How Forza Could Come to PlayStation: Microsoft Reportedly Considering Third-Party Platforms

  • Thread starter Famine
If anything, the way they described the games in question (and alongside previous news stories), I'm fairly confident that one of the games is Hi-Fi Rush. At least, that's the main one that I would care about.
Hi-Fi Rush is basically all but confirmed; there are files in it’s latest update which contains new clothing items that appear to be Switch and PS5 themed, and Nintendo’s rumoured Partner Direct Mini was apparently postponed due to the Xbox podcast. Phil said the individual teams behind the games want to reveal on them on their terms, so you can put two and two together there.

The other titles will probably be Sea of Thieves, Pentiment and Grounded, all of which make sense along with Hi-Fi Rush. All older titles that seem like they’d find their footing a bit better on other platforms.
It was nothing. They let rumors run wild and doom spread about Xbox going away and could have said no the whole time.

It’ll be four games being ported, but once they put any games on PlayStation and Switch, why would they stop? I fully expect more and even bigger titles eventually.

Play anywhere just means why even buy an Xbox. This isn’t going to help the struggling Xbox and Gamepass.
Spencer said he would of course welcome other consoles' games on Xbox, and noted that it would be beneficial for multiplayer games in particular, where building a large online community is important for a game's lifespan.

"I will say, when I look at a game like Helldivers 2 – and it's a great game, kudos to the team shipping on PC and PlayStation – I'm not exactly sure who it helps in the industry by not being on Xbox," he said. "If you try to twist yourself to say, like, somehow that benefited somebody somewhere.
Ok Phil, I guess that means you're absolutely in favor of Forza on Playstation. Good news.
It’s pretty simple. If this handful of games brings in a lot of extra revenue with relatively small investment they will do it more often. After all the spending and layoffs they need positive news for shareholders.

I really like the Sony model. PS exclusive for a year or two. PC gets fancy version with all updates later. Everybody wins. Some PS fanboys complain but they don’t understand PC sales help fund new (timed) exclusives on PS. And some games didn’t resonate well at PS at first, but were instant hits on PC, eg Death Stranding.
Hi-Fi Rush is basically all but confirmed; there are files in it’s latest update which contains new clothing items that appear to be Switch and PS5 themed, and Nintendo’s rumoured Partner Direct Mini was apparently postponed due to the Xbox podcast. Phil said the individual teams behind the games want to reveal on them on their terms, so you can put two and two together there.

The other titles will probably be Sea of Thieves, Pentiment and Grounded, all of which make sense along with Hi-Fi Rush. All older titles that seem like they’d find their footing a bit better on other platforms.
Yh those games all confirmed now.
Take it with a pinch of salt but Jez Corden of Windows Central has stated the decision has been made to bring all Xbox 1st party titles to PS5. Not official of course, but he tends to be one of the sources MS use to leak plans. That said he was also one of the stronger voices stating MS would not port titles to PS5 when the rumours first started.

Jez on Future of Xbox

This is coming from XboxTwo discord and it’s a doozy:

“All Xbox first-party games coming to PlayStation, even Forza, Halo

  • Xbox will be more Steam-like in the future
  • Affordable prices, sales, more open for devs
  • Future Xbox-Hardware gonna be for fans who want it
  • Xbox hardware will be niche like Steam Deck
  • Next Xbox will side-load Steam
  • "I don't think they expect to ever grow in hardware"
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Likewise, Jez is one of those who says things as if they were facts and then when the fanboys come he says that they were guesses.

Sometimes those leaks are true and other times they are not, even so I do see Forza on PS in the future (in the same way that I see GT coming to PC sooner or later), if Microsoft has shown anything by putting Sea of Thieves on PS is that they can sell quite a few copies in a short time.
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Forza horizon i can see doing very well if we get on playstation in the future, but motorsport not so much,
Given that I agree with Horizon given that the alternatives (The Crew, NFS) don't seem to be on the same level and probably aren't...

