Project CARS 2 Videos

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
I really like what pc2 seems to bring with it, but the latest clip with the old bmw, to me it still looks like the car is behaving like pc1. Not that there is any wrong with it but it does not look as epic as all the other clips before. :)
Watch the video above. They discuss physics.
Yes I know, but when I heard John talk about PC2 I thought to myself. -Well many were positive to the physics of pc1 when they did setup their wheel and ffb, including myself. So it can be just a correctly setup that makes him that positive about PC2 handling model. I really got impressed by the clio clip, well expect for the poor shadows below the car but that is nothing to be raising hell over :P So I just dont want to be hyped over PC2 :P
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Seems like the replay cameras are the same as in pCARS 1, or at least what I remember of it. Seemed like the camera jumped/jerked a few times, just like in pCARS 1 as well. I hope this is an older build and cameras haven't been updated yet.
Yes I know, but when I heard John talk about PC2 I thought to myself. -Well many were positive to the physics of pc1 when they did setup their wheel and ffb, including myself. So it can be just a correctly setup that makes him that positive about PC2 handling model. I really got impressed by the clio clip, well expect for the poor shadows below the car but that is nothing to be raising hell over :P So I just dont want to be hyped over PC2 :P

The Clio was an earlier build of the game!
Yes I know, but when I heard John talk about PC2 I thought to myself. -Well many were positive to the physics of pc1 when they did setup their wheel and ffb, including myself. So it can be just a correctly setup that makes him that positive about PC2 handling model. I really got impressed by the clio clip, well expect for the poor shadows below the car but that is nothing to be raising hell over :P So I just dont want to be hyped over PC2 :P

What John is referring to is the phyisics. The tinkering we all had to do was only effecting the FFB. It didn't matter how dialed in you got it the game still felt the way he described. Plus I'm sure he made the same adjustments we did. Everything points to big improvements coming our way. But hey, It never hurts to have lower expectations.

Seems like the replay cameras are the same as in pCARS 1, or at least what I remember of it. Seemed like the camera jumped/jerked a few times, just like in pCARS 1 as well. I hope this is an older build and cameras haven't been updated yet.

I agree. This is the area I'm most concerned about. I've asked if there have been improvements a couple different times in the QnA section but have heard no response.

This game is so close to being the full package. Fingers crossed.
PS Pro is a faster PS4. We look great on PS4 so all is fine :)
Long time reader, first time poster.
I think that's how it goes. :lol:

Not precisely factual, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

So it must be said, this "she'll be right" approach regarding console versions is a little daunting.
The game looks great, the game sounds great, the features sound awesome.
But why the hesitation regarding showing XBox or PS4 footage and associated details?

Can we please see something relative to console users soon?
And as much as I mean in regard to graphics, I'm also talking the ability of consoles to maintain features such as Live Track 3.0 in the same vein as PC users, and perform to the same level, etc, etc.

No doubt quite a large proportion of your anticipated customers would welcome some assurance in this regard.

Cheers. :cheers:
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The thing is, most of that features videos are made by WMD members.
But we don't own a console copy to test, so we can only create videos on PC.
At the E3 there were installations on XBX and PS4.
The sound is going to be bonkers. I might need earplugs for the Group C machines. Imagine a 787b...