Signatures: Too damn long.


these sigs are huge, i say we should agree on 4 lines max... how does that sound? that gives you 1 line of big logo smileys or 4 lines of text or a combonation of both.
OMFG yes! I'll second that motion. You can say a lot by just going horizontal and not vertical. Like that guy who has every thin he ever touched on his car listed in his sig. It reads like a book titled Who Really Cares?!

I'd much rather have 10-line posts instead of 2 words followed by a 10-line sig...
If you really don't like sigs, just turn off the "view sig" option in your control panel... I personally like viewing the sigs, so I leave it on, even though it does slow down my 56K.
My signiture is fine in my opinion. I do think some sigs are a little big but it does not bother me too much. Just a way of expression. :rolleyes:
i dont really mind longer sigs such as snoopy's, his is fine. The one's that abuse the automotive smilies are the ones i can't stand.
Originally posted by troy
good, BTW u should slow done ur 'tar is pretty hard to read.

Its meant to be annoying so you spend ages looking at what it says. I have no idea why I wanted it to be annoying though (which sounds kinda dumb)
lol... it's not that hard to read, but once you read it it's pretty funny... :P

Have we reached a consenses yet on the signatures?
Fine its a Suggestion then ;)

Ill probably change the avatar in 5secs cuz I get bored quickly with the same things