Obtaining Better B-Spec Stats ??

  • Thread starter LivingSoul
I just put him on 5 and go. The only way to learn is by making mistakes. He actually learns fairly quickly. So after he's learned a car and a track, Change them and learn another one.

Also, my win pecent is a 93% and that's an honest number. I never reset because of losing a race. But I also did the money cheat rally about a 100 times, and all those wins brought my win ratio from 85% to 92% I'm at 42% completion on the game.
My B-Spec is on 99 machine and it won't go up to 100! It's driving me crazy, and YES, I have used the Japanese dude's guide.
My B-Spec is on 99 machine and it won't go up to 100! It's driving me crazy, and YES, I have used the Japanese dude's guide.

try using some other cars! i suggest trying to bspec any special car that you can (in photo mode of course) if you can family cup them, try it out... i forget if you can or not.

special cars like the PT cruser upped my score alot, so mabe it will unlock some points or something.
try using some other cars!
I've tried using a wide variety of cars - FF's, FR's, MR's etc, nothing seemed to work.

Guess I'll give the PT Cruiser a go - maybe because it's (relatively) underpowered it boosts the stats more?
I've tried using a wide variety of cars - FF's, FR's, MR's etc, nothing seemed to work.

Guess I'll give the PT Cruiser a go - maybe because it's (relatively) underpowered it boosts the stats more?

that is a myth... dont use FF, FR, MR cars. its sorted by Horse power ranges.
ie from low horse power to high horse power... 100hp to 200 to 300 to 400 etc. try a variaty of differnt horse powers... ie try alot more slower cars... then try modding them, try using stage 3 and stage 4 turbos, try adding down force, add balast. also try using a super charger aswell. mabe differnt tires, try medium standard tires and then some race tires annother time.

try the car stock then add other things. try this for each class of car.
YES! Take that PD! I finally got 100 machine points! Praise a Honda Z Act tuned to 61bhp +10 or so laps at the Nurb + Photo Drive!

Ok, that's done, now for 100 course and battle ;)
I have 9984 B-Spec points (100/99/99). I have done the Japanese guide twice and still can't find those final 16 points. I have 100,000 A-Spec points and 80 Golds (not bragging, there are a lot better drivers on these forums) and I just want that 10,000 B-Spec total because it's one more number achieved (I'm sometimes compulsive that way :) ). Any suggestions?
well... seeing that you maxed out your machine points, that just means you need to race more cars on all the courses and raise your battle points by battleing.
Has any one done GT4 in B-spec only?

If so, how many points did you end up with??

I want to try this and get max points. Any tips? I have started the Japanese guide and I am at 7000+ 96 76 78, but I would like to get the other points just driving normal races.
Has any one done GT4 in B-spec only?

If so, how many points did you end up with??

I want to try this and get max points. Any tips? I have started the Japanese guide and I am at 7000+ 96 76 78, but I would like to get the other points just driving normal races.

LOL well I have more B-spec miles than I do A-spec, 17,926 miles to 1886 miles.
(I have 10233 A-spec points)
I think it was posted that 10,000pts is all you can get for b-spec. I am at 9466
with 99-94-94.
i restared annother game and is bspec only. i think i have 2 aspec points due to racing a class c race car in aspec just cause i wanted to see how it handled cause i didnt have it on my other memory card.

anyways you cannot get 100% in bspec mode (game completion that is)... becasue rally events (ie special conditions) and the mission hall, and the licenses all require aspec. you can max out your bspec scores just by doing bspec, but not game completion.
Well I thought I would add alittle to what has happened to me so far.
I started using the JP formular when I was at 9177-99-91-91.
Using the Lupo at got my b-spec up to 9517-99-95-94 running all the tracks
except the Dirt&Snow.
I went to the Miada and have run the World courses and only gained 2 pts total
for a 9519. Nothing else changed.(edit= ah it started picking up more pts on the other tracks)

I noticed that the JP guy said to run the races at -1 ect. Is this required to gain the most pts. or can you run the race at 0 and hold you car back before making a move to win in the last lap?
Well I thought I would add alittle to what has happened to me so far.
I started using the JP formular when I was at 9177-99-91-91.
Using the Lupo at got my b-spec up to 9517-99-95-94 running all the tracks
except the Dirt&Snow.
I went to the Miada and have run the World courses and only gained 2 pts total
for a 9519. Nothing else changed.(edit= ah it started picking up more pts on the other tracks)

I noticed that the JP guy said to run the races at -1 ect. Is this required to gain the most pts. or can you run the race at 0 and hold you car back before making a move to win in the last lap?
The Miata must be modified, or it is in the same category as the Lupo, I believe. But you probably got that right, so likely it just overlapped points you had gained already. 9519 is quite a lot! And the Miata with a supercharger is a quite powerful beasty. You've still got the RSC'02 and the 350Z Race Car '02 to do...

