Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Better late than never! Did not get to spend lots of time in GT7 these days but at least I got a somewhat respectable time at Interlagos. The Jag does drive like something from 60's even on RH, but God it is so beautiful to look at.

A very conservative lap got me 1:33.7 for now with a 1:33.5 Opt - probably not gonna chase that as my Dyson Skoda VGT TT is still untouched. Won't be able to challenge @Gomario JSP and @Dolph Drago anyways - great laps you guys have there!



Clever time @AdxRE, if you guys have time, can you read the post I made at 6:21am. I'm really having a time at Watkins Glen, it's not my personal favorite because of the length and tough corners/turns. And the dreaded sweepers.
@half_sourly what do you normally use?

I will say this though, the difficulty is less brutal here than the Suzuka Mclaren TT, that one was 10 times more difficult for me. So, a poll, what methods/strategies are you all using here. Let me know please, if you don't mind sharing, :)
I use the ps5 pad, got gold yesterday during a night session. Really fast lift off before turn 2 and 3 made it easier, then I had to fix my chicane braking, you really need to nearly brush the wall on the right to be in good exit position. I suggest you use a top ghost with 0.2 or 0.3 sec ahead and reset at each sector. Rest of the lap isn't hard as you have clear marker where to brake and the car don't require any driving aids, it's just super planted.
I feel discouraged and want to give up at the W.G. TT. The Skoda is really hard for me to control. I always use a controller, so it would be real hard taming it with a wheel. I'm curious as to what equipment you guys are using in this challenge. I feel like there's a lot of time that I'm losing because I'm afraid I'll run off the road or run smack dab in the wall/barrier.

@half_sourly what do you normally use?

I will say this though, the difficulty is less brutal here than the Suzuka Mclaren TT, that one was 10 times more difficult for me. So, a poll, what methods/strategies are you all using here. Let me know please, if you don't mind sharing, :)
I use DS5
To me it doesn’t even matter if it helps or not. I’d play in VR even if it made me a second per lap slower. The experience is just so much better.
Your statement makes me wonder if my next upgrade should be a direct drive wheel or the PSVR.

PSVR is easily available for me to get my hands on. The DD is a whole different story sadly 😥
In talks with @330_D who is more than willing to assist me get the wheel.
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Your statement makes me wonder if my next upgrade should be a direct drive wheel or the PSVR.

PSVR is easily available for me to get my hands on. The DD is a whole different story sadly 😥
In talks with @330_D who is more than willing to assist me get the wheel.
As I have seen what people with controllers are able to do (it's more than impressive guys) I think VR could perhaps be the more powerful lever. People who really know about tell that it should be another level. And it takes no space (compared to a wheel stand)

I "just" have a direct drive wheel but no VR till yet because of wearing glasses, family in the background to have an eye on, fearing motion sickness and so on and finally also the financial aspect (for me to expensive "just to try") but VR is something which I can't get out of my mind.

As I have seen what people with controllers are able to do (it's more than impressive guys) I think VR could perhaps be the more powerful lever. People who really know about tell that it should be another level. And it takes no space (compared to a wheel stand)

I "just" have a direct drive wheel but no VR till yet because of wearing glasses, family in the background to have an eye on, fearing motion sickness and so on and finally also the financial aspect (for me to expensive "just to try") but VR is something which I can't get out of my mind.

I have similar feelings towards VR. It's pricey just to 'try'. Yet the wheel on the other hand is something that I know will be a good investment.

The likes of what @Gomario JSP @Barareklam @Dolph Drago can do with a controller never fails to amaze me. There are plenty others here on controllers who are damn fast as well 🔥
Finally got myself into the new tt. I don't appreciate how the car handles, this time I have.to appreciate that it's automatic. Makes my drive much easier :)

Almost into gold zone. Skoda is testing my patience, bad braking zones, too fast on throttle and I'm over the track imits.

On the side note. Has anyone noticed that in cockpit.view you can see that the car is on 70/30 brake.bias and tcs 2, even though I drive with tcs 0
Day 4, I think, at Interlagos.

No progress yesterday, but came within 5 thousands of matching my record from Day 2. I think I just needed to adjust to the non-gold Jag.

Today I had a little more time to work things out. Even though it seems like I didn't need a ton of laps to get the job done. I broke my Day 2 record on Lap 10 by about 2 hundredths but I thought I might have more.

Then on Lap 15 I blew away my new record by almost 4 tenths. Quite pleased with myself, I called it a day there. Hopefully another Top 500 finish, but even if it slips I'm happy I made it into the 33's.


With the extra time I had left over, I decided to upload a replay.

