Not enough free space for replay :-

  • Thread starter redhed17
United Kingdom
The Pool Of Life.
Hello. I've just done an offline race, and went to look at the replay and got the message that there was not enough free space, and to free up 5Mb. Now I may be a bit dim, but free up space from where? I have 860Gb on the machine. :confused: With 860Gb free on my machine I didn't expect to get any messages about lack of memory. :irked:

Has anyone else had this message? I did a quick search but couldn't find anything, and haven't seem this mentioned before. :confused:

Does it mean what gets uploaded to the PD servers? If so, where can I see how much space/memory I have used/can use?
This gets a bit more weird. Thinking it must be the save data which is running out of memory, I deleted a 30Mb replay. I then did the 7th race of the Clubman Cup, the Nurgurgring. Did the race, watched the replay. I didn't save the replay, and did the race again. On the long straight before the end a message pops up and says recording of replay stopped. And the when I click through after the race to the second page where you can choose to watch the replay, a message pops up again saying it is 5Mb short of space and to clear some space. I already cleared 30Mb! :banghead: Anyone know what is going on? :confused:
So over 100 views, and no replies. :confused:

Is nobody else having problems with the game saying there is not enough memory for replays?

Does anyone know how much memory PD give you? Is there anywhere where you can monitor how much memory one is using? Is the memory it keeps on saying is short their server allocated memory to each user? It is a bit of a pain to have memory problems with 860Gb free on the PS4. :banghead: The downside of this game being so much online. :(

It is hard to manage memory when 1, you didn't there were limits, and 2, you can't find anywhere which can show memory use. :rolleyes:
No space left here either. Until further notice I guess we’re left to recording the replays with an external device or move them to an external HDD.
HDD space isn't the issue, it would be an ingame limitation, I encountered the same issue with my PS4 drive having ~460GB space free.
I share your frustration. There's no indication of what the limit is, nor what contributes to the consumption against that limit or how much.

My workaround to make space is based on the assumption that photos and liveries probably add to the consumption, but that they are small, so I ignore them.

So I go for replays. The longer the race and the more cars in it, the larger the replay file. I scroll down the list of replays, and look for the oldest ones. My assumption is that I can no longer remember why I saved these in the first place. I open up files which are possible candidates and look up the file size. I kill the large ones, such as ~100MB

Failing an ability to ACTUALLY be constrained by disk space (as the error message claims) I wish there was an in-game method of recording comments against replays so I could remember why I saved them. I guess I should make an offline spreadsheet for this, and plan to do screen recordings from the replays as a poor alternative to long term saving of these files.

It'd be kind of nice to be able to sort the replays on file size :confused:
I think you have a certain limit of space for replays (they are not saved on your hard drive). When you can't save them anymore, you need to delete some from your library.
Yeah, it's complete BS. The fact that we can basically only have a fixed total filesize of saved replays regardless of actual disk space is just...what the hell are PD thinking with this? I've already had to delete many replays I didn't want to in order to make room for new ones.
I don't know any answer to this sorry.

Personally, what I do with replays that I like or want to keep is record them with the share button straight away after the race before i exit, after which I upload them to my YouTube channel.
I rarely get more than a few views for a video, but it's done as much for using YouTube as storage, as for anything else.

If i want to rewatch something at a later date I can just go to YouTube and it's there.

And if one other person (let's call him Bob) watches and likes a vid it's a bonus.

To be fair, I think 99% of vids that get saved by people probably never got rewatched more than once anyway, but that's just my personal opinion.

Also, I remember on GT6 you could send someone else the replay file and they could then play it on their ps3. I uploaded one or two videos for other people. Is that something that can be done in GT Sport? I'm guessing not but don' know the answer.
Videos aren't really an answer. I save replays not only for my own performance, but to analyze what others are doing around me so that I can see how others respond to my maneuvers, where I could do better, how I can race more cleanly and more defensively, and how the upper ranks are racing. It's a teaching tool for me. A video isn't the same at all. PD have got to remove this arbitrary limit.
I had the same issue with insufficient space. So I deleted a bunch of old replays to be able to take some photos from my latest races. Now my game crashes every time I try to take a photo. :irked: Awesome. I love it :rolleyes:
I had the same issue with insufficient space. So I deleted a bunch of old replays to be able to take some photos from my latest races. Now my game crashes every time I try to take a photo. :irked: Awesome. I love it :rolleyes:
Be sure to report it when the game crashes.

