The 24 Minutes of Le Mans thread

  • Thread starter GT5Power
And now... *drumroll*

The report...

Of the 589PP TS030!


Horsepower: 502
Weight: 1100 kg (900kg + 200kg ballast)
Tires: RS
PP: 589

Lap 1

I pass the XJ13 at the beginning of the lap and get into a long battle with the R10. Even though I have racing softs, he still keeps up on the straights. I finally lose him at the Porsche Curves. The majority of the field pits, getting me up to 5th. A. Marchetti in the V12 LMR sets a best lap record of 3:39.497.

Lap 2

Uneventful until Mulsanne. I look back and see the lights of the R89C. By Indianapolis he's right behind me. I pull away a bit during the Porsche Curves and Ford Chicanes and open up a 5 second gap between us by the end of the lap. The race-leading Pesky Hybride pits and I gain a position.

Lap 3

I pass the Pesky driver just as he gets out of the pits and take a deep breath to prepare myself for what's coming my way... It doesn't take long for the Hybride and R89C to catch up and I have to block them off for the rest of the lap. The whole field pits at the end of the lap and I take over the race lead.

Lap 4

The Peugeot 905 is on the way out of the pit lane as I drive down the S/F straight. I have a 8 second gap at the first checkpoint which is halved by Mulsanne. It's down to 1.5s at Indianapolis and 0.6 at the Porsche Curves. I pit at the end of the lap and opt for 3/4 of the fuel tank. I cross my fingers, hoping it works.

Lap 5

I exit the pits in 7th place and the Pescarolo-Courage passes me at the first chicane. I pass him back and catch the draft of the 6th place BMW at the beginning of the long straight. Eventually the Pescarolo gets by and pulls away with the BMW. I catch them again at the Ford Chicanes, pass the BMW and end the lap right behind the Pescarolo.

Lap 6

I overtake the Hybride while he's in the pits and pass the Pescarolo at Tertre Rouge. We're 31 seconds behind the 905, Audi R8 PlayStation and 908, who are now in a fierce battle for first place. I let the Pescarolo and BMW by because they don't pose a threat and they're making their final pitstop at the end of the lap anyway. I cross the line 19 seconds before the race ends.

Lap 7

The first checkpoint shows that I'm 2.5 seconds up on the charging Hybride and the pack of the 905, 908 and R8 PS is not far behind. A game of cat-and-mouse begins with a twist; this time there's one mouse, and four cats. The R8 PS manages to pass me after Mulsanne and now I have to catch him and block the rest at the same time! The gap is up to 2.379s at the Porsche Curves but I'm determined to win... My Racing Softs allow me to come up behind him by the first Ford Chicane and, in the biggest upset ever, overtake him at the final turn!

Final Results

  1. GT5Power - Toyota TS030 - 27:23.916
  2. D. Janssen - Audi R8 PlayStation - +00.405
  3. K. Oneill - Pescarolo C60 Hybride - +01.181
  4. M. Barthelemy - Peugeot 905 - +02.508
  5. F. Gonzales - Peugeot 908 (Team Oreca) - +04.165
The rest didn't finish. My best lap was a 3:40.910.
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Here's my 630PP Saleen win:

Saleen S7 '02
TCS: 2
Driving Line: Off
1107 kg
52/48 WD
RS Tires
Fully Customizable Suspension
1.0 front camber, other options default
Racing Brakes
224 mph transmission
Stage 3 engine tuning
50% Nitro Kit
Stage 3 Weight reduction
Carbon hood (body color)
All other options stock/default

Lap 1: Passed the XJ13 and GT40 in the Dunlop curve. I draft the other cars for more speed in the Mulsanne and end the lap in 4th place after pit stops, 15s behind.

Lap 2: I battle the R8 and 905, at New Mesa Blanche I'm 12s back. When the Pescarolo pits I'm up to 3rd.

Lap 3: I burn the rest of my nitrous and fall to 5s back in the Mulsanne. Attacking the pits I take RS tires and fill up.

Lap 4: I return just behind the 905 and R8 but fall to 7s back in the Esses. By the Mulsanne corner I'm 4s back. The Pescarolo is 14s behind me.

Lap 5: Now 2s back, I pass the R8 in the Mulsanne and move up to 2nd. 905 leads.

