The amazing and cool photo thread

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I more interested in why the icebergs are coloured the way they are. What causes that?

..."When an iceberg falls into the sea, a layer of salty seawater can freeze to the underside. If this is rich in algae, it can form a green stripe.

Brown, black and yellow lines are caused by sediment, picked up when the ice sheet grinds downhill towards the sea."...

A slightly grainy photo of a 8l V8 exploding.

Well, I think it looks cool.

PS: What is that bit of debris just right of the front wing? Is that supercharger belt?
That picture is to blurry to tell...i thought at first glance it was the front wheel...

Maybe its the drivers arm?jks.

See where the explosion is? At the back...can you see the wing/spoiler? No. Maybe its the wing/spoiler :confused:
I'm going to have to be an attention whore and post the picture i'm most proud of, the one I took from the plane on the way back from Iceland:


I've had this photo slagged off by an 'expert' but I think it's impressive, considering it was a impromptu 'point and shoot' moment.

I don't know about others, but I think that looks really good for just shooting a picture through a plane window. 👍
Is there any reason why these space pictures seem so crisp and clean? Is it something to do with there being no atmosphere in space or just that the cameras have really high res?

More to come later...
All these photos are amazing, especially the 2nd and 3rd ones Slick Rick just posted. Nothing is more impresse to me than mother nature at full force.

I'm guessing it's because the cameras that took those pictures are huge, therefore the lenses can be supremely giant. Although I'm probably wrong in some way.

Anyway, I still want that Flame thing.

I just fell off the god damn seat when i saw that giant spider thing. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT:scared:
That’s a Cymothoid Isopod, which is a lovely creature that sucks the blood from a fish’s tongue, then becomes a replacement for the tongue and eats some of the fish’s food.
That’s a Cymothoid Isopod, which is a lovely creature that sucks the blood from a fish’s tongue, then becomes a replacement for the tongue and eats some of the fish’s food.

So the fish lives? It just now has that thing as it's tongue?