The General Trading Thread

  • Thread starter SCUD77
This thread is for :gtplanet: users to offer or request items using the "Gift" function in GT5. The how to is mainly aimed at cars because thats what most people will trade, Dont forget though you can trade more than cars in GT5 !

: How to gift a car :
Go to your garage and hover over the car you want to give (no need to select it) press triangle and choose "give to a friend" its self explanitory from there.

: Do you loose the car or item :

: How to show people the car :
You can do this with upto 6 cars at a time, Go to your garage and hover over the car you want to show (no need to select it) press triangle and choose "share with friends" this puts the car on your GTprofile where all your friends can see it. for some reason you can't use the car whilst it is in this mode.

: How to view the car :
First off you must be friends with the person on the psn, You can then view there GTprofile. they need to have done the steps ^above^.
In GT mode select profile and all your friends will be in a side menu, select the friend with the car simple as that.

: Note :
You can't sell a car you have been given as a gift.
You can't gift stealth cars.
It is a good idea to agrea who will gift first.
This thread can be used for gifting /trading anything withing GT5 ! paint,Horns,Tuning parts, cars.
The steps are the same for gifting items like horns/paint/parts. Hover->Triangle->Give to friend.
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Why ? and how will this thread work

A couple of people have already made requests on the main news thread and it would be usefull to have 1 place to come to request or offer swaps.

How would it work
Basically I come hear saying "I have a stealth SLS anyone want to swap for a Stealth Mclaren"(or any car you would like but don't have).
or thing's like "I have race exhaust for mx5 will swap for set of wheels".
etc etc. hope you get the idea.
I think it's fair to say that you will lose the item you gift, otherwise it's not a gift, it's a copy, and would rapidly get exploited.
I feel like a 'Classifieds' section would be much more organized section. If the mods just made a new section on the actual GT5 page that was labeled as such, then inside there could be sections for different classes of cars. You could post a thread inside titled, "Stealth SLS wtt Stealth GTR" or whatever, then people could find your thread and reply or PM for more info. I think if we had to try it all out of this thread things would become immensely disorganized, and it would be difficult to find specific deals offered. Also, anyone know if we will be able to 'gift' credits or do we have to trade actual cars? Also, has it been confirmed we can trade 'items' like uprades and paint schemes?


Bystronicman, did you even read your OP in the other thread? That thread is clearly designed for trading pre-order codes to get different stealth cars, etc. Just because the examples used in this thread happened to mention pre-order cars, I think its clear OP had broader and more long term goals in mind
I think it's fair to say that you will lose the item you gift, otherwise it's not a gift, it's a copy,
I think you kept it as well in GTPSP if you gifted to someone else, not sure on GT5 have to wait and see.
Please use the search function before creating threads.There is already a thread on this topic here:

That one is for car swapping mine is for everything in the game that can be given as a gift , tuning part's, horn's, wheels, car's etc: hence why its called the trading thread and not "car gifting"
Mods: feel free to close this one if you feel it offers the same as the existing one.
Thanks, SCUD
I like your idea and yes it would be a better / tidier way of doing it, if they could let requests be removed if/when completed that would be a good addition as well and would stop it going into hundreds of pages
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I think you kept it as well in GTPSP if you gifted to someone else, not sure on GT5 have to wait and see.
Oh really? Hmmmm, interesting. I didn't play that particular game. Something I'm wondering about - if you gift a car that has been heavily modified, do they receive it modified or do they get it stock?
On GT4 you could buy a car from another memory card but you did not loose the car nor get any money for it. That said in an online world I think this would be more like Forza where you can give your car upgraded and tuned or not to a friend. Perhaps you will be able to sell them as well? In either case I would expect you to loose the car otherwise you could give an LMP over and over and over again then sell them back to the game and make millions of easy credits. This would totally mess up the game economy.
I really hope I can trade someone for the Stealth 787B. I'll check back here once the game is released. Thanks.👍
Yep I would like to have the stealth 787B as well, was one of my favorite cars in GT4.
like someone else suggested...I think since pretty much everyone on here is going to get GT5 sometime really soon, I think this thread will be hectic if it was restricted to one thread. I think there should be a separate sub-forum under GT5 that would be a classifieds section.

That would be much more efficient.
I'd also like the 787B Stealth, I'll give whatever for it as I haven't pre-ordered yet, so I can take requests for another stealth model in exchange for the 787B!
Can I trade cars from the CE? No idea if I can.


I wanna trade this P.O.S. (picture below) -- Not into this car scene, so I don't really want it.


Mercedes 300 SL
This will just turn into a beg-fest.

Very possibly.

However, a few of us in the chat have been theorizing. If "trading" works like it should (ie. not like PSP, where it was "duplicating"), we're wondering if you can swap a car between a friend and you infinitely. Why? Paint chips. If you get a new one each time you receive the car, it'd be an easy way to stock up on paint, since it seems to be a consumable. You could do it by having two PSN accounts and a separate save on both, too, but UnionStrike pointed out that by trading between friends, both people will benefit (unless you really do plan on running two saves).

I imagine the pre-order bonuses and the ChromeLines won't be able to be shared, at least until PD (hopefully) gives them up as a DLC pack in the future, just like PSP.
Can I trade cars from the CE? No idea if I can.


I wanna trade this P.O.S. (picture below) -- Not into this car scene, so I don't really want it.


Mercedes 300 SL

I'll have a stealth McLaren from my GS preorder. SO what do you say? All 5 of your preorder reg cars for my Stealth McLaren? I'm willing to negotiate.
Sorry but this thread is really pointless. I really don't see the point of trading codes to get pacific stealth cars. We do all this trading and find out that we'll be able to get the other stealth and chrome cars via down load. Then what would have been the point of this trading thread. I would wait and see what develops before any of you start trading codes. Plus we may only get one code pending on what was pre-ordered. I really don't think we'll get two codes. 1 for the pre-order and another for either the CE Sig edition, don't see it happening.
Sorry but this thread is really pointless. I really don't see the point of trading codes to get pacific stealth cars. We do all this trading and find out that we'll be able to get the other stealth and chrome cars via down load. Then what would have been the point of this trading thread. I would wait and see what develops before any of you start trading codes. Plus we may only get one code pending on what was pre-ordered. I really don't think we'll get two codes. 1 for the pre-order and another for either the CE Sig edition, don't see it happening.

Judging by the OP, this thread is about far more than just the pre-order bonuses and/or special ChromeLine cars (though that does take up a lot of the discussion). It's about the new "gift" function of GT5, and could have plenty of uses once we know more about it, when the serves come online. This thread is certainly not pointless, it could prove very, very handy for the community 👍
Post cars you are looking for, or looking to get rid of. please let's offer each other comparable trades.

I'll start:

looking for:

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