So this image, referencing 9/11, offended some people.

  • Thread starter Azuremen
It's one of the most disrespectful things that can be done to a deceased person and their family, and to see this one used in an attempt at a joke is disturbing.
I am the only person on GTPlanet who has to be offended by something in order for it to be removed.

I'm a little suprised it isn't already removed.
Is the picture of that falling man really real? I thought it was a photoshop. As if the exploding building wasn't enough, man. That's sick.
I agree with Cody on this one and I personally think that one of Pupiks "reasons" to take the picture down, is completely unreasonable... for example:

2) Shows the known death and destruction of many human beings.
How many times have I not seen the picture of the Hindenburg Zeppelin, the Titanic, or even Kamikaze attacking Pearl Harbor, however, no ones feelings is hurt?

3) Repeated sounds of FU..! are not really funny, and represent words that are not acceptable for our site.
I can swear to you, that I, not for one second, thought that the FUFUUFUFUU represented the word that's not accepted in this site... Hell, I've seen people posting fukc, or *****, which represents more the word you're referring to, yet nobody says anything.

I lived through the whole 9/11 disaster; I even wrote a HUGE post about my experience... yet I am not offended in at the least by the previously posted picture..... at all.

my 2 cents.
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As Casio stated, it is indeed a real photo of a very real person. The FFFFUUUU...repeatedly used in two other images doesn't register as an unacceptable four-letter word?

Some of you may be able to feign stupidity when convenient, but keep in mind that stupidity is non-transferable to some of us, and not accepted as legal tender in an argument.
The FFFFUUUU...repeatedly used doesn't register as an unacceptable four-letter word? Oh, please.
Oh please what? since when it was unanimously voted that FFFUUU does represent the F word? Ohh right... you decided that.

Can you tell me that MOOOOOOOOOOOO means then?


how about SSSTTTTTTTTTTT??? is that unacceptable by Pupik's language rules?
You may be able to feign stupid, but keep in mind that stupid is non-transferable to some of us, and not accepted as legal tender in an argument.
Erm... with that statement, you just stepped in to the "stupid" side of the conversation.... sorry Pupik.
Oh please what? since when it was unanimously voted that FFFUUU does represent the F word? Ohh right... you decided that.

Can you tell me that MOOOOOOOOOOOO means then?


Erm... with that statement, you just stepped in to the "stupid" side of the conversation.... sorry Pupik.

Because the image in question is called a rage picture. Rage is generally known to cause expletives to flow out of the mouth. So in this case yes FUUUUU does result in the four letter word that we know is unacceptable on this site.

Also, I found the image in question to be extremely bad taste.
Because the image in question is called a rage picture. Rage is generally known to cause expletives to flow out of the mouth. So in this case yes FUUUUU does result in the four letter word that we know is unacceptable on this site.
But you're missing the point. If Pupik took that picture down because of that silly expression, which I found an over-exaggerated reaction... he outta then go back to all those posts that include a word, that represents much better the foul word at hand.

Sorry but to me... that's silly moderation at its best. That's all. If you're going to take action on something, state the real reason (which in this case should be the "insensitive" 9/11 pictures), but don't try to extract more juice out of a dry lemon.
Sorry but to me... that's silly moderation at its best. That's all. If you're going to take action on something, state the real reason (which in this case should be the "insensitive" 9/11 pictures), but don't try to extract more juice out of a dry lemon.

Okay, read the first page of this thread, or at least the first 20 posts then. The FFFUUU... comes later in my argument.

If I put [/facepalm] in my post, will you get it?
That image is available without the FU in it. It's what I used for UnoMoto's driveway bush.
This is almost like the movies and books you see with the "perfect world" that eventually collapses on itself because it becomes too regulated.

GTP was better before, but I guess good things only last so long.
Some people don't like my avatar (How could they not I know!), and will proudly advertise that they have something called Ad Block. I don't see why this can't be exercised in the funny picture thread, I've seen and read stuff that's I've found offensive in that thread, and other parts of the site, but guess what, I deal with it. I see stuff I find offensive in the real world and I just ignore it and deal with it.
Wow, huge thread!