Lap 6: My tires are in very poor shape after contact with a left-side wall in the previous lap. I'm only 1s behind the 905 until I understeer and cut the second Mulsanne chicane, taking a penalty and falling to 4s behind. At Mulsanne corner I lose control again and fall to 9s behind, barely in front of the R8, who eventually passes me in the Porsche curves. I pit and take 32 liters and fresh tires.

Lap 7: I and the Pescarolo both pass the R8, and I come out 2nd, 2s behind the 905. Drafting in the Mulsanne, I make the pass in the corner and hold off the other cars until victory, 3s ahead of the 905.

*Wanting a legitimate win, I never cut the Ford chicanes during this race.


I'm having more fun running the race in the Saleen. I'm on a similar pit strategy with the other cars, so it feels like I'm actually competing with them rather than beating them with fewer pits and cheap blocking techniques.
Don't be hasty, I just won in a 623 PP Cadillac Cien :D. By 23 seconds. Didn't think it would be THAT quick! Report coming tomorrow.

I shouldn't be telling you this, but that car is stupid fast. I expected huge oversteer in a 900hp, nearly 1300kg car but it handled even better than the S7.
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Damn, I just did it in the Saleen with 629 PP. A thrilling race too! I'm definitely writing a report for this one. :D

Welp, time for the CIEN.
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Cadillac Cien
912 HP
49:51 WB

TCS: 4
Driving Line: Off
RS Tires

Soft Racing Suspension
Racing Brakes (5/5)
FCDCT, Max Speed 236
Triple-Plate Clutch
Stage 3 Engine
Racing Exhaust
Intake Tuning
Stage 3 Weight Reduction
Carbon Hood BC
Downforce: 120, 215

Lap 1: I pass five cars making my way to 11th, using no nitrous, and post a time of 3:39, the fastest I've ever done in any car on the first lap. Audi R8 leads me by 10 at the end of the lap, I'm 4th

Lap 2: I pass one other car in the Mulsanne and start using nitrous. Otherwise uneventful lap.

Lap 3: I pass two cars as they pit, leaving me in 2nd, 3 seconds behind the R8. I start to draft him in the Mulsanne but can't complete the pass. On the straight approaching the Mulsanne corner there's a slight turn in the track before the actual corner, and for some stupid reason I thought the slight turn was the Mulsanne kink, and that I still had a ways to go before the curve. Upon realizing my mistake I pulled the handbrake and slid to the right sideways, hoping to hit the wall on the left side and face the right direction to keep driving. I ended up spinning all the way around twice before getting lucky and slamming the wall in the left rear of the Cien. I quickly got back on track, losing only a few seconds. I manage to catch up to the R8, but my ruined left-side tires slipped going into the first Porsche curve, spinning me again. I limped into the pits after running out of fuel 200 meters from the entrance, 10s behind the lead.

Lap 4: My trusty pit crew made up some time for me, getting me out 2s behind the R8. I burn the remaining nitrous while trying to pass the R8, and I was eventually successful in the Mulsanne corner. By the end of the lap I'm 5s ahead.

Lap 5: Mostly uneventful; my lead grows to 12s by the end of the lap when I decide to pit on lap 5 instead of 6, which will save me from having to use 3rd-lap tires and wrecking again.

Lap 6: Coming out in 2nd I'm only 19 seconds behind the R8, who I know will have to pit next lap. The lead shrinks to 14 seconds as the R8 pits.

Lap 7: By the time the R8 returned to the track, I was long gone: 19 seconds ahead! I blitz the last lap, and even without drafting pull a 3:36, the fastest lap I've done since starting to write these reports. The R8 and 88-CV finish 23 seconds behind.

The entire race I didn't suffer a single penalty, and it was the first time I'd driven the Cien in months. The first time ever at Sarthe.

So I'll have to run this again and post report tomorrow, but I said eff it and used the Chaparral and was in the lead on lap one. Using Racing Hard tires in the rain was no issue at all the car just stuck like glue and very speedy off the corner.
Hopefully I'll have a report for the 610PP Cien today but if not then tomorrow, along with a video of the finish.
Meh, tomorrow for sure. I meant to watch the replay today but ended up buying 16 cars to test and then got sidetracked and never came back to the game.

Edit: Here it is! @GT5Power

Cadillac Cien
800 HP
49:51 WB

TCS: 4
Driving Line: Off
RS Tires

Soft Racing Suspension
Racing Brakes (5/5)
FCDCT, Max Speed 236
Triple-Plate Clutch
Stage 2 Engine
98.6% Power
50% Nitrous Quantity
Stage 3 Weight Reduction
Carbon Hood BC
Downforce: 120, 215

Lap 1:
Passed 4 cars and ended up in 8th by the end of the lap, 15 seconds behind the 905B leader.

