Mission 26 - Suzuka Honda JGTC NSX

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1 lap magic Mission 26 Suzuka Honda JGTC NSX
I just cant let these writeups go astray, so I'll try to save as many of them as I can.

Courtesy of Daan and Famine
I loved that car, it felt like a go kart in a way, the mission was reasonably hard but not impossible. Just keep going back and practicing, experiment with different lines through the esses at the start of the track, you can make up an awful lot of time if you get the line right through that section, remember that exit speed is the key. One of the license tests may help with that, can't remember whether it was at the start of iA or end of iB but I golded it tonight, if you're having trouble maybe check out that, it gives you a great insight into the best lines through those curves. The other place where you can make up a lot of time is spoon, please make sure you have the best line through that corner, because of the huge straight after it, a difference in even 2 or 3mph in exit speed can mean a lot of time. I think it gives you an example in the manual of what a difference in exit speed of just 2mph on a medium length straight can cost you time wise.

If you're still really having trouble you can cut onto the grass at degner and the final chicane, but if you're only 0.9 seconds off you'll make it easily with a few more tries.
Too much dedication on Suzuka and it's off the grass.. Drive well and avoid passing cars on the turns and chicanes and you're ok..
Too much dedication on Suzuka and it's off the grass.. Drive well and avoid passing cars on the turns and chicanes and you're ok..

Oh, but how PD set us up! I seem to remember on this mission, I was always passing at very inopportune sections of race track. Making a pass at 130R is indeed scary, especially with the 5-second monster lurking in the bushes. Meh, real men pass in the corners, not on the straights. :) Cutting off the S800 in a NSX JGTC on your way to victory is good fun, though!
Making a pass at 130R is indeed scary, especially with the 5-second monster lurking in the bushes. Meh, real men pass in the corners, not on the straights. :)

I was cautious about the 5-second penalty that's why I prefer to overtake them at straights and just before the said corners (by braking much, much later and taking the inside line)..
I'm loving the challange of this mission, but is there any way to skip or speed up that stupid 90 second count down? I mean it's a cool idea, but what a waist of time.
Im having trouble beating this little s800 im always about 1.3 seconds off and I cannot seem to get faster, does anyone has the split times for each checkpoint to tell how far away you are? Thanks in advance
I've just completed this one after what seems like months of trying. The usual story of trying that little bit too hard and flying off. Either that or making astupid mistake like panic braking.
Anyway, i only won by 0.450 but hey, they all count.
The only advice I would give is this;
To me, this is one of the most realistically handing cars in the game, so treat it like a real race car. Keep it real smooth, brake in a straight line, keep even power until you hit the apex, then floor it. You've really gotta comitt to the corners, keeping power on through the curve is the key, you get far more grip than coasting.
I think it was mentioned above, but brake late for the last corner, turn in early and take one of the thinner lines of track then cut back across...makes for a straighter line, you'll carry more speed through the corner and hence be going faster when you hit the finish straight.
If you're not bale to take the S2000 immediately after the exit of the Spoon restart.
Good luck.
I ended up passing the s2k going into spoon and passing the integra r right after the exit. But, I got slowed down in the chicane and only won by .345 or something. It helped me to just take that car around that track for a few laps in free drive to really learn the car's limits on each corner, you can make up alot of time this way. I cut off 7 seconds the first time I tried after practicing.
:) i hate the 90s wait! :grumpy:

but anyway, its not as hard is it might seem, i did a 360 at the very 1st turn, my 3rd attempt, and still won.. by only 0.5 sec:crazy: but a win is a win...

the thing to remember is i kept it in 3rd gear in the 1st S's and at the very end just cut through the whole thing :sly: stuff following the racing turns. :)
the LONGEST 90s of my life, about 30 tries today, and counting. it hurts to read how good you all are, and not get this! thanks to all for the input...

one more thing, everyone using DFP or what? this seems impossible with the DS2.
I've done it with a DS2 and automatic gears... and I remember beating it on my third try. :)

I found that the NSX is capable of more then I thought, on the first try I drove "normally" and understood that I wasn't taking it anywhere near the limits. After realizing that it will grip when other cars would have ended in the sandtraps, the mission became easier for me.

Just don't overdo it, two km/h slower through a corner and exiting in a good line is way better than going that two km/h faster and having to lift when exiting. 👍
+1.356s, im getting closer!!!

6:22pm!! just beat it! 3'29.485! i am very much still a mediocre player, but these missions are attainable. Thanks Greycap...
The wait STINKS! I haven't even attempted 34 yet (because even if I make it past the 2 minute wait i'll still end up failing by a large amount) so this was by far the most agonizing of all the missions. I really wish there was a way to skip the time delay....

Anyhoo, I like this mission, passed it by about 2.02 seconds.
The 90 second wait I wasn't really concerned about, but with that I could have made more time.

My overall drive was not bad. Considering that you have to be fast.

My victory margin was less than 0.100 seconds. I did ram the 2nd place car at the end but no penalty was obtained. I just managed to snag the victory at the last second.
second try, perfectly clean lap. If you've golded S12, this is easy-peasy. driving the track a few dozen times for the suzuka challenge in the forums helped too :). you basically need a sub-2 minute lap to win. I didn't need to make any hard passes - passed on the back straight, on the short straight before the chicane, and around the final corner. again, just learn to gold s12 if you have trouble here.

Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.

-This car looks like dynamite, but it's actually quite easy to push it past its limit.
-Many of the passes are in less-than-ideal locations, so you'll need to be steady.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
-Many of the passes are in less-than-ideal locations, so you'll need to be steady.
Odd that you said that. The only car I had any problems whatsoever passing was the S2000 in Spoon Corner. Once I finally got a clean pass between the first and second apex of the turn, I blew by the next one on the runup to 130R, the next a little before braking for the chicane, and the second place car just a little bit into the last turn after the chicane onto the main straight. I passed the leader on the straight and won the race by about 0.4 seconds.

Great job on these maps btw!
Odd that you said that. The only car I had any problems whatsoever passing was the S2000 in Spoon Corner.
I think Polyphony rigged this mission so that "casual" drivers would catch each car in a very unfortunate location. In my best runs of this mission, I've had no problems whatsoever, either. More commonly, I make a few mistakes which slow me down 2 or 3 seconds, and that makes a huge difference.

Great job on these maps btw!
Thanks :)
Is it just me, or did this car have a terribly large amount of oversteer? It took me a while to get used to it, well, I never really did, I ended up using the oversteer to my advantage at some points, mainly turn 1-2 - I started to lose grip at the rear, and by turn 2 I was sideways, so I had to do some quick countersteering and I actully gained time over my previous attempt. The most trouble I had with oversteer was through the 130R.