TVR&FF's Photomode and Video Zone - 14th November: News "Final"

  • Thread starter Pebb
Thanxs for selecting a car, it is Yoda's lost. But your win, also work has started on doing the basic shots like early this morning. But I will begin photoshopping on early Christmas Eve, and then I be posting up the final peices up on Christmas day folks.

An update on the Christmas requests, well I have started photoshoping the T350 at the moment. Will carry on Photoshopping later on or Friday, still need to decide what one I be photoshopping.

But the people who were picked to request for Christmas, only need to wait 3 days till they see them. But look out sometime this week for the time I expect them to be posted up mates.
Ok this is the last update for today, the 3rd part of the Dome update will be up on Christmas Eve.


Also next week look out for another in memory of update for someone, who was well knowen in the making of an famous engine. Right I,m off now, to play some FM06 before work guys.
Gallery News - 23rd Dec 05

I may post up a new in memory of update for someone knowen in the car world, on Christmas Eve now. In other News going to start work on Greycaps Christmas treat, right folks.

Finished work on the photoshopping of franz Christmas treat, also early on I started the photoshopping of one of pain killers Christmas treat.
Wanted to make it neat and tidy, some people have to be neat and tidy on here. Not naming the people who are untidy lol.
In memory of Keith Duckworth update.


Keith Duckworth (R.I.P)
1933 - 2005
(Cosworth Engine designer, O.B.E & Co Founder of Cosworth Engineering)

Not long till the people who were allowed to request get to see there special Christmas present from me.
He also helped out in F1 Cosworth engine making I think. But it still is a sad day even if it happend like on the 19th Dec 05.
Christmas Present requests for the people will be posted up every 30 mins to an hour. Since I got a lot of post up, first one is:

To Franz - From TVR&Ferrari_Fan
Have a Nice Christmas Franz

Next person to be able to open up there Christmas photomode presenet is sejtur, which will be up in about 30 mins or an hour like I said before folks.
Cool update y0! I like it. From 1 - 10, I say maybe a 8 or something, not sure a lot. I see a lot of people are doing the inside car shots now.
Yeah I agree ok you should of seen me puting the finishing pieces to the remaining cars. It was like a bit of late Christmas wrapping.

When I was doing doing the remaining peices there was a Turkey waiting to come out. As soon as I replied i had already finished eating my peices of the turkey.
To Sejtur - From TVR&Ferrari_Fan
Have a Nice Christmas Sejtur

Next one will be up either in 30 mins or an hours time, and that person who will get to open his Christmas Photomode present next is:

To Div - From TVR&Ferrari_Fan
Have a Nice Christmas Div

- Another black thing which showed up for no reason, I think there is a ghost trapped in my GT4.

Next person to be able to open there Christmas Photomode present is:

Spent a lot of time trying to get the right balace of stuff in Photoshop. I did spend more time trying to get the basic shots ready for photoshoping, at the moment uploading Greycaps Christmas present on ImageShack.

So when I am ready to post them up, i can do it right away. And thanxs Div.
To Fletch - From TVR&Ferrari_Fan
Have a Nice Christmas Fletch

Next up is Pain Killers Christmas Photomode presenet.
Glad you like them.

To Pain Killer - From TVR&Ferrari_Fan
Have a Nice Christmas Pain Killer

Ok I may do a Boxing day (26th Dec 05) update, and no more requests until next Christmas now guys. But if you lucky I may allow 2 people to pick 1 car each as a special New Year treat, but it would be posted up New Year GMT time folks.

And glad you gave me the thumbs up Matt.

To Perfect Balance - From TVR&Ferrari_Fan
Have a Nice Christmas Perfect Balance

Big thanks! :) The Nuvolari seems to be very photogenic, my favourites are the first one and the in-car picture. It looks like that I will begin year 2006 with an update featuring this car. 👍