Mission 12 - Laguna Seca Ford GT

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I give up, ive been at it for > 12 hours over the last 5 days. 2 attempts have seen me 1.4 sec behind number 1. 90% of the attempts end up next to the track. I break early. I brake late. I turn in late / early. It doesnt seem to matter what I do, I just don't get it.
There have been 2 times that ive passed nr 5 well before the corckscrew but most of the times im fighting him on the downslope of the screw. By then I already know there's no chance in hell to beat this mission.
So far cleared 29 missions.
Considering > 720 minutes of trying at avg 2 minutes per attempt, that's over 360 attempts.
And yes Ive wathced Famine's and Mike videos numerous times. I suspect they have glue under the tires.
Anyone ?
I give up, ive been at it for > 12 hours over the last 5 days. 2 attempts have seen me 1.4 sec behind number 1. 90% of the attempts end up next to the track. I break early. I brake late. I turn in late / early. It doesnt seem to matter what I do, I just don't get it.
There have been 2 times that ive passed nr 5 well before the corckscrew but most of the times im fighting him on the downslope of the screw. By then I already know there's no chance in hell to beat this mission.
So far cleared 29 missions.
Considering > 720 minutes of trying at avg 2 minutes per attempt, that's over 360 attempts.
And yes Ive wathced Famine's and Mike videos numerous times. I suspect they have glue under the tires.
Anyone ?
Are you able to make a video AMG_SLK? If i could see you run i should be able to find where you are going wrong.
Are you able to make a video AMG_SLK? If i could see you run i should be able to find where you are going wrong.

Havent got a device yet, have been thinking of it though. Once Ive got it will need to figure out how to convert and store it. Thx for the offer and if videoing works i'll pm you.
I give up, ive been at it for > 12 hours over the last 5 days. 2 attempts have seen me 1.4 sec behind number 1. 90% of the attempts end up next to the track. I break early. I brake late. I turn in late / early. It doesnt seem to matter what I do, I just don't get it.
There have been 2 times that ive passed nr 5 well before the corckscrew but most of the times im fighting him on the downslope of the screw. By then I already know there's no chance in hell to beat this mission.
So far cleared 29 missions.
Considering > 720 minutes of trying at avg 2 minutes per attempt, that's over 360 attempts.
And yes Ive wathced Famine's and Mike videos numerous times. I suspect they have glue under the tires.
Anyone ?

I feel your pain - this mission took me forever to do :banghead: For what it's worth, I'd guess you're probably losing time in the middle section of the track from turn 3 (the second fast right) to the corkscrew, that's certainly the area where I am significantly slower than the videos, and if you don't come out of turn 3 with a good exit speed it costs you all the way along the straight (I was getting variations of up to 20mph through turn 3, depending on how good or bad my line was). In all the corners, get on the power as early as you can without going off. I just watched the replay of the run where I finally passed it, and I passed the opposition at the points and approximate times listed:

5th - 57s, on the hill up to the corkscrew
4th - 1'26s, exiting the final corner
3rd - 2'28s, second last corner lap 2
2nd - 2'59s, turn 1 lap 3
1st - 3'52, second last corner lap 3

I'm an average driver at best, so those times should be pretty attainable. I also had a few slightly slower runs where I took the lead car on the final corner, but I got overexcited on those and either went off or hit him and got a 5s penalty. Don't give up - from other posts of yours, I'm guessing you're a better driver than me, so if I can do it so can you. Patience is the key - I spent hours with the losing margin under 0.5s, but eventually you'll hook up a good run and do it.

Good luck :cheers: :D
Havent got a device yet, have been thinking of it though. Once Ive got it will need to figure out how to convert and store it. Thx for the offer and if videoing works i'll pm you.

SLK...just to confirm what Gregc just posted, I had pretty much the same pass points as he did, althought I had to wait and pass the final car just after the final turn.

As Gregc said, the middle section is where I found most of my time. The portion after the first corner (hairpin) starting with the right hand sweeper. I found that once I could get the breaking/acceleration correct on this section, particularly the first left hand turn in this section...you will be on your way to winning. Post your CP's and we'll see what's actually going on with your run.

And yes Ive wathced Famine's and Mike videos numerous times. I suspect they have glue under the tires.
Famine's video?

Slaps AMG about the head... :dopey:
Famine's video?

