Kazunori: Gran Turismo 5 out during 2007

  • Thread starter amar212
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No, GT5: Prologue will be out this year, GT5 is currently epected in 2008.
any release date info on GT5 ? is still going to be out this year?

This is the only new info...

Update: First off, it seems threespeech got the date wrong, as Sony has just told CVG "The new GTHD video is scheduled to go onto the PS Store this Friday, May 4. It's a bespoke video that was made for Nissan at the Geneva Motorshow."

And before you get all excited, Sony went on to say there's "No official announcement, just showing people some more GT footage since the download has proved immensely popular."

The wait for Gran Turismo 5 continues. Update ends

While 360 fans have been getting news of its top racers, Forza 2 and PGR 4, from all directions, Gran Turismo fans have been left in the dark, but Sony has finally broken the silence.

According to Sony's "semi-official" blog, threespeech.com, a new video will be made available through the PlayStation Network Store this Wednesday, which it says will feature a new car, the Nissan Xanavi Nismo Z, speeding around the Eldger Mountain course.

The same post also points eager petrol heads to the official GT HD site to look out for "future announcements". Sounds like a hint to us.

via cvg
which it says will feature a new car, the Nissan Xanavi Nismo Z, speeding around the Eldger Mountain course.

Too bad we have already seen it on Youtube (first shown at the Nismo festival). Will be much nicer in HD though.
When PD announced the Ferrari deal they said 'expect more on this within the next 6 months'. Well PD were ready for it.
We may have to wait a bit more. I believe Sony has a Gamer Day coming this month, and E3 happens in July. I expect since MS is going to make some noise with Forza 2 and Halo news, Sony will respond in kind. Maybe even with some Killzone meat. ;)
I just really hope that they make the game EXCITING.....Gran Turismo games are tremendously boring and it stems primarilly from the GT1 style AI. Ive played and completed all 4 games and the AI has not changed. :ouch:

I'd personally like to see a more realistic race line-up. Almost make a schedule for the gamer. Instead of just picking and chosing a bunch of unrealistic races (you dont race stock super-exotics on Laguna Seca...sorry), the gamer should be obligated to follow a schedule for each car class. Break it down like SCCA style classes or something. This way you could have an organized style of simulated gameplay. Work your way through the regular season earning points and get excited about the upcoming championship. That would be great.

And instead of racing against mindless cars as your opponents, you could have named, rival drivers actually competeing against you. And those drivers progress or regress as the schedule goes along.

I get super excited watching a GT2 or LMP race on tv....however there is no excitement when playing GT.

I know they will factor in more cars and tracks...theres no problem there. I just want actual effort on AI primarilly. Even with 6 cars...the game would be so much more fun if the drivers actually made human mistakes and advances on you.

As much as PD claims to be car enthusiasts...aside from making pretty new games...there isnt much to be enthusiastic about in the entire series. Unless you like buying and modding cars. I just think since these guys claim to be making the most "realistic driving simulator" then they should actually make it realistic beyond just pretty cars and tracks.

No, GT5: Prologue will be out this year, GT5 is currently epected in 2008.

Someone call for help, a man's been stabbed in the heart!
For real? That's how it is? GT5 in 2008? :ouch:
I hate to say this but... I may be out. :dead:

Just the other day I got something I've never had, high speed internet access. :drool: Guess what I've been in the mood to do- play online games. :mischievous:

I've been holding out on a new system for 3 reasons...
Money- pricey systems these days.
Internet- I was on dial-up until yesterday.
GT5- GT is my favorite game. I couldn't buy a system of this cost without atleast giving GT on the new system a try.

However, now that 2 of the three conditions are met, I may have to skip GT5 and settle with PGR3&4 (cause there's no getting how bad forza was in my eyes) (though I will still probably own a copy as I do now of Forza1).

Basically, if Sony has a solid 2008 release and I've got the money to blow, the 360 really may be my choice (because I plan to make my move soon).

