RIDE 5 to Launch August 24 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series

  • Thread starter Famine
Isn’t this a chance to make some $$ and publicly putting out some tracks and 🏍️ on articles online? Hoping it’s not delayed because I have this in August and Forza in October. 10 more days early access.
One of my bikes from the good old days.

image 30.jpg
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Isn’t this a chance to make some $$ and publicly putting out some tracks and 🏍️ on articles online? Hoping it’s not delayed because I have this in August and Forza in October. 10 more days early access.
One of my bikes from the good old days.

View attachment 1279493
You and me both :lol:
I'm following ROBO46 and Jorge Sprinter on YouTube who usually receive the game first and anticipate something about it... There's no news from them either. But if Milestone had delayed I think they would have already said it, we are less than two weeks away from the release.

However I too have the same situation as you, I'm thinking of getting an Xbox Series S and I would have to get this game first and then Forza in October.
I'm following ROBO46 and Jorge Sprinter on YouTube who usually receive the game first and anticipate something about it... There's no news from them either. But if Milestone had delayed I think they would have already said it, we are less than two weeks away from the release.
It's now standard across the industry for review embargoes to lift when the early access starts - so the players who paid the most don't know how good/bad it is. You know, pro-consumer stuff.

As that's August 21st for RIDE 5, I'd suggest that the review embargo is "probably" then.

Don't worry.
That is bike I had a dealer poster of when I was a teen. That and Cheryl Ladd. I have some more motorcycle pictures set to upload and that is one.
That is bike I had a dealer poster of when I was a teen. That and Cheryl Ladd. I have some more motorcycle pictures set to upload and that is one.
Hehe, that reminds me when i was a teen, the only poster i ever had of an actress etc was Tanya Roberts in Beastmaster movie😁.

She was a cutie and yummy😋. If we can still say things like that..idk.
Uhmm yeah bit out of thread subject🤣,,but oh well.
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That is bike I had a dealer poster of when I was a teen. That and Cheryl Ladd. I have some more motorcycle pictures set to upload and that is one.
Hehe, that reminds me when i was a teen, the only poster i ever had of an actress etc was Tanya Roberts in Beastmaster movie😁.

She was a cutie and yummy😋. If we can still say things like that..idk.
Uhmm yeah bit out of thread subject🤣,,but oh well.
I'm too young and haven't seen the "original" Charlie's Angels... But after googling, I probably would rather have a Jaclyn Smith poster. I've always preferred brunettes more than blondes.

Oh and yes, we're a little OT, but who cares :D
View attachment 1280437Actually this is what I had on my wall..
On the right it sure looks like my old gs1100es, except mine had a black exhaust too.
The whole engine and transmission too if i remember.
Fairing colors too are different, mine was pretty much exactly like the pics in my attachment.

Like this:


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If this was available in for VR2, it'd give me a reason to use the controllers that came with the headset.
Is there anyone good with Spanish?

If I understand correctly now the choice of one tire brand over another affects the performance of the bikes, we'll see how much.
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Still fairly underwhelmed.

Ride 4 was quite impressive in a lot of ways and yet I didn’t exactly pour much time into it. This looks less impressive, more of an iterative upgrade on a game that didn’t quite grab me first time round.
Still fairly underwhelmed.

Ride 4 was quite impressive in a lot of ways and yet I didn’t exactly pour much time into it. This looks less impressive, more of an iterative upgrade on a game that didn’t quite grab me first time round.
Fair points. I'm one of the few who has put some time into it, and even then, it took a long, long, time before I got through the silly tests enough to get to the good stuff. Hopefully there's impedance to progression this time around. Not that I'm completely opposed to license tests and whatnot, for the most part they just seemed random and disconnected from the rest of the game. Plus the comparative silence from a usually pretty open team all the sudden is a bit worrying.