Slaps AMG about the head... :dopey:
Ouch, okay okay, mea culpa, your video ............ in this case!

5th - 1'02s, just over the top at the corkscrew
4th - 1'30s, start finish 1-2nd lap
3rd - 2'22s, just over the top ot cscrew
2nd - 3'04s, just after the 180 turn at the bottom of the straight lap 3
1st - no deal

Just had another 2 hour session 1.5s behind was best time. I do on a 'good' lap tend to get nr 5 just before the top of the hill at cscrew but....

Ouch, okay okay, mea culpa, your video ............ in this case!

5th - 1'02s, just over the top at the corkscrew
4th - 1'30s, start finish 1-2nd lap
3rd - 2'22s, just over the top ot cscrew
2nd - 3'04s, just after the 180 turn at the bottom of the straight lap 3
1st - no deal
www.xs4all.nl/~rpelle/GT4_videos (warning 11mb)

Just had another 2 hour session 1.5s behind was best time. I do on a 'good' lap tend to get nr 5 just before the top of the hill at cscrew but....

Got your video. PM'ed
From watching your vid, the first thing I'd say is don't cut the corkscrew. You're losing time, just brake earlier and go through it properly. From the vid, I guess you'll gain enough time to pass just by taking the CS well.
From watching your vid, the first thing I'd say is don't cut the corkscrew. You're losing time, just brake earlier and go through it properly. From the vid, I guess you'll gain enough time to pass just by taking the CS well.
Agreed. And considering he's only 1.5 seconds behind at the end, i'd also agree with you that there is probably enough time lost there over the three laps that fixing the corkscrew should give him the win. That was one part of my PM.
Yes I run the CS cleanly (except in the Video). 1 attempt today has seen me 1 sec behind. All others failed by crashing or penalty.
Another 5 hours spent on Mission 12 (it should have been labeled M13 instead). I just worked out that 1 attempt is actually 60-90s long on average.
So to redo calculations 17 hours = 61200 secs. 61200sec / 90 - 60sec = 680 and 1020 attempts. :nervous:
Cleaning the Nurb with a toothbrush < time than clearing M impossible.

So I have come to the conclusion that I own a unique game.

For Sale. 1 Unique GT4 PAL DVD. This special, once in a lifetime offer DVD with its renowned game (over 45 million copies sold) is now up for grabs.
This very unique Game has Licence tests, impossible coffee breaks, some good and some bad races and 33 Missions. The unique part of this DVD is where you get to enjoy fruitless hours of trying to beat Mission impossible. This feature exists on no other GT4 DVD produced by Sony Inc.

Wait for it ...... the best part is yet to come. The price, 250 points and 10.000 credits + a hard to get by "Mission Impossible Completed" logo.
This DVD can be collected from owner home address.

edit (18 hours now)

Maybe I should hang on to it, maybe the value will increase over time.
</ utterly depressed> AMG
I am a below average driver, and have spent many hours on this mission (North American) over the last few days. I got 0.5xx seconds behind once last night, so I'm getting to where it's attainable, although I think I might end up with some penalty frustration when I do catch the 1st place car.

If I'm not below 19 seconds on the first checkpoint (I know, 18 seconds is better), or if I ever come off track or get a penalty, I now tend to retry. I then sing "The moon is beautiful" to myself ("Oh yeah!").

The most interesting thing I've seen from the video is that they don't bother getting into fourth after the corkscrew. Perhaps I should try that, and hold it tighter. There's some interesting differences in those awkward medium-speed right-handers right after the first 1-2 turns, too.

Oh yes. Doing the Laguna Seca enduro with the test car (stock settings) seemed to help me get close but not first. Hey, it's only the prize for the GT World Championship.

So, AFAICT, this test requires three sub-1:20 laps, correct? You pass the start/finish with 10 seconds on the clock for both you and the Oreca Viper, and you must finish under 4:10 == 4 minutes == 3x1:20.

In comparison, I found the 1-lap version, with the Mazda 787B (M27) relatively easy.
You can easily tell if you're on-schedule with this as you pass the start/finish line. Your time should be slightly below the even "10" seconds.