About Motorsport I don't know, I have many friends, PlayStation and GT players, that would play Forza but they don't only because then they would need a good PC or an Xbox console. And I think that many others think the same. If Motorsport were a PlayStation title I think many people would at least try it. It could be an interesting alternative to GT.
Given that I agree with Horizon given that the alternatives (The Crew, NFS) don't seem to be on the same level and probably aren't...

About Motorsport I don't know, I have many friends, PlayStation and GT players, that would play Forza but they don't only because then they would need a good PC or an Xbox console. And I think that many others think the same. If Motorsport were a PlayStation title I think many people would at least try it. It could be an interesting alternative to GT.
Some would proably try it, but it would not be a large group of players if you campare to gt7.

Even if you look now as a gamepass title it dosen’t look to have large playerbase on Xbox series s/x and pc. Given on ps5 you would need to buy it i don’t see that going very well,

Of course their will be people that enjoy forza more because it might do some things that appeals more to them,

I played both franshises for a long time, and for the most part i enjoyed both for different reasons.

Fm6 was the last forza motorsport i really liked, fm7 was decent but i think in many was fm6 was better except for less content. Fm 23 i can’t even get behind, and the hype was never there for me like it was with previous titles.

Even if that game would be avaiable on ps5 now i would not buy it. There it to many flaws that yet not been resolved. It feels sad to say this because of how much i used to love all previous forza motorsport games.

Gt7 is also quite flawed even 2 years after release but i feel for me its a much better game overall. Still wish they put more effort into single player and had more cars from some brands that still lacking,
Ai could use a major overhaul but i don’t see that changing much for gt7. It will most likely be a thing that will be marketed heavy for gt8.

Most of the updates has also been lackluster. But i think Sony plays big part of that.
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FM would crash and burn on PS5. They will just have millions of more people seeing how mid at best the game is. Horizon would be a money maker though.
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I've got GT7 on PS5 and Forza Motorsport on Xbox series X. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it came out on PS5. It is a much better racing game.
If only they would hurry up and decide what to do, whether to "land" on PlayStation or not... I wouldn't buy an Xbox for Forza and then see it arrive on PlayStation and say "oh damn, I could have gotten a PS5 then".
Nevermind months, we could be weeks away from Microsoft announcing they’re going full 3rd party.

I just can’t see how MS can move forward without fully explaining their plans. Confidence in the Xbox brand is at an all-time low and it’s only going to get much worse after todays news of shuttering a number of highly regarded studios.

I've got GT7 on PS5 and Forza Motorsport on Xbox series X. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it came out on PS5. It is a much better racing game.
It’s not really a case of the quality of said game - more the time people have to play. I would put the time into Forza Horizon as it offers something very different to GT7.

I would also pick up Forza Motorsport at the right price. But I just can’t justify the hundreds of hours you need to get the most out of these games.

Given the ongoing turmoil at Xbox I’m not sure what the future is for the FM series. I’m sure it will continue - but I struggle to see it getting a major AAA budget. I could see it getting hand-me-down content from FH.
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Fm6 was the last forza motorsport i really liked, fm7 was decent but i think in many was fm6 was better except for less content. Fm 23 i can’t even get behind, and the hype was never there for me like it was with previous titles.

There it to many flaws that yet not been resolved. It feels sad to say this because of how much i used to love all previous forza motorsport games.
Lol. This is once again, from someone who has admitted to not playing FM23 b/c he doesn't own an Xbox & his PC can't play it.
Lol. This is once again, from someone who has admitted to not playing FM23 b/c he doesn't own an Xbox & his PC can't play it.
Dosen’t make it less true. People are already given up on the new fm. There is only a few left playing it. And will defend it no matter what. You dont need to own a game to know if i game is flawed or not.

The only things you can’t base anything before playing it is things like driving physics witch cant be judged on a gameplay video. They are in fact not doing anything special about the new fm thats not already been done. There is just nothing that makes it stand out from the crowd.

The disgusting marketing is really what made people even hate on this game even more. Barely any forza creators plays it anymore. In previous games you could always see a much larger amount of content being released.

