!!!The Story Line!!! GT3(the good), GT4(the bad), GT5(the :scared:).

  • Thread starter G-T-4-Fan
Ok now, I was addicted to GT3, more than I am on GT4 now, because somehow it had a story line. Though the AI wasn't good, though we didn't have the Nurb, though we didn't have as much cars, GT3 remains something I loved and GT4 kinda took away the little story line I got in the beginning of GT3.

GT3 beginning:
I always bought a trueno in GT3, I tested it for the sake of it, and got mods if I earned money. Then eventually the moment would come where I would go check the new cars because I got bored. I fell in love with some cars already here:embarrassed: I began to save up money and bought a Silvia, cause that thing would allow me to drive the FR championship wich earned a decent amount of money. But eventually it would force me to do some liscenses. You kinda got steered into the events here, like there's only one way you can improve, save up money for 2 days or more and then finally buy a new car. I would enjoy looking at my new car. This is the start of my GT3 and then I got addicted.


GT4 beginning:
I just started over again, first thing I did when I started was going to the used car list. ....Omg so many cars...but still hard to find a decent one, I bought a Toyota MR2 1600 G '86:)
Then I put some rims on it (they didn't make a big difference but whatever). Giving it a wash, pretending that I owned the car:) Changed oil and went off to the Sunday cup.....600 each race, thats nice. But here comes the thing that messed GT4 COMPLETELY up for me: I won the Auto Bianchi, sold it, +8000 and I'm able to buy a Supra RZ with 275BHP. There goes your challenge.....cars dont really improve from this point on since all races you will race will often be just stock car races. And the Supra is already faster than the BMW's and Mercs and stuff.

*Grabs an eraser* REMOVE THE USED CAR LOT! Dont sell Supra's for 15,000 damnit. This was the point where GT4 was done for me, I could do anything now.....I could win a race car in one day if I wanted. Then I could race the Deutshe Tourenwagen Championship, one of the few race car cups. And then you will have your recource that will cover all your costs in GT4 tuning and stuff.....the Deutshe Tourenwagen stuff. Remove all the useless cars like
-Honda civic 1500 3door 25i '83
-Honda TODAY G '85
-Nissan Be-1
-Nissan EXA CANOPY L.A.Ver. Type S '88
-Toyota CARINA ED 2.0 BLABLABLA, what is that for crap?!

These cars are what makes GT4, and it's the reason that when you start off, you are already past these cars and move on. Only later on you will drive some of them out of boredom. Get racecars and especially RACE CAR CHAMPIONSHIPS in their place, just to continue your "story line".
It's not fun anymore.


GT5: Give us damage, give us sound, make BMW's even more attractive, make porsches(!) sound agressive and a real must-buy. Make race cars that crush you in the force of acceleration.
Make it that way, that if you start, you can say "this is just the beginning" instead of being able to buy 50% of the cars already because there are so much crappy stupid cars out there you can buy from the beginning.

GT3 was fun from the very second and you could say "this is just the beginning"
GT4 lets u add some rims on your car, and thats where it stops. Thats where you have really seen everything GT4 has to offer.......


Storyline, thats what my conclusion is, I think for GT4 the developers didn't think of a single thing other than car number and physics, what about the game itsself? You can have physics, but you must have a decent game it play it in, something that wont bore you from the very second.
GT3 began with limiting your car choice to 3 decent cars or something like that, Mazda Miata, Toyota Trueno, and I once bought a Toyota Yaris. Working your way up, and seeing the amount of cars you can buy rise, was absolutely awsome. It was something that made the kinda boring races better.

Think of a story line in GT5, developers. It's what made GT3 stand out and made GT4 stupid for me....
I never ever saw a post like this, so I might be the only thinking like this, but I just had to say and I'm pretty amazed I only found out today why GT3 was more fun.

I agree that it should take longer to get the "sweet" cars.

Ahhhhh I remember when I bought GT3. I was hooked.....8 hours straight the first day. Remember finaly buying a Camaro SS.

I couldn't sleep all night because I was thinking about what mods to add to it.

I wish that GT5 will do the same with me.:)
You make a valid point that GT4 doesn't make you feel you're on a path (carreer path if you will).
You will have to set your own goals for this one. So on the other hand it allows you to create your own path.
There are plenty of people who set themselves totally different goals.
There's people racing just stock cars, trying to get to 100 % without spending any credits, or as little as possible, and so on.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot to be improved. I'm with you on the "amount-of-low-priced-useless-cars" point -> less is more.

