>> TT Galeria jmx²²²² << Re.Loaded >>

  • Thread starter jmx2222
Nice angle on the latest pic. Is it a wheelie or a jump?:confused:


For the love of GOD, stop blurring, soft focusing, desaturating and overexposing everything. I'm talking to everyone here, not just jmx. Photoshop enhancements are great, but too many of you guys go overboard. All of your pictures appear to be through the eyes of an elderly woman who just lost her sunglasses for the first time in 5 years.

That aside, jmx, you always take photos with excellent spatial composition and framing. That much I love.
Damn dude, that new picture is awesome. Nice and bright color, great job!

thanx matt :)

Very nice JMX, look very real 👍

thanx 725 :)

thats a perfect balance of color man, the only thing is those damn red tires on the right side of the pic, you should have persuaed them to be blue.lol. but its a great pic jmx

thanx cuda :) I thought that the pic would look more colorfull with the red tires...kinda eyecandy :)

[empty space]
nice 👍 what you should do now is get a mv augusta f4s and moriwaki cbr 600rr and show off those nice rear ... exhausts :P

any chance you could stop by my gallery and check out my ducati manina updates? :)

Thanx ES. I'll try to make an update of the bikes you sugested - hope to get some good angles too. It's always a matter of inspiration. I'll check your gallery ASAP...I have to visit so many galleries and leave a comment. I feel a little bit bad I'm too lazy about commenting people's work and other hand I know how good it is to read comments in my gallery.

Wow JMX...looks hot!

How much time do you spend on one pic?

thanx vr :) I think I spent about 45 minutes on that pic. I wasn't even sure should I post it. It's not that much work on editing...the shootings are the time consuming thingies.

Wow, very nice. Beautiful work jmx.👍

thanx PB :)

Syntax error
I think thats the best shot i've seen from you or anyone for that matter.... all I can say is wow.

Many thanx SE :embarrassed:

Nice! Great pictures.

thanx Cod :)

The new picture is friggin' awesome 👍

thanx again matt :)

I love your pics. They're awesome. My favorite it the 6th one from the left in the second to last row. I love the 'openess' of it.👍

Thanx GB :)

I am lovin' the Motorrad pic! 👍 Great job.

thanx matt :)

idea:idea: , i'm thinkin pajero vs. xr250 at the cany'n, but who could do such a pic? who has that much skills, it couldnt be jmx, could it?

great idea cuda 👍 Can't make a promise when it can be done but you made me think about it :) BTW: Slip has already a cool TT+GT shot just in case you missed it :)

Nice angle on the latest pic. Is it a wheelie or a jump?:confused:

thanx kaede :) it's a jump

I was going try a dirt bike shoot too...seems kinda fun.

Great shot JMX

Thanx vr :) it was really fun to go off-road. Still can't believe there a no dirt-tracks in TT :(

That's awesome, JMX. Looks great.

thanx Vonie :)👍


For the love of GOD, stop blurring, soft focusing, desaturating and overexposing everything. I'm talking to everyone here, not just jmx. Photoshop enhancements are great, but too many of you guys go overboard. All of your pictures appear to be through the eyes of an elderly woman who just lost her sunglasses for the first time in 5 years.

That aside, jmx, you always take photos with excellent spatial composition and framing. That much I love.

Thanx for the comment Glubags. I can only say: Hey - what should we do if we would not edit the pix? I think every gallery would look more or less the same (except the angles) and would get boring after a while. I think I'll go on editing pix and the most comments say it should be so. Don't forget it's all just for fun and a part of that fun is for me to photochopp the pix.
Do I have to say something? :D :lol: . Great pictures, I like the "rally" bike pic most :).

Keep them coming, and do a bike vs car pic please :D :) ;).

