Comparing ps1 le mans game with gt4

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George0393 + GTP_GM
owning ps1 and ps2 I own a le mans game for ps1, and recently played it to see the diffrences in races.

le mans 24 hours (PS1)

You can save the game in the pits, meaning the race dosent have to be completed in one go.

The game changes from night to day, and has cool effects (fireworks etc)

22 car grid.

Gran Turismo 4 (ps2)

You can't save the game in the pits meaning you cant turn off ps2 until finished.

The game stays at day.

6 Car grid.

Why couldnt pd make a realistic 24h race like the older ps1?
owning ps1 and ps2 I own a le mans game for ps1, and recently played it to see the diffrences in races.

le mans 24 hours (PS1)

You can save the game in the pits, meaning the race dosent have to be completed in one go.

The game changes from night to day, and has cool effects (fireworks etc)

22 car grid.

Gran Turismo 4 (ps2)

You can't save the game in the pits meaning you cant turn off ps2 until finished.

The game stays at day.

6 Car grid.

Why couldnt pd make a realistic 24h race like the older ps1?

All that have been covered many many times in too many threads to mention...
If memory serves (not always a given. . .) in the Intellivision Auto Racing game, both players raced on the same map, not split screen. Why can't GT4 do that?

(The question has the same relevance to real life as the original post, from the point of view of comparing apples to hedgehogs, much less oranges.)

To actually answer the question, GT4's backgrounds are photographic, not rendered, so the time of day they took the pics is the time of day we get to see. It's a difference in game design. The old LeMans game rendered, but a tad less realistically, allowing time change, lighting, etc. Driving physics, graphics, etc. suffered as a result of needing to allow processor bandwidth for the rendering. Aside from being PS1 instead of 2.
but you gotta admit, it does add to the experience of racing at Le Mans (I assume you are talking about "Le Mans 24 Hour" (well thats what it is called here)
but you gotta admit, it does add to the experience of racing at Le Mans (I assume you are talking about "Le Mans 24 Hour" (well thats what it is called here)
I used to have it for PC .. I think I'm gonna go pick it up for PS2.
on PS2? as far as i was aware it was only available in PS1 (PSX) format? Or is that what you mean? I haven't played that for ages, may have to dig it out and give it a thrash.
Wow...I forgot I had this game (thought I sold it some time ago) but alas..I just found it on my game shelf and threw it into my PS2 and all I can say is OMFG I wish I could use my DFP w/the game! (Seeing as I was never good using the DS2 w/driving games!)

The PS2 cannot possibly handle a game with 50 tracks, 700 cars, 22 car grid, light effects, daylight changes and pit saving + the graphics GT4 now has,

No way a PS2 could handle that, even not an XBOX

The PS2 cannot possibly handle a game with 50 tracks, 700 cars, 22 car grid, light effects, daylight changes and pit saving + the graphics GT4 now has,

No way a PS2 could handle that, even not an XBOX

I don't think the number of tracks and car library really affects the performance, since they're stored - not processed when playing. The same goes for pit stop saving, it doesn't affect the playstation in any way - it's only a matter of storage which is surely not the problem. Though I agree with the light effects and daylight which the PS2 wouldn't handle in GT4because of the real-time physics calculations the machine constantly do. But it's important to consider that the PSX is much slower than the PS2 and yet Le Mans still managed to make 22 cars and day shifts.
But it's important to consider that the PSX is much slower than the PS2 and yet Le Mans still managed to make 22 cars and day shifts.

And of course those 22 cars on the PSX looked great didn't they.

The point here (and its proven by the 24hr Le Mans fame for the PS2) is that to run that many cars on track and have day/night cycles then GT4 would have to take a massive hit in the graphics (and possiably physics) department. AFAIK most people would not have accepted GT4 having lower quality graphics that GT3 just to achieve this.

I would however quite agree that not having the ability to save in the pit lane is a massive pain.


And of course those 22 cars on the PSX looked great didn't they.

Of course not, but you have to take into consideration that games in the PSX days were crap but it was practically the first console hit having 3D gameplay.

Plus GT4 on split screen looks crap imo. And that's a duel race - not 22 cars.
Of course not, but you have to take into consideration that games in the PSX days were crap but it was practically the first console hit having 3D gameplay.

Plus GT4 on split screen looks crap imo. And that's a duel race - not 22 cars.

I am taking that into consideration, however that does not account for the backlash that would have almost certainly occured if PD had made the reductions in visual quality (and possiably physics as well) that would have been required to achive 22 car grids and day/night transitions.

Or are you saying that the PS2 could handle it and PD have just been lazy (which as you may guess I would not agree with)?


I am taking that into consideration, however that does not account for the backlash that would have almost certainly occured if PD had made the reductions in visual quality (and possiably physics as well) that would have been required to achive 22 car grids and day/night transitions.

Or are you saying that the PS2 could handle it and PD have just been lazy (which as you may guess I would not agree with)?



Sorry if am being misunderstood. My point is that PD has taken the best approach in hagin a 24-hr race with the usual 6 cars, since 22 cars would be a heck of a load (22 cars, 21 AI, 22 physical calculations, technical dificulties in showing all 22 cards in B-Spec chart, etc).
But what PD should've done as an additional feature is the day shift (day-night and vice versa), and the pit stop as a saving point (with a restriction for example one save per 15 laps, depending on the circuit (no not the 'ring :P)).

It's just an opinion. I'd love to have some feedback on it.
Sorry if am being misunderstood. My point is that PD has taken the best approach in hagin a 24-hr race with the usual 6 cars, since 22 cars would be a heck of a load (22 cars, 21 AI, 22 physical calculations, technical dificulties in showing all 22 cards in B-Spec chart, etc).
But what PD should've done as an additional feature is the day shift (day-night and vice versa), and the pit stop as a saving point (with a restriction for example one save per 15 laps, depending on the circuit (no not the 'ring :P)).

It's just an opinion. I'd love to have some feedback on it.

No problem.

I honestly think that the day/night cycle would have taken a lot to do well and avoid looking like a switch had been thrown.

As I said before I do totally agree with you in regard to the pit-stop saves, it should have been included.

Wait, I thought the LM24Hrs game wasn't on PS1? Anyway, I could see how you thought it was when you compare it to GT4.

Le Mans 24hrs - Playstation (1999)


Le Mans 24hrs - PS2 (2000)


