Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
body kits
1/2 mile drag races.

this is not nfsu. i have never been to a track that has had a 1/2 mile drag race or have i seen one on tv. ever.

yes i agree enging swaps should be at the top of the list ive been waiting to do this since gt2. but allow me to put different engines in the cars, ie, 6cyl to v8 etc. i would like that better but if what the guy before me said is all that can be done anything is better than nothing.

lastly, non-liniear tuning. more options and many different ways to ge power from youre vehicle. doing the exact same thing to every car and that everybody else has done is getting boring.
Would like to see races outside circuits.

Something like the ones from NFS:Porsche. Or just like "Rad Mobile" without the transitions.

Run 50 kilometers in a runway that goes into a forest that goes back into the runway and ends in the small city. 20 cars at once.
It would be cool if we could do "Targas" like those that come on Speed Cahnnel every so often. They are like staged piont-to-point tarmac rallys. Also it would be cool if you could get sponsored, you would get a discount to the manufacturer's parts and get a few decals on your car. But you would have to keep a certian win percentage. like if you dropped below 75% you would lose the sponsorship.
If PD wants to focus on what they MUST improve in GT4 to make a dream GT5, they shouldn't think of:

1. better graphics - They are already the best, and even GT3 were never surpassed;
2. more cars - in fact, I think they should shave off many of the cars they already got (about 30 skylines and some other, mostly japanese). If they don't get Ferraris, Porsches, Lambos, Maseratis we can live with that as long as we get good driving and good racing with the cars available
3. more tracks - It would be nice, but this is definitely NOT what this game is lacking.

This is what they made from GT3 to GT4, and I would like them to really focus - from GT4 to GT5 - in this:

1. Better AI - no need to expain

2. more AI cars in race (at least double the 6 cars grids we get today)

3. Midrace saves - I really want to drive the full 24 hour races and I can't have my PS2 turned on for 30 days. With GT4 the only option I have left - besides using B-Spec :yuck: is to get some crazy friends and make the enduros over the weekends. Maybe this summer.

4. Also in endurance races, at least the 24 hours ones - Day-to-night-to-day cycles and random weather conditions, like in the old "Le Mans" PS2 game.

5. Last but not least - In GT mode, give us "leveled" grids with the car we picked from our garage, or create simple "rules" for cars allowed in every race and championship. As many have complained before, it is boring to carefully pick a car that isn't either too weak or too strong for each race. We get decently leveled grids in Arcade Mode, so it's kind of ironic that this doesn't happen in GT mode.

PS - Before anyone points this out to me, I'll clear that I know that "day/night/day races" and "random weather" are graphics achievements. What I mean when I say that graphics don't need improvement is that the tracks, scenarios and cars are polished enough as they are, so the graphics department should work on these other problems.
The things that I would like to see in GT5 are:

1. Day+Night in Endurance Races :) It gets boring in Endurance races were it's all day or all night 👎 and also pernament skid marks that stay on the the track all the time and never dissapear.

2. Variable weather like in PGR2 (Project Gothem Racing 2) it makes the game much more relistic

3. I would like to see some of the cars removed as I feel 700 is too much. Some saud before that they would like more road cars, but GT is more about racing cars.
If u want more road cars go play NFSU 2.

4. It would be good if the current 6 cars in a race was doubled too 12 cars in a race, this would make the game more competitive and make it feel more realistic.

5. Better A.I that dont try to bash u of the track (that gets really annoying) and A.I that are better racers.

6. The abilty to setup and creat ure own races and then to race them i.e. chose the cars that u race against, the track + the weather.

7. The head to head rally races should be swaped for point to point races like in WRC.

8. I would like to see structal damage where u can see ure car gettin smashed up & and at the end of the race u have to spend some of ure money to get it fixed.

9. To abilty to convert ure normal street car into an amazing looking racing car.

10. To include some new car manafactuers such as Ferrarie and others that are not included, and some of the FIA Formula One cars.

These are the things that I would most want to see in GT5, theres probaley over things I would like but I cant think of any more right now. :)
i would like to see motorbikes like in midnight club 3

read the box...its says the game is a s.i.m.u.l.a.t.i.o.n. midnight club is a damn arcade, (although its a decent idea)

anyone remember the damage in GT2... that p****d me off so much. most of peoples ideas here are great. dunno why polyphony missed out on them after 4 versions.. seems like thyre holding it back.
I'd really like to see more personality with the AI racers ... I mean, if there were a hundred or so actual names with associated skill levels, then it could be kinda interesting over the course of a championship or even across multiple races when you see the same guys (and gals) reappearing.