I think you're better, in terms of getting intermediate results, especially for course points, to do all four cars at one track, rather than one of the cars at all of the tracks. But if you're eventually going to do all cars at all tracks, it really doesn't matter much.

My machine points were stuck at 99 until they suddenly jumped to 100. I had tried using the Formula GT but that didn't do the trick. I was doing the Driving Park courses (I do all four cars at a course, then mark it off), and then decided to next do Sarthe I. After I had finished Sarthe I with the Miata with supercharger, I noticed my machine points were 100. I'm not positive exactly where it became 100, though, because I'd not been paying it super careful attention because it never seemed to change. If it isn't something to do with the tracks, then perhaps the combination of break-in and oil breakdown combined to find an extra machine point on some car. :confused:

In general, though, can you say tedious????
I've collected 10000/100/100/100 B-spec points twice using a variation on the Japanese method; once during a B-spec theory test game, and then I cleaned up the points on my first game. The basic changes to the tunings are; 350Z + Turbo 4 instead of Turbo3, and collect track points with VW Lupo 1.4 default, Miata + supercharger, RSC + medium racing tires, and Nissan 350Z Concept LM default (no racing tires - however, it shouldn't matter).

I have message on this thread in mid-May. Also, I have posted summaries on this thread (June 4, 2005) which might be helpful.

I have been told many times that my messages and theories are confusing. I can try to answer questions, but I'm not sure it will help.
Nissan 350Z Concept LM default (no racing tires - however, it shouldn't matter).
Doesn't that car come with medium racing tires as its default?

You're not saying we should use sports tires, are you?
I'm sorry for reading so literally there. I now see that what you were saying was that, across all four cars, you didn't use racing tires except where they were the default (except for upgrading the RSC'02 from T-R1 to T-R3).

I'll bear the TS4 suggestion in mind, but it definitely didn't seem key to collecting 100 machine points. The 100th point just sort of magically appeared. :)

I think I found your post not very confusing (if it's the one I'm thinking of), but I'll see if I can make editorial suggestions.

But, anyway, if I'm doing this right, it should seem tedious, right?

Here's a direct link to your algorithm post
Doesn't that car come with medium racing tires as its default?

You're not saying we should use sports tires, are you?

I'll bear the TS4 suggestion in mind, but it definitely didn't seem key to collecting 100 machine points. The 100th point just sort of magically appeared. :)

I think I found your post not very confusing (if it's the one I'm thinking of), but I'll see if I can make editorial suggestions.

But, anyway, if I'm doing this right, it should seem tedious, right?

Here's a direct link to your algorithm post

Sorry, I'm doing this from memory, the other message should be clear. I didn't put racing tires on the Lupo or Miata because I didn't like the competition spawned with those tires, and didn't want to add another tuning to the Miata - since I had the other 3 tunings sets (A, B, and C) in specific slots. I did use the medium racing tires on the RSC and 350Z.

The Turbo4 was mentioned as needed by people who tested the JP method before I did. I never tried the Turbo3, but it could be they had HP damage from dirty oil or something. I bought or won new cars between floating points and track points, just to be sure.

Yes, maxing B-spec points very tedious. I collected points in a different order than the JP method and counted the machine, course, floating battle, and track battle points separately. It was very tedious indeed.
Ooh! Ooh! Sir! Sir! I gotta question!!!

Is there one set of per-track battle points across all car categories, or a set of points for each car category? (Presumably these points are very small fractions?)

That is, must you achieve a close finish in each category of car at each track, or is a single close finish at the track sufficient?

How close is close? I've seen 100m mentioned. Empirically, to me, anything less than 0.600 sec generally "feels close".

My battle points currently lag behind course points by only about a track. That is, my new course point will appear as I race one of the four cars at one track, and the battle point will generally appear at the next track I race at, making them even again. I sort of fear this means I'm a point or two lacking in my battle skill. :(

Hmm. I vary the family cup difficulty setting depending upon the car and length of the track. I came to the same conclusion you did regarding sports versus racing tires on the Miata. As long as I get 13 points on a fresh track after the Lupo, I figure I'm not overlapping the Lupo category.

