So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
So far, today is kind of lazy. I need to get out and cut grass, but I'm just procrastinating at this point, lol.

Yesterday, I got out and picked up all the limbs, sticks, and leaves that got deposited in the last storm. So yesterday was full of yard work and sweat.

Went for a ride then came home, washed the bike (my friend in the GSA came here too to wash his) and ordered a pizza to eat while enjoying the sun in the garden. One of the last summer days, I suspect.
Busy. Might go on a date tonight, but I'm hoping to meet her about an hour north of where I am, so if I don't hear a confirmation that we're meeting before I'm hoping to leave, I'm not going. It's that simple. Even if gas prices are dropping like a rock where I am right now - heck, I just saw two stations going for $3.29/gal - I still don't wanna potentially waste 2hrs of driving.
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Been an alright day today. Woke up from an epic 4-hour sleep to go to work, then managed to get permitted to drive the cars - so I can now work on all of the weekends for what I'd consider astronomical money at my age. Then I spent the rest of my time on double-money having a right laugh with all the rest of the Sunday workers as well as working incredibly hard on the cars.

I'm really hoping that I'll make the permanent contract because I'd hate to leave it to my employer to determine when I finish working here.
It was rather slow day at work, but several frustrations that made me angry with...a lot of things. First would be the local turnpike authority changing the ramp that I and a lot of commuters take to get onto the highway. After a dump truck had hit the bridge and had to be inspected for structural safety, they decided to redesign it. As much as I'm not a civil engineer myself, after commuting through it for years all I can do is fear the worst with how bad drivers have become lately. I don't know who thought it'd be a great idea to turn just about every road into a stupid two lane road that merges, just so they don't have to be behind a semi truck....because most of the time it just becomes a stupid race amongst impatient/incompetent drivers. With the new ramp change, it sure enough confused a few drivers who don't exactly follow social media or vague signage that was put up....

Struggling to see a benefit to putting a light at the end of an offramp with the possibility of traffic backing up. Despite the old exit being a single lane that looped around, it kept traffic moving at least. But coming to a stop for traffic going southbound? I don't see it making things better. It's frustrating to see this happen due to the higher number of traffic, but it'll only create more recklessness from drivers.

Second thing that made me frustrated was overhearing a salesman at the dealership where I work at, with customers who were the stereotypical "I have money, don't know what I want, but I just want the most expensive thing!" talking way too loud that I could hear everything. With them looking at a lightly used Alpina B7 that we got in from another wealthy customer on trade, but these folks showed their ignorance, only wanting it because it was "nice." I don't really care what people do with their money, but then I overheard the husband say something like "I don't take my BMW i8 to work, because I don't want my employees who make $15 an hour see it! They'd hate me! Hahaha!" Yeah, working at a luxury dealership can have it's ups and downs, but hearing things like this makes me...angry with society. I've met some rather humble wealthy customers, but this is on the other end...

Just needed somewhere to slightly vent. Probably sounds stupid of complaining of these things, but I just tire of so many things. Listening to people bragging about how great their life is or people who are so impatient that they endanger others around them to get where they "need" to go.
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Good in parts, but bad in the sense that my mind has relentlessly been detrimental to my ability to embrace the good parts.
Trying to be both functioning and thankful whilst dealing with chronic depression can be a struggle somedays.
Well hopefully this won’t be my last day . I’m currently sat in hospital awaiting cardioversion for my atrial fibrillation. Been off work since the end of August. So if I don’t post anything ever again then it didn’t go well.
Am about to be hooked up to an ECG machine then given anaesthetic and put out and hope to wake up in an hour or 2.
Well hopefully this won’t be my last day . I’m currently sat in hospital awaiting cardioversion for my atrial fibrillation. Been off work since the end of August. So if I don’t post anything ever again then it didn’t go well.
Am about to be hooked up to an ECG machine then given anaesthetic and put out and hope to wake up in an hour or 2.
Wishing you the best of luck my friend
Wishing you the best of luck my friend
Well I glad to say that yesterday’s procedure went well and to plan. My heart is now back into sinus rhythm and beating at a lower rate. I was a little worried about all the things that could of gone wrong .I’m still on the meds, for blood thinning and a beta blocker and will have follow up Arrhythmia clinics to attend . I’m not out of the woods yet but hopefully the A. Fib won’t come back.
If it hadn’t been for my Apple Watch picking up the Atrial Fibrillation , I would of passed off how I felt back in August as being tired and run down, and probably not of gone to see my doctor who then told me to go straight to A & E.
So now I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life and hope to live it to the max.
In the words of Baz Luhrmann if I can give one piece of advice get an Apple Watch ( or a similar device ) it may help you one day.
Off to a pretty bad start.

Woke up pretty groggy and stepped on a piece of glass on the day I wanted to simrace. Too many thoughts about people who shouldn't and don't matter, both in real life and online.

