The Apple Car Thread

  • Thread starter Robin


United Kingdom
United Kingdom
So it's still very much a rumour but it's no secret that Apple has been pinching sizeable numbers of staff from Tesla over the last year and Brain Chaffin, the co founder of Mac Observer, who is certain Apple is developing one, said the following,

“What I learned is that Apple has been looking for – and acquiring – the kind of people from Tesla with expertise that is most suited to cars. So much so that I went from being a doubter to a believer almost instantly,” explained Chaffin.

“From another source who travels in more rarified circles than yours truly, I also learned that a lot of people at the top in Silicon Valley consider it a given that Apple is working on a car.”

He then added he was close ‘to 100 per cent’ certain that Apple was attempting to build a car for the consumer market.

I wanted to know what people thought about this potential move.

Tesla has shown that people from a largely tech background car cross over into the automotive world, especially as cars seem to be turning into portable electronic devices. Apple with it's insane resources and following could make a real go of it. Google has already started with it's driver-less car.

Imagine the huge brand draw such a car could command. People would buy them no questions asked, much like many of the iPhone zombies who queue up every 6 months. If it's reasonably affordable it will fly off the line.

Apple is starting to look like a company which is aiming for everything domination, much like Google.
I cant see how anyone in there right mind would buy a car made by a technology company. Apple has no experience in the car industry and i recon it will be unpopular even by die hard apple fans. It will take several generations before its a streamlined product xD, get ready for the google car
xD i can see it happening, only gets refilled with apple compatible servos. they might design a new gas plug type just to make servos buy it
Interesting project this could become, are we sure they aren't trying to implement some sort of technology in a car rather than actually making one? Though, I see your point with mentioning Google.

That could be the case, it may be that they are expanding the scope of CarPlay for various manufacturers but you never know with Apple. I would put it past them to even toy with the idea of a car especially after seeing Google do it.

I cant see how anyone in there right mind would buy a car made by a technology company. Apple has no experience in the car industry and i recon it will be unpopular even by die hard apple fans. It will take several generations before its a streamlined product xD, get ready for the google car

Tesla is a casing point, they are basically a technology company who built a car from the ground up from scratch and they do sell. It's actually the traditional manufacturers who are lagging behind in the next generation of the auto industry with small new marques ahead of the game at least in R&D.
But look how many Tesla's you see around. Here in aus i have never seen one on the road

Yeah but look at Norway, they have sold massively well because the infrastructure is there and they are smaller countries. Until battery technology improves they aren't going to do well in larger places.
They sold so well in Norway because of how regular cars are taxed vs EVs.

Yeah and that also.

yeah exactly, technology has improved but battery has not

Battery tech unfortunately hasn't seen a great jump in over a decade or more, we are still rocking Li-ion. What's improved is energy efficiency of the things they are powering but that can only take you so far.

I would love a car made out of nutritious fruit...wait not the fruit but the company...

No thanks, I don't want my car to crash cause the iOS mapping software doesn't work, again, and again...

There are jokes aplenty about it using proprietary everything and Apple Maps driving you onto runways etc :lol: Also after a few updates it drives slower.
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In true Apple fashion, the car will cost twice as much as it's competitor, yet won't be able to do all the things the competitor can. That is, until the 4th iteration, at which point those features will be presented as cutting edge technology.

@Robin, after the iOS update it will suddenly become water proof too, like a submarine :eek::sly:

OMG! New Apple update turns iCar into a modern version of Bond's Lotus!!!
Automotive world is alot more competitve then the Electronics world, becuase people spend alot more money on cars they tend to be more value orientated when buying a car something people don't really do on electronics since basically everyone can afford.

Apples method of charging almost double to supply an inferior product hidden by removing other Companies innovations and in place using their own won't fool people in the car market like it does in the electronic market.

They are the wealthiest company in the world though (because they profit soo much from fools who pay for their overpriced products) so they do have the ability to make it work if they do it right.
I wonder if there will come a day that cars run on urine. Lord knows there's an endless supply.
So it won't have windows?

Interesting project this could become, are we sure they aren't trying to implement some sort of technology in a car rather than actually making one? Though, I see your point with mentioning Google.
It may have windows, but it definitely won't have Windows.
I wonder if it can only use Apple gas and drive on Apple roads.
Plot twist: It runs on actual apples. It gets 84 miles per apple.
That are only directed by Apple Map... so you'll be behind the person who'll be using a Google car driven with Google Maps.
Considering how bad Apple Maps is, maybe Apple will just use Google Maps.

One thing for sure, I'm sure if it's an electric car (Or at least a plug in hybrid), the vehicle end of the plug will use a proprietary connector.
Google's car is one thing, but if anyone can get unengaged drivers to give up the steering wheel for a fashionable new invention, Apple's chances are probably much better.