Z-Type (Typing game) - Whats your score?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
Level 32 (couldn't remember though)
Final score: 4363
Accuracy: 89.9%

Yeah, it's awesome. Only a bit of lag and some loss of focus hindered me.
Acurracy 88%

Not that bad I was doing it easily however slipped up on this level by pressing the wrong key so starting a word leaving me open to the other letters.

I also found myself hitting the back key when I messed up.

accuracy 97%

Don't remember the level though.
28 or something like that I believe
Score: 7004 with 94.2% accuracy. I think I was on level 43 or 44, don't remember which.

I'm having another go. :D Hopefully with better accuracy this time...

EDIT: Had a 2nd go and did a lot better! 16751 points, 93.7% accuracy. I think I was on level 72 or 73...this game should really tell you what level you were on when you died. For all you skeptics, here's a screenshot: http://imageshack.us/f/843/ztypehighscore.jpg/
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Ughh.. this game takes soooo long! I just finished wave 54 with 10255 points.. I wanna give up about now.. too long.

EDIT: Driving Park, I'm coming for you! Only 3000 points until I beat you!!

What the hell? I got raped! Suddenly all of these pizza slices raged at me!

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"To play this game you need a good Browser, like Opera, Chrome, Firefox or Safari."

I like how Internet Explorer isn't considered 'good'! :lol:
First attempt and I got to level 30-something, with a score of 4202 and an accuracy of 90%

Not too bad. But I died due to pizza slices also, I couldn't seem to shoot them :(
Got a new highest accuracy of 98.9%
Final score 5527 at something like level 25 or 26.

Accuracy really bumps up your score.
^ Thats my main problem. I may be reasonably quick at typing, but I make loads of the time and keep having to go back and change stuff. I kept pressing the back button on this game when I made a mistake too haha.
The key is to take it slowly. You can't afford any stupid mistakes at the beginning as it affects your whole score and accuracy.

Later of course you make mistakes as it gets too hectic.
I think I need a better keyboard if I'm going to do better at this game. The apple keyboard is good for everyday use, but typing that fast, I find it hard to keep track of where each key is.
Wow, it is a pretty cool game. Although m wrists got quite fatigued by the time of my demise at level 29 or 30.

Score - 3,861
Accuracy - 94%

Agreed there should be more feedback like level, words per minute (or characters per sec), number of enemies destroyed, # by types of enemies, total enemies escaped, "pizza slice" shots fired, accuracy of specific words typed, total number of key presses (per key even), total miss strokes (& per key again), etc.
Wow, it is a pretty cool game. Although m wrists got quite fatigued by the time of my demise at level 29 or 30.

You should reevaluate your typing style then. My first time I was hurting at about level 20, but then I switched to a more comfortable typing position and I was fine for the rest of the game.
The key is to take it slowly. You can't afford any stupid mistakes at the beginning as it affects your whole score and accuracy.

Later of course you make mistakes as it gets too hectic.

Took your tip into account, made it to round 38.

Final score, 5934
accuracy, 94.9%

Anyone else using this game as a sort of typing warmup? I had an essay to type, and I used this game before I started to warmup before typing. I typed quite quickly, and with less errors than usual.