Venari's Snaps: Nuffin' Special

  • Thread starter Venari


GTPEDIA Contributor
Lil' Red Corvette.

I'm not totally into photos, I do try, but not hard. But then when I got an ARMAx to save replays, I had to try hybrids again. And my first port of call was to change the horrible stock wheeltrims on the '63 Sting Ray.

Voila. 19" Z06 style rims with 245/35s on the front, and 275/30s on the back. I think I'm in love.

Anyway, there's more in the same Photobucket album:





Heck, I love that Sting Ray on nice rims. She's running at ~1050hp at the moment. Kinda scary, but reminds me of the 1200hp '67 StingRay I did in GT. :) If I picture something new that I think turned out okay from now on, I'll let you know. :)

Put some BBS (and, uh, some Honda racing rims, I think) ont he venerable Lime Green Charger, and went snappin'. I'm not happy with the colour, but I think that's partially combo of Seattle and Lime. I upped exposure to +0.3 or therabouts, and some I washed in one notch of red colour balance.

I see what you guys mean about having to clean up the front of the Charger - it's pretty blocky.

Anyhow, enjoy. If you want to steal and retouch/colourize/whatever, just PM me. :)

The '69 Camaros are next. Any requests?

Hi welcome to GTplanet, your pictures are very good, and a few arnt as good, but overall a very good start! How on earth did you fit 7 cars on beacon hill? thats very impressive!
Simmi: Well, I've been here a little while, just no pics. All criticism gratefully received.

As for Beacon Hill, well, careful consistent choice of vantage point, careful consistent aim, remembering to set the lighting conditions the same (exposure, what-have-you) and a bit of trial and error (not too much) in parking. :) Then it's a cut/paste job, very carefully where the cars overlap. The Lotus was the toughest, I cut the windscreen out completely, made a mask from it, then used that to shade and colourize the GT40 behind it.

I really like the angle of the last shot, because it looks like the car is getting exported, while being left in open air.
Thank you TVR&FF. I was beginning to doubt it, it's a little flat in tone, but I think I like it still. However, competition is good. (Oooh, maybe I should have entered the Karmann.... or the Alfa GTA... acckk!)



Firstly my shoot from when I took a Vanquish Ice Skating at the arena and Chamonix.

Critique welcomed, I'd like to improve. I hope to hear more of the same types of advice (about specific errors I seem to make a lot) until the newer stuff filters through (when hopefully I will have learned something!)

I use the most rudimentary of tools to adjust pictures - just colour balancing from Picture Manager, and text/border addition using paint. I don't really want to stretch to PS, even though it's available on a works laptop. It's like Golf - I like the idea of playing once, but if I get hooked, I'll have to do it, and buy the kit and the lessons... yaddayaddayadda. I have enough expensive hobbies. ;)


- Vanquish on Ice -

- GT-R Concept @ SSR5 -

Oh I like this update. The Aston looks surprisenly at home in the snow :) . The way the light falls on the lines of the car is also impressive.
Your photos have improved in this one short page. Obviously there are improvements to be made, esspecially in terms of quality, but hey, quality is a constent battle for every member on here, I'm sure :) . Keep up the good work 👍
Great update, I would love to see how some of the SSR5 shots look with the contrast and color saturation bumped up. Great work Venari!
Ooh, I have posts. (I really must subscribe to this thread. :D )

Well thank you, folks. And after those 'gettin better' words, time for some assistance to a fellow Rally PMC competitor, BigDaddyGT.

Hi BigdaddyGT

re: the RS200 pic:

I like your entry, but when I brought it up fullsize, it was just a touch blurred. The idea is fab, and the 'moment' is spot on - so I thought I'd comment. Hope you don't mind, but I'd love to see you make a great shot of this, so I thought I'd suggest a couple of improvements.

Get the replay out again, and get to the same shot. I can see you've worked hard to get a nice wideangle shot, and can also see that if you push closer, the car seems to distort with such a wide angle. Perhaps you can sacrifice a little of the wide angle to get a better composition?

I would try to a camera position further back, and then zoom in a little more. All the dirt in the left is great - keep that, the attitude and position of the car is good too, but if you lose a little of the right-hand side of the shot - maybe losing the orange post so the car is a bit further off to the right, I think that would frame the car better. 'Composition' is all about balance - read up on it on the internet, I'm sure there are stacks of articles. Here, you've got the dirt, the car, and the background and sky around it. The orange string on the right (IMO) isn't a strong enough item to try to keep in the shot.

The bright car and the dark green background behind are excellent - if anything you could try to raise/lower the camera a little to frame the car differently, but I think you've got a good height right there. The sky is then a matter of looking hard and tilting the camera until you think you've found the right balance.

Next is the technical settings bit - there is a huge compromise we all face here - how fast to set the shutter speed to get a clear image, but still want wheels seen to be spinning.

Set the focus on the car's doorhandle or a little rearwards, set the shutter speed to really fast - 1/2000, say, and then save a whole range of photos onto your USB from focal length 1.4 all the way to 22. Leave the PS2 on, whip out the USB stick, and then you can look through them as a slideshow on the PC and see the differences develop.

When you've picked your focal length from all the pictures, put the USB back in the PS2, bring the photo up, select the focal length you chose, then trial some shutter speeds. Some won't work and will be obvious from the PS2 pic, but you never know, the 1/60th shot might be totally fantastic. I am constantly surprised with what comes off my USB Stick that I thought wouldn't work - and does. Try a good range of speeds, save them and take them back to the PC.

It's hard, boring work, but this approach gets you a feel for what might work, helping you to close in on better settings for a great shot more quickly in future.

I think the result will be a shot with more focus on the car and the action (dirt), but will still have the overall feel of the scene without losing the car in all the scenery and fluff.

You mentioned some things you had done to the colour - you could do the same again, it seems to work well.

I think you've got a good shot there, and it seems you do too, but you're not quite sure. A little bit of work, and I think you'll have a really great photo. :)

Have fun!

wow, great photos. The Aston Martin ones are just fantastic.

Just one thing: why do you have so many repeatedly photos?

But overall they are awesome!!!
wow, great photos. The Aston Martin ones are just fantastic.

Just one thing: why do you have so many repeatedly photos?

Thank you. And the repeats are me trying different filters, focal lengths, shutter speeds etc.

Great shoots. These cars in Beacon hill are very impressive.

Yeah, I like to think I was one of the first to do this. I used XLink to get bitmaps from GT, and we were running a 'touring car series' and I wanted to get everyone in, so I began to cut paste shots of all the cars from the long steady shot of the High Speed Ring.


It came out rather well. :) So when Photomode came along in GT4, then first thing I did was pick a place and photo loads of cars parked in different areas. Many have done it much better since, but there's nothing really new out there. ;)
Nice one ... the racing mod in GT2 was great
It took me so long to check out all cars' mod in game
btw that Mazda 323F is perfect with cosworth spoiler 👍

Here was something new for me today, while I was testing a theory.

Never seen this pair before...

Well.. it's at the corner complex they sometimes call... uh... 'Swimming Pool'. :D
Wow, I never noticed that section before. For anyone who doesn't know where that is, it is inside the corner right after piscine:

map from AMG.

Regardless, that is an awesome picture Venari.