GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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I have not read all the post but some forza is a cool game but i wanted more than anything else is a driving wheel that was made for it. gt4 provided a very good steering wheel. yes we all know its price but the dfp is a lot better than the fantec. the dfp offer resistance the fantec offer vibration. you can offer all the realism you want but who wants realisim thru a joystick? if they made a better wheel than the logitech i would consider buying the game. good rental though but no gt4. logitech saved gt4 from defeat. if forza put the same effort in a steering wheel i would have chosen forza.
Why must you bring these threads back from the dead? You are just going to bring idiots outta the wood works who think GT4 is god and everything else sucks.
GT4 all the way....more cars, tracks, better graphics everything!

EDITED: oops nvm, wrong forum for what i posted earlier :P
GT4 has the better gameplay but Forza has the better graphics.
Forza has the better graphics

That statement is open to debate...

Forza is technically nicer, but GT4 sure has far better art direction, and a much better frame rate. GT4 also looks sharper.

I personally think that Forza plays abit better, and that Gt4 looks nicer.
yeah..It should turn out about the same..

GT5 will be out..
and everyone will flame the CRAP out of it..for months and months, up untill 3 days after forza's release. Then everyone will SHUT UP for a good solid 3-4 months...then TRY and talk crap again..

Wow history DOES repeat itself.
I still dont know why everyone keeps talking about Forza 2 when it isnt even announced yet. Its easy assume that there will be a sequel due to the nature of these types of games, but there is absolutely nothing to back it up.
I thought "real" gamers like all consoles and all games alike.
I like racing games, I like forza and GT.
These threads suck. Who ever made it sucks. Who ever brought this back sucks too. If you disagree, you suck most. obviously don't understand "people"

you obviously havn't been in a 6 page discussion on why the New z06 isn't the best car in the world....but...It's human nature for most people to be idiots...

Gt4 isn't the best game...Gt4 isn't the best racing game..
Gt4 isn't the best console racing game..

Forza isn't the best game..Forza isn't the best racing game..
Forza isn't the best console racing game.........

End it..
Forza is nothing compared to GT4, and I'm not taking GT4's side because I have the ps2 and GT4... no. I've got the xbox and Forza and I'm selling this piece of **** to buy the ps2 mainly because of Tourist Trophy and GT4.
Its annoying isn't it, when your about to top the times table. On the Xbox Live score board, then connection gets lost.

Like in my 27th lap on Silverstone Short II, with the R cars. Connection gets lost, i pray it gets back up. Then I beat the top time with like 400 mlli secs to spare, in my 35th lap.

I look and it does not re connect. I am like wtg I got to try all over again. And if the top scoreboard leader was accross the road listening to me, and if he has done something to the cables like teliphone ones.

I will not be happy at all grrrr. The Top Score board leader is so lucky, my connection went down grrrr.
im at lvl 43 in forza dude u gotta know how to race in this game itts not like any old racing game they made forza harder than any other game ive tried out there so ya just gotta adapt to it
I just got Forza a week ago. My take on it, it's very enjoyable and fun. Thus far I'm up to level 28, have a ton of cars, and lack 5 races from completing the Point-to-Point and Amatuer areas. I've dabbled in the Pro and Series races and find that these are definitely not as easy. I'm a pretty bad driver so these just aren't quite as fun. But with time and practice I've succeeded when challenged. The worst for me so far was the Miata races. It was so bad early on that I sold my stock Miata that is required and bought another one in a different color hoping for more speed and handling. I know that's absurd but I just couldn't get over the hump so I had to try something. I finally finished it then so maybe it worked. Below is my more detailed take on the game compared to GT4.

