what the hec is Prologue?!?!?

  • Thread starter TheGreek
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GT4 Prolouge is a demo of GT4 that Polophony released to most places outside America before they released the full version of GT4. they let the hardcore GT fans(me and most people on this board) have a taste of GT4 before it actually came out. I actually went through the trouble(even though it was worth it) to get Prolouge, the flip-top thing and swap discs needed to play it. I needed to know what it was like. it was great, I was floored. there you go.

rock. :cool:
gt4 prologue was a demo of gt4.... full stop :) 👍

.... although it was one of the best value for money demo's Ive ever seen.... with it being its own mini game to beat and lots of cars... plus better graphics on certain tracks!

Worth getting if your a real hardcore fan of the series... but not much use now that GT4 proper has been released.

... oh and there was also the BMW 1 series GT4 demo which was not bad but only had the nurb and amalfi and 2 cars...
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