Lap 2:
Passed 4 cars that were pitting, moved up to 4th. 10 seconds behind at the start of the Mulsanne straight, 9 seconds behind after the first chicane, 8 seconds after the second chicane and 7 after the corner. I eventually pass the 908 and am 3rd behind the 905 and R8.

Lap 3:
Now three seconds behind the Pesky, I keep pace in the esses and draft in the Mulsanne, passing the 905 and R8 in the first chicane. In the second the R8 gets around me but after the corner I retake the lead with the 905 and R8 following close. My tires deteriorating, I slip offtrack in the first Porsche curve but manage to block the other cars and keep the lead. I pit for fresh RS tires and gas.

Lap 4: After the esses I'm 2 seconds ahead of the R8, 5 over the 905. Still 2 seconds at the Mulsanne corner. Once again I screw up in the Porsche curves and understeer, ending up 8 seconds behind in 3rd

Lap 5: Another mistake in the dunlop curve costs me 2 seconds. By the end of the Mulsanne I'm 9 seconds behind in 4th. Slowly coming back I get up to 8 seconds behind in the Porsche curves, and I then pit.

Lap 6: Beating the other cars out if the pits I return in 4th, 30 seconds behind the 3-6 sequence pitters: the R8, 905 and BMW. Losing time due to sloppy chicane manuevers, I end up 32 seconds back, holding 4th in the Mulsanne corner.

Lap 7: Thanks to the other cars pitting and probably filling their tanks (stupid AI's), I move up to 1st with a 1 second advantage over the Minolta. In the straights I'm fighting an epic battle, slamming his door so he doesn't get by, as he is much, much faster than the Cien. At New Tatra Blanche (or whatever it's called) I understeer badly and hit the wall, giving the Toyota room to pass. Refusing to lose, I slam into the rear of the Minolta going into the first Ford Chicane, hitting him hard enough to take a 5-second collision penalty. I coast over the sand and get barely ahead of the Toyota. His car is within mine, as it's transparent. I cut the next chicane, which I somehow get away with, and stay barely ahead of the Minolta by a car length. My engine roars as it returns to life, and I move to the right (can't remember why though). The Toyota gets alongside me on the left and we both accelerate side-by-side to a photo finish, my front milimeters ahead of the Minolta's.

Won by .002 seconds, beating my previous close-finish record of .011 seconds, a race I lost.
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I won by a calm and easy half minute over the Sauber C9 using a Toyota TS030 at 615PP. My best trick (other than to avoid racing against the Minolta and the Pesky) was to set the gearing long enough so that I could draft and pass at over 220mph, but also conserve fuel when I wanted to. I used Racing Soft tires, taking the lead at the start of lap 3, and leading til the finish despite a stop for 75 liters and fresh RS tires end of lap 4.

Edit: I have used this TS030 at all available Super events and seasonals, and I am now getting tire wear balanced almost identically between all 4 tires. I like it!
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I've won in a 605pp Road Car but I'm not going to write a report for it unless someone breaks my current record. The car I used was not the Cien or the S7, and I forgot it equip it was nitrous so the race can be won in it with a much lower pp rating.
Car: Toyota GT-One (TS020)
Aids: None.
Highest speed: 378 km/h (lap 3)
Best lap: 4. (3:40.572)
Total time: 27:08.866
Tyres: IM, RS, RS

The car was not really under my control, with its turbo. So this wasn't pretty. I can't say I drive on the track a lot. I didn't disturb the other cars though.

I began lap 1 when race time was at 14.7 seconds. I was on IM tyres. Waterlevel on track was a bit over half.

First overtake exiting the first corner, swap place with a XJ13. Gained 14th place at 1 minute race time, passing a Mark IV.

At 2:00.000 water level was only 27%. Two more overtakes on the latter part of lap 1.

By the start of lap 2, water level was still 28%. After passing the pits on the track I got to second place, since most cars went to change. A new machine took the lead, an Audi R8 Race Car. The gap: 6.156 s. After two sectors (the first chicane) it was 8.041 seconds. At the end of the Porsche Curves, I went off to the inside and crashed into the outside wall of this left turn. I then headed to the pits.

