Welcome to GTPlanet 6!

  • Thread starter Jordan


Site Founder
United States
United States
Wow. I feel as if I've been hit over the head with baseball bat...this upgrade has taken more than 48 solid hours to complete, but it is finally done. I haven't even left my house for more than half an hour, total, since this all began! Really, though it's such a relief to have it over with. Watching all my hard work over the past 6 months come into reality is a great feeling. Here's a look at some of the new things in GTP6:

New Logo and Design
As you've probably already noticed, we now have a new logo. It's a simple, modern, effective symbol of the world. It's the perfect logo for our site, because it relates to our "planetary" name and also symbolizes the global reach of our community. We also have a completely new look for every part of the site. A few elements of the design may look familiar - I've used many of the same colors from GTP5. I haven't done much testing across different browser platforms so there may be some problems, as always if you find any please report them to me as soon as possible.

GTP6 Lite, still has a few tweaks here and there, so what you see now might or might not be the final version. I'm just going to keep playing around with it until I get something that I'm happy with.

You will also notice new Google Ads on both the main site and the bottom of forum pages. These will alternate between default ads for our own GTP Store or ads from sponsors, depending on the page you're viewing. Please click on these ads if you see something that interests you...the site is becoming a very large financial strain and I would really appreciate the support.

New Homepage and CMS
Our main site is now controlled by Subdreamer, a powerful Content Management System. Our old system was a wobbly hand-made piece of ****, and I couldn't even update the site to add GT4 info or new videos that you guys submitted. That's all a thing of the past, now, though, so expect a lot more on the main site. If you check the homepage, you'll also find that I can post news articles to the site and keep it fresh and updated. I want this to be a way to highlight things going on in the community, so if you have anything going on of importance in the forums (a thread with exciting/important news, large online racing tournament, etc.), please be sure to let me know so I can post it on the homepage. Please use the Contact Us form to submit this information.

New GTP Store
The GTP Store has been completely re-launched with all new products and designs, featuring our new logo. If you find something that you like, please don't hesitate to order it. We receive a small portion of the profit from these items and of course we appreciate the extra help and support tremendously.

New File Download System
As you may remember, we had to remove many of our most popular video downloads due to the extreme stress they were placing on our server. We simply didn't have enough bandwidth to pump out all the data at the same time and as a result the site became inaccessible. Fortunately, as a feature of our fantastic new Subdreamer CMS, we have been able to integrate our file downloads with our forum member base. Now, you must be a GTPlanet member to view all of our video downloads, so you're membership just got even more valuable! Hopefully this will both prevent leeching and will also help grow our community at the same time.

What about GTPremium?
Without question, one of the most talked-about new features coming with GTP6 was GTPremium, a monthly subscription-based service that removes ads and gives you more features around the forums. While upgrading the site over the past few days, I've decided that I need more time to dedicate exclusively to this service before it's launched. Expect to see GTPremium within the next month or so, and keep an eye on this News & Announcements forum for information as I release it.

New vBulletin 3 Features
The biggest change to GTPlanet, other than the new layout and design, is the upgrade to the latest version of our forum software, vBulletin. This new upgrade contains a plethora of new options and features, of which there are too many to list here. Here are just a few of them...
  • Improved database structure, providing faster loading times for all pages.
  • The title of the last thread posted to in a forum is now displayed on the forum home page.
  • Calendar events for the upcoming days are now displayed on the main page, along with Users Online, Birthdays, etc.
  • When viewing a list of threads in forums, you can see which ones you have subscribed to (indicated by the small envelope icon).
  • Searching in threads alone is now possible, via a form at the top-right of each thread page.
  • "Who's Viewing this Thread" allows you to see who's also viewing a thread at the same time you are.
  • Attachments to posts are now displayed as clickable thumbnails to help threads load faster.
  • New WYSIWYG Post Editor allows you to see exactly what your post will look like in the post editing window.
  • You can now attach more than 20 files to just one post (if images, all will be thumbnailed).
  • Thread subscriptions can now be divided into different groups. For example, you can now subscribe to a thread WITHOUT getting email notification. You'll find these options when you subscribe to a thread or you can set these options by default in "My GTPlanet".
  • Your signature can now be edited with the WYSIWYG editor and can also be previewed before going live.
  • You can now preview Private Messages before sending them.
  • You now have the ability to view and manage all attachments that you have posted, in "My GTPlanet", "Attachments".
  • Each user now has a limit of 12 MB of attachments that they can post. This limit does NOT apply to all attachments that you have posted before we upgraded to vB3, just attachments that you will post in the future.
  • Avatars are now displayed on the member list.
  • ...and many other little surprises that you'll just have to find on your own! ;)
Restrictions/Limit Changes
Here is a list of all the changes that were made to size restrictions and limits. These changes are not retroactive. For example, if you have uploaded more than 12 MB of attachments, all of your old attachments will not count toward your 12 MB limit. Only attachments that you post after the limit was put in place will count.
  • Avatars must be under 20 KB.
  • Maximum of 50 PM's can be stored at any one time.
  • Maximum of 500 characters in signatures.
  • Minimum of 10 characters per post (not including quoted text).
  • Maximum of 12 MB of attachments.
Note: If you had entered an MSN handle in your profile, you will have to enter it again.

