The Political Cartoon/Image/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
"I can't be racist I have a black friend."
She doesn't seem to herself, though.


"Who cares if Romeo + Juliet wasn't historically accurate? At least Romeo wasn't a race traitor."
Rewriting history... to use... swords... instead of... guns.... I assume that Mirsepassi is being sarcastic there, and it's perfect.
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Rewriting history... to use... swords... instead of... guns.... I assume that Mirsepassi is being sarcastic there, and it's perfect.
The guns in the movie have sword written on them.

Thank you, grade 10 English class…
I assume that Mirsepassi is being sarcastic there, and it's perfect.
I think the general rule that can be used is Twitter blue check = chud, Bluesky Social user = not chud.
I did like Tybalt's Chevy Monte Carlo...
Did it have "horse" painted on the side?
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