While my Toyota got some attention, the water level had risen to 36%, yet slicks were being put on. The Audi had pitted too, so I got out in 7th place with the gap turning out to be 1.627 seconds to the Audi. But the lead car was another Toyota now, 12.059 seconds ahead. After Mulsanne, I had managed the climb to fifth place. Water level was 20% and without rain, decreasing. In the Porsche curves, I could see three cars ahead, but the Minolta was close as well. Then they all went in.

So began the fourth lap - race time 11:45, first place, water level 0. Tyres in a good shape. I got a cutting penalty in the first chicane. Gap after four sectors: 40.179 and keeping. Had an off in the first Porsche curve but no collision. Then I hit the same wall as previously, though without the inside dive and with less force. I went in, getting my tank full of fuel and fresh slicks to replace my good slicks.

On the fifth lap I started conserving, with the second place Toyota Minolta following suit. But the R89C driver was oblivious to this and rear ended me on the early part of Mulsanne Straight. Though attaining second place at the same time. The Minolta tried to fix it in the first chicane but was blocked while I shrunk to the distance. The overtake worked in the second chicane though, since the Minolta was on the left. After Mulsanne, it's raining once more, waterlevel was 2%. My lead was 2.716 seconds. The rest of the lap I'm feeling the pressure of those two but remember about the wall. Slight off in Ford chicane #1 and a 4:08 laptime.

Waterlevel 5%, gap at s/f 5.771 seconds. Lap six was relatively dry and indeed waterlevel sunk to 0 soon. The Audi was in second place again. More conservation, short-shifting, on the straights after Mulsanne. Went wide in Arnage, losing a lot of time without a collision. The next gap (Audi R8) was 9.995 seconds.

So I couldn't make it a six lap race! 41 seconds left. After pitstop the Minolta was second again. I had clearly more than a quarter tank of fuel, but that's not a lot. After three sectors, the gap was 20.088 seconds. This was a "0" water lap. Laptime was 3:49.812, my lead at the end 16.547 seconds and nine cars did seven laps, with the rest ending after six. I had some fuel to spare, with the gauge needle below and near the top of the red marking.


I don't know when I will try this next, but it would probably be with an LMP. Stock power from there on though.

Field and final standings:
Toyota 7
Toyota Minolta 88C-V
Nissan R89C
Jaguar XJR-9
Pescarolo C60 Hybride Judd
Bentley Speed 8
Pescarolo-Courage Judd GV5
Mazda 787B
Audi R8 Race Car
Peugeot 908 HDi FAP
Audi R10 TDI Stealth Model
AMG Mercedes CLK-LM
Ford Mark IV Race Car
Jaguar XJ13
Toyota GT-One (TS020)

Toyota GT-One (TS020)
Toyota Minolta 88C-V
Nissan R89C
Audi R8 Race Car
Pescarolo-Courage Judd GV5
Bentley Speed 8
Pescarolo C60 Hybride Judd
Mazda 787B
Audi R10 Stealth Model
Peugeot 908 HDi FAP
Toyota 7
Jaguar XJR-9
AMG Mercedes CLK-LM
Ford Mark IV Race Car
Jaguar XJ13
Won it in my first try 2 days ago. I used a Mazda 787B with a oil change being the only difference.

Lap 1: I overtake two racers on the first corner. I draft the Speed 8 and overtake him too. On the second corner, i pass the V12 LMR and a R10. On the first long straight, i draft the surprising Ferrari P4 and got 9th place. After some more race, i overtake THREE opponents on the final corner. So i finish the first lap in 6th place.

Lap 2: I overtake two guys on the first corner. Nothing special on this lap. 4th place.

Lap 3: After some high speed battles, i overtake two racers: Another Mazda 787B and a Pescarolo C60 Hybride. On the penultimate corner, the leader, a Toyota 7, suddenly crashes. However, it's time to refuel, but luckily, everyone also pit. So i keep my lead. 1st place!

Lap 4: Nothing special. Still 1st place.

Lap 5: I decide to pit again. On the very end of my refuel, the Pescarolo and the Toyota 7 overtake me. I don't fear them tough, because i know they are going to pit at the end of Lap 6. I finished Lap 5 on 3rd place.

Lap 6: My theory confirms itself, the two guys pit and i overtake them. Finished Lap 6 in first place.