As for me, I was not offended by it, but just like Blake said, I'm not an American, so what do I have to say in this matter?

Well, I think everyone has a matter in it. Saying that the image is offensive purely based upon 9/11 itself, is thinking more about your country than the people. However, then I read the link Casio posted, and I found the image indeed rather offensive, for the sake of that person that died since it clearly was based upon a terroristic attack and someone who plunged into his own death. Would I ever post such things myself? Never. Did I find it funny? Not at all. Even without thinking about 9/11 and that man the image was not funny. "How do I make a web?" "Damnnnnn!" Didn't think that was so funny. If the original creator had drawn his own building, and he did not use the picture of the man, and he wrote something better after Spiderman's line than the "FU", I would have thought "Meh, lol I guess?"

I'm staying neutral in this thread, I do not think this offends everyone killed in 9/11, but it does push it when basing one image upon that man killing himself, that's just not funny. A lot of comedians, like Joey said, use a lot of dramatic happenings or persons and make a joke about it where you sometimes hear the people go "Hahahaha! wait....oooooh!" Would I have removed it? Yes I would, not because of 9/11, but purely because of that man.

I agree with Cody and Pupik. As I said, I'm keeping myself on the neutral side.
I just think it's funny that you guys are getting in a knot because of some stupid (and not funny anyway) picture getting removed. Get over it.
I'm sure it's offensive to some people, for me the biggest problem with the image is that it's not funny at all (as it is for most people).

There have been jokes about racism, the holocaust, the flood disaster here in Holland and what not.

For me, humor is an important factor in dealing with the harshness reality brings every now and then.

I completely understand people that lost relatives/friends are offended but i too 100% agree there will always be someone offended somewhere.

I like 'bad taste' in jokes, but they have to be funny. (and humor often involves balancing on the cutting edge of the acceptable).
There have been jokes the flood disaster here in Holland and what not.

Why do you so many Dutch people live in Belgium and all over the world? Because they're running for the flood.

Is it that one? :P

I'm pretty sure some Dutchmen find this one offensive, but every time this joke comes up with our Dutch friends, they just laugh with it, and come up with something better. Offensive or acceptable, it ranges from person to person I think :)
This is almost like the movies and books you see with the "perfect world" that eventually collapses on itself because it becomes too regulated.

GTP was better before, but I guess good things only last so long.

Soon, the only funny pics tolerated will be the ones of clowns tripping and slipping on banana peels.
It doesn't offend me, but in my opinion the picture is entirely devoid of humour, merit, taste, decency and just about any other redeeming feature you care to mention. Although I generally agree with wfooshee and Pupik in this case, I also agree with the legendary George Carlin that you can find humour in just about anything - but it takes wit, intelligence and great judgement to be able to pull off a humourous skit about something otherwise terrible. This picture has none of that, and as such I just find it crass, childish and stupid.

Soon, the only funny pics tolerated will be the ones of clowns tripping and slipping on banana peels.
What about the mimes?
I never understood most in7e|237 pictures or terms that they speak of. I had a friend that would laugh at it and define it for me. For example, Godwin's law or the actual rules of the internet. But personally, I ignore those pictures.
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The long and short of it is that this is a family forum and making fun of people dying isn't really family friendly, is it?

Everybody has a different sense of humour. We all know that. Everyone. Even those in the moderation team may find something hilarious, that others in the moderation team find distasteful and very unfunny. But the whole reason we moderate, is to keep this place family friendly, and to defuse conflict.

If somebody is genuinely offended by something, and quite upset about it, then it is our job to make sure we get it resolved. Obviously there are a number of people here that take offence to what was posted, so the logical conclusion was to remove the image to prevent further offence and conflict.

The topic of whether you find it funny or not is fine to be discussed, and you're all making valid points. But you should also expect that if someone, or some people, are going to take offence to an image that's been posted here, that it's going to be removed.

Either way, this isn't a dispute over whether the image is funny or not, because "funny" is defined by the individual. This is about an image not being family friendly, and being removed because it has offended some of the users of this website. End of story.

It's a family forum, guys. You can post some of this stuff on plenty of other forums on the internet.
This is almost like the movies and books you see with the "perfect world" that eventually collapses on itself because it becomes too regulated.

