Weekly Race Series, Week 14 - EVO vs. WRX

  • Thread starter boombexus


Staff Emeritus
Ok, here's a litte change to the series.

Gonna run two cars this week. You can pick whichever one you like and you can alternate back and forth between them until you find the one you like the most.

Car 1: Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 7 GSR. Equip all modifications along with Stage 2 turbo. NO INTERCOOLER!!! 467 HP to start, with an oil change.

Car 2: Subaru WRX, STI version. Equip all modifications along with Stage 2 turbo and Racing Intercooler. 484HP to start, with an oil change.

Both cars are purchasable at the dealership.

Note: I had only limited time to test these two vehicles together, however, I think I got them down to very even times. But if that proves not to be the case, then an adjustment can be made. The STI has a distinct power advantage, but don't let that fool you. ;) These cars have very close power to weight ratios.

The Track: Laguna Seca

The Race: Hot lap. Send in your fastest lap time. Use Arcade mode "Free Run."

The Rules:

1. Keep two tires on the track at all times.
2. The rumble strips are considered part of the track.
3. No short cutting.
4. No hybrids.
5. Only equip the said modifications.
6. No wall touching.
7. No cheating of any kind.

The Deadline: Monday at Midnight (Mountain Standard Time, USA.) , the 26th of May.
Use www.worldtimezone.com to check your time difference. Mountain Standard Time is the 3rd time zone in the US starting from the East Coast.

Time Discussion: T1's, T2's and T3's. Please specify which car you are using.

Car Discussion: Please point out what advantages and disadvantages you have noticed between the two cars. Which seems to handle better what parts you like and don't like.

Since this is the first time that we have done a race with a choice of cars, please help out all the others and answer all questions. This is very important to those who are trying to learn. No questions should go unanswered.

If there happens to be any major time discrepencies between the two vehicles, please let me know so that we can have a chance to correct it.

Let's have some fun and see what these cars can do against eachother.
Well no matter what the ratings are or what the power levels are, Im using the subaru, I have issues with mitusbishi.

So I will be looking forward to seeing who chooses what... this will be an interesting one.
:cool: think I'll go for the EVO out of the two but I will try them both out, AND I'll go quick as I can right till the end this time !!!!!! lol !!!! :D
Originally posted by Viper_Maniac
Aww man. Now I wish I hadnt restarted GT3.

IF YOU OR ANYONE ELSE has a Sharkport I can send you my garage. It has every available car in the game and all tracks unlocked. If anyone wants it let me know.:cool:
Righto PM duties out of the way ;)

Which car shall i have i like the looks of that EVO i might go for that :)
YES!!!!!!!!!!! This sounds like a great race. I think I'll try the Wax STI firs, I'v always been a subaru fan. Great race choice Boombexus:D
You may want to point out that you DO NOT install any intercooler upgrades on the Lancer, which would put you over 467 HP. Just to avoid confusion and/or inadvertent running with extra HP's.
Originally posted by CarbonFiber Man
You may want to point out that you DO NOT install any intercooler upgrades on the Lancer, which would put you over 467 HP. Just to avoid confusion and/or inadvertent running with extra HP's.

Got ya CF, made an edit. 👍

Less confusion is always better. ;)
Alright, the first thing I noticed is that the Lancer has YCS - Yaw Control System (I think). Whereas the Impreza does not.

The Lancer also has adjustable rear downforce whereas the Impreza has no adjustable downforce.

Aside from that, they are identical.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Alright, the first thing I noticed is that the Lancer has YCS - Yaw Control System (I think). Whereas the Impreza does not.

The Lancer also has adjustable rear downforce whereas the Impreza has no adjustable downforce.

Aside from that, they are identical.

Yep, something to take into consideration. Thanks for pointing that out. 👍

The WRX has a slight power advantage and a slight weight advantage. IMO the WRX is a bit more nimble. But in a different way than the EVO, as the EVO is quite maneuverable with that YAW controll, but it's quite a different feel.
Well I set up both cars as specified, and I ran 5 laps with each one.

My best laps for each were only .048 apart :eek:

So, in early impressionsare that they seem about perfectly matched, I don't think one car is vastly better than the other. Just a matter of driver preference! Of course this may change as I get more time on each car their subtleties will emerge...

It seems like the Lancer is more nimble but has a touch less torque, the Subie is more stable but a little less eager to turn but has more grunt out of the corners.

I ran both cars with stock setts other than gear adjustment to suit the course and lowered LSD setts to min on front end,lowered VCD to minimum and ASM and TCS off. Have yet to mes with YAW control, never even tried it at all:confused:

Looks like an interesting week ahead.:P
Watch the boost levels on the EVO. They tend to drop off at high RPM's. Earlier shifting might be necessary.
The WRX on the other hand stays at full boost throughout the RPM range.
I'm making it my goal this week to learn about the Toe setting.

I always leave it at 0/0, and that ain't right.

Any general tips about Toe, when I would want to use it, when it is most effective, etc?
I might join you luxy - if you dont mind ! This might be something useful that cud bring our times down ?? I never ever changed it b4
All mods except for the intercooler on the EVO??? So we can have fully customised suspension, gearbox etc etc??

What about tyres?? Sorry to be a pain, i'm sure people who have been in the series longer will know already but I am not sure.