GT4 took forever to release and now GT5 is the same. :(
Wait! There is light...
Prologue you say? :cheers:
Maybe Sony has a chance after all!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Someone call for help, a man's been stabbed in the heart!
For real? That's how it is? GT5 in 2008? :ouch:
I hate to say this but... I may be out. :dead:

Just the other day I got something I've never had, high speed internet access. :drool: Guess what I've been in the mood to do- play online games. :mischievous:

I've been holding out on a new system for 3 reasons...
Money- pricey systems these days.
Internet- I was on dial-up until yesterday.
GT5- GT is my favorite game. I couldn't buy a system of this cost without atleast giving GT on the new system a try.

However, now that 2 of the three conditions are met, I may have to skip GT5 and settle with PGR3&4 (cause there's no getting how bad forza was in my eyes) (though I will still probably own a copy as I do now of Forza1).

Basically, if Sony has a solid 2008 release and I've got the money to blow, the 360 really may be my choice (because I plan to make my move soon).

GT4 took forever to release and now GT5 is the same. :(
Wait! There is light...
Prologue you say? :cheers:
Maybe Sony has a chance after all!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

I'd say go Sony! But then i'm a PS guy. Read my sign... Colin Mcrae will soon be out too for our racing needs :) unrealistic but very cool crashes!
Guys, Guys....Have some patients.....I know that can be hard for soem of you, but its going to be a fantastic game!! If Polyphony had of listened to the impatient people while working on GT4, then GT4 YES might have been realesed early but the quality and detail of the game would not have bean as great!! Its the amazing quality to the minor things in GT that make it all the more special. In the mean time work on Tourist Trophy (If you have it), or find anotehr game thats takes a while to complete and play that. :D
I started reading and i was like "what the hell are they talking about? its two years later than that already!" and then i noticed the date of the post :P
I was very surprised when I saw latest issue of Croatia "Auto Klub" magazine which came with the KY's interview about GT games and future of the series.

As majority of interview was related towards his past and work on previous incarnations of GT games, he stated that he "hopes that GT5 will be finished during 2007".

He also talked about fantastic sales of GT4 (more then 6 BigOnes), about his fascination with Nurburgring and he also stated that "GT5 will be 100 times more detailed then GT4". I take this "100 times" as part of journalist's freedom, but this way or another, this is the first glympse of the possible release date by KY so far.

Hope that TGS will answer more questions.

Hmm.. its about 3 years late.. And 100 times more detail? Who knows..
I say it's still going to be another year and a half - at least, but just think of all the goodies coming out of 5 years solid work with a team of gran turismo developers.
And 100 times more detail? Who knows..

GT5P is probably 100 times more detailed then GT4 when you look at the poly count and resolution of the car, track and the extra 10 cars racing at any given time over GT4.
But where are real trees with leaves shaking in wind? Where is volumetric smoke which can be taken by wind? Where is the weather, rain drops on the windshield and stripe of water draining away after wipe off? Where are helicopter cameras over Karusell and whole Eifel Mountains and colorful forests in autumn with flying leaves all over track? It's just slightly upgraded GT4 engine with high polygon count only for cars, nothing more. Surroundings are plain like hell. Maybe we will be surprised but I expect just Prologue with more cars and tracks.
We don't need fancy trees, leaves and smoke. Yes, it would be nice. Weather is more critical as an influential gameplay feature. I guess all these clever things are possible but a game is a compromise; we need acceptable performance and the line has to be drawn regarding the amount of time spent on a project.

