Scenes in movies or TV shows you wish were deleted?

  • Thread starter Animedeaf
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Inspired by my friend, Sonygamer455's certain forum threads.

Hello! There are scenes in movies and TV shows that we wish were deleted. We don't like those scenes for some reasons.

Note: Deleted scenes we are glad weren't in the final cut should not be counted.
World War II flashback of Transformers: The Last Knight

I don't like this scene because my problem with this scene is that TLK revealed that Bumblebee first arrived on Earth in the 1940s for WWII along with Hot Rod while the Transformers Movie prequel comic's issue 3 revealed that Bumblebee first arrived on Earth in 2003. This scene caused canon errors in the Michael Bay Transformers universe. This is one of the reasons why The Last Knight flopped, the reason why Travis Knight found it very difficult to follow the canon of the Michael Bay Transformers universe before he decided to make the Bumblebee film a reboot film, and the reason why I am glad that some alternate opening isn't in the final version of the Bumblebee film.
To be completely honest, I didn't even know you made this thread until now and it wasn't until I googled something I saw it. Won't lie, I considered making a topic like this a few times, but I guess now I don't have to! Anyway, here's mine, it's actually one I have talked about in one of my own threads before in another post:

The Jabba Scene in Star Wars Episode IV.

So this was a deleted scene initially that was later added to the movie and it's just a scene of Jabba and his bounty hunters confronting Han about his cargo, why he killed Greedo, and Han negotiating with him. This scene in my opinion should've stayed excluded because:
1. It's not really needed because Jabba just reiterates on what Greedo already said earlier and him asking about why he killed Greedo and what they negotiated doesn't really add much to the story.
2. Why did he go outside of his palace to speak to him? That just seems a little out of character for him if you ask me.
3. For people who have not seen the movies before and want to start with the original trilogy, it just takes away from the mystery of who Jabba is and makes his appearance in Episode VI a bit less surprising. All for a scene that's not really needed...

I don't outright hate this scene, but it's just pointless and you're really not missing out on much by leaving it out because the story would go just fine without it. It's weird to me how George Lucas thought it was necessary to include this, yet he left out the probe droid scene in Episode I because he thought they didn't need it. However, it provided some needed context for why they were running later, which the film didn't really provide enough of an explanation on for some people due to the scenes exclusion. How that probe droid scene didn't make the cut, but this pointless Jabba scene did, is unclear to me.
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The Jedi Tomb scene from Part IV of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
So this is a scene in the Kenobi series where Obi-Wan is walking around Fortress Inquisitorious trying to find out where Leia was taken with the aid of Tala and he eventually enters a room, which he quickly realizes is a tomb. He slows down a bit, looks around and here we see a lot of deceased Jedi encased in amber on display that were either killed by the Inquisitors or from Order 66. It goes on for about 30 seconds at most and also goes back and forth between that and Reva interrogating Leia, but eventually, when Obi-Wan hears Leia nearby, he moves on.

So why do I think it should have been removed? Oh boy...
1. Simply put, it was FAR too disturbing for me. Just seeing all those dead Jedi with their eyes still open in such a brightly lit-up setting straight-up traumatized me and I ended up losing a lot of sleep afterward because of it.
2. I usually don't mind having a little filler here and there for them to expand upon later, in fact, I tend to appreciate them more than other people, but this scene had little impact on the plot of the series and could have been easily left out without any consequences. (within the Kenobi series anyhow)
Okay, I don't get freaked out by something in movies or TV shows easily and maybe I am being a little self-centered with that first one, but this scene just proved to be too much for me. I am not entirely sure why it bothers me so much, but I think it's possibly because I had not been exposed to seeing close-ups of dead bodies with their eyes still open much prior to watching this and it being in a brightly lit background certainly didn't help matters. Just seeing screencaps of the Jedi from this scene alone is enough to startle me, to the point, that was why I didn't even bother to post a video of the scene itself here.

I won't lie, part of me finds it fascinating and I actually am hoping Disney will expand on it more in the future because it raises a lot of questions. However, I think they should've just chucked it somewhere other than the Kenobi series since it was very disturbing and didn't have much to do with the overall plot of the show itself.
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The Mustang getting wrecked in Need for Speed.

This scene always bothered me because we spent most of the movie falling in love with this thing, only for it to be unceremoniously killed off here and although I haven't watched it in a while, to my recollection, we never see it again afterward. Now I understand why they did because they wanted Toby Marshall to use the Agera that killed Pete at the beginning of the movie against Dino Brewster. And I have to give them credit, I like this idea, but did they really need to destroy that Mustang for it? Heck no!

What I think they should have done instead is have that guy steal the car while they're staying somewhere, which eventually prompts him to find that Agera he later uses, and then have that Mustang reappear near the end of the movie. I think this could have worked, especially since the truck used to ram it was designed to carry vehicles. On a more "behind the scenes" note, I read yesterday that the one they used in this scene was a prop and not the real thing (thank goodness) and I am no director, but I think going with what I said would have worked out better because they could just carry the Mustang away instead of needing a prop to portray this scene.

Again, I haven't seen it in a while so I could be missing something here, but regardless, they REALLY didn't need to kill it off and while I like the movie overall, this scene always rubbed me the wrong way.
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Rod Redline's death in Cars 2.

Yeah, this shouldn't come as a surprise that I am posting it here because it was a dark scene that was criticized by others, and rightly so. So what it consists of is Rod Redline getting taken to the Lemon's lair after being captured, he is then interrogated and eventually killed by the electromagnetic pulse generator, which we see in a reflection on the screen.

I get what Pixar was going for here, but they went too far with this one in my opinion. Not only do I hate interrogations in general, but this scene is just a bit too dark for a movie like this and I really think they should've done something else instead. Does it scare me? No, it rubs me the wrong way more than anything, but I think it would probably scare a small child. How on Earth this movie is rated G, I will NEVER understand, especially when this scene exists.
Spongebob getting fired in "Karate Choppers".

Love this show, but this scene always bothered me. I don't blame Mr. Krabs one bit for threatening to fire Spongebob because his obsession for karate was interfering with his business. However, what bothers me so much about this scene is he fires Spongebob when he isn't even doing it! :mad: He was literally just standing there, trying to talk to Sandy about how he couldn't be doing karate anymore, with Sandy being the only one actually doing it, yet he gets fired anyway. :grumpy: Sure Sandy may have wised up and realized her mistake and then convinced Mr. Krabs to give him a second chance, which is great, but I still hate this scene.

So if this was deleted, what could they have done instead? Well, I have 2 ideas:
1. When Spongebob is trying to convince Sandy he can't do karate anymore, he could then get frustrated with her and flip her like he does in the episode "Waiting", then once Mr. Krabs shows up, the rest plays out normally. While I hate how he acted towards her in "Waiting", I think the whole scene would make more sense if he did it here. I mean, if he could flip Sandy over a stupid toy, he could do it for his job too.
2. Simply put, make Spongebob raise his voice to get Sandy's attention similar to how he does towards Mr. Krabs in the episode "Arrgh!". Then have Sandy actually believe what Spongebob is saying and the rest of the episode plays out normally.

Between the two, I think I prefer #2. I don't hate this episode, but this scene was a nasty stain on an otherwise decent one that could have been done better.