Forza Horizon Jalopnik Car Pack Cars Announced!

  • Thread starter Philz
I hate to break it to those who were waiting for the RX3 to be digitized in Forza.. if my memory serves me well, it has been digitized for 10 years. Sega GT 2002 had it as one of its starter cars.
I am still a bit let down, that Turn 10 and Playground Games doesn't give TVR the respect it deserves.
I hate to break it to those who were waiting for the RX3 to be digitized in Forza.. if my memory serves me well, it has been digitized for 10 years. Sega GT 2002 had it as one of its starter cars.
Sega GT was a great little game. :) The RX-3 has been included in a few more:
  • Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 / Shutokou Battle 2 (2000)
  • Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero / Shutokou Battle Zero (2001)
  • Auto Modellista (2002)
  • Sega GT (2002)
  • Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 / Shutokou Battle 01 (2003)
  • Enthusia Professional Racing (2005)
  • Wangan Midnight (2007)
Pretty incredible that we get a '70s Japanese car that hasn't yet appeared in Gran Turismo, only in B-list Japanese racing games.

I am still a bit let down, that Turn 10 and Playground Games doesn't give TVR the respect it deserves.
I'll back you up on that. After playing nothing but Horizon, it was nice to take out the Tamora and Cerbera in Enthusia the other day. I don't like the Sagaris, so it never gets driven.
what is a season pass? im a COMPLETE noob who is about to buy a xbox 360 and forza 4 and start from that game and when im maybe done or feel like it, i will also buy the forza horizon, of course.

can you, good people, please answer me this simple question?
how much would ALL THE DLC'S and the other cars put on sale later to the marketplace cost me to buy for my forza4 the first day i activate it? i WANT ALL DLC's, every last one of them, also ive been told there have been 5 pre-order cars and 3 ltd edition cars.
can the purchase be made only with credit card etc. or is it possible like in Sony PSN to go to store buy a card for lets say 100$ then go home add the code from that card to your xbox live account and wham you have 100$ on your account.

remember - i would like to buy ALL the CARS in the FORZA 4 CAR LIST that I POSSIBLY CAN, that is all DLC's and ALL other Special Editions etc.
is it possible and about how much would it cost to buy them all at once (all DLC + all other cars available on marketplace for forza4) ?

i truly apologize for the complete OT but i hope i can get a faster answer here.
im gonne buy the xbox+forza4 in a few days time so i want to me as ready as i can be :)
Isn't the FRS already in the game? Why do we need its twin? Honestly not enthused about this one. Not a single car. As a season pass holder can I hold out on downloading this one and save one of the six car packs? Or do you just get the first six.

Just wait, the next car pack will add the Toyota 86 ;)
The FR-S is just a LHD 86 already. At least the BRZ has a different fascia and trim, with different tuning. It's no better than the Go-Faster-Edition supercars PG has been dumping on us, but it's not just a badge.
The FR-S is just a LHD 86 already. At least the BRZ has a different fascia and trim, with different tuning. It's no better than the Go-Faster-Edition supercars PG has been dumping on us, but it's not just a badge.

Very slightly changed trim. "IRL" you could buy a $600 Accessport ECU tuner and apply the same map to both cars, then they would be the same. I by no means am saying I support the addition of most racing tuned sisters of other models as you mentioned. It's not a bad car, just disappointed with another DLC slot that could have had potential.
Actually I meant the suspension tuning. And as minor as the cosmetic differences are, I really don't care for the 86/FR-S front bumper.

I wouldn't want anything else in the BRZ's slot because it's the version of the car I've wanted since the beginning -- my Scion is WR Blue with the Pleiades on the side -- but like I said before, it should have been in the game from the start.
I was wondering if anyone was going to comment now that it's been out.