But generally, your post makes sense to my mathematically-trained mind, and I can't really offer many suggestions on how to make it less confusing. Addressing my questions up there might make it even more confusing. :P

All-in-all it's a refinement of your
(in this here same thread, I believe).
Is there one set of per-track battle points across all car categories, or a set of points for each category. (Presumably these points are very small fractions)?

That is, must you achieve a close finish in each category of car at each track, or is a single close finish at the track sufficient?

Uh... Yes. We're talking about Track Points, so 4 catagories (Lupo A, Miata B, RSC B, and 350Z A). Each must have a close finish; repeat short tracks and any race you aren't happy with, just to be sure.

How close is close? I've seen 100m mentioned. Empirically, to me, anything less than 0.600 sec generally "feels close".

Actually, anything within about 6 seconds or so I considered close enough. I had detail records and predictions for track points to give me confidence that all points were collected. However, it doesn't take long to master much closer finishes if the oppenents don't mess up too badly. It's fun, but I don't think it matters.

My battle points currently lag behind course points by only about a track. That is, my new course point will appear as I race one of the four cars at one track, and the battle point will generally appear at the next track at race at, making them even again. I sort of fear this means I'm only a point or two off.

Doesn't sound good. Did you make the 7051 landmark? It could be a floating battle point, they might be collected while working on track points. However, the Miata C and RSC A are fairly specific tunings for the Ring.
I never made a landmark. I polluted my Bspec stats with random races early on. I started the algorithm at: 8006/93/80/78

See... http://www.geocities.com/gt2toxs/gt/logs/gt4-game1.txt

Madness begins at sim day 1111.
Cross-referenced time notes (on paper) do record most finishing margins. Arguably I should start putting those in the online diary.

If I get close but no cigar, perhaps I'll first redo the Nurburgring races. I mucked up a bit using a not-quite-stock Miata RS.

Wow. Six seconds can be good enough. That's encouraging.

I don't think six seconds behind in second is good enough.

Other questions...

Purchased Lupo or prize Lupo?

Miata RS needs to be purchased, doesn't it?

And the other two must be won?

Do you ever do oil changes? Initially? Later? How often?

Turning off active stability mismanagement won't hurt will it? Turning it off seems to make Bspec less likely to wipe out.
Purchased Lupo or prize Lupo? Buy VW Lupo 1.4, the cheap one.

Miata RS needs to be purchased, doesn't it?
Yep. The 1800 I beleive.

And the other two must be won?
RSC is Capri Rally - Easy, 350Z is JP Championship.

Do you ever do oil changes? Initially? Later? How often?
Initially - no, Later - maybe, usually I get a new car.

Turning off active stability mismanagement won't hurt will it? Turning it off seems to make Bspec less likely to wipe out.
The only modifications I found that might change which or how fast B-spec points might be earned are; HP, tires, downforce, and weight (just like A-spec). These changes may help or hurt, it's hard to tell with B-spec.
I started working on my b spec stats at the weekend following the JP chart. The problem is i already had 500 or so points, the only course i had previously raced on b spec was the test course where would these points be on the chart or are they just part of the floating points obtained on Nurburgring.
I started working on my b spec stats at the weekend following the JP chart. The problem is i already had 500 or so points, the only course i had previously raced on b spec was the test course where would these points be on the chart or are they just part of the floating points obtained on Nurburgring.

Test Course contains no Track points, so all of the points earned there should be floating points. Test Course is not as generous with the points as Nurburgring though, especially for the Miata C and RSC A tunings.
Test Course contains no Track points, so all of the points earned there should be floating points. Test Course is not as generous with the points as Nurburgring though, especially for the Miata C and RSC A tunings.

Thanks for that.
The only reason i was racing test course was to wear the engines out on cars for more A spec points.
The only modifications I found that might change which or how fast B-spec points might be earned are; HP, tires, downforce, and weight (just like A-spec). These changes may help or hurt, it's hard to tell with B-spec.
Other people have confirmed my suspicion that gear ratios can affect A-spec evaluation, at least if the top-end is so low as to limit maximum speed.

Thanks muchly for all the responses and advice, by-the-way.
Okay, here's a really deep question (I think), regarding those classes A, B, C and D.

Does every car, in a particular state of tune, correspond exactly to one of those classes, i.e. as equivalent to one of the suggested four cars to use?