Yes, @Gomario JSP, I saw that time when I logged on today and just shook my head. I don't think I'll be beating that one. Nice job!

Anyway, I hopped back into the Jaaag after three days away from Interlagos. Apparently I had completely forgotten how to drive the car and was well off the pace for several laps. Then it started to click again. I did improve...by all of .008 seconds. :ouch: It was enough, however, to get back by @Evilmuffin who had knocked me down by .004 prior. :lol: My lap could have been in the 33.5's, but my sector 2 was sub par and a full tenth off my best from the session. Also, I didn't realize I was on a personal best until I crossed the line. I may have been able to cut off up to a hundredth had I hugged the inside to the finish line. Whoops!

I'd be fine if you didn't improve, Mr. Muffin Man. :D
Yes, @Gomario JSP, I saw that time when I logged on today and just shook my head. I don't think I'll be beating that one. Nice job!

Anyway, I hopped back into the Jaaag after three days away from Interlagos. Apparently I had completely forgotten how to drive the car and was well off the pace for several laps. Then it started to click again. I did improve...by all of .008 seconds. :ouch: It was enough, however, to get back by @Evilmuffin who had knocked me down by .004 prior. :lol: My lap could have been in the 33.5's, but my sector 2 was sub par and a full tenth off my best from the session. Also, I didn't realize I was on a personal best until I crossed the line. I may have been able to cut off up to a hundredth had I hugged the inside to the finish line. Whoops!
View attachment 1351090

I'd be fine if you didn't improve, Mr. Muffin Man. :D
View attachment 1351095
Lol, Evilmuffin will get a big surprise. I wonder how much total time I can save by using the MT? I'm at 1'36.508. I gotta find another second and a half to get in the gold territory. I don't know where to improve though. If I have to watch every guide on Youtube for 2-3 hours straight I will, surely I'll learn some sort of knowledge.

@Evilmuffin well for me, I have to find the motivation and the urge to get close to the gold territory. I've got limited time due to my responsibilities around the house and taking care of my family. Anyways, I will post a run later of the MT and let you guys have a look.

I need to fully understand trail braking, I'm sure I can gain some extra time if I acquired that skill on a daily basis.

@BWX hey, I just discovered your YT channel, I'm looking at your Interlagos guide. How did you buy the XJ13? I can only rent mine.
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@BWX hey, I just discovered your YT channel, I'm looking at your Interlagos guide. How did you buy the XJ13? I can only rent mine.
Not really a guide, just showed my lap in a few angles... but it might help someone! No aids, wheel, non-alien lap with a chase cam in replay. I bought it a while ago, I think it was 20M or something crazy like that. LOL

edit- Oh forgot to mention it was at the Legendary Dealership. I guess it was around 12M cr. after looking it up.
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I feel discouraged and want to give up at the W.G. TT. The Skoda is really hard for me to control. I always use a controller, so it would be real hard taming it with a wheel. I'm curious as to what equipment you guys are using in this challenge. I feel like there's a lot of time that I'm losing because I'm afraid I'll run off the road or run smack dab in the wall/barrier.

@half_sourly what do you normally use?

I will say this though, the difficulty is less brutal here than the Suzuka Mclaren TT, that one was 10 times more difficult for me. So, a poll, what methods/strategies are you all using here. Let me know please, if you don't mind sharing, :)
I used a controller for my run! Didn't have any settings differences for the controller, just the basic settings
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Oh btw, it doesn't seem like my replays and ghosts ever save...it's still an automatic thing isn't it? If so, what am I doing that's keeping it from uploading?
I feel discouraged and want to give up at the W.G. TT. The Skoda is really hard for me to control. I always use a controller, so it would be real hard taming it with a wheel. I'm curious as to what equipment you guys are using in this challenge. I feel like there's a lot of time that I'm losing because I'm afraid I'll run off the road or run smack dab in the wall/barrier.

@half_sourly what do you normally use?

I will say this though, the difficulty is less brutal here than the Suzuka Mclaren TT, that one was 10 times more difficult for me. So, a poll, what methods/strategies are you all using here. Let me know please, if you don't mind sharing, :)
I haven't tried any of these two TTs yet, I'm late to the party this time.

I did the weekly challenges to get the car ticket, then had a few practice laps in the Gazoo Cup and got hooked again, so after nipping out at lunch I dived into the 3pm race.

16th to 3rd after not qualifying, finished 5sec behind P1 who was lapping at 1:26.3xx

I am off work Wednesday afternoon so going to try to get the Jag done before it ends.

Neat times everyone, it's great to see others progress. However I'm sometimes left behind in the dust, :(

The ghost seems to blast ahead of me on my lap run. That's if I don't have it set to the "reset each sector" option for the ghost.