Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Begins 17 April

  • Thread starter Pfei
Nation Cup.... Le Mans and Daytona look interesting.

Le Mans could be a fight between the CLK and Toyota. The GT500 spec cars (depending on laps maybe be useable if wear and fuel are a factor)

Daytona...if it's Hybrids only then assume it will be Porsche only, but I think the Audi maybe useable? If not it will end up being a 787b race.

Without knowing the other spec cars,
Watkins could be good maybe? Maybe Gr4 or would it be like Radicals, MX5 or the Civic Touring Car?
Edit.. just seen this is the Honda. Probably skip this race then

Trail Mountain could be the supercar spec race, (F40, BMW M3, AMG C63, Lambo, etc...)

Lago... As it's the full course Red Bull cars?
Edit. Seen it's the 917 Porsche. Maybe an ok race? Last the Porsches at Trial Mountain was ok race.

Spa I'm expecting it to be the Super Formulas

Edit. @watto79 ah..maybe I should have read the whole thread and I wouldn't need to guess car 🤣

Toyota Cup, not really my thing. Don't think I've enter one race since the game launched
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Wait a minute. Is that a Nations schedule with some variety in it?

David Tennant Cheating GIF by Doctor Who

No Group 3/Group 4 races is a welcome surprise considering how many of those have come up in Nations for a while now. Well, assuming they're not sneaking them in as specified car rounds to do X vs Y...

I'm kind of looking forward to the RA272, I imagine that will be a fun experience in VR. Never driven the Porsche before either, so kind of wondering what that is like.
A few details for Nations round 1 (GT2/3):

10 laps of Le Mans, RM/IM/W, 2x fuel/7x tyre, 7 min qualifying, Brake Balance adjustment only, 1 mandatory stop.

As expected the top 100 of the leaderboard is entirely made up of GT-Ones. First other car (CLK) is #159.
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For anybody who hasn't gotten to check for themselves yet, there is heavy damage in GT1, again.

Looks like the Nations Rd.1 details in GT1 are the same as GT2/3 otherwise: 10 laps, Brake Balance allowed, 7 min qualifying, 7x tires, 2x fuel, 1 mandatory stop.
Man that Toyota is a pile garbage.
So decided to try a few laps and obviously seeing the Toyota dominate the top 100 it was obviously a no brainer to try it. Well after 10 laps or so I feel like I've hit the limit already and it's not a quick limit too. The brakes are shoddy and it feel lineot just understeers everywhere.
Tried the CLK out of interest and I did the same lap time and felt more comfortable but that thing will get eaten down the Mulsanne by the Toyota. Top speed 192mphs for Toyota and 184mph for the CLK
Looks like I'll have to do a lot more practice to find more pace.
This looks like a lot of fun. I'm happy to see so many events across the year because the regular sport mode races haven't really been of interest to me for about a year now. Has anyone else noticed that GTWS races seem to have way higher sportsmanship than regular Sport? Or is it just me?
Yes, I exclusively do these races and time trials only in Sport Mode now because the quality of racing is much better than the Dailies.
Man that Toyota is a pile garbage.
So decided to try a few laps and obviously seeing the Toyota dominate the top 100 it was obviously a no brainer to try it. Well after 10 laps or so I feel like I've hit the limit already and it's not a quick limit too. The brakes are shoddy and it feel lineot just understeers everywhere.
Tried the CLK out of interest and I did the same lap time and felt more comfortable but that thing will get eaten down the Mulsanne by the Toyota. Top speed 192mphs for Toyota and 184mph for the CLK
Looks like I'll have to do a lot more practice to find more pace.
Glad I wasn't the only one who thinks the GT-One's brakes are "cardboardy" to say the least.
BOP'd the Toyota drives like a slightly oversized Gr.3 car, just with way more top end. It's... weird, and not that fun, IMO. Oh well, it's easier on controller at least, which is what I'm stuck with for now...

I'm guessing the mandatory stop means we can expect no rain in the Le Mans race? Which would be a bit odd, especially after many people were disappointed in no rain last time. Or maybe it means there -will- be rain, and they don't want us to just go no-stop on IMs? As always, the Asians will be our pioneers...

Curiously, the full details for all the races still don't seem to be available anywhere. An oversight? Or maybe they don't want them all out at once now?
The full combinations are on the site now, on the championship page like last time (here for EMEA).

For the missing cars: Spa is the X2019, Trial Mountain looks to be one of those tuned road car events with 12 cars to pick from.

Daytona in Gr.1 has 2 mandatory pitstops which I believe is the first time we've had multiple mandatory pitstops in a GT7 event.
Spa is also a 2 stopper as you need to run all 3 types of dry tyres.
Daytona in Gr.1 has 2 mandatory pitstops which I believe is the first time we've had multiple mandatory pitstops in a GT7 event.
We had 2 stops at the X2019 race at Lago Maggiore since we had to use all 3 dry compounds. That race was surprisingly good since there were multiple pit & tire strategies at play.