GT4P Euro suggests Ferrari's and Porsches will be included?

  • Thread starter PaulC2K
I hear the dvd contains a gallery full of ferrari pics. Now why would pd show this? I dont understand this at all. If ferrari wont be in, why show us all this ferrari stuff?
Because PD thought fans might like to see them testing Ferraris etc? Just because there in GT P videos/pics doesn't mean there gonna be in GT4, calm down cobra :)
That's not good, misleading people like that! But since the staff was playing with the ferrari :rolleyes: why show us and what's the deal with the gallery?
You should only be mad at yourself for jumping to the wrong conclusion. It isn't PD's fault.

So, why did they include the Ferrari in GT4p video? Perhaps to show everyone that they love Ferrari, and would love to have thmem in a GT title. Many people said, "Kaz doesn't like Ferrari anyway!" So I'm sure he is showing to everyone that that statement isn't true.
The pictures in the stills section are snapshots directly taken from the video.
I think the DVD video was produced out of House, and simply used footage supplied by Sony/ PD of the data gathering days which feature No ferraris, and the footage of the PR and Staff day which does feature the Ferraris which were problbly bought there by the PR guests.
Now since these sorts of days were not going to happen to often, that are professionally filmed, and the fact that ferraris were present doesnt mean theyll be included, the production company just used the material supplied, and doesnt realise the significance to Some people here that showing Ferraris being driven on a driving day suggests.

Some people simply read far to much into what they see, Not everything is done for a reason.
I mean in the video is a Spoon S2000 with top down and roll cage, that doesnt mean GT4 will feature a Spoon S2000 with roll cage does it.
The DVD being created out of house and then just editing a big batch of footage I can understand, but then why are the same Ferrari shot's in the 'coming soon' vid that plays when you complete the first lot of lessons?
The DVD being created out of house and then just editing a big batch of footage I can understand, but then why are the same Ferrari shot's in the 'coming soon' vid that plays when you complete the first lot of lessons?

Hmmm. Very interesting. I wish I could get a copy of Prologue to analyze it myself.
Originally posted by cobragt
That's not good, misleading people like that! But since the staff was playing with the ferrari :rolleyes: why show us and what's the deal with the gallery?
Your the only one thats letting himself get mislead, everyone else is perfectly content debating the matter but at the end of the day having a we'll wait and see approach. They would be misleading you if they say they will have Ferrari's in GT4 and then don't, but KY has already said it's not possible to get Ferrari's in GT4. So your only letting yourself get mislead, if Ferrari does turn up, great, but theres nothing to say they will yet and thers a lot to say they won't.
Well heres a thought, not knowing if anyone has come up with this yet but just thought i'd let everyone know whats on my mind.

GT4 is now going to use the HDD and with the HDD they could cut the loading times in a half but another interesting note, Downloadable content. Do you all belive that maybe PD could get the license to these two car manufacturers and let us download them at a later date? Or maybe include one or two cars for them and then let us download the rest. I mean if they get the license why not let us download the cars why keep us waiting until GT5.... PD deff knows more, things that they do not want to share with us at this time... "The truth is out there" remember that ;)
I don't think we'll be downloading cars from companies like Ferrari. Imagine how much that would piss off all thoes who don't / caqn't get an internet connection. I expect the downloads to be limited to new cars from manufacurer's already featured in GT4 and maybe new tracks and championships.

They won't release an add on disk just for thoes without the internet because it's not cost effective enough.
...Wow, that came out of the blue. Downloadable content! We haven't covered that before over and over, and over, and over... Hell I'm pretty sure it's even been in this thread before.

I'm getting tired of people prefacing statements with "I don't know" or "I haven't searched" - maybe you should. I bet 5 seconds searching would prove that, in fact I just did to prove it and got 68 relevant threads, ranging from threads where we just posted the notion to the "Independant Add ons" thread.

I'm confused as to why cobra is so passionate in affirming they must be in there, why else would they have shown them, etc. Maybe they did just to get people like you stirred up and interested. Maybe they want to ship a few thousand extra copies because people want to know if Ferrari is in there or not. Maybe it's just all a PR stunt. We're all so busy overanalysing various quotes and sources and images we've managed to cheerfully neglect the facts and what is perhaps the most obvious answer.
If we will be able to download 10 ferraris and 10 Porsches in the same pack later on in the year for 10$, then i'm in for it. That is if we will be able to d/l cars.
Originally posted by Live For Speed
If we will be able to download 10 ferraris and 10 Porsches in the same pack later on in the year for 10$, then i'm in for it. That is if we will be able to d/l cars.