Or is there instead a continuum of points available, so that a different car might earn points from the top of B and the bottom of C, say?

E.g. perhaps the available points are ranked, so that there might be a car X
    A   |    B   |    C   |    D   |
             |    X   |
which would earn some Bspec points from class B, and some from class C.
(The I's represent Bspec points; sort of a visualization of the bitmap likely used by the game to track which have and haven't been won.)

Is there any evidence this is or is not the case?

Is there an easy way to determine the A,B,C,D class of different cars?
I guess one trick is to find cars in the classes which the game evaluates to give easily beatable Family Cup opposition.
Why start with the Nurburgring?

Wouldn't you earn nearly the same amount of points in less time using a shorter track?

Hmm. You seem to say that the subclasses of cars are somewhat track-specific? Is that correct?
Why start with the Nurburgring?

Wouldn't you earn nearly the same amount of points in less time using a shorter track?

Hmm. You seem to say that the subclasses of cars are somewhat track-specific? Is that correct?

It looks like you are starting ponder some of the deeper mysteries of B-spec, so specific language is helpful to describe the points which have been classified. Keep track of Track Vs Floating points, they behave very differently. Floating Battle Points alway seem associated with (floating) Machine Points - they seem to have the same classes and requirements. These classes seem to behave in the way your illustration describes, but the classes have never been defined.

The JP author describes the sub-class as A1, A2, B1,...,D2. I have found no evidence that these sub-classes are useful to describe anything other than the specific tunings for the cars used on Nurburgring. These classes seem to be strongly related to A-spec points, but no direct link has been found.

Track Points behave very differently than Floating points (track classes are defined as A, B, C, and D). A car can be tuned between classes (i.e. Miata A to Miata B), but the car can only collect points from one class at a time. Track points are not very tune specific. A reasonable guess will provide a fairly accurate estimate of which class a car will qualify for. Any car that collects any Track points should be able to collect all Track points for it's class.

An accurate measure of which Track points a car quailified for would be to clear points from 4 tracks using the JP cars, but leave one set of points on each track to test cars and various tunings. This seems like it would require an unreasonble amount of testing. I have suggested in the past that someone might make a chart of the likely opposition for Family Cups at any given level. Testing on these cars would then provide a comparison for any car and tuning entered in a Family Cup at level 0.

Do the ring first because the points are earned quickly - 30 to 40 races for 7000 points compared to 228 races (plus repeats) for 3000 points. Once you are sure no more points can be earned at Nurburgring, then only 4 tunings are required (A, B, C, D). It helps to be very organized so no tracks get missed.

Miata C and RSC A are very specific to the Ring (and a few other tracks). The other tunings seem to earn points anywhere. The Lupo earns points slowly. The Dodge RAM on the Ring at level +10 found floating points I didn't know were missing on my clean-up game.

Another random note on your chart. (I'll use B and C as reference points, but they don't describe floating point classes). I suspect Car X would quickly earn all points directly above it's class, and draw more slowly from the points under the B than under the C. I have made some observations which suggests that I could earn these points more quickly by tuning the car with ballast weight or downforce, sometimes tires.
An accurate measure of which Track points a car quailified for would be to clear points from 4 tracks using the JP cars, but leave one set of points on each track to test cars and various tunings. This seems like it would require an unreasonble amount of testing. I have suggested in the past that someone might make a chart of the likely opposition for Family Cups at any given level. Testing on these cars would then provide a comparison for any car and tuning entered in a Family Cup at level 0.
After I either complete, or become frustrated with, this game, I'm thinking of doing a Bspec test game.

Let's see.

The least easy part of that is qualifying for, purchasing and tuning a suitable car, and winning the Japan Cup without Bspec'ing at all. :)

Shouldn't be too difficult with the Capri Rally available.

At that point I'd have a Bspec 0 reference game I should keep for experimentation.

So you seem to suggest I should create one other reference game using Nurburgring only to get 7051/100/70/70.

After that, a class tester could be created from that by picking three other tracks and completing 3 of classes on each (omitting a different class on each).

I do have tentative plans to do this sort of thing. Thanks for firming up the idea WRT the last one.

WRT Nurburgring and the 7000 points; is it not the case that most of those points can be won at other tracks instead? E.g. my first Roadster Enduro got me +632/+11/+6/+6 (at Tsukuba). Doesn't "floating" mean "not attached to any particular track"?

One advantage of the Nurburgring, I can see, is that the cars travel the furthest distance in two laps, and perhaps that distance travelled is important.