The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
Frain storms are the worst.
It must take some caution to commute through that.
Especially when the majority of the drivers are on the offensive.

The drive in wasn't bad because it's still just above freezing but the trek home might be interesting.
We're supposed to have up to 3 feet of snow by Saturday and I'm starting to rethink my move to Michigan.
My mate was caught in the rain this morning... nothing unusual about that in Glasgow, though there was one minor difference... he was indoors.

He took the subway to work early this morning (Glasgow's famous 'Clockwork Orange' underground rail system), and the air inside the station is warm and humid. However, as trains pull out of certain stations, they drag a column of cold air into the station, and this morning it was -8 deg C. And as one train pulled out of the station this morning, a bloc of freezing air rapidly mixed with the warm, humid air inside the station and it started to rain on the platform.

So there you have it. Glasgow - the city where it even rains indoors.
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My mate was caught in the rain this morning... nothing unusual about that in Glasgow, though there was one minor difference... he was indoors.

He took the subway to work early this morning (Glasgow's famous 'Clockwork Orange' underground rail system), and the air inside the station is warm and humid. However, as trains pull out of certain stations, they drag a column of cold air into the station, and this morning it was -8 deg C. And as one train pulled out of the station this morning, a bloc of freezing air rapidly mixed with the warm, humid air inside the station and it started to rain on the platform.

So there you have it. Glasgow - the city where it even rains indoors.
That could only happen in Scotland.

Work looking gothic and creepy in the freezing fog tonight
It's the first time in at least 3 days that the temperature has risen above freezing where I am, and queue snow and sleet.

The walk to work was pretty treacherous today, and every crossing point had at least a 1-2 ft wide/4-6 inches deep puddle to navigate, and now my boots are soaked through... not idea considering that they're my only pair of sturdy shoes at the moment, and it's our Xmas lunch at 1pm.
Further to this, here's a detailed breakdown of the coming cold snap in North America - this is a great YT channel that I've followed for some time, and it is very rare that this forecaster issues such a serious warning - i.e. to avoid road trips in the worst affected areas, and getting stuck in your vehicle without the right supplies and equipment is a "life and death situation".... I guess you guys are quite used to that, though, but the extent and degree of this event do seem quite extraordinary.

Further to this, here's a detailed breakdown of the coming cold snap in North America - this is a great YT channel that I've followed for some time, and it is very rare that this forecaster issues such a serious warning - i.e. to avoid road trips in the worst affected areas, and getting stuck in your vehicle without the right supplies and equipment is a "life and death situation".... I guess you guys are quite used to that, though, but the extent and degree of this event do seem quite extraordinary.

Just finished watching that video. I'd like to say that we'll be avoiding the cold by escaping to Florida for Christmas but I'm hearing that they're expecting the coldest Christmas in 20 years so that'll make Universal fun.

On the plus side, he said at the end of the video that it shouldn't really last since we don't have much snow cover yet.
I think I miss the worst of the temperatures, but I'm pretty close to the area he was talking about the super low pressure. The weather warning I'm looking at right now is also showing 10-20mm rain Thur-Fri and 25-30cm of snow Thur-Sat for me.
Yes, it sounds like it could have been much worse had conditions prior to this cold snap been worse.

Still, the conditions around where you are @Barra333 look decidely ropey. And -60 F in parts of Canada (air temp, not windchill) is staggering!
Here in North Alabama we're expecting an overnight low Thursday and Friday nights around 6 F. Now I'm not trying make it sound as bad as what @Barra333 and @TB (if he were home now) are going through but still for us, that's pretty damn cold.
Yes, it sounds like it could have been much worse had conditions prior to this cold snap been worse.

Still, the conditions around where you are @Barra333 look decidely ropey. And -60 F in parts of Canada (air temp, not windchill) is staggering!
Thankfully we have no plans to leave the house once the kids are home from school Friday. I will be shoveling crap out of my half of the garage so that my car can sleep inside though.
-7F in Rapid City right now, with a 20mph wind and light snow (it's not that heavy) means a wind chill of -32F. I can see about 400-500 feet in front of me from my window, and then it's a complete white-out. It's supposed to get down to -20 tonight with much more wind.

This is why I pack a lunch.

Here in North Alabama we're expecting an overnight low Thursday and Friday nights around 6 F. Now I'm not trying make it sound as bad as what @Barra333 and @TB (if he were home now) are going through but still for us, that's pretty damn cold.
I can't wait to come home to single-digit temps on the plus side of things...
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Won't be quite as bad for me as some others here, but this weekend is going to be dang cold for Indianapolis. Luckily I'm off work Friday through Monday. :dopey: Other than a trip to the parents' house for Christmas on Sunday, I plan to spend rest of the time in my house keeping warm. Gotta love the midwest weather. One week, a high of 6. The next, mid 50's. :boggled:
Guess I'm going to fire up the Tauntaun then...


I live about 20 miles south of Petoskey, so very much front and center in the "Blizzard Warning" zone. Right now they're saying between 1-2 feet of snow with 55-65mph winds.
Just in case anyone here hasn't seen it, this website is amazing for checking out current weather conditions anywhere on the globe. It is currently set to show wind/temp, but you can bring up the menu at the bottom left and change a bunch of stuff. Click any where on the map and it will pop up the exact conditions at that location.
I think I'm on the edge of the incoming storm storm, so we won't get the worst of it. But it has started. Currently about 17 degrees with gusts of around 20mph and relatively light snow
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It’s 20 degrees with a 31mph wind.
So, 8 frigging degrees outside and an ice storm incoming for the Portland metro area.
Might just get to miss work tomorrow. Shame🤣
It's made it all the way up to -3 here with the wind chill making it feel like -28. The thermostat is set to 69, but my house is only showing 57. Clearly the system is not efficient for this type of weather. All I can do right now is bundle up. 🥶
I got soaked on my way home tonight, as it was raining heavily when I left work.

When I got home, I rejected a call on my mobile from a 'private number', which turned out to be the police.

On further examination, my mobile managed to pocket-dial the police no less than three times in the 20 minutes it took me to walk home from work.

My jeans were soaked and clearly this made the mobile screen go crazy, but I didn't realise that it was even remotely capable of placing emergency calls by accident.
That "emergency call" button on the lock screen is a bugger. I pocket dialled it while loading the kids in the car one time. Phone screen facing my slightly sweaty leg in shorts. Fortunately I heard them trying to talk to me.
That "emergency call" button on the lock screen is a bugger. I pocket dialled it while loading the kids in the car one time. Phone screen facing my slightly sweaty leg in shorts. Fortunately I heard them trying to talk to me.

I accidentally created an emergency call; the phone was dislodged while I was driving and fell between the passenger seat and center console. I gamely tried to get it and somehow pressed the button five times while trying to reach it.

When I realized what happened, I immediately hung up. Of course, the local police dispatcher called back, so I explained, and then they told me there may be at least two more follow-up calls to make sure I'm alright. One of the return calls got disconnected due to a lack of coverage in the sticks north of Jasper, Alabama. So that prompted a few more automated dispatcher calls.

So that was a fun and confusing 15 minutes while driving at night, and I hope it didn't interfere with actual life-saving necessities.
I hope it didn't interfere with actual life-saving necessities.
Based on what I know of police and ambulance operations in my city, the problem is not having squad cars and ambulances to respond to the calls, not the any limitation at the call centre. They would have just been happy to wipe you off the list without having to dispatch anything.

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