Thanx ES. I'll try to make an update of the bikes you sugested - hope to get some good angles too. It's always a matter of inspiration. I'll check your gallery ASAP...I have to visit so many galleries and leave a comment. I feel a little bit bad I'm too lazy about commenting people's work and other hand I know how good it is to read comments in my gallery.

thamks! :D

on the TT vs GT pic, im mixed like matt but for different reasons. for instance, where is the bikes rear wheel? it looks like the rider got on the front brakes to hard and the rear wheel is off the ground. the ground is also solid black making it hard to tell where the road is, going to, or went.

id suggest maybe lowering the bike a little, but, the angle on the bike seems all wrong imho :( purhapes if it was lower and was headed straight for the camera?
Nice GT4/TT combination shot JMX. It's like Paris-Dakar rally, only on asphault. It looks pretty seamless. It would be hard to tell weather you brought GT4 into TT or vice versa if it were'nt for the cars in the background. And I like your desaturated/over exposed, sharp style. Everyone has to have there own style. Some are better than others. And yours is a better one in my opinion.👍
Thanks for the mention JMX! As soon as I saw the title of the thread I had to check in, and I'm not disappointed. I didn't notice the odd angle of the rider/bike until Es mentioned it, but even then, it's a pretty seamless shot, and I'm going to echo Franz on your style; it's artistic but still so interesting and beautiful to look at. Even though updates are a pic or two each time, it's always worth stopping in here to see what new thing you've come up with.

The dirtbike shot is also pretty cool, I've gotta say. Keep it up, pal 👍
Awsome GT vs TT shot, it looks so natural. By the way, if that shot was real the bike would one right?
I guess PD will have to include a car vs bike racing mode in GT5 :D.

Like eveyone has said that is great work JMX, I always enjoy your updates, always so different :D
I like the concept of the picture, but it looks washed out stuff at the same time, so it stumps me on that one.

Well...for a fast one I'm about 80% happy with the pic

[empty space]
thamks! :D

on the TT vs GT pic, im mixed like matt but for different reasons. for instance, where is the bikes rear wheel? it looks like the rider got on the front brakes to hard and the rear wheel is off the ground. the ground is also solid black making it hard to tell where the road is, going to, or went.

id suggest maybe lowering the bike a little, but, the angle on the bike seems all wrong imho :( purhapes if it was lower and was headed straight for the camera?

all I can say...you probably found out all details that are wrong. I'll try to make less faults next time. Thanx for the sugestions :)

Nice GT4/TT combination shot JMX. It's like Paris-Dakar rally, only on asphault. It looks pretty seamless. It would be hard to tell weather you brought GT4 into TT or vice versa if it were'nt for the cars in the background. And I like your desaturated/over exposed, sharp style. Everyone has to have there own style. Some are better than others. And yours is a better one in my opinion.👍

Thanx 440 :) Glad you like the pic & style

Nice.👍 How about doing a shot with the rider checking out the driver of the car?

Thanx kaede :) Could you please explain how exactly you mean the "rider vs. driver checkout" ?

Thanks for the mention JMX! As soon as I saw the title of the thread I had to check in, and I'm not disappointed. I didn't notice the odd angle of the rider/bike until Es mentioned it, but even then, it's a pretty seamless shot, and I'm going to echo Franz on your style; it's artistic but still so interesting and beautiful to look at. Even though updates are a pic or two each time, it's always worth stopping in here to see what new thing you've come up with.

The dirtbike shot is also pretty cool, I've gotta say. Keep it up, pal 👍

Thanx Slip :) I'm very pickie with my shots so the updates are so small - I'm glad the updates are worth a click :)

Awsome GT vs TT shot, it looks so natural. By the way, if that shot was real the bike would one right?
I guess PD will have to include a car vs bike racing mode in GT5 :D.


Thanx mprata :) It's hard to tell who would win...I'm not that into the techical stuff but I think the bike would make it. About the GT5 bike vs. car...it will probably always remain something we would like to see...but who knows

Like eveyone has said that is great work JMX, I always enjoy your updates, always so different :D

Thanx 725 :)👍

Touring Mars
I love this gallery 👍

Many thanx for lovin' it :) Means really a lot to read comments like this
A little bit "OFF-TOPIC" but it will fill the hole in TT. Harley Davidson :)
I had the chance today to be at a benefit HD meeting so I made a few shots with my $h!tty Canon PowerShot A300 camera :(
It was much fun PS'ing the pix...hope you'll like 'em
