GTA 5 favorite mission?

  • Thread starter Aggserp4
Just wanted to ask you: what's your favorite mission in GTA V? Any story mission counts.

My personal favorite is Bury the Hatchet. I like how it combines a little drama (like in GTA 4) with the typical GTA comedic theme. What about you?
The heists are easily the best parts of the game, my favourites out of those my favourites would be the FIB Heist and the Union Depository.
The Third Way.
Obviously will live in anyone's hall of fame, I'm sure.

Spawning memorable lines such as:

"My bad, homie. I picked C. Ain't that a BLEEP?"

"It's called a BLEEPing loose end, alright; we tie up loose ends."

"No more talkie!"

"Yeah, what better you need a BLEEPed up fool for a BLEEPed up situation."

"My God, your therapist has a lot to answer for. Yeah, I still hate myself.. but at least I know the words for it."
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I liked the last mission but it's WAY too long.
It felt sooo good when I finished the story and had millions and millions of dollars... and tanks
For me it's memorable cut scenes rather than gameplay that make me like certain missions.

'Scouting the Port' where Wade protests, "No bath!" Or when Trevor and Floyd encounter the Merryweather security and Trevor suddenly doesn't speak English much to Floyd's expense.

While not story missions, Trevor's cut scene interactions with various 'Strangers and Freaks' are always humorous, especially the initial meetings with Josh Bernstein and Nigel & Mrs. Thornhill.
The Paleto Score is definitely my favourite. i loved killing the army using the minigun and the juggernaut xD then jumping on that train to escape like a boss
Too bad story missions are so scripted, taking out much of the fun and replayability. Same as rdr2.
I was doing the cargobob steal military helo one, then you have to lose the other helo but it wont let you get out of your helo and try take a fighter jet nearby to try shoot it down etc.

Also prefer the controls in gta4 alot, especially cars, was a lot of fun and smooth.