With all that said, I do hope you enjoy the new site. I've worked very, very hard over the past 6 months, designing and tweaking this new style just the way I want it, and of course the upgrade has left me exhausted. If you have COMMENTS or SUGGESTIONS regarding the new site, please post them in this thread. If you have QUESTIONS or PROBLEMS regarding the new site, please START A NEW THREAD in our Questions & Comments Forum.

Thanks, and enjoy the site!
Attachments have not completed yet so you will be unable to see or post attachments until later.
You've done an awesome job Jordan! The site looks great. Glad to finally see it up. Keep up the good work. 👍
I don't know anbout anyone else, but the site is excruciatingly slow-loading... all pages. To slow to bother with. I'll check back later.

Looks great Jordan. Just gotta speed it up.
Wow. The whole thing looks, and feels so much more professional. You really outdid yourself this time, Jordan. The wait really was worth it. 👍

I'm loving the new statuses, as well. :D

Re-edited because I can't read...
this is awsome. and jordan i found a gltch on the main page, it allowed me to access the gtp6 gamma test forum
I don't know anbout anyone else, but the site is excruciatingly slow-loading... all pages. To slow to bother with. I'll check back later.

Looks great Jordan. Just gotta speed it up.
Really it's been lightning quick for me. Is anyone else having problems seeing the logo in the right corner though?
Jordan - aside seconding milefile's comment regarding what seems to be slowness, I can't make the text any smaller. Is this intentional? And if so... why?
No, it's been very quick for me even on dialup - and I'm using Standard view so far, not GTP Lite like I was before. And the logo looks fine as of midnight 10 June.

Excellent job, Jordan! Get some much needed rest. I wish I didn't have to go to bed so I could explore and experiment.
Congratulations on the site upgrade!

With that said... I've noticed one tiny little issue with hyperlinks in Firefox 0.8. For example, on the main site every link under "GTP Forums" on the menu on the left side of the page is right-aligned and the spacing between each item is 10 pixels or more in Firefox while it is left aligned in IE6.0. I would attach an image of it but I am unsure as to whether I can or not(Attempted to do so anyway).

Also, the links under each item in the GTP store are right-aligned in Firefox and not centered as they are in IE.

I hope that helps. I haven't a clue as how to fix this without using CSS.

EDIT: Also, why is the forum jump on the left in threads but on the right in forums when not viewing a thread? That's not quite consistent, IMO.
Wow, it looks great but for some reason the Konqueror browser is having a few minor issues scrolling through the site. I'll reboot into windows to play around with it in IE in just a bit. (I picked up linux while I was waiting for gtp to come back online :)).

edit: somehow my browser is seeing it fine all of a sudden. By the way, it's REALLY damn fast considering that I'm using my neighbor's already slow wireless network

I usually surf gtp when I'm in class and well...it was offline so to fight By the way, the excessive boredom that Attilla_The_Hun (i think that's his gtp name) and I were facing, we modified a song originally written by lauryn hill.... You only have to imagine my absurdly deep and scratchy voice singing this to the tune of Killing Me Softly