There might be a patch for this, by increasing the space reserved.
Thanks for all the replies. :) In a way I am glad that it is not only me that has had memory problems, but frustrated that it seems such a grey area for us all. How much of their server memory do we get, and how do we see and manage it? :grumpy:

If we had the option to save the replay files, decals and livery's to our own PS4's there would of course be no problem, and you would think it would take a huge load off their servers. I was very surprised that there was no way to save the replays to the PS4 as a file that can be loaded and replayed when wanted, especially when I have so much free space. The PS4 is so limited in what can actually be saved on the internal HDD that many will have lots of space on their PS4's. They seem to want to have all of this game controlled by their servers for whatever reason, so I can't see this happening. That really hits home when their servers, or your local connection is down. :grumpy: :rolleyes:

Hopefully threads like this will highlight the problems, and we can start to see how big a problem it may be. If it is a big enough for many, it may spur PD to do something to alleviate any problems in the future.

If anyone comes up against the lack of memory issues, please feel free to make a comment so we may see how big this problem may be amongst users.
I had the same issue with insufficient space. So I deleted a bunch of old replays to be able to take some photos from my latest races. Now my game crashes every time I try to take a photo. :irked: Awesome. I love it :rolleyes:

I reported every crash I had yesterday. I think it was at least 5 times within an hour, and I’m planning on doing the same today. I might be considered as a spammer :lol:

Reported another 4-5 crashes. And after some more checking, it turns out that I can do anything I want. Change view, pause, skip frame by frame and go into photo mode. However, I can not “fast” skip forward/go back without the game crashing.
And, it’s only happening on one specific replay...which should be close to 3 hours long, but it’s “only” 1:32. All of the others are working perfectly.
I did not have any problems with this prior to the new update so I think it must be a changed introduced with
the new DLC somehow so hopefully some fix comes along.

Is there anyway to save replays other than PS4 share, I know we can export our scapes/race photo's, I'm surprised
the option is not given for replays.
Hello. I've just done an offline race, and went to look at the replay and got the message that there was not enough free space, and to free up 5Mb. Now I may be a bit dim, but free up space from where? I have 860Gb on the machine. :confused: With 860Gb free on my machine I didn't expect to get any messages about lack of memory. :irked:

Has anyone else had this message? I did a quick search but couldn't find anything, and haven't seem this mentioned before. :confused:

Does it mean what gets uploaded to the PD servers? If so, where can I see how much space/memory I have used/can use?

Same here. The issue seems so random.

The first time this bug struck I had only saved thirty to forty replays. For the longest time, GTS would save no more than forty or fifty replays, so I become desperate: I deleted the game and reinstalled it. Result? Managed to save 130 replays before the game started asking for 5mb of space.

So annoying.

Just out of curiosity, how large are your Daily Race files? Mine are usually between 20 to 25mb.
Same here. The issue seems so random.

The first time this bug struck I had only saved thirty to forty replays. For the longest time, GTS would save no more than forty or fifty replays, so I become desperate: I deleted the game and reinstalled it. Result? Managed to save 130 replays before the game started asking for 5mb of space.

So annoying.

Just out of curiosity, how large are your Daily Race files? Mine are usually between 20 to 25mb.

I have not found a solution to this yet but it seems the error goes away if you have less video's stored in my library.

Now if they would fix the uploader so I could actually upload some video's I might be able to delete some of them in the library.
Reported another 4-5 crashes. And after some more checking, it turns out that I can do anything I want. Change view, pause, skip frame by frame and go into photo mode. However, I can not “fast” skip forward/go back without the game crashing.
And, it’s only happening on one specific replay...which should be close to 3 hours long, but it’s “only” 1:32. All of the others are working perfectly.

Same issue with the last replay I saved. Reported all crashes as well.
Just out of curiosity, how large are your Daily Race files? Mine are usually between 20 to 25mb.
Sorry that you are having the same problem.

I only play the game offline, normally 4 lap races, unless it is the Nurburgring or a challenge. So the sizes vary.

I got round the problem, at least for now, by deleting images. Images can be downloaded. Videos not so much it seems. :( If I could save all my videos onto a connected USB stick, that would be great. :)

But then I'm not that happy with this game being so Network dependent. :( No Network, virtually no game. And I'm not even racing online. :rolleyes: