GT4 track maps

  • Thread starter AMG.


Staff Emeritus
NL, Leiden
I trust the tracks may be of benefit to all. I created them with race report writer(s) in mind but they're free for all.

Also available
GT5 Prologue trackmaps and GT5 trackmaps.

City Courses













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+++++REP 👍👍

Great job AMG!

EDIT: Grrrrr... says I must spread reputation around before I can give you some more. I'll be back!
Thx guys, your comments and + reps appreciated.

I’ve been working on these over a couple of months. The last two weeks I put in the most of the efforts by adding street names etc.
Lining up the track with a map is challenging. I was forever trying to lineup George V until the penny dropped.
I’ve found a map of Tokyo and of Seattle. Tokyo is proving difficult because the street names are not in English and Seattle doesn’t quite fit so I hesitate to add the streets to those maps. W.r.t. to the other City maps, I have no idea where they are. So if you feel inclined to help please let me know and I’ll do my best to improve these.

I would have liked to add these maps to the Wiki but I’m not too savvy with that application and I wouldn’t want to mess up what’s already there. A Wiki editor who’s inclined to add them to the Wiki, feel free to do so!

Thx to
FLK for Sarthe
Nige for Laguna, Suzuka & Sarthe
Kelvari for Laguna & Infineon

Excellent work . Glad to be of some help. I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate all the work you have done. 👍 👍 👍 👍

Thank you AMG, I have been waiting for this for a long time. Now I shall print them and then when i do an endurance I will put it in the middle part of my DFP.

Seattle, and a fair # of other tracks are a bidirectional. Would it be of more help if I numbered the corners to facilitate you referring to these e.g. in race reports?

Your thoughts appreciated. :)

Great work AMG, this will be very useful for reports etc. 👍 Would rep you but I've got to spread some around first! :D
Great additions, but I must spread rep around before I can give it to you.

By the way, what are the gray sections of the tracks? My first thought was tunnels, but that doesn't seem to fit all cases.
Great additions, but I must spread rep around before I can give it to you.

By the way, what are the gray sections of the tracks? My first thought was tunnels, but that doesn't seem to fit all cases.

Actually they are indeed sections that go underneath something.
- mostly tunnels
- sometimes a building (HK) or a road (Seattle)
- once a tunnel and a bridge at the same time (Midfield)
- and sometimes a closed section of a track (Fuji & Suzuka)
- in e.g. CSR5 / SSR5 I left out a bit, just became too messy & confusing
I wasn't 100% consistent in drawing these, but I'm sure you'll forgive me for that :)

If I really messed up somewhere let me know so I can correct....

Wow, this should earn you a Quality Posts badge all by itself! 👍
Sadly I can't make another contribution to the cause, got the usual "You must spread...." message again! :grumpy: Too many good race reports too! :lol:

Top work! :cheers:
On the subject of Seattle, threads exist (definitely on the GT3 board; possibly on the GT4 board as well) that map the course over an aerial photo. I know that street names can be found for that track, which is (mostly) realistic.
It's amazing how they did that with Seattle. I wish I could find Special Stage Route 5. :(