GTP was better before, but I guess good things only last so long.

That's funny. It's the same as it has always been. Such issues have come up often. Not always about pictures like this, but about other moderator decisions.

Somebody once said... and I wholeheartedly agree... that you accept the standards set by the moderator staff and site owner because this ensures that your experience online at will be a quality one. No immature spammers posting pictures of thongs and boobs every other post. No epic flamewars where people call each other ****-eating mother-******s.

I love this place. I have my own forum (albeit a tiny one) to moderate and an online magazine to write... as well as local forums that I visit. I once semi-gave-up coming to GTP, but I came back here after a while. Why? Because the level of discourse here is more intelligent than many similar sites, the number of quality posters is exceptionally high, and there's always something interesting to read.

Would I give that up for the freedom to say **** whenever I want and see pictures of people being decapitated? Nope. I could find that on any other 13-year-old infested videogame site.

A couple of you really feel we're twisting your arms and making you stay here because you can't post boobies, and use four-letter words in every post. Again, you know what the alternative is.

Yup. Knock yourselves out, boys. :lol:
Maybe I have no soul, but I don't see a problem with this. Of course, others disagree or this thread wouldn't exist.

People insist you cannot make light of 9/11, regardless of context or nature. I feel that by immortalizing it as something we must regard as completely serious and can't talk about in anything but hushed whispers and mournful tones just means that those responsible have won. The entire point of those attacks was to immortalize that action, in a negative aspect. By constantly hushing people on it and insisting on being 100% serious, we only honor the terrorists responsible.
I believe I said it wasn't cool joke material. What is there to find funny about 9-11? People got killed. I also don't make jokes about the Holocaust or Pearl Harbor (the event, not the movie).

In general I do not think it is cool to make light of any real person's death, because it is tasteless. In fact, I believe I have made similar comments about many of the not-so-funny pictures in the Funny Picture thread that have to do with a real person dying.

Does that mean that I immediately find tasteless jokes unfunny or offensive? No. In fact, I gave a small chuckle at the "Heith Dies" pic, but it was still tasteless. However, the chuckle was because the offensiveness was the joke. That doesn't mean it was suddenly cool, it just means that my immaturity does get the better of me at times. The 9-11 pick wasn't even attempting to make a joke by being offensive, the joke was about Spiderman forgetting how to speak proper English and shoot his webs to save a falling guy. That by itself is not offensive, not funny either, but not offensive. Throw in a serious real-life event and not only is it unfunny, but now it is uncool.

The other issue I have is that the image was removed because it offended some people. If you censor everything that offends someone, you will ultimately end up censoring nearly all content. Common jokes regarding "your mom" could very easily be considered offensive to someone such as I, whose mother has passed away.
If someone makes fun of your mom's death I am sure the moderating staff will be happy to put that person in their place.

Fat jokes will offend fat people, cultural jokes will offend those in question, anime jokes will offend anime fans, jokes about GM failing will irritate people that are affected.
You had a point with the fat and cultural jokes, but the anime and GM thing are stretching it a bit.

In short, you cannot say anything without someone being offended by it, if by context, culture, or some other element.
True, but when it is blatantly exploiting those things moderators still step in. It is one thing to make a comment and inadvertently offend someone, but when it is blatant mods do step in.

It occurs to me that every time moderation due to offensiveness comes up this same debate happens. It happened when people were using a possibly offensive word to shorten Japanese when GT5:P came out.

The reason Americans get so uptight about it is that it was America that was attacked.
So, can I make jokes at people who died at Hiroshima and brush of any offense caused by it just because the offended party is Japanese? What about the Holocaust and Jewish people? Just because it only offends the affected group it doesn't suddenly become cool to make fun of.

On top of that, I can't think of too many instances where large sky scrapers have just exploded. So I can't hold it against the cartoonist for using a widely available image.
Odd, I typed Man Falling in to Google and got everything from poorly drawn cartoons, to excellent art, and even this photo. You can find an image of someone falling, which was the important part of the joke, without it being someone who dies, or referencing a tragedy that killed thousands. In fact, I bet you could find more Spiderman comic frames that show it. How does the plane hitting the building even fit in, other than to purposely refer to 9-11?

