Most complete edition

  • Thread starter racecaraz
United States
United States
I never played GT5, but was recently gifted a PS3. GT2 was my favorite game years and years ago, so I’m looking forward to playing GT5. Obviously since no dlc will work anymore I want to buy the edition that has the most content on the disc. Should I get XL or the acedemy edition? Both are similarly priced. Thank you in advance!
...I want to buy the edition that has the most content on the disc. Should I get XL or the academy edition?

The GT5 Academy Edition came out after GT5 XL, so I'm guessing it would have more updates & stuff on it. I bought it for a mate & updated the game on my internet & it only took a few minutes to do. I'd go for the academy version & update it to the latest version if I were you.
Here's a link which mostly explains. I went with the XL cause I'm in the USA... I use version 2.11 and every car including academy editions, stealth models, chrome lines, etc etc etc are on that XL disk as well. Ya just have to know how to find them... hope that helps and welcome... looking forward to some GT5 posts from ya soon ! :cheers:
Thank you for the link, I am in the US so I suppose the XL edition is a good choice. As far as where the find cars, models, etc, I would have no idea, if requires some “tinkering”, but I’m pretty good at following directions.
GT2 was my favorite as well, until GT5, and GT5 is still my favorite, it has everything I love, even w/o the online support. It rocks! I have the original game and the XL Edition which I have never opened since I bought all the DLC's before online support shut down. Not sure if theres anything on XL that I don't already have. Maybe someone here knows?
Tim absolutely not promoting, but look at one of my old threads here. If any of these premiums photos not look familiar, let me know. But I'm guessing ya got em all... Couldn't agree with ya more about GT5. GT4 was my absolute fav, but 5 recently got bumped up to the top.

Here's a good list also but doesn't include all the Red Bulls 12 total slightly different, the 6 chrome lines, the 6 stealth, some gifts and a few others in my photos I think. Together they seem to cover all...
So... I'm new on the PSN Store... I dont have access to any form of buying any DLC. The difference betwen GT5, GT5 XL and GT5 Academy is on the software updates that i DONT need to download or if I have the XL or Academy editions I'll have access to more cars, tracks, etc, etc, etc?

Thanks in advance o/
Undeon ... GT5 Online and DLC is no longer available over the net. I will tell you though I purchased the XL edition (USA) and downloaded updates through version 2.11 only, then escaped before more updates loaded. Do some in depth research 'cause there is much info both here and from other internet sources elsewhere to help make your game more complete and enjoyable without being required to still have GT5 online.
I believe the XL Edition is the most complete, even if not 100%.

But for who? Everyone or you must had the game before they shutdown the servers?

Today, NOW, if I buy the Standard or XL edition, without access to ANY DLC code, it will make any difference?
UnDeon... I respectfully disagree. Actually in reality, it could make a difference to those in the know, depending on many other factors that I wouldn’t discuss here. I suggest you do some more extensive research on your own...
UnDeon... I respectfully disagree. Actually in reality, it could make a difference to those in the know, depending on many other factors that I wouldn’t discuss here. I suggest you do some more extensive research on your own...

Before anything, thanks for the pacience on trying to help me. :)

I THINK I undestand what you're trying to tell... But let's take the correct route. I'll not use any obscure method to get anything. Considerating that, there's any difference between the standard and XL edition? IE, The XL edition is the standard edition plus software updates?
Let me put it this way... XL is the latest US edition and since the disk can be had, doing a bit of shopping around, for the same price as any standard edition my advice would be to get XL in the USA or Academy if living across the pond. Good luck in your unobscure search.
The XL Edition included a voucher that let you download most of the DLC content for a limited grace period once online support expired. Other than that it has the most content coded onto the disc. At this point, "obscure methods" are the only way to access the most features of GT5. There's no way to purchase extra content since online support is gone, but you also cannot be banned for using "obscure methods". If you want to play GT5, you'll have to accept the stripped down off-line play or find "other ways" to access more entertaining content that the developers abandoned along with the online support.
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Before anything, thanks for the pacience on trying to help me. :)

I THINK I undestand what you're trying to tell... But let's take the correct route. I'll not use any obscure method to get anything. Considerating that, there's any difference between the standard and XL edition? IE, The XL edition is the standard edition plus software updates?

Both XL & Academy are just GT5. The XL Edition has version 2.0 on the disc, & the Academy Edition has version 2.08 on the disc. The XL version is NTSC, whereas the Academy version is PAL.
I believe the XL Edition is the most complete, even if not 100%.

Hi Tim !! I'm Samuel from Brazil, a great enthusiast of virtual automobilist. I agree with you, in my opinion, the GT5 is the best race simulator for PS3.

So, I'd like to know if you can help me with a question. Recently I acquired the GT for my PS3 and my version is the XL. However, is public knowledge that the DLC's (such as Corvette Stingray, etc..etc..) are not available on PSN. A great deception was not driving with Lamborghini Aventador with the race event specific for Lamborghini cars. In this sense, I'm thinking about the possibility to buy the GT Academy Edition. From my researches in different groups about GT5, and their variations, the GT5 Academy Edition has the pack with Lamborghini Aventador (DLC Pack 3), but for example, I dunno if this game has the Corvette Stingray Prototype 2014. Anyway, I could be a little bit happier if at least get the Lamborghini Aventador, and other interesting DLC's (tracks, cars, etc.).

Another question is that the Academy Edition has some problems because it's a European Game. Again, I dunno what are the implications of this for the jogability in GT5 (PAL).

What do you think about this version of GT5? Should buy I this version once that the DLC's are in this "Definitive Version of G5"? Tell me a little bit more about your impressions about this.

Kind Regards, Samuel.
So let me get this straight, XL and Academy are the same for different regoins?

Both XL & Academy are just GT5. The XL Edition has version 2.0 on the disc, & the Academy Edition has version 2.08 on the disc. The XL version is NTSC, whereas the Academy version is PAL.
Oh I didnt see this comment very helpful thx.

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