Final Lap (7) : Nothing special, except that i passed the last place (Ferrari P4). I easily win the race with 48.458 seconds ahead the second place.

Final standings:

1 - Mazda 787B
2 - Pescarolo C60 Hybride Judd
3 - Nissan R390
4 - Peugeot 908 HDi FAP
5 - Audi R8
6 - Audi R10
7 - Mazda 787B
8 - Toyota GT-One
9 - Toyota 7 (Probaly crashed again)
10 - Ford Mark IV Race Car
11 - Bentley Speed 8
12 - BMW V12 LMR
13 - Toyota Minolta 88-CV (The race biggest surprise IMO)
14- Jaguar XJ13
15- Nissan R89C (Another big surprise)
16 - Ferrari P4

With this, i golded every single event (including the Red Bull Challenge) of GT Mode.
Won Le Mans 24 with a Bentley Speed 8 with a mileage of 1500 miles and deteriorated body. Report coming soon.
Remember to post the PP value of your car at the time of the race so I can put you on the leaderboard! 👍
Remember to post the PP value of your car at the time of the race so I can put you on the leaderboard! 👍

At the time of the race, my Mazda 787B PP was 683.

EDIT: It's still 683 PP, just checked.
Looks like I'll be joining in the fun on this one - still miffed that the full endurance races are gone, but hey, this still looks pretty fun :)

I'm heartened to see TS030s and GT-Ones on the leaderboard, both are my favourite prototypes so I look forward to running them :)
@1st gear It's in a spoiler in the first post and has two separate sections for race cars and road cars. There's also a list of known rabbits so you can adjust your pit strategy accordingly. :)
So I'm going to attempt this race today in several different cars - the GTR-LM NISMO, Greaves Zytek LMP2 (both from GT Academy) and the DeltaWing.

Question: Does the pattern of weather stay consistent in every race? I've noticed it seems to start at around 55% wet, then go down, then start raining again later. Also what pit strategy do the AI run at this point? And I see a lot of people running RMs or RSs throughout the race, is this even in the rain? What % of surface water requires intermediate or wet tires?
Bringing this back to life...

I tried the Deltawing today and gave up on lap 3 because I saw how ridiculously easy it was going to be. I was on a 1 stop strategy and already outrunning the leaders, so I didn't bother.

I also added a guide so people can see the most widely used strategies and find out which one suits them or their car.

Out of curiosity, has anyone ever managed to make this race an 8 lapper?
And exactly one year after my last report, I have another one to post...

The 24 Minutes of Le Mans...
In the Ford GT LM Spec II Test Car!


Test runs with the car fully tuned at 907 HP revealed that the fuel couldn't last for three laps, so I tuned it down to 800 HP :scared: Let's see what happens.

Initial specs:

HP: 800
Weight: 1165 kg
PP: 659

Starting grid (Name - Car - Tires)

1. S. Nishida - Toyota 88C-V - RS
2. K. Pfeiffer - Mercedes Sauber C9 - RI
3. A. Ishida - Nissan R92CP - RH
4. M. Barthelemy - Peugeot 905B - RI
5. P. Soininen - Nissan R89C - RM
6. F. Kok - Jaguar XJR-9 - RM
7. F. Martins - Pescarolo Courage-Judd GV5 -RM
8. W. Dietrich - Mazda 787B - RH
9. H. Savidis - Audi R8 - RI
10. A. Marchetti - BMW V12 LMR - RS
11. J. Philippe - Peugeot 908 - RM
12. K. Rothstein - Audi R10 Stealth - RM
13. F. Pace - AMG Mercedes CLK-LM - RS
14. E. Theissen - Audi R10 - RH
15. U. Williams - Ford Mark IV - RI
16. GT5Power - Ford GT LM Spec II Test Car - RI

Lap 1 - 3:37.721

I swiftly overtake the Ford Mk. IV and Audi R10 before the first checkpoint and catch the CLK-LM's draft on the long Hunaudieres straight. I pass the CLK-LM at the second chicane and the R10 at Mulsanne, where I am informed that I'm 14 seconds down on the leading 88C-V driver, who is pushing hard on racing softs. I battle the CLK and R10 until the end of the lap when they pit and end the lap in 12th place.

