Domestic B License

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Try this the moment you start breaking, slightly steer left then hard right, or first right then left, it'll help the car stop a little faster. But IMO you don't need that to gold this test, as far as I can remember I didn't need the trick and just perfected the starting point of the break to gold those tests.

Good luck 👍 on your gold quest and remember...... it can be done.... :sly:
Thanks i´m gona try it. 👍
It´s not for Gold lizenze i´ve got all 80 but theres a huge challenge in GTRP
with Lizenze times where all Rekords are from holl01 :sly:
I have to say that B-5 was one b*tch of a test. After hours upon hours of frustration, I was forced to cheat, by using the pace car to help me around the last hairpin. That could be cheap (all right it is cheap), but I was bloody desperate.:guilty:
started to redo all the bronze /silver results, just past the coffee brake all gold.
One of the tests was so wierd couldnt get the gold then aced it by a second?
Yeah the Mini One one was the one that held me back from all golds on Domestic B for ages. I found that the trick was to make sure that the TCS and ASM were never used. This I think would be a very easy test to gold if you could turn those damned things off.
And it's such a boring car to drive! That horrible sound.
Oh, and the last corner is VERY crucial to your overall time.
Hah! I braked too early on B-6, so I decided to turn around and see if I could make it right around the Test Course, and I noticed that the marker on the track map doesn't stick to the track at all, it actully goes way off.
I'm just going to add myself to the list of the people that absolutely can't stand License B-5.
I've gotten as low as 1'27.586, but I just can't get lower. I've been trying since last night. It's so, so frustrating. Especially since I deleted my GT4 file to start fresh, beginning with golding some license tests. I hope I get it soon. I try to follow the guides that have been posted, but they're just not working.
B5 - I am really glad to see so many others having such a hard time with this.

After spending 5 hours at a time, 2 days in a row, my best time here is 1'27.655.

Now I spend 30 to 40 minutes every single day on this test. Not even doing the entire test... usually I am just trying to get the first split time. The demo car hits 25.965. My best so far, after around 12 hours on this one is 26.017.

Add me to the group of people who seriously wonder WHAT were they thinking when they set this gold time.

-update: decided to skip B5 for awhile because not making any progress at all is really irritating. I went on to Domestic A license for awhile I got 2 gold A right away, and 4 more today. [mad] grrr... if I'm good enough to get golds on some of the A licenses on my 2nd or 3rd finish, what is the deal with B5?
When I first encountered B5, I was thinking they were crazy. How can the fifth license of the game be so hard to do??!?!?!!??! I've done it, got 80 golds, but even so, if I go back to this one to retry it, I may take 40 runs without another gold time.

No advice but to keep at it. The right line and the right speeds are EXTREMELY tight on this one. Too much drift on the brakes and you're toast. Early on the gas and you're toast. It's very tight timing on EVERYTHING.
is this cutting it close or what!

Test Number:16

I would like to join the "Cannot get gold in B5 license test" club. I have spent 4 days and about 7 hours playing GT4 ever since I bought the game. B1-B4 were pretty easy to get gold but B5 requires way too much patience that I skipped ahead and got gold for B6 and B7. Right now my best time is 1'28.296 in B5, which earned me a silver. I now have to shave off 1 second in order to get gold. But I am glad I found this site, especially the gold medal license guide.

It would make me feel much better if this were true: is B5 the hardest test out of all of the "B" license tests?
i meant Coasting, dont hit the gas and your mini wont be propelled to the outside as much as if you tried to power out of it. it is faster according to previous posts, but you need to hit the gas after the sweeper to get you to the finish line.
Disregard everything I said about B5, in my initial post. Lets just say I was not in the zone (the whole time I was using the emergency brake button). Through sheer will I finally did pass B5 and felt like throwing a party. The B8 and B9 license test are very easy to pass with gold.

Now I am on B10. Why do they have these full lap tests in domestic "B"? Most of the license tests contain 1-2 difficult turns but full laps usually contain 4 difficult turns or higher. Therefore, it is harder to string together a gold medal type run. But I am on the right pace for section 1 in B10. According, to the Gold Medal License guide. Now I just have to combine it with section 2 and 3.

Here is a video for license B10 on youtube that I found. Can someone please explain to me how the driver managed to finish the lap, 5 seconds under the Gold medal time.

Uh, I'm starting the license tests myself and have a question. I've golded B1-B4 so far but noticed on B3 and 4 that the car starts braking itsself before I want it to. When I approach the turn, I can hear the RPMs drop and can actually see, by looking at the brakes indicator, that brake is being applied, but my foot isn't even on the pedal (using the DFP). Nothing is wrong with the wheel. It's really screwing with my timing.

Am I to understand that ASM is used during these tests? I ran the same tests in GT3 and haven't noticed any other control over the car than my own. I only saw one place in the options where I could deactivate ASM. Is there another?
Uh, I'm starting the license tests myself and have a question. I've golded B1-B4 so far but noticed on B3 and 4 that the car starts braking itsself before I want it to. When I approach the turn, I can hear the RPMs drop and can actually see, by looking at the brakes indicator, that brake is being applied, but my foot isn't even on the pedal (using the DFP). Nothing is wrong with the wheel. It's really screwing with my timing.

Am I to understand that ASM is used during these tests? I ran the same tests in GT3 and haven't noticed any other control over the car than my own. I only saw one place in the options where I could deactivate ASM. Is there another?