I too am expecting a Prologue with some extra content and online features. Any more is a bonus.
Think twice. My opinion is that all the effort of graphicians and programers will end with first look at those thin fake paper trees, fake paper bushes and fake transparent paper smoke clouds. Those are not fancy fiction, only realistic component of the world. If Le Mans replay camera looking through the trees will have the same pixel mess instead of trees again, it would be good to laugh. Then the graphics will be not 100x, but only 2x detailed than GT4.
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Think twice. My opinion is that all the effort of graphicians and programers will end with first look at those thin fake paper trees, fake paper bushes and fake transparent paper smoke clouds. Those are not fancy fiction, only realistic component of the world. If Le Mans replay camera looking through the trees will have the same pixel mess instead of trees again, it would be good to laugh. Then the graphics will be not 100x, but only 2x detailed than GT4.

Fully agree with you - I've been playing Killzone 2 lately so the scope for environment detail is huge.

How long has GT5P been out now - about a year or so? When I first played it I thought it looked fantastic, but when I play now, the cars still look nice but look at the environment, I could stick on a 4 year old PC game and the trees and people would look more realistic.

Since I've been watching previews/reviews of new games it's starting to dawn on me that GT5P isn't that hot after all with regards to the presentation of environments.

When GT5 does come out I'm certainly expecting environments which are 'alive' leaves blowing in the wind and in the draft of passing cars, an ants nest of activity in the pit lanes and the spectators need to look like spectators not a load of card board cut outs in just red/white/yellow/blue clothing.

I want rain, pot hole splashes, water spray, smoke that looks like smoke and reacts like smoke, heat haze in the distance, skid marks etc.

ANY GAMES COMPANY can do high detailed scans of cars and make them look pretty, the secret to success in the future for these type of games is how real they feel when you drive them, the engine sounds, skid sounds, the feedback through the wheel and how real the environments look.

Lets all be honest GT5P sucks with regards to engine sounds, sucks with regards to skid sounds, sucks with regards to marble smooth roads = none existent feedback through the wheel. I mean where’s all the different cambers\pot holes\expansion joints ECT on the track which in a real car you can feel through the wheel?

If all we get is a buffed up graphically GT4 but 500+ beautiful cars - then whoopi-doo - why bother?

I expect GT5 to blow me away when its released and I believe it should come with a 'jaw strap' including in the package so when you first install it and play it for a few months you wear the jaw strap to stop your jaw from dropping to the floor.

GT5 must move the game on and distance it's self from the competition as the real driving simulator it keeps telling us it is.

If the game came out every two years my hope would not be so high but as this is not the case if we are all not shocked at how good this game is when released then I believe KY and his team should call it a day and sell up.

Fingers crossed we are all not shocked with disappointment
Isn't this a demo, a small insight into a something beyond what it shows?

I chose the game for it's driveability, not how good the background looks. Show me another demo that's got online compatability, a wide range of highly detailed physics and rendering.

I was sitting here reading these last few posts, and turned to see an ad for a ute going through the bush and over dirt roads, and stuffed if I could see the trees swinging in the breeze.

Surely it's all about the racing being what we believe to be, close to real?
Fully agree with you - I've been playing Killzone 2 lately so the scope for environment detail is huge.

How long has GT5P been out now - about a year or so? When I first played it I thought it looked fantastic, but when I play now, the cars still look nice but look at the environment, I could stick on a 4 year old PC game and the trees and people would look more realistic.

Since I've been watching previews/reviews of new games it's starting to dawn on me that GT5P isn't that hot after all with regards to the presentation of environments.

When GT5 does come out I'm certainly expecting environments which are 'alive' leaves blowing in the wind and in the draft of passing cars, an ants nest of activity in the pit lanes and the spectators need to look like spectators not a load of card board cut outs in just red/white/yellow/blue clothing.

I want rain, pot hole splashes, water spray, smoke that looks like smoke and reacts like smoke, heat haze in the distance, skid marks etc.

ANY GAMES COMPANY can do high detailed scans of cars and make them look pretty, the secret to success in the future for these type of games is how real they feel when you drive them, the engine sounds, skid sounds, the feedback through the wheel and how real the environments look.