Not good enough... I guess... Looks like I'd have to dump even more effort into things that will promptly get ignored and buried: all to provide tools, information and designs to people who were never going to care the first place. I'm going to reclaim them. They are mine.

In a way I'm used to it. I don't think there was any point in my life where I wasn't an outcast or the least-prefered, but its tiring. It gets in the way of too many opportunities. Butchers any chance of work reaching its full potential. Makes it harder to improve as a person.

But you know what? Why should I work so hard to be better for you?
Today was a full realization that I have reached middle-agedness.

It started out with a stop to the eye doctor to pick up my first pair of bifocals.

After that, I compared colonoscopy prep diets with my dad, and had a lengthy discussion on fall yard cleanup and doing the final lawn mowing of the season.
Rather unpleasant is what I can say.

First time ever passing out, was a bit scary not knowing what really caused it. But I was ill for the past few days and wanted to get back to work and catch up, however we had a wet/heavy snowfall the night before. Cleaning off heavy slushy snow off of dealer lot cars, took a breather, next thing I know, I opened my eyes and was laying on the ground in the slush. I was one of the first ones at the dealership too, so no one really saw me fall or pass out. Told my manager and drove myself to the nearest urgent care, who called an ambulance to take me to the hospital to get checked.

Got tests run and they believe I had a infection/virus that was giving me issues. Obviously was rather unpleasant being hooked up to some machines and waiting for at least 4 hours, but at least the EMT and nurses were kind and professional. (As they would be for their jobs)

All this to say my work still wants me to take a 12 hour drive within next week after feeling sick this week. Really frustrated with how little they care and can't be bothered to pay a little extra for a professional car hauler or dedicated swap drivers. Especially wanting us lowly employees to do this dealer swap drive not long before Christmas break.

So...yeah, first time ever blacking out.
Today I’m hobbling.

Wifey took me to this fantastic place they call a gym. I decided 5k barefoot on a treadmill was suitable for someone who hasn’t done cardio for years.

My chest survived but my calves have turned to rock. And my feet are blistered.

Looks like a lazy day for me today.
Day went well. So well in fact, my local Toyota dealer told me the funniest joke I've heard yet. Had me howling with laughter.

Here it is: "the wait time for the GR Corolla is 3 to 4.5 years."

Oh that was good. I'll go buy something else.


You quite sure on that?
(But fr only have Photobucket around at this point because I'm far too lazy to track down everything around the web that I've posted using images uploaded there and a good chunk of those places might not even exist anymore)
Well had some great news today and my wife had had the all clear for a bowl cancer scare.

About 4 months ago, she had a test and that came back as passing blood. So further tests and a then a colonoscopy revealed a very large polyp which they were not sure of. That was sent off to be tested and came back negative, however due to its size they wanted her back for another colonoscopy today.

Well that has been done and they’ve signed her off with everything being clear.

We’re both relieved to say the least.
So, the hospital called...

I got nose surgery to correct some things back in late July. Everything went fine in that regard. But after the surgery we couldn't leave the hospital because "something was wrong with the system" and they couldn't process the doctor's discharge and the insurance payments for everyone involved, but finally, around 8:00-8:30pm we could finally leave...

The hospital said they would call in a few days to check for some "additional expenses" that resulted from the operation, but they never did. The insurance company was contaced and they said everything was fine. And I moved on with my life, thinking everything was finally over.

Until it wasn't. Until today. The hospital called:

There were additional expenses. Yes. And they ascend to around $4K

And I don't freaking have that gargantuan amount of money in cash, nor enough credit in any of my credit cards. ($4K is actually a lot of cash here in Mexico).

It's over. I'm broke af. I'm 34, with nowhere to go, with a job where I can't earn any more money, and an astronomic debt to a hospital and other financial compromises I've made over the course of the current year with my partner and family, a broken family with a recently deceased aunt. And a car that just today decided it needs new brakes. And I may or may not have depression.

Yep. So far so good. It's an absolutely lovely Monday.

How are you doing? 🙂
Had a pretty good day today. Went out and got groceries like we usually do, but this time was interesting. Went to a local restaurant we hadn’t been to since 2018 and got some milkshakes and it was nice to finally make our way back there again. Still the best ones I know and I have yet to find a better place than this one.

This week has been pretty decent overall and I hope it continues to be good from here on.
Its going pretty well so far. Got my cup of joe, second monitor and a whiteboard.

I'm a bit overloaded at the moment, a metric ton of document writing that I need to do, but achievable. A small break from coding, which I end up tearing my hair out over sometimes, considering deadlines and whatnot. Caffeinated to the gills.

Just going to get my 6 hours in each day and get out. Write a weekly report on Saturday. Be free on Sunday. Ironically the least stressed I've been in a while. Things are moving forward.

The remaining time in the day is spent with friends/chores, so unfortunately, I pretty much can't race for the time being.