Just my 2 eurocents.

Yeah those are challenges, but the thing is, the storyline I had in GT3 made me fell in love with almost every car I got. It's more real life that way too, in GT4 I keep selling all my cars with no regret at all. I kinda hate my cars really. I always want other cars than I have.........it sucks....I will never be able to be happy with a Silvia for over 5 days anymore....

Edit: You know? I'm gonna start GT3 and gonna play it, then I'm going to save it and transfer 100,000 credits to GT4 so I start of with a RUF BTR, my only true love:tup:
Or you could just do your licences and Mission Hall and have a Nissan R89C as your 4th car. That's ALSO the challenge out of the way (until you come to the GT World Championship).

GT4, as with the other GTs, is as challenging as you make it. Let me know how you get on with that 275hp Supra in the "1000 Miles!" series. Or the Japanese 70's Cup. And so on.
It's still challenging, but in GT3 you still had the feeling like anything could happen, you could win cars you didn't know yet, I felt like I didn't really know anything about the game. Also my fault, I checked the car list of GT4, but once I started I had already seen 1/4 of the cars in the dealers and could already buy like 40 cars instead of just 3.

The fun of starting small and ending up big was gone. I did some challenges for myself, golding liscences doesn't work for me, I just cant do it. I completed every Mission Hall race....and the enduro's seems like just racing for too long, but with a different prize car lol.

The challenge is still their, any game without a story line can still be challenging, but I just wanna have those moments back like Encyclopdia said, that would make GT5 even cooler without any real demanding effects or something:guilty:
GT3 - It was fun. But it got boring quick.
GT4 - I love this game but it has it's flaws. Psychics are ****, rally sucks and the odd understeering.

GT2, best game ever made. Racing modification everything. I don't care about the graphics, that game pwned everything.
GT2 for me is the best GT game I've played, simply because it was the first one I ever played. With GT2, I discovered cars. And the feeling of moving up the ranks and getting even cooler cars was awesome.

GT3 got kinda boring after a while, but I still loved it because I felt as if I moved forward another 100 years.

GT4 was fun initially, but its too easy to move up from the small cars to race cars. Which is the biggest problem with GT4 other than the AI. There really isn't much fun to be had from playing GT Mode. It isn't linear (or as G-T-4-Fan says, there is no storyline). You could be done with Extreme Hall and still have over half the game to complete.

GT5 could have the best physics ever, best graphics ever, the most intelligent AI ever, the best sound ever, a million tracks, a zillion cars, but it would be all for nought if the GT Mode isn't fun.

GT4, as with the other GTs, is as challenging as you make it...


G-T-4-Fan: You should just remember in GT5 to make your choices about buying cars wisely. By that I mean just remembering to make it a challenge.

Or you can just do what I do and go back trying to get more a-spec points. 👍
GT2, best game ever made. Racing modification everything. I don't care about the graphics, that game pwned everything.

Right on brother!...

If GT4 was nothing more than GT2 with modern graphics, GT3'ish physics, and some additions, I would be much happier... The fact that they didn't include vehicle history in GT4, really urks me... Part of the process of picking a car in GT2 was reading the history of the vehicle and deciding which trim level is the best for what you are trying to achieve (i.e. NSX type S/NSX Type S Zero)... When I recieved my copy of GT4, my plan was to sit and read as much car info as I could, before even playing the game... Alas, i found this missing from the game... Not to mention the "race modifications", which I think is sorely missed by most around here... I could go on for days... The truth is I still play GT2 to this day... I doubt I will be playing GT4 for such a time...

This is my storyline for GT games.