Add to this some form of 'grudge' system and you could end up entering a race in which you wiped out one particular driver a few races back and he's not too happy about it, potentially being a little more willing to bump and grindyou right back this time around.

i remembered another game which had AI that gets angry if you hit it and took revenge on other races... cant remember name though. anyone know, had red box and drivers face on it.
i remembered another game which had AI that gets angry if you hit it and took revenge on other races... cant remember name though. anyone know, had red box and drivers face on it.

Nascar 2005: Chase to the Cup

This game had a friend/foe AI that was absolutly spectacular. if you drafted off someone or let them draft you long enough they became your friends and would help you in later races. If you got someone crooked in turn 2, they and thier teammates would make your racing harder than necessary just because you got them crooked.

I have it, and I spent most of my rookie year with just about everyone hating me. Gotta love using the opponent to slowdown and get around turns.
Ive had this convo with a friedn and here is what me and her came up with. (yes shes a chick that loves gt, and is about 4 % more done than i am... grr)

Assuming that its a next-gen game, and the PS3 has harddrive support (this of course would unlock ENDLESS possibilites)

Integrated Time Management.

- A clock with accelerated tiem similar to that of GTA, which would allow/disallow you to enter races at certain times or even go to tuner shops. (they do close)


-Random, or pre-set weather conditions. Including wearther conditions that change during the race. Oh yea.. i guess time (aka day to night transitions)

Better Sell Values

- If you sell a car with so many miles on it you get less/more cash than the same car with more/less miles. Or you could get more for selling cars with upgrades.

More Tracks

-This is obvious, but I was thinking in more of the rally aspect. Maybe true rally races in the style of a championship where every race is a different leg of the route.

More Cars

- Not so much more cars, but equal represntaion. There are a lot of american cars that could be in the game but just arent. No reason for them not to be. I mentioned a Chevy/Toyota Cavalier, and she laughed at me. My response... Prius ? Come on. The same goes for european cars. Lots that could be there but arent. As much as I would love to also see lambo's and porches and ferarris, some evil companies need to let go of their nazi hold ont the rights to these names.

Old School

- Old school elements making a comeback. The used car lots in GT4 were an awesome addition. I would also love to see the return of the racing modiication from Gt1 and GT2.

Paint Jobs

- Uh, yea.. the ability to paint yer car. Thats about all I can say for that.

Enhanced Lightweight/Aerodynamic Modifications.

- The ability to pick what lightweight mods you do. Carbon Fibre bonnets, boot lids, ect... as well as professional aero kits. Im not talking like.. the Steet Fighter custom kit for yer honda civic, im talking real race worthy C-west™ and the likes brand aero kits. You know the ones that provide an actual purpose.

And well thats about all we could come up with that would make this the ultimate racing game.
Im not talking like.. the Steet Fighter custom kit for yer honda civic, im talking real race worthy C-west™ and the likes brand aero kits.

No, the street fighter kit would be perfect for when you want to add ballast weight. Add 50 lbs of ballast weight to your civic and you get to race a car like this:


Whoops, it's street fyghter, not fighter. I'm mortified I spelled it wrong. Poor civic :guilty:
I agree with adding True Body Kits, one's that you can tune with (from actual racing companies) none of this ricer body kits, and if anyone says "Graphics" or "Neons"...well than you dont deserve to play this game haha.
for yall that want bikes.. thats not gonna happen, motorcycles are a WHOLE different ball game, not even close to driving..

just remembered.... okay this does have to do with cars, but it would be nice to get some more cars of the same class.. ei: the DTM race.. i was racing against cars that were made a looong time ago.. instead of current DTM cars

sad :(
There are some really cool ideas in here, especially the day night, rain shine ideas. Also I am in TOTAL agreement with the request for more control over replays, no rw/ff, what is that all about.

However I think that we are gonna have to wait for the next generation of games console in order to acheive most of what is being asked in terms of more cars on track at one time and environmental effects such as skidmarks.

