 1x)? Worth stopping for new ones? Pit time at LeMans is over 40 seconds if I recall. Knee jerk reaction says no as you'd need ~ seven seconds per lap to break even.

2) Rain?!!?!?
That one I think may be interesting for a couple of reasons:

1) No mandatory pit-stop, but RS tires and 12 laps. Will they last 12 laps (it's only 1x)? Worth stopping for new ones? Pit time at LeMans is over 40 seconds if I recall. Knee jerk reaction says no as you'd need ~ seven seconds per lap to break even.

2) Rain?!!?!?
12 laps for the privileged few, just 6 laps for the plebs.
Only did 3 practice laps before the main event as I logged on at 8.51am

First race done. Really enjoyed this. Started 6th with a 1.24.7, Pole sitter was in a league of their own, a second ahead of everyone else. I had the GR86 as I don't have the BRZ. Easy decision then.

Good first lap, nabbed 5th immediately off the line with a good start (more a bad start for them tbf). At the top of the esses daw a gap inside, upto 4th I went. Slight racing nudge on the guy I overtook but the gap was there and they could have left more room as I was tight on the inside. Very slight, I still got CRB and I apologised after the race and he was cool with it - he finished ahead of me anyway so all good.

2nd and 3rd laps, drivers in front made mistakes (one went wayyy too deep into the final chicane and took the escape road?), so for a short time I was up into 2nd.

Laps 4-7 were beautiful racing and at times I was distracted because it felt like I was watching the battles as much as trying to drive my own race. 2nd to 6th all seperated by a hair at times, yet it was all exceptionally clean racing (especially through the esses), very fair, but overtakes weren't made easy. Credit to them.

By the final lap things seemed to sort themselves out a bit pace wise and I think everyone was pretty happy with where they were in the end, no dramas to speak of. First place won by about 10 seconds.

4th placed finish for me, and 121 points which is my record for GT2 class I think. Shame, as I could do this race in this car all day, but I'm not risking the points. As someone above said - Front tires were shot to bits by the end but for what it's worth, I didn't notice much, if any, grip drop off. But lapping in the 1.25s/26s in traffic probably helps mitigate that as I was never really able to run quick 1.24s in clean air.

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Reminder for anyone entering today that if you've not done it yet and are trying to get into a race last minute, there's the questionnaire where you have to tell Toyota "no, I don't use Kinto or Denso products and yes, I'd heard of Toyota before this championship" beforehand, so remember to leave some time for that.
Using today as the only practice has always been proven to be a bad idea, and yet I've done it again.
Qualified 14th out of 15th because I can't find a way to get to the 22s without thinking that I would flip the car around. So a 25 would do, and boy was I driving too careful to make any overtaking attempt in the first place!

And at lap 4, I entered the curb too much and made a somewhat good recovery, if you could call one?

Suzuka Circuit__5.png

Getting FR Challenge vibes from this?

But the good news was that I managed to get back to the pack up until the final lap. But because I was too careful, there was no overtaking by my part. That was until we came at 130R (See 3:08):

I guess my recovery was rewarded somehow at the expense of two people's race. Points are nothing to ride home about as this round reminds me of last year's first round. Except in that round, I've been knocked out of DR A+ and haven't gotten back there since. At least there would be enough time to practice the next round, thankfully.
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The GR86 RZ is a fun little car to drive, I enjoyed that. Sprint races like this aren't usually my thing but the car kind of suits it I reckon. Shame the driving standards on display in my race were quite poor though. :rolleyes:

I thought I was pretty off the pace coming into this looking at free practice so I was pleasantly surprised to qualify P9. P7 jumped the start so I gained a position, but then lost it immediately after due to having the trickier outside line for turn 1. I'll never complain about safely surviving turn 1 off a grid start though! Surviving lap 1 itself however, that's a different matter.