-GRAN TURISMO 1- GT was by far the most fun experience I've ever had. When I bought my PlayStation 1 from a Pawn Shop in Houston, one of the first games I got in... 1999 or so was GT1. I loved my Mitsubishi 3000GT/GTO that I could mod it up to 930hp and just beat any thing. I liked Special State Route 11 for the challenge, and it was all there. -GRAN TURISMO 2- GT2 was a nice game with many new tracks, many new cars, and the inclusion of rally racing. I've thought it was the best GT ever... until I actually thought about it. I just didn't get really tuned into GT2 too much after a while. I think the game lacked a lot of execution, especially for the ones who were screaming at the top of their lungs to complete everything... all to end up with 98.5% completion. I don't think it really did it for me. -GRAN TURISMO 3 A-SPEC- Was this game lovely or what? Compare it to GTs on the PS1 and look at this one. When it came out, it had amazing detail, a few more venues... but fewer cars. This was a learning process for PD in my view. Even though there were fewer cars, many of the makes from GT2 still made it into the game. It was the debut of Belgium, Australia, and Pagani in GT3 among others. It was also the debut of Formula-style racing cars. After a while, I think GT3 was better than GT2, but still not as good as GT1 was. -GRAN TURISMO 4- Seven or so years after GT1, PD's ultimate acheivement thus far turned out to be GT4. It was highly-anticipated, highly-awaited, and when it came out... some liked it and some didn't. The biggest story for GT4 was online play. It was promised, PD tried to work on it, and they failed to deliver the online component. From this point, I was really upset. Not upset in terms of PD failing to deliver with online play (in fact, I wasn't affected at all), but upset in terms of the fact that I still wanted this game. I loved this game from the start, and I haven't shown hate for GT4 in some time. It wasn't perfect, but it was perfect enough for me. It debutted LMP race cars, tuner cars, featured more real-life places, also including Photo and B-Spec modes. Then too, GT4 was in a tight battle with Forza Motorsport. I didn't complain much about GT4. I didn't feel like PD owed me a better game. I still like GT4, and it's probably my ultimate GT yet. I was torn between whether I liked GT4 or GT1 more. But let's just say that GT1 was tops on PS1, and GT4 was tops on the PS2.

Only thing I can hope for in the future is that the game remains fresh and fun. I don't care too much about online play, Burnout-style crash fests, stupidly long race tracks, or any of that. My only storyline is, can PD make a GT game that surpasses all imaginations? And can they deliver to their loving fans who have supported the series for ages? I've seen all sorts of reviews and such for GT4. GameSpot talked about "a lack of evolution... especially with AI." G4 Show "X-Play" said that no online play was disappointing, and "in its place, we get a Photo Mode." G4 show "Judgment Day" compared GT4 to Enthusia Professional Racing. Dudes were talking about that both games had some disappointments, but gave the slight edge to GT4. That's why I come up with threads like "How Do You Like Your Photo Mode?", "An Equal Balance Between Race Sim and Driving Sim," and all my Sound Off! threads. I just want to know what would be perfect for the GT series heading into perhaps its 10th Anniversary. I do this for the people. I do this because I want to know what would make America and the world happy with the GT series. I want to see if we can establish a middle ground to create a GT game the world can appreciate no matter what Forza or EPR fans daresay. Gran Turismo is only a dead series if we make it a dead series. All the redundancy, all the complaints, all the disappointments... I just wonder what will it take for the GT series to be and remain on top.

And so begins the story of GT5 by John B. Marine...
I never have that problem, I always keep the first car I get and mod it. So I never really have enough to buy that ultimate car in the beginning, of course that doesn't mean I didn't try to get my 3000GT(GTO) as soon as possible either, I own one in real life so naturally I must own one in the game I'm playing too. But this game is definately as challenging as you make it. Ohhh... and there's supposed to be a story line? If so I completely missed it, I always thought this was just a racing game that you could beat however you felt like it.
less cars = less fun

i agree theres too many Lancers & Skylines , but having the huge range of models is good for the game

whats needed is less Skylines & Lancers & more 80's , 70's , 60's & 50's classics
Yeah but it feels like half of GT4 is useless now cause you never drive cars like the Nissan BE from the 17th century or something.
I actually did but I was more like "meh". Only slow car I liked was the Renault Clio Sport so far:tup:

I can make it challenging for myself and stuff, but I cant get my challenge from GT3 back in.

BTW the fact that it all started at GT3 for me, probably makes it my best game so far together with the storyline of MGS Solid Snake.
I think GT3 was so fun because I didn't know anything of it, I didn't know wich cars were included, how you could get more money easily, and stuff like that, how to get the GT40 LM Race Car '69 I always ADORED. How to get the Zonda Pagani Race Car I managed to get after 9 months.