And 4 people being offended by an image, on a board with over 100,000 members, is a trite amount.
For the record, I was not offended, I just felt that it was not cool joke material. I can't even tell you who posted it without going back and looking. If it hadn't been removed I wouldn't have cared. I'd still be rolling my eyes at the next 50 unfunny Xzibit images.

I am sure I could find 4 people here that have been offended by the doings of the moderation team. Does that mean we should start censoring the mod team? You can always find someone that is offended by something, and if you react on the small percentage, 0.004% in this case, you will end up having to take down quite a bit more.
And if people are unhappy with how this site is run they could just stop participating. Just as anyone that found that image offensive would have had the same option if it had been left up.

My "tripe" tends to get people interested in the happenings around here. Yes, you know how to moderate yourself, but the moderation here has become increasingly strict over the years, to the point that many older members find this place less and less enjoyable every day.
I believe the tripe comment was more at your completely off-topic attempt to tie this in to a veiled insult at the moderating staff.

I am on plenty of other forums, just google my user name and see. I enjoy this community, and use to more so in the past. My comments regarding the increased moderation, and the absurdly serious nature many of the mods have developed are not out of line. I see nothing saying I can't question, with in reason, the happenings and rulings of the forum. Thus why we have an opinion section.

But apparently, I can't hold an opinion from what you are saying, because you have declared it "tripe." In all honesty, it just sounds like you are making a threat because you disagree with my sentiments, which I present in a generally thought out and appropriate manner. As opposed, to say, posting random advice dog pictures as replies.
You took what is an opinion forums discussion on the offensiveness of a specific image and attempted to turn it into a full on attack of the mod team in general, which is something that should be addressed with Jordan directly. We get a "Waaah!!! the mods are meanies" thread every so often and they all end one of two ways, the OP goes overboard and gets themselves banned or they are specifically told that moderation issues need to be directed to Jordan.

Considering that I would say your sudden general attack on the mods was not thought out or done in the appropriate manner.

I just think it's funny that you guys are getting in a knot because of some stupid (and not funny anyway) picture getting removed. Get over it.
I thought this would be a discussion on whether 9-11 was something to be held above jokes, but instead it appears to be just another attempt to complain about moderation.


Soon, the only funny pics tolerated will be the ones of clowns tripping and slipping on banana peels.
How many pics have you had removed? It is amazing how many other people manage to post without getting them removed.
Maybe someone will create a sketchy and rubbish picture of someone throwing a toy out of their pram and the toy will be attempting to swear and not quite managing it...

This is a complete non-issue about tight moderation, all the mods have a good sense of humour and know when the boundary has been crossed. This "funny picture" offended several members and as such was rightly removed.

If you don't think it was offensive and are annoyed that it was removed, then tough, it's not about if something should offend people, it's the fact that this has offended people.
Can't possibly make a joke about anything surrounding 9/11? Nonsense.


This "joke" on the otherhand will simply be offensive to many (including myself). I don't think it has anything to do with 9/11 itself, it has to do with the nature of the image.

Making fun of an innocent guy forced to plummet to his death just isn't in good taste.
Should I take that as an insult? Because I don't.

And to answer your question, about 3 or 4.
Not an insult, just my roundabout way of saying that I will take your thoughts on offensive picture removal with a grain of salt.

Can't possibly make a joke about anything surrounding 9/11? Nonsense.

Nobody steps on a church in my town!!!
This threads really taken off (no pun intended).
Nah seriously I'm not going to start on this. I think its best to keep my views to myself although I do agree with Jimmy
I have only skimmed this thread after being occupied elsewhere for a day or two.

HOWEVER, I feel compelled to say that the image was not removed because it directly relates to 9/11. It is NOT true that non-Americans are forbidden to comment about 9/11 here.

If a similar image had been posted relating to the English or Spanish bombings, or making fun of the recent terrorist attacks in India, or any other victimized country, it still would have been removed.
I'd still be rolling my eyes at the next 50 unfunny Xzibit images.

I hope Xzibit doesn't register on this site and see the picture thread, he'd be offended and the thread would lose half its post count.