I've been spending too much time with the BRZ to get around to upgrading any of the others, but I've bought all of them aside from the FJ and Devon. The Bluebird/510 and RX-3 are a real joy, the Country Squire is finally in its proper element (though our dude looks painfully awkward in there :lol: ), and having a 512TR on the open road is pleasant nostalgia for me. One of the very few Ferraris I've bought, in a game with so many.
This was one of the packs that I decided to pass over. Would you reccomend going back on that decision? Some of the cars do actually sound quite nice.
If you're an RX-3 fan like godzilla GTR, or a BRZ/FR-S fan like me, it could be worth it. You can seldom find the RX-3 in racing games, and as it turns out, the BRZ gets wider tires than the FR-S (275s) and an EJ25 swap from the 2011 WRX STI. It also has way more aero parts, although every front bumper except the Forza adjustable one is based on the FR-S (there are still more of them). PG clearly spent some extra time on that one.

Those are both new, so it depends on how you feel about the tweaked "repeats" too. I don't care about that because Forza Horizon is not Forza Motorsport, and vice versa, if you know what I mean.
I definitely like the BRZ and FR-S, but as you say, the RX-3 does not appear often. Because of that, I have not had as much of a chance to develop an opinion on it. Did they do it justice in the way of upgrades? Do you know? I like the sound of the extra things they added to the BRZ, it should make it more fun to play around with.

I personally do not like the repeats. I wish they would add more new content, like they did with the RX-3. Hopefully they are saving some for packs to come, but you never know.
Along with the Forza bumper/wing, the RX-3 gets a bespoke front bumper and rear spoiler, but like many of the older cars in FM4/Horizon, that's it. Max tire widths are 205/215 front/rear, and you can turbo the 12A or swap it for the 13B-REW from the RX-7. The 12A is good for 231hp, or 268hp with the turbo.

I just made a B500 setup that feels good. The 12A can't seem to manage A600, but with the 13B you can poke your nose halfway into R3. So it's quite flexible, although with 1973 aerodynamics and those skinny tires, 212mph is rather...exciting. :lol:
Sounds almost like the Skyline 2000GTR or the Fairlady 432Z on FM4 by way of customizability. When you 190-200 in some of those old cars, they can get pretty hard to control. It does make them more interesting to drive, however.

The only other car I was wondering about was the 512 TR. Did they do a good job with that, or was it a flop? If you know. I'm asking because you seem to have tried out these cars, and know what they are capable of.
I'm enjoying the 512TR, it gets fat tires and you can swap the Enzo V12 into it, so it makes a great maxed-out car for interstate runs. I don't usually like R-class cars, but it has a certain character that the newer exotics lack.
Pfft. Why should we believe someone named Eunos_Cosmo. :P

Yup, it's 1146cc -- so a "1.2" like Ford's old "5.0", or Mercedes-Benz's "6.3".
No. No. No. No one seems to understand that the Forza Horizon car models AREN'T FM4 models.

(I've cut all other following non-senses.)
You think you're bravely fighting every one else stupidly stubbornness when you only claim something wrong based on your own pseudo-logic. FH does share models with FM, that's the whole point of the Horizon project (produce a AAA game from a frugal budget). 3D modeling of a car is a huge work (there a reason why GT5 came with 800 previous-gen model cars), and it would have been pure stupidity for a company to make this work twice to end to the exact same result (didn't you notice ?). Car models, physical engine, and variables attached are three different things. As for the variables bound to each car, they have been tuned (better grip, better launch, better braking ; accel and speed have been kept), which is a ridiculous amount of work compared to modeling.
Car models, physical engine, and variables attached are three different things. As for the variables bound to each car, they have been tuned (better grip, better launch, better braking ; accel and speed have been kept), which is a ridiculous amount of work compared to modeling.
I'm pretty sure the only thing PG tweaked was the tire model, when they incorporated their advertised "65 surface types." Or maybe it's only the surface variables, and the tire model is untouched. Cars still juke and corner and drift exactly like they do in FM4, just with higher limits than you'd expect on surfaces like gravel.

Either way, that's a "physical engine" category change, and would affect all cars in the game without requiring individualized tuning. I think the meat of development time was spent piecing together and refining the map.
The physical equations are similar if not the same, but they indeed changed each car stats. I maintain website car databases about both games, and with two browser tabs we can compare each car versions from one game to another. As you said, the overall driving feel is the same, but for a given car, its efficiency is different in critical aspect in Horizon : grip, braking (all cars brakes amazingly well in FH to face unexpected turns and traffic cars) and launch (to guaranty a short recovery time after crashing)
Grip, braking, and launch are all dependent on the tires. Changing the tire model or surface variables would alter all three things immediately and noticably. Unless you've personally dug into the data on the game discs, I doubt they went through and changed the data on every car themselves...