Maybe they can turn it around but it might be to late by that point and fm dosen’t have that big of an audiance campared to other titles. So they can’t afford to wait to long to get it together.

But as Microsoft has the horizon franshise as their cashcow they really dosen’t need fm any longer. Horizon took over a good while back as Microsoft flagship racer.
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Dosen’t make it less true. People are already given up on the new fm. There is only a few left playing it. And will defend it no matter what. You dont need to own a game to know if i game is flawed or not.
This is just more of the same nonsense you love sharing about the game yet to no surprise, you never can actually present stable evidence.

"You don't need to own a game"... boy, hush. That hasn't stopped you from continuously making claims that certainly give off the notion you have played it to have some sort of basis to them.

But, the simple fact remains that you've got a huge hate vein for this game. You like every post that criticizes it & you "poo" react to anything that definitely responds to said criticism.
Its not you might prefer it, but gt7 is by far the better game between the two.
You have not played Forza Motorsport so your claim is not correct. GT is a one race a day, five on one day, game. Forza is playable all day in free play mode.
I think GT probably edges Forza, but I can say that because I've spent significant time playing both. If you haven't played a game you absolutely can't judge it!
I think GT probably edges Forza, but I can say that because I've spent significant time playing both. If you haven't played a game you absolutely can't judge it!
Agreed, both games are flawed but Gran Turismo is better overall. It has that 'thing' that makes you want to keep going back, Forza doesn't. If Xbox games came to PS, I wouldn't hesitate in selling my XSX and getting a PS5 again, it's a better console overall.
Its odd, I think 90% of what I say on here suggests I'm more on the PS side of the fence but I don't think I am. I think Sony have far, far better exclusives, that's the main selling point. But as a console I love my SX for how easy it makes everything- I've had it since near launch and the interface, the backwards compatability and how well that works, how you can use an external SSD, just how logically everything's set out and how easily it does everything and how trouble free it's been - I've found the PS5 a far more niggly experience overall even if it feels a bit more like a new, shiny piece of tech than the Xbox does. Things like data getting corrupted, it throwing a fit when you accidentally unplug it from rest mode, losing network connection randomly, little things that add up. XSX is a breeze all round. I also feel like multiplatform games tend to perform ever so slightly better on it (thinking ACC and EA WRC).
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A couple of reports from Jason Schreier and Brad Sams saying there will be another round of cuts affecting 'core' teams. A few worries about what the future holds for T10.
I don't see Forza Motorsport migrating over to the PS5. If Microsoft cared so little for this franchise with how they implemented this ridiculous rotating employment (which unsurprisingly is NOT conductive to a quality product), I can't see them keeping it OR the studio around. That and clearly, studios that have made successful games appear to not be immune to being chopped as seen with Gravity Rush's Developer. I'm at a loss as to what exactly does Microsoft want exactly. Do they want out of gaming? Do they want to just publish games? Seriously lost on the messaging here and I don't see many people being receptive of this either.
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I'm at a loss as to what exactly does Microsoft want exactly. Do they want out of gaming? Do they want to just publish games? Seriously lost on the messaging here and I don't see many people being receptive of this either.
The theory going around is that Xbox used to be something of a ‘rounding error’ on the company’s P&L spreadsheets; they never made a lot of money relative to the rest of Microsoft, but they weren’t a exactly a hindrance, so it was more or less free to run as it’s own division.

The problem now is that after spending 70 billion on Activision, they now are on that P&L spreadsheet good and proper, and shareholders want a return on that investment by any means necessary. They probably want to put stuff on other platforms to maximise profits but they can’t cut the Xbox system off completely as their entire brand is based around. I suspect they’re trying to figure this all out behind closed doors and the CFOs are MS are now calling the shots, rather than just leaving the Xbox division alone.
The walls are closing in on Xbox as a console brand.

I wouldn't mind not having an Xbox and resorting to my PS5 to play my console games, my XBOX Series X is a heat furnace in my small room. PS5 is not too bad in terms of heat generation IMO.

Addendum: And this is with a cooling unit. :eek:
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