Lets all be honest GT5P sucks with regards to engine sounds, sucks with regards to skid sounds, sucks with regards to marble smooth roads = none existent feedback through the wheel. I mean where’s all the different cambers\pot holes\expansion joints ECT on the track which in a real car you can feel through the wheel?

If all we get is a buffed up graphically GT4 but 500+ beautiful cars - then whoopi-doo - why bother?

I expect GT5 to blow me away when its released and I believe it should come with a 'jaw strap' including in the package so when you first install it and play it for a few months you wear the jaw strap to stop your jaw from dropping to the floor.

GT5 must move the game on and distance it's self from the competition as the real driving simulator it keeps telling us it is.

If the game came out every two years my hope would not be so high but as this is not the case if we are all not shocked at how good this game is when released then I believe KY and his team should call it a day and sell up.

Fingers crossed we are all not shocked with disappointment

I think you're setting yourself up for a huge disappointment if you're hoping / expecting all of these details to be in GT5. Of course, I'd love to be wrong, but these little details (for me) are a secondary priority after tracks, cars, online modes and great driving physics.

I also think the tracks are nicely detailed, just too static and clean. The background detail at Daytona (behind the main grandstand) and at London are impressive to me. Also, if it is so easy to laser scan cars (there is much more to it than this, anyhow), why are Prologue's car models miles ahead of any other driving game I have seen?
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Isn't this a demo, a small insight into a something beyond what it shows?

I chose the game for it's driveability, not how good the background looks. Show me another demo that's got online compatability, a wide range of highly detailed physics and rendering.

I was sitting here reading these last few posts, and turned to see an ad for a ute going through the bush and over dirt roads, and stuffed if I could see the trees swinging in the breeze.

Surely it's all about the racing being what we believe to be, close to real?

I have to agree with you. This is only a demo how much more can you expect. This is the best demo game i have ever played, sometimes i forget that its just a demo, i think many of us have this problem. I Know the full version is going to SERIOUS. Im sure GT5 will blow everyone away ;)
I wouldn't say it was a demo as such. To keep the food theme going, I would say it ( GT5p ) was the starter and GT5 will be the main course. I wonder what PD have planned for the dessert. :drool:
I think you're setting yourself up for a huge disappointment if you're hoping / expecting all of these details to be in GT5. Of course, I'd love to be wrong, but these little details (for me) are a secondary priority after tracks, cars, online modes and great driving physics.

I also think the tracks are nicely detailed, just too static and clean. The background detail at Daytona (behind the main grandstand) and at London are impressive to me. Also, if it is so easy to laser scan cars (there is much more to it than this, anyhow), why are Prologue's car models miles ahead of any other driving game I have seen?

Of course I agree physics (and feel through the force feedback) and the way they drive is most important - its no use having eye candy and the cars drive like 'PAC MAN' .

I think other software developers can get the quality of the cars the same as GT the technolgy is there for everyone to use but the time it takes is so long that they share the develpment time out for each element and perhaps get games out to the public quicker by not being so perfect/anal.

Don't get me wrong I lurve the perfect cars.

yes the envirnoments are a bit to static and clean i agree but you must agree that the spectators and trees look TURD.

The longer this game takes to come out our expectations are going to be higher for this game than any other, but as they have had extra time to perfect it then it must balance out, and we should get somthing fantastic.

In fact the biggest complaint about GT is the time it takes for each new game to come out - it would be nice that they could constantly improve the game via DLC (at a cost) to speed this process up in future.

Why can't we have GT2009 then Gt2010 each year with new cars, updates/tracks? they could massivily increase there earnings if they relaeased an update each year with say 50 new tracks and 50 or so new cars which have been launched that year - I'd happlily pay £30 a year or more for these updates instead of £30 every 4 or 5 years what a drag.
I wouldn't say it was a demo as such. To keep the food theme going, I would say it ( GT5p ) was the starter and GT5 will be the main course. I wonder what PD have planned for the dessert. :drool:

Dessert be the vaporware known as GT Mobile for PSP perhaps?
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