George's Gallery - BMW M3 CSL

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Nice shot and cool sig...but other than the sig it is a little bit boring...still nice though...
It's the best shot of the batch from La Sarthe that I took in my opinion.
I see....sometimes, ill do an entire photoshoot with a car, get them on the comp, and just throw them all sucks, but its life...
It's a good shot. Not my favorite car, but I can't talk, I'm shooting Sunfires...:lol:
Man, the Evo shot is very good. It could use a bit less blur, but is very nice.

I have no complaints about the Bimmer at La Sarthe... It is a very clean pic altogether.
love the pic but to be serious. i really dont like your emblem. not that its bad, it just takes away from the buety of the pic
Heres another on from the BMW V12 batch, I edited this one slightly.

Adding Decals Tutorial​

This Tutorial will teach you how to add decals to your car.

Step 1

Open up the image you want to add the decal to and the decal image like so.

Step 2​

Using the Magnetic or Polygonal Lasso tool depending on the shape of your decal, select around the outside of the decal.
Then press ctrl+c, switch to the car image and press ctrl+v, the decal should now be on the car image.

Step 3​

As you may of noticed the decal has be pasted in the wrong place, use the magnetic or polygonal lasso tool (circle or rounded decal) to select your decal again, once you've re-selected it, press ctrl+t to transform the image.

Step 4​

Transform the image until you think it looks good, I reccomend putting the image around the door area. If all goes well it should look similar to the below image.As you may see in the above image, there are some small leftover parts from where your image was originally pasted, so just use the marquee tool, select the leftovers and hit delete.

Step 5​

You may of noticed the decal image looks very hard and you now cannot see anything that was behind it, to solve this, flick to the layers box (F7) and lower the opacity of your decal layer to around 65 percent.

Step 6​

To finish off, go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast, and lower the brightness to around -30.

If all goes well your picture should look something like this :

I hope this tutorial was helpful to you, thanks for reading.​
Looks cool man, pretty easy to follow tutorial...BTW, you can change the layer style to all kinds of different things that could make it easier to blend, not just overlay(although it usually works well)...
1st time here, and let me say that U have here a nice gallery, with a nice car selection. I like also the decals tutorial, its very useful:) I will come here more often, I like your gallery a lot!
I'll have to disagree with you on this, adding blur when in-game is even more impressive :D

Well it is, but if you are going to add a blur with Photoshop, then you want the whole car to be in focus, not half of it blurred, makes it look terrible sometimes...

Nice update George, im not really feeling the NSX shot, mainly because the colors are bland, and the car is out of focus, but I Love that mitsu shot, its very beautiful, awesome angle, and great colors....
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