Updating his site with his fingers
Delaying our life with sous bugs
Killing us softly with his site
Killing us softly with his site
Telling our whole life on the boards
Killing us softly with his site

I heard he ran a good site, I heard it had a style
And so I came to see it, to read for a while
And there it was, this great place, full of strangers to our eyes

Updating his site with his fingers
Delaying our life with sous bugs
Killing us softly with his site
Killing us softly with his site
Telling our whole life on the boards
Killing us softly with his site

I felt all flushed with fever, anxious by the by the wait
I felt Jordan found the problem and announced each one out late
I prayed that Jordan would finish soon, but he just kept right on finding bugs

Updating his site with his fingers
Delaying our life with sous bugs
Killing us softly with his site
Killing us softly with his site
Telling our whole life on the boards
Killing us softly

He sang as if he knew us in all our dark despair
And then he looked right through us as if I wasn't there
But he was there, this stranger, singing clear and loud

Strumming our pain with his fingers
Singing our life with sous bugs
Killing us softly with his site
Killing us softly with his site
Telling our whole life on the boards
Killing us softly with his site
I'm still getting used to it. The only thing I really dont like is how wide the avatar member name location thing is <that thing over there O therwise its great but it'll take a while to get used to
No, it's been very quick for me even on dialup - and I'm using Standard view so far, not GTP Lite like I was before. And the logo looks fine as of midnight 10 June.

Over here it's taking forever on dialup, particuarly to load the threads - it loads the entire thread before displaying it. It's taking much longer than before, much longer than on Giles's site.
I love the new look. I reall do. Smooth, loads faster, more options etc. *groaR*

Although i can't download video's. It keeps telling me to log-in, but i did. Tested it with Explorer and Firefox. Maybe that feature isn't "up" yet. But, it isn't bothering me. Just to let you know.
It's loading pretty good, but it is abit slower, probably because it just finished.

At the moment, I don't seem to be able to upload a Custom Avatar.
God it's good to be back, everything looks excellent, kudos to you for all your hard work and thanks to everyone who helped out with the problems encountered during the upgrade, we all appreciate your efforts!
Seems to be loading fine here. Certainly does look pretty damn slick. I'm sure it will take a couple of days to settle down.
Its loading slower then normal for me as well.

One gripe so far: Why does the area for our user names and avatars and stuff on the left have to be so wide? I'd much rather have the actual post text area be wide like it used to be. This narrow stuff is crap.
Very nice Jordan. Me and Doug guessed it would be up late wednesday night, and we said that on Monday! I for one highly doubted that a switch of this magnitude could be done very quick with success. Glad you took your time and got everything so nice!
Man, this is splendid.

I don't want to sound like a fool, but for aesthetics I'll mention the following:~

  • The main buttons, like Submit Message, Go and New Thread use a certain font and a nice simple border and gradient. However for the images below a post such as Send PM, Website etc they are the old style with a different font. Personally I'd have both buttons the new style, like the main buttons.
  • Finally at the bottom of a page with Printable Version, Subscribe and Email Thread the underlines on the text links stick out flush with the images/icons. I believe the underlines were supposed to be underneath the text only and this happens in Firefox, I'm not too sure if it is isolated to it though.
  • Where is says View First Unread shouldn't it be View First Unread Post? Also the underline on the text link goes through and behind the
Anywho, its nice to see six months went into this because this is mighty, mighty fine and it is nice to see some results!
Great job, Jordan. 👍

I envy your patience and diligence as a webmaster. I may correspond with you in the near future regarding my plans to create a new version of my site.

Kudos. :cheers:
Thanks for the upgrades!!!

I don't like the layout though. It's too cluttered in the middle, the name/avatar/status column is too wide and the entire page is too close to the middle, and I'm on 1024x768. It seems as if everything is too close to the middle. I'll try a higher res and see if my family doesn't mind. I think the only word to describe it is is "wonky".

There's also a lot of empty space, I'm finding. Near the top especially. Noticing it a lot in the blue banner area (next to the changing screens).

I guess it'll take some getting used to, thats all!