The future looks bright though. :)
Hmm other thing??
I'd liek to see some body kits in the game and some exhaust tips that makes the car have a different sound to it... Ummm some neon lights get some more rims in the game and get different paintjobs on the cars hich have designs in it
What else???
Umm a tournament for drag racing and races like that...
and i want to see alot of body modifications for the cars like....headlights, tale lights, hood scoops,carbon fiber hoods and spoilers,interiors, windows tintings, spedometer gages and i guess thats it!!....
But one more thing id liek to see more exotic cars liek ferrari and lamborghini
And we should get some Crotch rockets in the game to 👍 :)
For the dude bout the PS3 and a HD nothing conifrmed or mentioned bout it. The only confirmed i know of is a 9 proccesser setup able to preform 256 billion calclations. And i believe they are working with NVidia not sure thought.

As for what i want to see MORE TRACKS i own TOCA race driver 2 and there are alot of great tracks missed on GT4. Also as another guy said Tagara Rallys. PAINT SHOP i hate when u buy a used car u are stuck with that color unless u want to wait around. As most others have said day-2-night, weather, Fuel/tire wear effects performance. Some more accurate car sounds maybe, not saying every car has to sound like real life counter part. Sponsership would be a neat idea. The reven system that EA would be a neat thing.

As for damange its a tricky thing they could implement it but not show it that is the best for both. Cause most auto manfactues will not let there cars be in games where they are destroyed. IE GTA,Driver Sony pulled some strings with the getaway and used some $$ and loop wholes to get licensed cars in it.
Crash Dynamics... the creators do not need to add polygon counts to the cars, but if you hit the wall at 125mph, you should have to spend money repairing things. Stiffening the chassis doesnt really count. I have worked in the sprint car world for a couple few years now, and I know that if a car is salvagable, it costs $$$ to get it straightened out, to have the damage cut off and new stuff put in, and have the new aluminum panels remade. Crashing the GT-One for example in turn 1 of the Tokyo R race while doing 150+ should do more to the performance of the car instead of bouncing off.

In my opinion, if they implement damage I think they should make it more realistic than done before in other games. Just touching another car should leave a dent in the car body. Crashing into a wall with 150mph should lead to instant end of the race, car total loss and to be sold as scrap, or even better a hospital bill to get yourself repaired. Damage should be implemented completely realisticly. Prizes per race should be increased in any position, so people will be less likely to ruin their car and get a huge bill from the garage by desperately crashing into the lead car to finish first.

That's just my opinion, if you slam into a concrete wall really hard it isn't realistic that you put the car in reverse and continue the race, even if it means a loose bumper or deformed alignment.
Hmm...not sure if this would come under a new racing style or new cars, but here goes...
Superstox! (That is how it's spelt) I went to see them this afternoon and they were brilliant, except one took a chunk or Armco with it on the way out of a corner and we had to wait for the Oxford trained structural engineer (read meathead with sledgehammer) to fix it. Anyway, superstox's plus a 300M oval and mabey a figure of 8 track would be awesome 👍
<img src="">
I figure if we have to wait another 4 years for GT5, and since it will be for the PS3 anyway...Here's what i want to see. I am just echoing the senitments of others when i repeat something mentioned before.
in no particular order....
1. More race cars(12 skyline GTR JGTC cars vs. 1 C5R, and viper?)
2. More cars in races(keep it realistic, if its an exhibition okay then...24 hours of lemans with 6 cars?)
3. Skidmarks/better smoke
5. night/day changes
6. weather changes/options
7. more real race tracks
8. Better A-spec points system, or at least an equation of how its calculated...or it should account for crashes, starting position vs. finish, victory margin, lap times....
9. more even competition, or competition that plays at the edge of the rulebook.
(hypothetically speaking if the max available hp is 500, all the cars show up
with between 450-500 hp)
10. more garage/pit adjustments(tire pressures! downforce adjustments on pit
11. a better data aquisition than the replay analyser.
12. Car descriptions!! as in earlier installments of GT
13. ONLINE, anyhting is better than nothing, but i'd also like to see online
leaderboards and lap times
14. being able to go to the tune shop during a series(you can realistically buy
tires at a race, why can't you in the game?)
15. being able to take pics of more of your cars at the same time.
16. descriptions of photo mode tools(like the camera options)
17. more replay controls
18. ability to paint car(change colors)
19. convert cars to race cars(SCCA style, stock car turned racer)
20. more F1 cars, don't have to be licensed...this years looks like a renault

From all this, you mihgt think i hate this game. I love GT4, it could just be so much better.
first of all... PORSCHE, FERRARI, LAMBORGHINI, BUGATTI, and other important manufacters which are not in the actual GT series...
Faster Loadings
AI Improved
More then just 6 cars during a race
12 hours of sebring :)
Different championships and races.. (example, they might introduce the LMES, or ALMS; the FIA GT... exc..)
During 24 hours races... the sun must disappear ..and the sky might become dark..
Less useless cars (actually there are always a lot of useless used cars, most of them identical.)
Damages to cars..
More competivity...