I hope they've done some AI balancing- I'm not the fastest guy by any stretch but I should be able to at least hang with the easiest setting anywhere. There's a Superbike race I've been struggling with for a while at Valencia, they're running times that would have them close to the top of the leaderboards. Then there's other track and class combos where I can beat the top level AI by several seconds, so that's my other biggest gripe.
Any bike list been published yet?

I'd be hesitant to part with money for it until I see it, and also, I love the mechanic in R4 for getting paid to hot lap, rather than race. That's how all racing games should be.
Any bike list been published yet?

I'd be hesitant to part with money for it until I see it, and also, I love the mechanic in R4 for getting paid to hot lap, rather than race. That's how all racing games should be.
No bike list, no track list, and nothing official since August 3.
Any bike list been published yet?

I'd be hesitant to part with money for it until I see it, and also, I love the mechanic in R4 for getting paid to hot lap, rather than race. That's how all racing games should be.
That's how I made my credits and bought every bike in R4 as I didn't like racing against that cheater ai and so I stopped doing career mode just a few races in.
Phillip Island
Canadian Tyre Motorsport Park
Road Atlanta


If those tracks are returning I'm skipping TCM. The ones in bold in particular should be in every game.
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First walkthrough:

Not exciting bike list... I won't tell you anything anyway, you can find it about halfway through the video

All tracks:

Goodbye Phillip Island, huge loss, at least for now (maybe it will come back as a DLC).

I think I'll pick up this game in a few months, when it's on offer, very discounted... Along with the Season Pass, which will perhaps be almost indispensable to integrate the bikes and tracks list.
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I can't read the Chinese in the video, but I hope it's not doing the thing where we have to level up bike affinity to switch from one manufacturer colour to another. That used to drive me nuts back in Ride 4.
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I can't read the Chinese in the video, but I hope it's not doing the thing where we have to level up bike affinity to switch from one manufacturer colour to another. That used to drive me nuts back in Ride 4.
More videos will surely come out tomorrow in other languages and we'll understand more... I'm surprised that there's still a lot of silence from Milestone, but on the other hand I should be less surprised, considering the list of bikes and tracks. Very disappointing.

Surely they have cared a lot for the Season Pass and therefore they don't really know how to promote the product. For example, how can you advertise as exciting a Season Pass that maybe will also include Phillip Island among its tracks, which was a track already present in RIDE 4, removed from RIDE 5 at launch, and then offered as DLC? Oh wait, they already did it in RIDE 4 with the Ulster GP… Usual bad habits.

As I said before... I will wait before buying this game, and almost certainly to have a really interesting list of bikes and tracks I'll need the Season Pass... I can even wait until Black Friday or Christmas holidays. In short, when it will be well discounted.
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It seems like the new game is the same as the old game with more polish(for all racing IP's) has been the norm that I keep denying. It's like they want to keep the prior game relevant.
To be fair in all this upgrade could be a huge amount of development. By the numbers it looks like kind of even with R4 but upgraded. The game play video looks low quality but I hope it looks like a step up when I fire it up next week. Well Forza M lost 1/3 of it's tracks and that will take a miracle amount of DLC to bounce back(3 steps forward in graphics though to R5)
I always wished to hear the inside information from the developers. Maybe put more reality into my expectations...
Definitely lost some of my favorite bikes from R3 and R4 now but enjoyed every Ride game so far.)
Hoping the DLC is huge and the base game is upgraded more than I think it is................
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So here is a quick overview of Ride 5. There is a reason there seemed to have been a press embargo or no review copies sent out. That’s because if they did and the reviewers were honest they’d said if you own Ride 4 there is absolutely ZERO reason to purchase Ride 5. It’s not that Ride 5 is bad it’s simply there is nothing that has been added to make it worth buying (especially at full price) if you’ve already got Ride 4. The special edition/season pass DLC content will probably only consist of all the stuff they removed that was in Ride 4. So you’ll just end up buying what you already had. Pretty pathetic but hey that’s the SOP for Milestone.