A German almost took out a Swiss driver diving into Spoon, which then caused retaliation as the Swiss driver attempted to push the German off the right-hand side on the exit. The German held it, then moved all the way left and tried to push off a French driver who had the run on him. Just to add to all of this, a Czech driver towards the front had punted a Brit at the hairpin and picked up a penalty for it, and he was just about ready to unghost as the pack was coming through. I think I barely got through before he unghosted.

With all the bunching up, I ended up going 2-wide with the French driver through 130R with a South African right behind us.


We then ended up going into the Casio Triangle nearly 3-wide. Everyone got through cleanly though, so props to the Frenchman and South African. Very good racing!

On lap 2, the German made a mistake coming out of the hairpin so the French driver got past and I had a good run on him. Turns out it was then my turn to be subject to dirty driving. I was on the outside, and the German tried to pit maneuver me by knocking my back-left corner even though I was right on the edge of the track. :grumpy: That left me skidding sideways in the braking zone, but thankfully I held it. He retook the position and the South African managed to avoid me recovering.

The German had a PSVR logo on his livery which had me wondering. Is this someone who's inexperienced in VR (in which case I can sympathise), someone who's just having a bad day (again, can also sympathise but less so) or someone who's genuinely just being an arse? Kind of leaning towards the latter after what I saw but who knows.

The South African got the run on me down to turn 1 at the start of lap 3 and I had to go the outer line then back out into the S-bends, so back down to P9. A different French driver then got me into the hairpin, so now P10.

Things stayed like that for a while. The South African and second French driver swapped places due to the South African picking up a track limits penalty, but the Frenchman binned it at Spoon on lap 6, going too wide onto the kerb and spinning the car. That's where I then stayed until the end, although I was losing pace to the South African.

P9, 157 points and a clean race bonus. That's a bit lower than I tend to aim for but I didn't think I'd compete very well in this one so I'll not scoff at it. :)

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This, I only got one lap and got knocked of track at 130R so Qualified last 😡
So after my previous post of qualifying in last place with an invalid lap, I ended up finishing 3rd, only 5sec behind P1.

I was constantly gaining in clear traffic, nearly had P2 but I backed off at 130R to let them take a good race.

My practice time was 2:23.827 but my fastest lap in the race was 2:26.337, on my 6th lap, due to traffic

I wasn't sure if I was going to join in this year, but I remember how fun it was now.

Bring on the next one 😁



Also my tires at the end
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I paid for the whole tyres, I've used the whole tyres. Not a great idea, but I don't know how to manage tyres. If I try to be gentle with them I barely feel any lifespan improvement and my pace is waaaay slower, so I just don't try anymore.

Only practiced during warm up, got Q3 in a single lap, gained a position due to P2 spinning, dropped to P3 to a faster driver after some mistakes, and it seemed like I was going to get an easy P3, because the gap to P4 was huge... But I literally had no front tyres for the last two laps, so I dropped to P5, and could have been even worse.

Anyway, I'm happy with P5. My pace wouldn't have been enough for P3 if I had nursed my tyres, so P5 was what I probably deserved.

Starting last lap:


Exiting the esses:

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There's a guy with SR C in my lobby, FML. I'm starting just 4 places ahead of them because I screwed up braking for Casio. That said, SR S never meant much besides that you aren't spearing people off in every race.

EDIT: My race got ruined exiting Casio on lap 1 thanks to PD's ancient collision physics. I got tapped and that was enough to make me spin out and plunge me to last. I recover to 10th thanks to some more cheating in front of me only to get spun out again at the hairpin, and then finally the SR C clown rams me off before the Esses. **** this.
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I paid for the whole tyres, I've used the whole tyres. Not a great idea, but I don't know how to manage tyres. If I try to be gentle with them I barely feel any lifespan improvement and my pace is waaaay slower, so I just don't try anymore.
I'm like you, mine burn whatever I do so I just treat each lap like a quali lap. I have noticed that minimal turning angle helps sometimes but when in the heat of the race I'm always sawing back and forth lol. Nice race!
Dang. This was a great combo. Folks racing so close to each other all the time but this was just not for me. My front tires turned completely red early in the final lap and I was a safety hazard. My performance was also rapidly degrading in the latter half of the race due to the dying tires. Door #5, qualified 7th but fell to 11th over the race without any incident. Would have fallen even lower if others did not get involved in incidents.