You accept the inclusion of another fee for receiving additional new vehicles for GT4? Bah. I feel if the cars are not available for the game's release, then they shouldn't be included at all. However, additional models of cars already in the game is acceptable to me, so long there is no additional cost involved.

If Ferrari, and Porsche for that matter, is not in the release of GT4, then PD should keep if for GT5.
id pay a tenner for 10p's and 10f's yeah. as long as i could use them against anyone online, (people without them download the data required to race against them (from the server, (stores on the HDD) but not drive them.. like there's cars on prologue that the AI uses but you cant get).

there could be a free trial (say 24 hours) for each car after which time the car is removed again (working by the servers clock not the ps2's clock obviousy)

lot of possibiities anyway! :)
Originally posted by Mediaman
The DVD being created out of house and then just editing a big batch of footage I can understand, but then why are the same Ferrari shot's in the 'coming soon' vid that plays when you complete the first lot of lessons?

Hmm havent yet got that far with Prologue.
is that after you complete all the first screen tests?
Originally posted by GTXLR
I think the DVD video was produced out of House, and simply used footage supplied by Sony/ PD of the data gathering days which feature No ferraris, and the footage of the PR and Staff day which does feature the Ferraris which were problbly bought there by the PR guests.
Now since these sorts of days were not going to happen to often, that are professionally filmed, and the fact that ferraris were present doesnt mean theyll be included, the production company just used the material supplied, and doesnt realise the significance to Some people here that showing Ferraris being driven on a driving day suggests.

I wouldn't be surprised if the video was outsourced... having said that, they wouldn't operate in a black box and produce a DVD that is included with a GT4 game that Sony and PD don't approve first. PD has to be aware of the intensity surrounding Ferrari and Porsche being in GT and would have to "sign off" on any supplement to their product... soooooo... it's a very bold move to practically showcase two manufacturers that aren't a part of their product.

From a marketing perspective (which is actually what i do for a living) you tend to focus on qualities and features available in your product or where your product is superior... not showcasing things that other products have over you or things your consumers want but you can't deliver... creates negative branding.

We know that GT's supporters will buy the game no matter what (i'm one of them), but this is business in a highly competitive industry and it just doesn't make sense from a rational business perspective that these images and video were released. If it was just a case of a fun "staff" day, maybe we would have seen some bikes in the mix, but we don't, and there are lots of other shots that look like a normal test day.

Remember EA has the license til november... and there's no doubt a clause that prohibits competitors from advertising those brands in games unless licensed by EA... so this may be a way for PD to advertise that they're coming without violating the EA license as they aren't stating the brands are in nor do they mention the inclusion of them in the video or why/what that footage is really from... and this post is already way too long ;) :embarrassed:
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
You accept the inclusion of another fee for receiving additional new vehicles for GT4? Bah. I feel if the cars are not available for the game's release, then they shouldn't be included at all. However, additional models of cars already in the game is acceptable to me, so long there is no additional cost involved.

Ye why not? it's not as if i'm paying for a d/l of 10 different Dihatsu Midgets and 10 vitz, this is Ferrari and Porsche we are talking about and i would love to see them in GT4. Well actually they could throw in an extra track with such a d/l, but still.
If PD charged for you to download 10 Ferrari's but not Daihats's it would be outrageouse. There should be no charges for any downloads but as others have said, I doubt new manufacturers will appear as downloads.
Another possibility is that the cars will be put in GT4, but you can't get to them really. Remember back in GT3(so long ago!!) there was a Lamborghini Diablo race car you could get, but you had to use a gameshark to attain it. This is a possibility for GT4 with the Ferraris. For the sake of argument however, I doubt that the Ferraris will make it due to lisenseing . Damn Shame.
They could charge for new manufacturers that are not in the game, but make the d/ls free for car manufacturers that are already in the game. There is always a possibility.
It's not a good one from our perspective and Polyphony's. Imagine paying to get Farbound and someone else downloading 15 new Nissan's for free. I don't beleive PD will make extra marques available by download, maybe an expansion disk, but still very, very unlikely..
I wouldn't be surprised if new cars come as downloadable content actually. There's a lot of downloadable content for computer games, and a lot of people still don't have an internet connection nor a desire to download that additional content. But it still exists for those who want it and will go to the required lengths to attain it. There's no cries about discrimination.

Look at the N64 - games would work without the Expansion Pak but you'd get a fraction of the experience, so it was basically necessary. Nothing extraneous is necessary to play GT4 but some things will enhance the experience.

phan's idea about getting around advertising constraints via the Making Of movie is pretty nifty. Marketing man at work.