Lap 2 - 3:36.623

The majority of the field enters the pits, bringing me up to 4th place. I catch up with the R8 before Tertre Rouge, which allows me to draft him on the Hunaudieres straight. A battle between us begins as we slowly gain on the duo of the Sauber C9 and 905B, being only 7 seconds down at Mulsanne. The battle lasts until the last sector where I outpace the R8. The Sauber pits, leaving me to end the lap in 2nd place 4 seconds behind the leading 905B and set a new lap record.

Lap 3 - 3:47.950

I give chase to the 905B and cut the gap to 2.5 seconds by the second Hunaudieres chicane, but unfortunately I run wide at Mulsanne and all my efforts go down the drain :indiff: The gap is increased to 4.5 seconds at the Porsche Curves, where I push hard with less than 5 liters left in my fuel tank to reduce it back to 2.5 in the pit lane. The pit menu prompted me to fill the tank completely with 100 liters (which means I only had 1 liter left), an offer that I rejected, opting for 80 instead in order to make the next stint a 2 lapper. I end the lap in 2nd place.

Lap 4 - 4:19.942

I exit the pits just behind the 905B, having him within drafting distance at Tertre Rouge. We continuously exchange positions for the duration of the lap, that is until he stops for 2 seconds at the Porsche Curves to play sandcastles :P Meanwhile, the 88C-V and R92CP have passed the R8 and are now within 14 seconds of me. I get an evil 5 second penalty for slightly cutting the last Ford Chicane and end the lap in the lead, 3 seconds ahead of the 905B and 11.6 seconds ahead of the R92CP.

Lap 5 - 3:49.776

My disadvantage on the dry track starts to show as the 905B catches back up to me on the long straight. Another battle ensues, only this time I don't outpace him at the Porsche Curves :nervous: While exiting the last curve I mess up and scrape the wall at 110 km/h, allowing the 905B to overtake me. I dive into the pit lane for my second and last stop and opt for 73 liters instead of the 90ish that I'm offered, knowing that the R92CP and 88C-V will cut the gap between us completely. I end the lap in 2nd place, 3.5 seconds behind the 905B and 7.5 seconds ahead of the R92CP.

Lap 6

The Mazda 787B gets past me as I exit the pits and I make a desperate attempt during sector 1 to catch his slipstream on the straight. It is however ruined by a small mishap in the esses. The remainder of the lap is pretty lonely, with the R92CP and 88C-V gradually closing the gap. At the last checkpoint I am 43.5 seconds down on the leading 905B, with the two Group C cars breathing down my neck... I end the lap in 10th place.

Lap 7

The 905B is driving out of the pit lane as I speed down the S/F line and brake past him on turn 1. My other rivals are within 4 seconds of us upon passing the first checkpoint. Eventually, with me having a much smaller top speed than them (330 km/h to their 365) they catch up with me and the 905B after the first Hunaudieres chicane and I have to make use of my best blocking tactics in order to win this race :snervous: I think to myself: "This is turning into another TS030" (see first post of page). Indeed, only seconds later the Judd GV5 comes along to add to my worries. The 88C-V steals second place and gently punts me while braking for Mulsanne. Fortunately, I keep the car under control and manage to hold the pack off. Going into Indianapolis, the very aggressive 88C-V tries to pull a PIT maneuver on me. I slide at 230 km/h and regain control just in time to turn. The Sauber C9, R89C and R8 have also reached us, meaning that I am now holding off a whopping 7 cars :scared: At the Porsche Curves, the 88C-V tries to make a move again, which I duly block. He makes his final attempt at winning before the first Ford Chicane, momentarily taking the lead. However, I brake a split second later, pass him back and cross the line in 1st place.

Final Results

Coming soon
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The 24 Minutes of Le Mans: A Recap By NASCAR GT

Car: McLaren F1 Stealth Edition
683 PP Racing Hard Tires

Starting Grid:
1. L Marty (FRA) Toyota 7 '70
2. S. Nishida (JPN) Minolta 88 C-V '89
3. K. Pfieffer (GER) Sauber '89
4. K O'Neill (GBR) Pescarolo C60 Hybride Judd '05
5. A. Ishida (JPN) Nissan R92CP '92
6. M. Barthelemy (FRA) Peuegot 905 EVO BI '92
7. P. Soininen (FIN) Nissan R89C '89
8. F. Kok (NED) Jaguar XJR-9 '88
9. B. Diez (ESP) Pescarolo Sport Courage C60
10. T. Woodward (GBR) Bentley EXP Speed '03
11. P. Hansen (DEN) Toyota GTOne Speed TS020 '99
12. K. Rothstein (GER) Audi R10 TDi Stealth Model
13. N. Jasson (FIN) Nissan R390 GT1 '98
14. E. Theissen (GER) Audi R10 TDi '06
15. U. Williams (USA) Mark IV Race Car '67
16. NASCARGT (USA) McLaren F1 Stealth Edition