Honestly, I think the only way to make GT5 more fun for myself is missing out on the Prize Car list, used car lots, and all other features. If I get GT5 and see all kinds of new stuff and wanna think "is there more?:mischievous:" instead of "I read in the forums that this is it:boggled:".

If I didn't know of the black LMP cars in GT4 I would've been so happy to suddenly encounter those beasts:drool: But I knew about them and sold them after 2 days...
Still, though. No matter how much we love or hate the game, some people want much more out of the game. Either that, or people think Gran Turismo is getting old and has an aging formula. I did a thread called "Sound Off! How to Silence the Critics," in which I followed what hypocritical critics said about GT games, and all I'm looking for is a little respect for the game. Something people would complain about GT1 and iterations afterward is that you could only own a few cars and beat the game. Personally, I hate the "I need only one car to win 99.9% of the races" logic. Try something different. In my view, own or drive at least one car from every nationality. Have high-hp cars and low hp cars. The people who really kill the series are all the ones who only care about the fastest and most glamourous machines and makes. Even since GT1, you're seeing the world of automobiles. Remember USA/Japan, USA/UK, and UK/Japan in GT1? Remember the International battles in GT2? I like the idea of racing a world of automobiles. Don't want to race? That's why you can do things like test the cars out or take pictures.

But then, I think we can't have it all according to some people...
If you find GT4 boring it`s not the game, it`s you:crazy:

Exept for the overweight of cloned Japanese cars it`sa good game, allmost as entertaining as GT2:tup:
Dude go annoy someone else I dont need u in my thread PaleRider.:dunce:

John I know ur a real GT4Fan (wanna swap names?:P) But anyway, I like GT4 for messing around, but the true Gran Tourismo career feel is gone.

The thing I'm warning PD for is that more isn't always better, more cars isn't as good as the fewer cars in GT3 IMO.
To get a proper storyline in GT running I think you have to let the player keep discovering new things, and I just hope to see this more in GT5 like GT3.
Cause it doesn't MAKE GT4 a bad game, the lack of a storyline, but it has taken away half of the fun >I< had with GT4.

I dont get the excitement out of other challenges, I have driven almost every car in the game, and things like buying a car from every nation doesn't make it more fun. It will still stay that same car as you've driven most of the times.

In GT3 some cars got a status in my own eyes, different cars were looked upto by different people. In GT4 you dont have that love for your cars anymore cause before u knew it you had the Audi R8, the Pescalaro Sport, and u've seen all speed in the game.

It's like the X factor some cars had in GT3 because of the storyline is gone now......and if you dont follow me anymore and think "wtf" lemme quote someone who totally understood it:

I agree that it should take longer to get the "sweet" cars.

Ahhhhh I remember when I bought GT3. I was hooked.....8 hours straight the first day. Remember finaly buying a Camaro SS.

I couldn't sleep all night because I was thinking about what mods to add to it.

I wish that GT5 will do the same with me.

^THATS what I miss:guilty: ^
Oh stop complaining kid. As Famine says; the game is what you make it:

"GT4, as with the other GTs, is as challenging as you make it. Let me know how you get on with that 275hp Supra in the "1000 Miles!" series. Or the Japanese 70's Cup. And so on. "
I dont really agree on the point of the used car thing.. granted, it does make it easier from the beginning, but the big point is, you dont HAVE to buy a supra RZ.. you want them to take some realizm out of the game simply because you cant control yourself and buy slow cars regardless?

The cheap, fast cars are pretty tempting, but I say if you can get a Supra RZ in the real world for $15,000 then you should be able to do the same in GT, leave the used cars and the realism.
Oh stop complaining kid. As Famine says; the game is what you make it:

"GT4, as with the other GTs, is as challenging as you make it. Let me know how you get on with that 275hp Supra in the "1000 Miles!" series. Or the Japanese 70's Cup. And so on. "


nvm it I made a stupid post in here....
John I know ur a real GT4Fan (wanna swap names?:P) But anyway, I like GT4 for messing around, but the true Gran Tourismo career feel is gone.