Finally convinced my friend to buy Red Dead Online, so our goal for today will be to get her to level 14 so she can buy a fishing rod.
Its therapeutic, ok? :lol:
Spent an hour sharpening a knife to an absolute razors edge using my whetstones, when I was finished I wanted to sheath it, slipped off the sheath (tired fingers) and only lightly touched my index finger. First I thought nothing happened but all of a sudden a freaking volcano of blood erupted out of my finger. It bled for an entire hour and I went through several band aids.

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Spent an hour sharpening a knife to an absolute razors edge using my whetstones, when I was finished I wanted to sheath it, slipped off the sheath (tired fingers) and only lightly touched my index finger. First I thought nothing happened but all of a sudden a freaking volcano of blood erupted out of my finger. It bled for an entire hour and I went through several band aids.

That’s a bloody sharp knife
4 years later, I've graduated Cornell with a degree in Computer Science and two minors in Information Science and Game Design

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After being jobless for a little over a year, I finally got a software engineering job in the Bay Area. At the end of November of 2023, I drove across the country to California and I started working early December.

Drove across the country to start a new job in California. My family's CX-5 is now mine for now

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I've been going on small hikes at various parks around the Bay Area. I've also been to so many different car events around the Bay Area. I recently drove down to Laguna Seca for an event there and got to experience the Corkscrew in person.



My job had a round of layoffs at the start of 2024, but we recently officially launched our product and things seem to be going better. The company had a booth at the Nvidia GTC so I was able to get an exhibitor pass and I got to see Jensen Huang present his keynote and then also see him up close as he walked around the showfloor.


Things were looking quite dire last year, but I'm glad say things are finally starting to fall into place.
After being jobless for a little over a year, I finally got a software engineering job in the Bay Area. At the end of November of 2023, I drove across the country to California and I started working early December.

I've been going on small hikes at various parks around the Bay Area. I've also been to so many different car events around the Bay Area. I recently drove down to Laguna Seca for an event there and got to experience the Corkscrew in person.

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My job had a round of layoffs at the start of 2024, but we recently officially launched our product and things seem to be going better. The company had a booth at the Nvidia GTC so I was able to get an exhibitor pass and I got to see Jensen Huang present his keynote and then also see him up close as he walked around the showfloor.

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Things were looking quite dire last year, but I'm glad say things are finally starting to fall into place.
Game design is awesome. My favourite hobby of the past decade.
Laguna Seca is awesome. I am envious of your proximity.
Tech expos are awesome. You must attend GDC if you get a chance.
California is… not awesome. According to my Californian colleagues. ;)

Glad to hear things are looking up for you.


Today I’ve been walking on sunshine. After starting the week coming out of psychosis (cannabis induced, major depressive disorder), the new meds have worked a treat and I feel like a million bucks. It seems even micro dosing is enough to warp my fragile reality.

I’ve achieved more in the last 2 days than I had in the last 2 months.

Yesterday and today I had parent-teacher conferences and got so much praise from the principal who had numerous parents go out of their way to tell him that I’m doing an outstanding job and their kids, my students, are progressing at light speed and can’t wait to come to school everyday.

Today also starts the Songkran break; 4 weeks off for Thai New Year.

I’ve also be inspired to get back on my bicycle and conquer long distances and high heights (for the first time in 4-5 years) thanks to some colleagues who are new to the sport and are willing to let me show them the ropes, so to speak.

Tomorrow I’m going to official inspection for my motorcycle so I can get it taxed and claim the green book - equivalent of a pink slip, which means all debts are settled and the bike can go international.

Literally zero to hero in 5 days. The future is looking bright. And I’ll be weened off the SSRIs in a week or two.
It was my birthday today, my third since becoming a parent, and as I spent my first with either COVID or norovirus (was too ill to remember which) and my second in deep anxiety over the fact that my car failed its MOT and the garage said I was looking at spending £4k to fix it (the car was £6.5k) until I told them I wanted to collect it at which point they welded the exhaust leak for free and passed it with two advisories, the bar was pretty low.

Fortunately it was a great day! I took the day off (just as well because I got home from work the night before at half past midnight and I was completely shattered after three weeks of that kind of stuff), we took our son to the park and the beach, then when he napped I did some food shopping and got some blocks of Japanese curry sauce and "no chicken" katsu, I also bought myself a cake and got my son a Baja Bug Hot Wheels car which he believes is a monster truck. Then when he woke up we went over to the aquarium then our favourite ice cream shop on the way home, had the vegetarian katsu curry dinner, I put him to bed while my partner went out to buy mixer for the whiskey we've had sitting around for some months and then we watched Dune while a) eating cake and b) falling asleep. Really good film but I'll definitely need to watch it again when I'm less knackered.

I was also given a £50 Lego store gift card so now I have to choose between the Ornithopter and Concorde. I'm pretty sure it'll be the latter.