Less Cars- but what you have are pretty good cars, lots less of the cracker box pieces of crap
Cool Tracks- got tired of the same tracks from GT to GT2 to GT3 to GT4, I love Road America, Road Atlanta, and Sunset
Custom Paint/Decals- it was a great feature when I won my baby crap green Shelby 'Stang, plus it's a fun and free way to spend some time
Class/HP/One Make Unmodified Races- makes for tight racing typically, especially for half-ass drivers like me, they also give you a chance to see how good you can set-up a car
Levels- advancing win free cars and unlock cars and races keeps the carrot out there for you, hopefully it's still fun after level 50
Handling- some of the cars just seem to work more naturally in Forza, I always heard how great handling NSX's were but mine in the GT games sucked (probably my set-up)
Ferrari/Porsche- nice to finally get my hands on some real dream inspiring iron (or composites), I can't wait to unlock the F40, F50, Enzo, and 962, hopefully I'll get some of them by this weekend

Overall- great game with some different twists from GT4 that breaks the same old, same old after playing the others for so long, I'd highly recommend it!
OK, so I'm late to the party...

To sum it up easily, it is a dead tie for me...

Gran Turismo had a far superior track and car selection at the cost of online play... The game although the "Real Driving Simulator," does not prove to be so as I can take an un-modified Nissan 350Z GT-Eddition around Nurburgring in about 8 minutes flat, where as in real life it should take more than 9min at least...

Forza on the other hand did what needed to be done in GT... Real damage, added Porsche and Ferrari to the lineup, had online play, and overall left more "real" than GT4... For example, the 350Z Track is capable of a 9min lap at Nurburgring... Far more realistic...

But when it came down to it, the games were similar, but at the sime time different. Each seemed to fill the void that the other had, while at the same time having nothing to do with eachother...

Obviously if you own either an XBOX or a PS2 you need to own either title... But in the long run (and I hate to say it) you are making a better choise spending $50 on Forza over GT4...
I was going to start a new post until I searched and camw across this one...

I played Forza over the Christmas holidays with my brother-in-law, and loved it!!! I'm thinking of buying an X-Box just for this.

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love GT4. It has almost everything I want as far as a racing sim goes. Almost. No tire marks left on the tracks. No custom paint options. Not able to make your cars really stand out, with the exception of wheels and wings. Car selection is a big plus, though. With everything from the 1886 Motor Carriage, to LMPs and F1, you can always find something new and interesting to drive.

Forza is a different game, so it's not gonna have all the stuff that GT4 has, and vice versa. I really like being able to do engine swaps in the upgrade section. Plus, with the option to paint the car and add graphics, you can make a 2 or 3 tone paint job that would stand out in a car show or a race track. I don't have a DFP yet, so to me, the X-Box controller is better for throttle modulation. Steering's about the same to me.

If GT4 had custom paint/graphics (not quite like NFSU2... which I also like just for this...), engine swaps, tire marks, smoke, and damage, I think it could be the ultimate racing sim, hands down!!! (PD... Are you listening???)

Few weeks ago i bought xbox and forza :sly: So now i can compare xbox driving sim vs ps2 driving sim.. Well , ill write thinks which i liked in gt and forza..

Forza is better because...
1. There is damage
2. Tuning is better IMO. Bodykit styling is good too.
3. Handling is more realistic
4. AI is like 100times better than GT4's
5. Cars engine sounds are MUCH better
6. Graphic is better
7. There are classes like S , A , D etc.. More fun
8. U can't beat Skyline with Integra , but in GT4 u can beat Skyline , that means GT4 AI sucks
9. U can listens to your own musiclist..
10. There is Online game!

GT is better because..
1. More cars
2. Replay Camera is much better
3. There is photmode. Love it.

That's all I think..

Sorry for my bad english tho 💡
Still my opinions have not changed. GT4+1080i+60fps=wow. forza, 480p, 30fps meh. it also has a blurred look with massive texture popin.

Graphics aside GT4 has the better car/track selection. The physics in both games are not as good as enthusia but they are both flawed. The cars in Forza dont have that realistic look to the movment and the turning is not smooth, more like incremental. GT4s visual car movment is good but not as great as enthusia's.

Sound wise the qualty is low like 96k bit rates. All the 4 cylinder cars sound bad and "some" of the V6's. All V8s sound great. GT4 sounds have higher quality the ford GT sounds incredible. Seems the sqeezed all they could into 64mbs.

As far as Ai, i really dont care for either, until l play a game were the ai cuts me of brakes cuz hes mad at me then i'll be impressed.

We will have to wait until GT5 and then go back to saying how flawed the series is if they dont add tire marks and lots of smoke.