< 1:30 first lap
< 2:50 second lap
< 4:10 third lap :)

Eventually I managed it! I needed to sneak by the Camaro at the Corkscrew on lap 2, but good drivers will have passed it before that, but don't necessarily need to. :) But where you pass the Camaro is a good reference point. The last right-hander is the latest you really want to pass it by.
Just succesfully completed this mission but had a little accident on the last left hander with the Viper. I was trying to take the bend tightly to his inside, but he turned in on me & gave me a penalty. As I prepared myself for another disappointing 2nd place finish, the Viper tucked in behind my penalized car and pushed me across the Finish Line in first place. Weird win, dont think I cheated due to all the effort it took to get this far!
I had trouble with this one earlier this month. I gave it a break and did some other missions. Then I came back to it. I found that all I had to do is be smooth and consistent. You don't need to race 110% to get this one done. Just be careful under breaking especially when passing the Vette on Turn 11 of the second lap. Don't bump into the back of em or else yer slapped with a 5 second penalty. I ended up passing the Lead Viper right after turn 6. Just be consistent and smooth.
this mission. i did it with a few tries as i think mission 11 which took me a few days really brushed up my skills and when this fast car comes i couldnt resist my temptation to just ram the car off its pace. my advise is that this ford is a sliding car. slide it in some corners. also any mistake will cost your entire lap. so drive safe and fast. for me i cut the cork screw and the corner before it and saved alot of time. i overtook the leading car on lap 3 just before the corkscrew.
After battling away for a considerable amount of time on mission 11 it was a breath of fresh air to have a car with power.

I've not yet completed this one, best I've done is get within 2 secs of first.

My two main obstacles are the 4th corner (left hand turn after first check point) and when I am approaching the corkscrew I seem to have a car to overtake and either bump him of go too fast out of the corner and spin.
the 4th corner jus practice and break early, with you turning into the corner while breaking. break hard and accelerate quick. if u manage to perfect your 1st few corners, you might not actually need to overtake any car at corkscrew. my advise to you is that if you are way behind the car and just almost manage to break late to catch him up at the corkscrew, either take a short cut to overtake him or jus follow him behind and get him out of your way quick. if not the turn just before corkscrew u can break a LITTLE and turn early then cut through the grass acelerate out and quick and he will be long gone before u reach cockscrew.
I can usually hit the 2nd check point at no more than 17 seconds and judging by the assistance on here that seems reasonable, I have imo perfected all previous corners.

I will do as I have done and then take the corkscrew behind 5th and then take him on the straight leading up to the left hand bend in 3rd gear.
just passed this test driving incredibly dirty (not hitting the AI or anything, just sliding all over the grass)...I guess the way it worked for me was if you're going to miss a corner, miss it early, as you don't really lose that much time sliding across the inside of most of the corners. and also, get the fast corner just before the corkscrew and the final hairpin nailed down, as the AI cars all stink through those two corners, so you can make up major time. but yeah, annoying test (I hate the GT with a passion) but not real hard.
just passed this test driving incredibly dirty (not hitting the AI or anything, just sliding all over the grass)...I guess the way it worked for me was if you're going to miss a corner, miss it early, as you don't really lose that much time sliding across the inside of most of the corners. and also, get the fast corner just before the corkscrew and the final hairpin nailed down, as the AI cars all stink through those two corners, so you can make up major time. but yeah, annoying test (I hate the GT with a passion) but not real hard.

I think the GT did an excellent job in being in this test because this car was able to be pushed without much consiquences...For your information, this mission IS passable without cutting the grass and corners...all I did to pull this mission off was push the car and break while turning into the turns :)
ermac: yes, I know, I lost time by missing the corners - I was pointing out there's sufficient loose time in the test that you can win even without driving terribly well.
This is my first post here, and the first time I've come to GTP Forums for driving tips. I've managed to get through a lot of GT4 without outside help, but this one really stumped me because I was consistently lacking over five seconds of time needed to pass this mission. And these are clean runs - good racing line, no bump penalties, no spins, no off-road excursions. I had no idea how I was going to find FIVE SECONDS to shave off - so I came here.

The advice people gave on this thread pointed out something I hadn't really discovered about the Ford GT - it is a very balanced car, so balanced that you can exercise ridiculous trail-braking. Seriously on most turns it really is nailing the brakes a split second before you turn, because slamming on the brakes lifts a lot of weight off of the rear of the car and helps rotate it. I found I was able to get around some turns with at least 10 mph more speed at the apex than when I did it the normal way (finish braking, then turn).