Less Skylines.

No "tits on a bull" useless concept cars

More tuning options, engine swaps.

Race modifications.

Sell cars for more money if they've been upgraded. The depreciation in GT4 is unrealistic.

More Aussie cars.

More specific stationwagon races, hatch races, v8 races, one make races.

Harder to get money. Once you win the rally raid car in GT4 it's all too easy from there on in and you dont have to work for your money.

Proper drag racing like in SegaGT2002

less stupid cars like the Benz Patent Motor Wagen...NOONE WANTS THEM, it's a fricken racing game !

Lightweight mods like plexiglass windows, fibreglass/carbonfibre panels, removal of headlights, lightweight WHEELS etc.

All Races with HP limits on them.

Easier takes too goddam long to buy a car then deck it out will the best stuff, especially with the 'Loading' Bar thing.

More tuner cars, i'm loving the R32 golf :dopey:
Hmm other thing??
I'd liek to see some body kits in the game and some exhaust tips that makes the car have a different sound to it... Ummm some neon lights get some more rims in the game and get different paintjobs on the cars hich have designs in it
What else???
Umm a tournament for drag racing and races like that...
and i want to see alot of body modifications for the cars like....headlights, tale lights, hood scoops,carbon fiber hoods and spoilers,interiors, windows tintings, spedometer gages and i guess thats it!!....
But one more thing id liek to see more exotic cars liek ferrari and lamborghini
And we should get some Crotch rockets in the game to 👍 :)

.... this isnt NFSU.....
motorcyles will never be part of GT4, so forget it, if you knew anything about programming you would understand....
I fig instead of saying more tracks i'd actully make a list of the ones i would like to see here we go.
All the F1 circuits
FORMULA 1 Melbourne .
FORMULA 1 Bahrain
FORMULA 1 Catalunya
Monaco done on the game as Cote De Azur
FORMULA 1 Nürburgring
FORMULA 1 Gilles Villeneuve Circuit
FORMULA 1 Grand Prix Indianapolis
FORMULA 1 Circuit de Nevers Magny Cours
FORMULA 1 Silverstone
FORMULA 1 Hockenheim
FORMULA 1 Hungaroring
FORMULA 1 Istanbul Otodrom
FORMULA 1 Autodromo Nazionale di Monza
FORMULA 1 Circuit of Spa Francorchamps
FORMULA 1 Autodromo Carlos Pace
Suzuka done on
FORMULA 1 Shanghai International Circuit

Adria Raceway
Donington Long
A1 Gp ring

V8 Supercars:
Phillip Island
Eastern creek
Hidden Vally
Oran Park
Sufers Paradise

Daytona road course
Waktins Glen Sport car/Stock car
Road America
Mantorp Long
Road Alanta
Sebring International Raceway
Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course
Lime Rock
Portland International
Sportland SUGO

Thats all for now i knwo it seems like a long list and i know half of the DTM and V8 supercar tracks wouldn't make it but some would be nice.
Hmm other thing??
I'd liek to see some body kits in the game and some exhaust tips that makes the car have a different sound to it... Ummm some neon lights get some more rims in the game and get different paintjobs on the cars hich have designs in it
What else???
Umm a tournament for drag racing and races like that...
and i want to see alot of body modifications for the cars like....headlights, tale lights, hood scoops,carbon fiber hoods and spoilers,interiors, windows tintings, spedometer gages and i guess thats it!!....
But one more thing id liek to see more exotic cars liek ferrari and lamborghini
And we should get some Crotch rockets in the game to 👍 :)

body kits... yes
exhaust tips... no... inside the car all you hear is the wind and the transmission anyway.
neon... NO this isnt NFSU.
paint... yes
designer decals... no again not NFSU
different headlights, taillights, window tint... see designer decals.
guages... yes but not come custom flame guages.. not nsfu.
more exotic cars... YES....
bikes... go rent American Chopper or MotoGP 3

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