Lap 1: 3:43:609

I pass the Mark '67 for 15th before the Dunlop Straight, and go wide, but not wide enough to end up in the kitty litter. I then set my sights on the 14th R10 TDi at the first part of the Hunadieres straight and heading towards the first chicane, the car steps out a bit, but slows down enough to make the corner. Going into the second chicane, I complete the pass on the R10 TDi, and take the rest of the lap smoothly. At the end of the 1st lap, I'm in 11th position, but will be moving up, due to the others having to make pit stops.

Lap 2: 3:41:121

I make a move around the R390 for 4th place before the Dunlop Straight, as the sky gets darker and nightfall sets in. I'm still about 18 seconds out of striking distance at he moment, but I'm in no hurry, because the other drivers have to pit soon, as well as myself. The Pescarolo Judd and the Sauber both pit, and I move into 2nd place, about 4.5 seconds back.

Lap 3: (Pit Lap)

I make a beeline for the 905, pushing the car as hard as I can to get as close as I can. I get a bit loose on the grass at Tetre Rouge, but it helps my entry into the Hunadieres straight. I can see the 905 getting closer and closer. My goal is to make it to pit road in first place or as close to it as possible. The tires are in excellent condition and would probably last another lap, but the fuel is another story. I pass for the lead at Arnage, but the 905 aggressively gets on my rear bumper. I let him by, not wanting to get spun or punted into the wall. This next move I make decides the race right then and there. Going onto the access road, I make an agressive move, nudging aside the 905 and entering in 1st place. The 905 crew is pissed off and demanding a penalty, but none comes.

Pit Stop: 95 L of Fuel, Racing Hard tires.

Lap 4:

The 905, rightfully pissed off is hot on my trail as we both leave pit road, until I hit the Hunadieres straight. From there, I begin to pull away and he becomes smaller and smaller in my rear view mirror. It's a two-man race at this point as the others are too far back to contend, due to the pitstops. I'm about 6.5 seconds ahead of the 905 with 8 minutes to go.

Lap 5: 3:40.957 (fastest lap of the race)

Nothing much to report at all, except that I extend my lead even further over the 905 to a whopping 16+ seconds, and run my fastest lap of the race.

Lap 6: (Pit Lap #2)

I'm driving the wheels off the McLaren F1 and pushing the car to the limit, trying not to give the 905 any ideas of a comeback. With my lead being the way it is, I could back off so that I wouldn't have to run a lap, but that burned me two races ago. My rear tires are wearing down to 4 and 5, so I have to be careful not to spin out. Either way, I have to make a pit stop, which I do, with less than a minute remaining and smooth sailing ahead.

Pit Stop: 50 L of Fuel, Racing Hard tires.

Lap 7:

The 905 makes his pit stop with about 10 seconds to spare, but by then, I'm long gone, and for the others, the race is over. My lead is at a healthy 25+ seconds, and I bring the car home in first place!!

Top 3 Results:
1. NASCAR GT (McLaren F1 Stealth Edition) 27:29:908
2. M. Barthelemy (905)
3. O' Neill (Pescarolo Judd C60)
Out of curiosity, has anyone ever managed to make this race an 8 lapper?

I've recently been running this race as a 8 lapper just for fun. I've been beginning lap 8 with about 10 seconds before the 24 minute mark is reached, so I can just cruise during lap # 8, or I can keep pushing my car and catch and finish lapping the entire field (I usually have a couple of cars left to lap as I begin lap # 8). The first time I had this happen to me, I hadn't planned for it so I ran out of fuel about half-way thru lap # 8 and had to crawl all the way to the finish.:eek:

Depending upon whether you lap the field or let some of them go, you can play havoc with what the times on the Finishing Leaderboard look like.:mischievous: You can engineer it to have the slowest time, but finish in first place.:lol:

Interestingly, since lap # 8 is past the 24 minute mark, the game continues to cycle the time so you start to head towards night again!:)

Here's a picture of an 8 lap race after lapping the entire field, and then slowing down to stack up the AI cars on my rear bumper:mischievous::
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