  1. As stated, it’s shocking the amount of content that has been removed from the initial release. This includes tracks(Phillip Island), bikes, gear and even elements in the editor. They really haven’t even bother to update the gear to replace what was removed
  2. Another racing game that dumps you immediately into a race without allowing you to set your preferred game settings and you’re not allowed to skip it.
  3. The game to me is heavily bogged down by all the unskippable narratives that I’m guessing is supposed to add excitement and tension but is more annoying then anything. It should be an option that can be turned off
  4. All the hyped “new” career is nothing but repackaging of previous career items. It’s a racing game so why they keep trying to pretend like it’s something else is beyond me
  5. Game is inconsistent. Change for the sake of change I guess but there are a lot of annoying things like how you progress to the next page. Sometimes (on PS5) it’s option then another screen it’s “x”. Why?
  6. Strange that it being Next Gen only on PS5 that haptics that were great on Ride 4 are missing here.
  7. Sound and graphics are inconsistent. Sometimes they look and sound great and other times laughingly bad. For example appears to me textures are lower quality in Time Trial than in a race. That’s strange as you’d think with only a single bike to deal with the graphics would look better. Then you listen to the clunk of the transmission during acceleration. It is just terrible. Where is the quality control.
  8. Somewhat buggy. I’ve never had crashing issues with any of the previous ride games but this one has crashed 4 times in the first hour of play
  9. AI just as bad/cheap as always but at least there is an aggressive slider. Point blank you will still get the short end of any contact and the AI still has higher performance then you do
  10. No option to import previous custom content and game settings. Why bother with the linked profile stuff?

  1. If you liked the physics of Ride 4 you’ll like Ride 5 (aside from missing haptics on PS5). It’s pretty much the same. Though the braking is really strange. seems like it some type of auto clutch so when you are on the brakes the trans disengages. Not sure why they did that but it’s a bit annoying. Not a game killer once you get use to it
  2. While mixed the sound is at times insane!!!!
  3. Career is not as tedious as Ride 4 was. It’s more like the Ride where the career was the magazine covers.
  4. Editor has remained but still uses and actually lost some of the previous elements. No attempts to expend it’s usefulness (like multi layer select) aside from now being able to apply to opposite side when using default objects

haven’t tested online or the race director stuff. Just wanted to jump is an see if it’s worth putting time in. Unfortunately since I’ve put a ton of time into Ride 4 the only reason to play Ride 5 is cross platform multiplayer is important to you. But it would have to be REALY important to grind through getting all your stuff back. Bugs aside over all the game plays well. If it were the first in the series it would be awesome. But as it is there really is no point for it to exist. It’s like a stripped down Ride 4.

Milestone are just killing themselves. Maybe contractually they are required to have yearly releases for their licensed titles (MotoGP, Supercross, etc…..) but there is really no reason to have a new release of Ride on the basis they do. They should have just kept Ride 4 as a base and added yearly content (tracks, bikes and gear, etc…..). This current model can’t be sustained. A couple of new tracks and bikes (especially at the cost of removing previous included content) isn’t worth buying a new game. The career mode and “dynamic weather” which it really isn’t aren’t worth the upgrade. So if you’re on the fence about getting Ride 5 now, I wouldn’t even bother if you’ve got Ride 4. Wait a month or two when it goes to bargain bin prices and pick it up cheap. As a new release it’s not kind of a rip off….It’s totally a Freakin RIP OFF. Sad because the game does play well.

If you never played a Ride game and were thinking about getting into it…..unless cross play is primary feature for you, you’d be better off getting Ride 4 it’s a better game and right now a better bang for the buck. The only thing better in Ride 5 is the career is a little more accessible then the grind of Ride 4
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Bike list:

EDIT: apparently, as far as real regulations are concerned, they don't know anything about the Supersport Next Gen and the Supersport 300s are among the various things they have removed. Bah.
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