Motorsport Games Board Resigns - All of Them

  • Thread starter Scaff


United Kingdom
I did say, repeatedly, that the whole thing was a car-crash waiting to happen.

SEC Filing
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Happy Excuse Me GIF
I did say, repeatedly, that the whole thing was a car-crash waiting to happen.

SEC Filing
They'd have to actually finish a game for us to see a car crash ;)

Also noted that they now dont have the required $500k of publicly issued share capital. That's potential just a big a problem if not resolved.
They did release one, NASCAR Ignition, a title so broken that it's predecessor has something like 10 times the player count on Steam!
And is still receiving current season updates isn't it?
They resigned over a "proposal to raise additional capital", eh? I wonder if that proposal involved balaclavas, duffel bags and a poorly guarded credit union in the next county over.

Between this and the FTX collapse, I guess the SEC is going to be keeping pretty busy over the holidays.
And is still receiving current season updates isn't it?
Both are, but MSG are only charging money for it on the title that had an active player base.

That's right the update Ignition gets for free, as they know no one will buy it and they have to meet a contractual obligation to NASCAR for failing to put out an annual release for 2022!

The old Heat title it's charging for the upgrade, because they know people are actually playing that one.
Wow well that pretty much confirms no NASCAR 23, no wonder the HEAT 5 Expansion was delayed.

@Scaff The new switch game was pretty good I've heard.
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And nothing of value was lost


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And nothing of value was lost
Potentially a lot of value may be lost, they own numerous licences for solid race series, who may be put off putting them out to tender again, they own Rfactor2, and the own KartKraft.
It's a shame to be here for the death of the BTCC game. A few years ago, we were all full of hope when some guy mentioned Matt Neal discussing it. The beta somewhen around 2021 from him which never materialised for a 2022 release which was initially postponed to 2024. Now, it has the same release date as the IndyCar game and GTR3.

I hope something happens with the remaining scanned tracks across both games. I hope rFactor 2 lands on their feet as well as the licenses for some great series.
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Iracing and monster swoops up the license and develops a console title. In fact I expect it after the positive reception their outlaw game received. Just hope they'll finally get around to ditching that primitive unity engine.
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While it's not shocking to see what appears to be the beginning of the end, it still sucks to see considering their planned releases are/were likely the best chance we have at getting dedicated releases to those series'.
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Iracing and monster swoops up the license and develops a console title. In fact I expect it after the positive reception their outlaw game received. Just hope they'll finally get around to ditching that primitive unity engine.
Problem with that is that they might not release it for PC (since they did that for the World of Outlaws game).
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Iracing and monster swoops up the license and develops a console title. In fact I expect it after the positive reception their outlaw game received. Just hope they'll finally get around to ditching that primitive unity engine.
They should also make a new V8 Supercars game.
While it's not shocking to see what appears to be the beginning of the end, it still sucks to see considering their planned releases are/were likely the best chance we have at getting dedicated releases to those series'.
One of two things I think are the outcome out of all of this.

A.) Someone swoops in and picks up the licenses for cheap. Slippery slope, because that opens up another Motorsports Games clone to botch it all to heck, ten times over.

B.) NASCAR, Indycar, and all the others will hopefully do some due diligence, and actually inspect the product. Or atleast provide some technical data during development.
NASCAR 23 and other projects are still a go apparently.
At one point NASCAR 22 was a go, as was the BTCC game for 2022,
An Indycar game sounds pretty dope.
It doesn't really matter how good it sounds, so far they have spectacularly failed to release a title that isn't a dumpster fire. A NASCAR title running with RF2 physics on a UE4 front end sounded great but was so bad that the old Unity-powered NASCAR Heat 5 is not only a better game on every level, but has ten times the player base.
How can such fine ingredients turn into so terrible a meal?
The Kartkraft engine might make for a tastier meal, at least that's what I keep on hearing.
It's a number of issues, the first is that sticking a physics engine to UE4 and expecting it to work isn't as easy as it might seem, Kunos have had to work for literally years to get ACC to behave itself, and it's still not a well-optomised match, and they have a dedicated bunch of devs who know the genre and have a passion for it.

MSG has a bunch of people who mainly have backgrounds in mobile game development and appear to have little understanding of the subject matter either, nor is RF2 a good match as an engine for Oval racing, be it NASCAR or Indy, if RF2 itself struggles to deal with the AI requirements and the implementation of flag rules required for ovals, then anything that is developed off it is going to be at even more of a disadvantage. I love RF2 as a physics platform, but as a base to build games for a wider audience? That I have my doubts about, particularly given the mess that was Ignition, and keep in mind it's still a mess over a year later.

KartKraft again has a solid physics engine, but it's once again wedded to UE4 for visuals and also has optimisation issues, and I have my doubts that it could be used, without serious work, for anything past Karts.
And to add to the mess, RFactor 2's license for Silverstone, which has been free base content for a decade expires this week. So it's getting delisted and they may release it in the future as paid content.

Note, that if you already have it downloaded you can still access it and use it in-game, but it's not clear that if you remove it you will still then be able to access it.
I really wish there was some glimmer of hope for this company. Sadly the only light in the tunnel seems to be coming from an oncoming freight train.
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