Special Stage City (A research on how SSR5, 7, and 11 may be connected.)

  • Thread starter Suzumiya
United States
Los Angeles
Update, November 23rd 2015: This thread was originally going to be a creative project, but is now dedicated to the connections between SSR5, 7, and 11. Enjoy. :)

Update again, March 19th 2022 : I'm surprised people kept up with my weird antics back when I was younger; although we can just fantasize about a connected SSR City it obviously never came to be in Sport or 7. Still think it would be pretty neat though, a little teenage year brain child coming to life would satisfy many. Maybe Tokyo Expressway satisfies this itch?

Cranes near the end of SSR5, can this be SSR11?

Special Stage Route 5 by FEISAR. E-unity., on Flickr

Wut the heck?

Special Stage Route 5_1 by FEISAR. E-unity., on Flickr

SSR7 and 5 might just be connected!

Here's a tall building that looks similar to ones in SSR7, this building is near the tunnel.

Special Stage Route 5_3 by FEISAR. E-unity., on Flickr

A street that's across the lake. O.o

Special Stage Route 5_4 by FEISAR. E-unity., on Flickr
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Very nice. A great free run place. Though, looks pretty weird with SSR5 being the only place with sharp corners and such. Must be a big place too. :P
That would be awesome if PD linked up all the Special Stage Routes and added a few more as well.
I trying to come up with some blueprints... takes a bit. :P May take me all day and how everything must be perfect when it comes to drawing. :lol:
Here's one I've put together. I know it looks a bit of a mess, and the scales are all over the place, but it could be a bit of a laugh for free roaming race or chases.
I was thinking of adding Las Vegas Strip to the top end of the SSR7, just to finish it up some more. I was also going to connect some of the complex string sections, but had to pop out on an errand, so this would essentially be a work in progress.
This kind of stuff takes me back to feeling like a little child dreaming his city/world entirely composed of highways. I didn't thought of commuting back then, I only thought about Hot Wheels.

That's why I absolutely agree with the idea PD should make a giant track out of their SS5/SS7/SS11 tracks, linked by a couple of short highways or boulevards. I've never been a big fan of the "Real street driving or an open world sandbox city in GT5 and stuff like that" but this would be a street circuit that would really expand the number of things that can be done in a driving game and turn it truly into a place to live dreams. Wangan races, cruising at night, driving in a realistic city with corners and stuff, it can all be done in just one track. The only thing needed is a way to connect them.

Gotta love GT City, the place where all car dealers have lounge music, garages are places where space is infinite, and guys with yellow shirts change your car's oil in a second, and even from the wrong place.
complex string is complex!
anyways, i would fanit the moment gt5 made their version of tokyo xtreme racer :)

You sir, have just made my day by mentioning TXR. 👍👍👍👍👍

That would be the greatest game I would have ever played. :D
You should throw in SSR11.


Maybe something like this:


Overall, I'm loving your map. Very nice. :)

MS paint messed up SSR11 and 7 by inverting the colors, so I couldn't throw it in. :(
But thanks for the positive feedback!
Tokyo R246 is also in there with all the Special Stages. It's under SSR7.
I mean it'd be nice to have this whole free run city thing with all the special stages, but something so damn big for only 16 people? I guess it could work if it were something PD hosts themselves with a higher head count per lobby.

Unfortunately I don't think it would be a necessary thing to implement. Mainly because people would very rarely use the whole thing. People would use it to either drift or drag in specific areas. Might as well keep the tracks seperate and save the disc space. I'm just looking at SSR5 and SSR7 - these tracks are barely used for full circuit racing. To me it doesn't make sense, and I almost want to say that we really don't want it - we just want something new. There is nothing that track offers that GT5 doesn't already have other than the peace of mind that there is an entire city to run around in, in the rare case you'd want to venture out. Currently, the purpose is fulfilled but the execution matches what the company thought would work best for their time, budget, and disc space. Nurburgring is different however, that is a track everyone wants to run because of its IRL reputation. But even Nurb has it share of "DRAGS" and "DRIFTS" lobbies, but it is an essential track for GT. A gigantic Midnight club city? Not so much.

Perhaps it'll be something meant for GT6.
I was just thinking about this today! Should totally be a DLC, I think an open world would be something that would be fun to have in GT5, some may say that it would make the game too "street racer" but I think that it would be a great chance for drivers to have more open races, and to be able to create their own routes, but I think that it should just be one big highway rather than city streets, or residential areas, much like the Tokyo Xtreme Racer games. There should also be a day/night cycle, snow, and rain to make it feel more "real" and there should also be traffic which can be user controlled. And think of the options it would allow for multiplayer! Capture the flag, tag, paint, cops and robbers, stunt challenges, and time trials!

There should also be a couple of mountain roads connected too, for the drifters.
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