stuck on the ice races.

I am looking for any advice that could help get my past the ice races. I am on the Hard Ice Races and this is all I have left for the rally races. I have tried for several hours and simply can not touch the AI on either of the ice tracks. I was able to do it on easy and normal but cant on hard. I have tried every rally car I own both modern and group B. Ive tried several different approaches to tuning including high and low power and several different suspension setups. My best luck has been with running the EVO IV rally car on stock power and moderately stiff suspension with the torque distribution set 50/50. I can get the lead with this setup but will get shoved out of the way by the AI driver before too long and incur a 5 second penalty.

For those that have won these races how did you do it.
Well, my success came from the Impreza Prototype, and a heck of a lot of wall-riding!
A little on the "cheating" side, but you do what you gotta do.
Chamoix hard was the toughest for me.
i used the escudo on the hard levels. and as MDT did i did the wall ride :D it's not easy on them but can be done..

if you use the escudo change the gear ratios so there very close, the power is only in the top 2-3000rpm range and soon as it comes out of the the thing is slow as hell.
keep it in that section and its a beast, top speed will only be around 200kph
Those things ARE really hard, I've only tried the easy ones myself and even those I only eeked out by a hair. If you can't get the proper driving techniques down, its alot easier to learn how to "cheat" effectively. :D

I'm really not finding myself liking the Rallies in GT4 as much as those in 3. The physics seems alot more unforgiving and even though I could cruise smoothly around in GT3, I find myself humping the wall for 90% of most races in GT4. :grumpy:
I'm with MDT, I used the WRX Prototype for all Special Conditon Races and the Chamonix Rally (Hard) required some nifty wall riding. I couldn't win any other way.

I find it ironic that I bust my guts to beat the AI in the Ice races but destroy the Gold License times on all the Ice Tests??? Something weird about that.
I loved the GT3 rallies. I hate the GT4 rallies. Which race do I win the Escudo in? I know its one of the rally races. other than IA and Cham I only have the 2 cathedral rocks hards to go
Control of the throttle is important in the reaces. Don't over-rev it or you'll spin. It's like rallying with even less grip. The problem is the degree of difficulty between Ice Arena and Chamonix. Ice Arena is nice and easy, but Chamonix will have you tearing your hair out, especially on the tarmac sections.

Practice and practice again in either Arcade or Dirt and Snow Events is probably the best advice I can give you.
On the Ice races I did so far, I found power is a killer. Slow and easy. I had a hard time at first because I kept trying to over power then slow down. I finally used the Honda Element for 200 spec points. I later found it could be used in all the Easy and many of the Hard events effectively. Buy all the non-permanent upgrades and tires and you can get 200 spec points in all the Easy and half or more of the Normal. Just change the power, tires, and ballast as nedded.

I don't remember where I put the springs and height, but I believe I used mid range height and firm springs. Not soft or hard.
I have problem with rally races too. After a lot of testing.. i realized a heavy car is best for me. so I used a dodge RAM for all the rally races eventually....
One thing I learned due to the "hard" race was that you can ram walls as hard as you want, as long as your rear end hits the wall first.

If you must resort to "cheap" tactics try and remember that...
Get some sick drifts, nail the wall and go full throttle.

One other thing I learned from the "hard" race was that time penalties will kill your chances of winning.

Pass your opponent as soon as possible, but from there try to concentrate on staying slow and on the "proper line."

If you stay on that proper line the AI will not be able to pass you unless it's on a straight.

Well, :sly:
That's all I've got for you. :lol:

Good luck. :cheers:
For the Ice rallies, I used the Delta S4, standard, and rode walls as much as I could. Took me maybe three goes to kill the AI on the most difficult ones, because once I'd figured out which walls to ride, I was taking 1st or 2nd gear corners in 4th gear:) Just hit the bank bum first. Use handbrake if you have to, but make sure you are hard on the throttle.

I did the same with all the hard rallies to get them out of the way, because the 5 second penalty gets annoying when you make a small mistake, and the AI slips through on the inside and clips you, then trots off down the road while you sit still with the resultant 5 second penalty.