The thing I'm warning PD for is that more isn't always better, more cars isn't as good as the fewer cars in GT3 IMO.
To get a proper storyline in GT running I think you have to let the player keep discovering new things, and I just hope to see this more in GT5 like GT3.
Cause it doesn't MAKE GT4 a bad game, the lack of a storyline, but it has taken away half of the fun >I< had with GT4.
It'sTurismo :sly: j/k

On topic : Yes, the more alwyas isn't better but somehow they managed to do it with GT2. GT2 had an awesome ''storyline''. Becuase you discovered things, and yet, I just discovered one thing this morning and that I've always wanted to do in GT4. Make a Honda CRX into a racing car. GT3 was good, GT4 was a dissapointment after 2 weeks of playing. I gave up and I started playing GT2 today (I have 15 more procent to complete).

Just my rant :D
G-T-4 fan... calm down, man! Keeping your cool is better than simply giving somebody a flame session.

Anyhow, I actually had a newfound love of purchasing autos and tuning them up. I liked GT4 and had very little to bash GT4 on. Again, speed is fun. But it shouldn't be the only reason why you should give a crap about any GT game. If Gran Turismo was only about completing the game with a small garage (like in GT1), then it wouldn't be too fun. Part of GT's glamour was seeing the world, whether in terms of cars, tracks, races, or a combination of the three. Take away any of these elements, and GT feels like... another racing game. Am I one of the few who actually think GT4 was actually the most challenging GT to date? I don't believe in any sort of "given" for any race or car. It's "play hard, or go home" ranging from the Sunday Cup to the Gran Turismo World Championship. I'll still play past GT games, but I believe GT4 is as close to perfect among any GT game I've played. I'm not saying it's the best bar none; that's for you to decide.
G-T-4 fan... calm down, man! Keeping your cool is better than simply giving somebody a flame session.

Anyhow, I actually had a newfound love of purchasing autos and tuning them up. I liked GT4 and had very little to bash GT4 on. Again, speed is fun. But it shouldn't be the only reason why you should give a crap about any GT game. If Gran Turismo was only about completing the game with a small garage (like in GT1), then it wouldn't be too fun. Part of GT's glamour was seeing the world, whether in terms of cars, tracks, races, or a combination of the three. Take away any of these elements, and GT feels like... another racing game. Am I one of the few who actually think GT4 was actually the most challenging GT to date? I don't believe in any sort of "given" for any race or car. It's "play hard, or go home" ranging from the Sunday Cup to the Gran Turismo World Championship. I'll still play past GT games, but I believe GT4 is as close to perfect among any GT game I've played. I'm not saying it's the best bar none; that's for you to decide.

Yeah thanks for that actually, it still stays something I hope GT5 has though, I just wanna see the devs having some thoughts towards the storyline of GT5. In the meanwhile I'll try my best to replay GT4, I started over AGAIN wich might be the 4th time now and I bought a Nissan Skyline GTS-t Type M this time. I have confidence and instead of buying the supra immediatly I'll tune this baby untill it can no longer do any race.

Then I'll say "enough my car, I'll spare you and I will buy a new car now, you've done enough":P.
Reading Famines completion thread in GT4 forums was quite motivating too:tup:
GT4Fan, please watch what you say on the threads or you'll get a warning.
Thank you and your post has been edited.
There is absolutly nothing good about GT3 now that GT4 is here. GT3 always has an incomplete feeling to me. Once I got used to the more rigid (realistic) handling of GT4, there was no going back that terribly un-natural soft and squishy handling of GT3. The difference in handling is a quantum leap, playing GT3 now feels like you're driving a hovercraft.

GT4 is everything the previous GT's had minus the racing modifications, big bloody deal too..everything that is good about GT4 strongly outweighs that.

How can you complain about cars when GT4 has practically all the cars the previous GT's had plus more? If you dont like a wimpy toyota, just leave it alone. PS3's potential 8 layer blu ray discs holding a potential 200GB will have room for loads of unnecessary cars and tracks, it'll make us puke, I hope.

A story line in a racing simulator would be disastor, it'd lose that universal feeling. If you strictly mean some story line feeling, then thats all up to the perception of the player.

If you love previous GT's more, then you are only relying on the nostalgic feeling. You are imaging what you felt about the game at that time. Try to imagine how you'd feel if you never played a GT and you're playing GT4 for the first time. Even if you say the point of the succeeding game is to make the one who played it's predecessor still feel like hes playing a new game, the successor still usurps the predecessor no matter what.

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