Nothing you set in options for ASM, etc. applies to license tests. The tests are set how PD wanted them to be, and you do it that way, like it or not. It teaches you how to use different modes, what they do for (or against) you, and levels the playing field. Everybody runs every test in the exact same setup and conditions.
I'll disregard the previous, snotty response, except to say that as a veteran of GT3 with all golds, I know what the hell I'm doing.

The important news is, upon turning off the PS2, and restarting, all is well. Strange, but true. I see TCS is still active, but I can now control the braking points myself. I have no idea what was causing the problem before. For instance, with the Honda CR-X on B3, the car would shift to 3rd and stay there, then shortly before the corner, the RPMs would drop, and half-brake would be applied by the game. After shutting off the PS2 and restarting, the car now upshifts into 4th as it should, and no brake is applied at all by the game. I now have full control again.

I never saw the ASM indicator light up when I was initially having the problem, but the car definately acted like it was active.
Cool, then I'll then disregard any further questions you may have. There was nothing snotty about my post, I was answering your question.

You said :

. . . . I only saw one place in the options where I could deactivate ASM. Is there another?

And I answered that basically, it didn't matter how you set it, your settings did not apply to license tests.
Yes, you did answer that particular question, and if you had left it at that, it would have been fine. But no, you had to continue with an attitude I perceived to be: It is the way it is, love it or leave it, and everyone else has to deal with it, why can't you? That's the way I read it.

And obviously my problem was unique, something not everyone else has had to deal with.
Lol he gave you a simple anwser which is the tests are set to how PD wants them to be there was no attitude in how he said it you got got the wrong end of the stick.
And i will say to anyone struggling on b5 dont give up on it took me 2 days of none stop trying i just mastered the last corner enough and got it.

And ye i did shout COME ON lol.
Lol he gave you a simple anwser which is the tests are set to how PD wants them to be there was no attitude in how he said it you got got the wrong end of the stick.

Yeah, I know. You're right, and so was wfooshee. Reading it again, it's obvious I was the one with the attitude. My apologies.
It took me ages to do it, and I refused to look at the guides for a lowly B license test. I tried to emulate the demo run and eventually decided that it was totally useless. I ended up getting it by dropping off the throttle just enough to do the first corner cleanly, and oversteering a bit in the first half of the second real orner.

EDIT: That is, the final test with the 120d on Tsukuba.

I was struggling with this one for a long time. The best I could get was 1'28.

Then it dawned on me after watching the demo - how was he getting so much speed up on the exit when I was having trouble getting above 60kph? I was using automatic transmission and it was shifting down to 1st in the hairpins. This was killing me on the exit because the shift up to 2nd would slow me down. Hold it in second through all the corners (using manual or R2 to hold) and my times dropped rapidly and it only took me a few more tries to gold this test.

So, for all of those struggling - make sure you use manual and don't shift down to 1st at all. The gold guide said that you don't need 1st - but it's more than that - you don't want to use 1st.
As im kinda stuck at 32% i thought id get back to golding all the licenses, and to say im stumped is a huge understatement. Im having major issues with B5 the full lap mini one at tsukuba like a few others i see. I cannot for the life of me get under 1.27.200. The closest ive came is around 1.27.458 (i think), and i dont see where im going wrong in the replay. If i could then i could adjust my apparent error/s and try to make it up. I will read up on how some others above have got this golded, and hopefully it will give me hope to attempt it again for the millionth (spelling?) time. Wish me luck as im not giving up on this one.


Four days, and probably 3 hours per day later im still trying to get past B5. Ive taken the time down to 1.27.384, but im still .184 off of the gold time. I really dont know what im doing wrong as the lines are perfect. The laps all see to be good, yet somewhere im still not cutting it. Talk about fustration......argh. Im still not giving up tho, because i want to get all the golds..........sometime in my lifetime anyway.


Four days, and probably 3 hours per day later im still trying to get past B5. Ive taken the time down to 1.27.384, but im still .184 off of the gold time. I really dont know what im doing wrong as the lines are perfect. The laps all see to be good, yet somewhere im still not cutting it. Talk about fustration......argh. Im still not giving up tho, because i want to get all the golds..........sometime in my lifetime anyway.


AngloAmerican, I know it sounds condescending, but have you viewed your replay of the laps where you are close. This will easily show you where you have lost that .2 of a second.

Anyways keep it up you will get there. :)
AngloAmerican, I know it sounds condescending, but have you viewed your replay of the laps where you are close. This will easily show you where you have lost that .2 of a second.

Anyways keep it up you will get there. :)

Thanks for the confidence in me Open Addict.

As regards replays i do watch them afterwards, but in my GT4 noviceness (is that a word??) i dont usually see where im going wrong. I tend to keep to the same line, which usually would be a good thing. But in this case maybe its not, as obviously im doing something wrong. Im guessing its the final corner, or even the start which is where the time is lost. All i can do is keep at it and hope i manage it because it will not beat me. I shudder at the thought of golding the other tests.

Either by using manual or by holding R2, you are avoiding first gear completely, right? The change from first to seconds bogs you down horribly. Also, try your best to hold tight lines and steer as little as possible, because steering costs acceleration in an FF. Finally, even though you don't notice it much, keep directly behind the pace car because you will get a bit of a boost off its slipstream. If you're truly stuck, move on to other tests and come back to this later when you're more practiced. That's about all the advice I have. Good luck!

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