The last straw was when I had a nice, hard earned lead, then blew it by incurring a 5 second penalty on a fast section. As my penalty was running out, and I was about to enter a corner, I get rammed from behind by the AI (no I didn't swerve in front of him) which pushed me head first into a barrier... and I got a penalty!!! And the AI didn't!!!! Made me wonder why I was the only one in the game trying to play fair. Anway all rallies done and dusted now:)
Probably the best car to use for Ice Racing and Rallying is the Peugeot 205 T16 E2 - win it at Georges V Paris (Hard) - but if you want something a little more sedate, try the Lancia Detla Integrale or Renault 5 Maxi Turbo.
The Escudo is won at Cathedral Rocks I Hard but I wouldn't use it. I guess some people know how to handle it but I just fly all over the place with that thing.
Other than the Escudo I would say it doesn't really matter which car you use. They all lack grip on snow and they all have about the same power so any WRC car will do really.
I used the Ford RS200 Rally car but I may as well have used the Peugeot 206 or the Impreza Prototype. I used wall riding too, but not everywhere.
Basically, as a lot of people have pointed out before, you need to try and get ahead of the AI as quickly as possible. Do a few trial runs to see where and how you can overtake the AI. If you are in a constant battle with the AI you are almost sure to get penalties and loose. Once you are past it, see which places are best to wall ride (mainly long sweeping turns and wide 180's) and which places are best to just swing the rear around, hit the barier with the back of the car and then gunn it to "accelerate" out of the turn. It just take some analyzing the track. Once you know how the track works it's no big deal really. It took me at least 10 tries to win the Hard snow races but once I won them I can win them over and over again by several seconds.
That being said, I had more problems with the Ice Arena than with Chamonix. The tarmac part is a part you just need to get to know a little and be carefull on, but the snow part is full of long sweeping turns that are ideal to wall ride.
Good luck man.
The 'good' drivers out there might find this a bit ridiculous, but it worked for me. Buy the most powerful skyline you can (i think it's the GTR), lose the weight, stage 3 turbo, custom tranny and snow tyres. Do the tranny trick so you've got really tight reving.

You should blow in front of the AI off the line. Watch out when you get on the tarmac though, handling is abysmal.

Easy wins on both hard races, and most of the dirt tracks to.
Coming back and doing the snow races cleanly is on my list of things to do later, but I blew through them with ease by using the best rally car in the game, the mighty Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Super Rally Car '03 and the cheesy wall-riding exploit.

I added the Increase Rigidity option, turned off ASM, set the TCS at 10, set the final drive at 5.500, and moved the Autoset to 1. I left everything else completely stock.

I then employed the "Scandinavian flick" technique of snapping the steering over as I entered each turn in order to cross the car up and tag the wall with the rear bumper, as has been described in previous posts. Once you make that first wall contact, just go ahead and punch it, using a slight amount of steering lock as you ride the wall.

On the Ice Arena you may need to give the brakes a light tap as you apply the Scandinavian flick in order to cross the car up quicker. On Chamonix it probably isn't necessary. In fact, you can run about three-quarters of Chamonix at continuous full-throttle, without ever lifting off. I won Chamonix Hard Reverse by something like 27 seconds (or was it even more?) using this cheeseball technique.

After you have these events out of the way you can come back and try to win them without the cheese (and without the overwhelmingly dominant Super Evo). To me, they're a lot of fun.
Traction control is switched off on all rally stages isn't it (except the road courses)?

I just looked, and everything seems normal on both dirt and snow events. What makes you think TCS is off in those events?
Because your wheels spin all the time. You couldn't drift round the corners with tc set to ten. If your tc was working the car would reduce the power automatically. Try taking whichever car your using to a road course and try launching it with tc on and tc off. You should see the revometer drop then move more slowly when you have tc on. Try the same thing on a rally or ice stage and you should see no diffierence. Also watch the little triangle that flashes blue in the bottom of the hud you should see it flashes on a road course and then it shouldn't flash on the rally course.

It might be that I have the Pal version, don't know about the other versions.
Traction control is switched off on all rally stages isn't it (except the road courses)?

That's right, I'm pretty sure your TCS and ASM settings don't apply on dirt & snow tracks.

I've cleared all the rally events over the past week, and while I never resorted to wallriding I did have to push the DFP to the side and use the DS2 for my last three hard races: Grand Canyon F & R, and Ice Arena R. I found myself using the e-brake a fair bit on those courses, and that's tricky when the DFP's in 900* mode... :)

I used the Super Evo Rally and Impreza '03 Rally for the hard races, both at ~400hp. No special settings, but I made sure not to tighten the gearing too much - most of the time I stayed in 3rd, with the occassional venture into 2nd & 4th as necessary. Most corners were taken by braking hard & early, turning in sharply under braking (with a blip on the e-brake if needed), followed by a sharp jab on the throttle and then modulated throttle to control the slide.