Once I discovered that, I was doing a lot better - usually only a minute behind the leader at the end of the race - and this was always because I made a mistake somewhere in the race. It took me a lot of tries to do this without making a mistake!

I don't know if it was the perfection that this mission demanded, or how much fun it is to trail-brake, but I can't remember the last time I've had more fun playing Gran Turismo. Took me about 2 hours to finally get in a run that was clean - my most common mistake was hitting other cars! In fact the run that I finally was successful in I still bumped a car - but not enough to deserve a penalty!

Driving a Ford GT in real life must be one of the most exhilarating things in the world. I can begin to imagine barreling towards turn 1 and applying the brakes that late like that and then trail-braking your way around it. I remember the day my track instructor taught me how to trail brake going 60 mph in a track day in real life, and how it was one of the most fun things I've ever done. Doing it at Ford GT speeds would blow my mind away for a while.

Anyway, I've made a rule for myself to do only one race/test/mission per day (to control my addiction) so I'll have to see if Mission 13 is just as fun tomorrow :)
This mission is definitely one of the easier ones...the Ford GT used here handles perfectly, leaving your mind to remain concentrated on the course and driving the best line and such. I found that braking early as you approach 2nd and 3rd turns, then accelerating out in straight of a line as possible is best to do here. If this is done correctly, then you should almost always come out farthest to the side of the road where the curbing is.

For the first "U" shaped left turn(s?), trailbrake into it and feather the throttle to keep your speed up then try to come out of the second half of the turn as straight as possible as you go into WOT on the way off of the apex.

That's all I can really say, that I remember from this mission.

Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.

-Brake early to avoid understeer with the GT.
-The downhill section is a good place to make up time. Be quick through here, and you'll likely pass the mission.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
The last couple of days there's a heat wave in Holland, temperatures well over 30C. I thought I'd give Mission Impossible another try.

Monday evening spent 3+ hours and managed on 2 occasions to come really close to the Oreca but unfortunately still 0.2s behind.

Tuesday evening and another >3 hours still no success and a lot of 🤬 thrown at the TV, the wheel, but mostly the car.
Gawd how I detest this piece of 🤬

Wednesday evening, it's still very hot (hottest day so far) and I've installed a fan to cool myself a bit. I fire up the PS2 around 20:00 and have another go at this mission.
Surely 18+3+3 hours of practice must turn in to fruition once, please!!
1.5 hours later, I'm drenched in sweat:scared:, and numerous attempts, aborted attempts and lots of AUP banned words later I managed to overtake the Viper Concept before the top of the CS.
Usually I managed to pass him just before the downhill section of the CS.

hmmmm, looks promising.

The Saleen is next and there have been times I passed him well before the S/F line. This time it's just after.... not so good.
Doesn't look so promising anymore but I soldier on.
The Camaro is conquered after the CS as you start turning left and I take him on the inside. I can see the Corvette and in the first hairpin after the straight I manage to take him.
As I line up for the righthander he pushes me towards the outside of the track. :grumpy: :nervous: I persevere and continue.
My head is spinning and I try to keep my :cool:

I'm in striking distance of the Oreca. He disappears over the CS and I brake a bit too much on the same section. Just too afraid I might slip up again for the
umpteenth time.
On the very last straight section before the last lefthander that takes you on to the main straight I pull along side him.
We swap paint but fortunately no penalty is passed out.:)

0.770 on the board, and it's in light blue instead of the dreaded red.

I watch in disbelief at the screen.

I walk over to the cashier and make him pay out 10.000 credits in 10 credit bills one by one.

I look at the gold cup in the knowledge that I've also earned myself 250 A-spec points.
Next stop is the studio where I watch the replay again. I still can't believe I did it.
I obtain a copy of this battle and save it for posterity.
Next stop is the refrigerator to get myself a beer.

Mission Impossible has become Mission Clear.

Needless to say the GT4 DVD is no longer for sale.
Earnings 10000/25.5 = 392 credits per hour.
Thankfully my dayjob pays better, think I'll keep it.:sly:

[edit] removed a few typos, and thx Mick and Duke. 4 more left incl the one Duke is struggling on (Opera) I've managed 5th place sofar.(wow)