EDIT: If you're talking about the "stats" from 0.0 to 10.0, I don't think those are comparable between the games.
And yet they are. As i wrote, most of Speed and Accel stats are exactly the same in most cases, while Handling and Braking have been hugely raised (to an unrealistic extent,we're talking GTR braking efficiency granted to common stock cars). Now, this doesn't negate the fact that they've changed how grip takes surface into account, nor the possibility that the cars variable have been changed in batch by following certain rules, nor that these rules are applied "live" which end to the same result. Stats are only the UI reflection to underlying functions and variables.
The stats aren't comparable because "10.0" equals "best in the game." It would really irk tuners if you could never reach "10.0" on a stat with any car, but Horizon allows you to score a perfect "10.0" in everything.

Consider the fact that Horizon has eliminated FM4's purpose-built racecars, particularly the Le Mans Prototypes. Nothing in Horizon could keep up with an LMP in terms of Handling or Braking, even the barely-legal GT racers. So what was considered "10.0" in FM4 has dropped to a lower standard in Horizon, raising all of the stats in those categories. That's what you've observed.

On the other hand, no LMP can beat the beastliest roadcars in terms of Speed or Accel. The roadcars can be upgraded more extensively (several beyond 1000hp) and have higher top speeds because they have less downforce. Horizon shares some of FM4's fastest roadcars, and adds a few new ones, so the level of performance labelled "10.0" has hardly changed. Again, this matches your observation that Speed and Accel have remained mostly the same.

It's a different scale; even if the changes PG made were as drastic as you believe, the stats wouldn't be proof of anything. They're only useful within the context of each game.
In theory, each of the two games could have different stat scales. But if that was the case, maybe you should start to ask why those stats don't use a similar range? If the scale have been recalculate to match FH needs, why the worst braking value would be 5.9 in FH, and not 3.0 (the lowest possible value for any stat in FM4). Isn't the point of a relative scale to use the range of the scale? Turn 10 and PG either failed to do something very simple that they proved to be able to do in the past, or they kept the same scale and change values where needed. At best, they altered both equations level constants (i've wrote variables before, but in that context they are constants) and cars constants. But there's no serious scenario where a non-psychotic dev team (a very likely case in a team bigger than one member) would rebuild a scale that does not need to be in the first place, only to compress values distribution on the new scale.

You made a good theorical point in the first part of your message, but it doesn't live up to actual scales comparison, as neither F4 values translation nor factor change from any reference is closed to match FH scale.

Anyway, i've made a quick test before ending this post, to set evidence against reality. A given car (stock BMW M4) @ 150 mph needs around 5 seconds to stop on a Forza 4 racetrack against 3.7 seconds on Horizon highway (flat sections in both cases). This car is rated 5.0 at braking in F4 and 8.2 in FH. Then i measured in F4 a braking 8.2 car and measured a nice 3.7 seconds. I think things are self explanatory: same scale, different values.
That would be a very intriguing test Milouse, except for the fact that I can't reproduce it.

I took a bone-stock E92 M3 direct from the Autoshow, went to Interstate 70, and used Rewind to time myself braking from 150-0mph, with ABS enabled to eliminate the variable of driver input. I also tested a couple other cars:
  • BMW E92 M3 (stock) // 8.2 Braking // 4.7 seconds
  • Ultima GTR (R998) // 10.0 Braking // 3.5 seconds
  • Ford Country Squire // 5.9 Braking // 5.5 seconds
That 4.7 seconds from the BMW sounds like your "around 5 seconds" in FM4. The Ultima came close to your "3.7 seconds" for Horizon's M3, but it was so dramatic in its stop that I don't believe a stock M3 could perform similarly at all. Compared to the M3, the Country Squire felt like a train, and that's only a 0.8 second difference. If the M3 could stop a full second quicker, that would be huge.

I repeated the test with each car and got these numbers every time. I dunno what to tell you.

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