And I totally agree with Kent's advice: pass ASAP, then stay on the proper line, tight to the inside. If you do that, the AI should back off even if he's quicker thru the corner. If you let the AI in your rearview get under your skin & rush you, you'll end up running wide and the AI will sneak by. If you're 'lucky' he'll get by clean but he usually slides across and leaves you with a penalty. :mad:
keep it smooth. dont rev too high as you will prolly only lose control. keep it smooth.

This is the secret!. Do not force the aceleration. For learn, see a replay in the car of CPU and try do the same.

Desculpe se o igles estiver ruim, mas o segredo é manter a aceleração baixa nas curvas e utilizar todo o espaço na saida das curvas para ganhar velocidade. (O mesmo pode ser feito nos rallys de terra)
As far as Ice Arena goes, if you just want to get by it, ram the AI as hard as you can into a tight corner, take the 5, and block to stay in front. If on the other hand you wish to be pretty, learn the track first, then master throttle control, it's the only way through the ice/snow.

With Chamonix, my fastest portions came on tarmac by sliding the car. I had to learn a new way to upset the cars balance however. If you keep the outside tyres on the snow portions, getting a clean rotation is quite simple. Hardest part of it is trying to get the correct angle of attack so as not to go bumping into the wall, unless ofcourse you're riding them.

For easy/normal on both courses I used the Escort WRC, stock short of the snow tires, and for hard same but w/ a 50 shot of NOx. That being said, car selection is entirely personal. I do suggest something with a bit more weight however, they don't seem to loose grip as readily in unfortunate situations.
For an easer win, just use the Dodge Larame 1500. That thing is heavy and sticks well to it's line. You still have to slow down for the corners, or ride the outer bank (cheap.)
Actually, fastest way through the tarmac section of Chamonix is to stick to the right or left had side. You get more grip from being on the snow.

Also, for that left-hander off the tarmac, take it wide and put the car sideways. You won't see where you're going, but you'll feel it catch the snow proper. This way, you can take the turn a gear higher and with a bit of practice, you'll be in the perfect position to take the next corner, also a gear higher than recommended. Beats slowing down well beforehand and tip-toeing through it like the AI does.
well finally beat the hard ice races and have now cleared all the rallies.

I used the escudo and did a lot of wall riding.

The escudo is a blast on the ice. speedo reads 120mph and your only doing maybe 50 or so with all 4 tires spinning the entire time.

I learned the hit the wall back first trick early on.

That is what got me through the hard GC rallies. I used the RS200 and drove balls to the wall the entire time using the back end of the car to brake. The trick to Grand Canyon is drive as aggressively as possible.
That's right, I'm pretty sure your TCS and ASM settings don't apply on dirt & snow tracks...

Why do you think so? What indication is there that they don't? I really don't think I was imagining better traction when I turned the TCS up to 10 on the Super Evo.
ASM and TCS are turned off on the rallies. just like in GT3. I noticed that with the escudo the transmission wasn't keeping up that well. I would get areas coming off some of the corners where it would be in 6th still and would take a second to bang back down through the gears
so the consensus is that the ice rallies are really hard to beat without cheating.

normally such a challenge would be enjoyable - however i don't like the idea that the only way i was able to beat the damn things was to cheat. nowhere near the feeling of beating a tough mission by driving well. still happy about 34!
so the consensus is that the ice rallies are really hard to beat without cheating.

As some people pointed out, beating the ice rallies without cheating needs a lot of "driving well". As I said in another thread, driving on ice is so much different from what every body's used to, that it's no surprise it is felt as being extremely difficult.

normally such a challenge would be enjoyable - however i don't like the idea that the only way i was able to beat the damn things was to cheat.

Neither do I. The enjoyment comes from learning a totaly different way of driving, taking time to make it better, and then beating tha AI without cheating. The big problem we have here are the 5 s. penalty, this spoils the enjoyment the way it's implemented for sure.

nowhere near the feeling of beating a tough mission by driving well. still happy about 34!

You're abolutely right, winning by making as little mistakes as possible and driving close to the best the car can do is priceless.

I finally finished all the Ice Rallies in hard. my problem was using too much hp. In the end I just used a stock rally Subaru 01. In my case it was just a case of finding a car that suited my technique ,no need for extra hp, ramming cars, wall riding etc

respect to anyone who does the rallies with the 'mad suzuki thing' I couldn't keep the damn thing facing the same way, I was getting dizzy!!