I am tempted to go again but I am not doing that because I know that I will suffer the same fate again, probably even worse. Sucks that this nice combo is just not for me. It should have been a daily race and I would definitely have taken part in it many times.

Edit: Only 2-3 guys can get 2 qualifying laps. Not worth it to try to be one of them as it means being too close to other folks.
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Edit: Only 2-3 guys can get 2 qualifying laps. Not worth it to try to be one of them as it means being too close to other folks.
I got out of the pits as quick as I could but it started me at the back of the pit lane and when I got out I was mid traffic so I slowed down and waited until everyone (except one really far back) had passed me.

Even giving a really big space to the car in front (3.5 seconds), I still caught them up which caused my invalid lap at 130R.

There should be a 10 minute qualifier to give you a better chance to spread out and actually put a lap in.

As per my other post, my practice time was 2:23.827 but the fastest person to qualify was 1:26:3xx so already 2.5 seconds slower than me but I couldn't get through the pack quick enough to get 1st in the race so I'm happy I at least made it onto the podium in 3rd.
One thing I've realised with this game is that when you make people drive one make road cars with sports tyres, there isn't anywhere to hide except behind your ability. Today I scored my highest ever points total in an official Esports event. (295) only to be beaten by a Distinct team driver by a mere 2 seconds. We kept each other honest for 8 laps and his race craft was exemplary (as you'd expect) I managed to qualify 3rd on the grid with a mind boggling 2:22.4
(a fluke lap) But I managed to maintain a good race pace and eventually the front 2 collided at Casino Triangle to give me the lead, I was closely followed by Distinct Deaky and he just made his move at spoon to take the lead, as i went slightly wide on lap 4. We ended up just battling on our own, and it was some of the best driving I've been part of since getting the game. By lap 8 my tyres were all but gone, but I managed to hold on to take 2nd place and wondering what just happened. I am an average driver at best in A+ but today, I was a bit better than average.

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Fun race. Started 5th, made up a place on the start as 4th was slow getting away. He caught up to me two laps later and I let him past. Another Spaniard caught me up on lap 3 and I let him past. A few laps later one of the cars in front was getting slower and I passed him and he fell back. On lap 7 the Spaniard who had passed me earlier went too deep at the chicane and I thought I was teed up for a last lap battle, but he ended up going wide at the end of the esses and 4th place was mine for free

Suzuka Circuit_.jpeg

The tyre wear was absolutely insane here when comparing what I assume are wheel and pad users. My fronts were about half done by the end of the race. The other guy in this picture had a completely red front right, and he wasn't the only one who finished the race with no front tyres at all. All in all it went better than I expected jumping into the car ten minutes before the race.
EMEA GT1 Slot #3 - 275 Points lobby

Only joining this one for the free Toyota TS050 really. Did not have a great quali, not to mention I was in the unlucky half of the grid who did not get a 2nd flying lap.


Lap 1, turn 1, this happened. (I am the Pink/Black/White car at 10th of the grid)

Race was essentially over at this point. Rear aero and suspension damage ment I lost 0.4s per lap on straights. No penalty to the pov guy who triggered all that. Anyhow I kept pushing on, just for that TS050.

Came the last corner of last lap, this happened. (I am the pov car)

I would not handle this the same way if I knew the recovering guy was the one who triggered that in Lap 1, turn 1.


The guy (White car) who ended up spinning me around (not entirely his fault really) in Lap 1 T1 did get a 5s penalty - aren't sure about that either.

TL: DR - Same guy (unintentionally) ruined my race twice in a single race.
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