So this image, referencing 9/11, offended some people.

  • Thread starter Azuremen
I think I already made the point - 9/11 can be poked fun at if done with a little taste.
Show me an example then.

"Little taste"? I know just the man...

Frankie Boyle
There's a lot of talk about what to build in place of the Twin Towers. I think it should be a giant mosque.

Or how about a runway? How galling would it be to hijack a plane and have to execute a perfect textbook landing?
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"Little taste"? I know just the man...

The man who types solely with bold, purple letters are criticizing my taste? C'mon man.

And still, the two images I posted on the previous page was only because I wanted to know your thoughts about it, not because I found them funny.

Of course, that "original image" was never actually taken on 9/11/01, it was part of a hoax to begin with. Stay-Puff invaded the city in 1984.

So it's a joke of a bad attempt at a joke, referencing an absurd joke. Much funnier, since nobody was hurt.

Understood. But it's a 9/11 reference none-the-less. The whole hijacked planes = giant marshmallow man thing actually has some humor (even though people died). But it's not a faces-of-death style cheap shock attempt at humor.
The man who types solely with bold, purple letters are criticizing my taste? C'mon man.

I don't recall criticising you in any way. I was referring to Frankie Boyle - who I quoted - a Scottish comedian noteworthy for extremely close-to-the-bone humour.

And even he can make a joke about 9/11 which isn't crass.
I don't recall criticising you in any way. I was referring to Frankie Boyle - who I quoted - a Scottish comedian noteworthy for extremely close-to-the-bone humour.

And even he can make a joke about 9/11 which isn't crass.

Very trure. But his joke wasn't about the peole that died. it was more about the Hijackers.
Offensive, no. The same premise as what I stated, yes. I would remove it, since it's making a joke out of the death of others.

Exactly. Is it offensive to me? No. Can it be offensive to others? Yes. Removing is the option!
I don't recall criticising you in any way. I was referring to Frankie Boyle - who I quoted - a Scottish comedian noteworthy for extremely close-to-the-bone humour.

And even he can make a joke about 9/11 which isn't crass.

He wasn't quite as sensitive about the Glasgow airport car bombing was he? Didn't he quip about the bombers being on fire, which wouldn't have shocked the passengers seeing as they were Scots who had just got back from Spain. Something along those lines any who.
9/11 - the Holocaust - Hiroshima / Nagasaki - Pearl Harbor ( WWII in general or any war for the matter, Vietnam ,etc. ) - terrorist bombings -------

just to name a few , do we see a common denominator here ?

thousands of people lost their lives , many fighting and trying to help their country and they died in the line of duty protecting you and me !!!!!

Now, people in general,from all makes of life go out and have the b**** to post pics ( which they think are funny ),make rude comments concerning disasterous happenings ( this refering to stand up comedians ),in my opinion are shallow.If your father or mother, any relative were killed in the 9/11 attack ( or any other disaster ),I'm quite sure would have a different take on things , before they open up their mouth and make an a** out of themself when they realize they are talking to a survivor or a survivors relative.

This kind of " so called humor " , ( IMO ) is unexcusible.While I am not one who dwells upon these type of things ( but they are ever in the back of my mind ), there are people out there that do,so show some sensitivity,and think before opening up,otherwise you will probably end up putting your foot in your mouth because of something said or done.

The whole point of my post is to just say this : Think before speaking or acting out,the embarrasment you save could be yours.
The simple way to settle this and I'm suprised nobody has suggested it already is our good old friend the Poll.

Two Options:
1. Does Offend
2. Does NOT Offend

Whichever has the most votes wins the arguement. End OF!
However, it's not really a matter of what people vote as offensive or not. It's a matter of what Jordan, the site's owner, deems appropriate or not.

Also, some people like to make big deals out of things that are not, and this sure seems to be that kind of case. The image was not appropriate, and it was removed.

If/when "censorship" becomes a serious issue, we can see what happens.
Offensive, no. The same premise as what I stated, yes. I would remove it, since it's making a joke out of the death of others.

Zoxxy is far from a guide on acceptable image taste on our site, as he's had about two dozen images removed from the Funny Pic Thread that didn't make the grade.

Then how come I got 2 removed for language only and have been threatened with banning?
However, it's not really a matter of what people vote as offensive or not. It's a matter of what Jordan, the site's owner, deems appropriate or not.

We’re not necessarily talking about what is appropriate for GTP.

I’m sure as hell not.
He wasn't quite as sensitive about the Glasgow airport car bombing was he? Didn't he quip about the bombers being on fire, which wouldn't have shocked the passengers seeing as they were Scots who had just got back from Spain. Something along those lines any who.

I've heard three Frankie Boyle gags about Glasgow airport.

"Take the incident today at Glasgow airport. No-one knows if that was terrorists or Richard Hammond arriving late for check-in." (done live on television - for some reason someone thought Frankie Boyle live on morning TV was clever - within the same hour)

"Only in Glasgow would you find someone who'd punch a man who was already on fire."

"This guy was called a 'hero' for preventing hundreds of people from getting badly burned. These were Scottish people going on holiday to Spain."

Again, all very close to the bone, all pushing the limits of taste but, ultimately, very funny - and made funnier by the fact that it was the least successful terrorist attack in history. Not to mention:

"I just love the naivety of someone trying to bring religious war to Glasgow."
Frankie Boyle can get away with those sorts of things as he is ultimately making fun of himself aswell.
Now if you were in the 9/11 attacks would you want to make fun of yourself?(rhetorical)
I've heard three Frankie Boyle gags about Glasgow airport.

"Take the incident today at Glasgow airport. No-one knows if that was terrorists or Richard Hammond arriving late for check-in." (done live on television - for some reason someone thought Frankie Boyle live on morning TV was clever - within the same hour)

"Only in Glasgow would you find someone who'd punch a man who was already on fire."

"This guy was called a 'hero' for preventing hundreds of people from getting badly burned. These were Scottish people going on holiday to Spain."

Again, all very close to the bone, all pushing the limits of taste but, ultimately, very funny - and made funnier by the fact that it was the least successful terrorist attack in history. Not to mention:

"I just love the naivety of someone trying to bring religious war to Glasgow."

:D Everyone makes me laugh. So need to get his DVD.
However, it's not really a matter of what people vote as offensive or not. It's a matter of what Jordan, the site's owner, deems appropriate or not.

Not only Jordan. If someone else finds an image inappropriate and offensive, that person also has the right to have that image removed. I'm pretty sure that if I'd seen an image of a person with acne, and someone would have made a very inappropriate joke about it, which offended me since I do have serious acne, the image would've been removed after my request. I think I at least should have the right to that, even if 100 people thought it was hilarious doesn't mean that we should not care about that one person who was offended. Anyway, what do I know about it, what's there to joke about acne, what a bad example :dunce:
Ok so at this moment im doing advertising and looking into rights and wrongs and controversial adverts. I stumble across this which is an advert about smoking and its dangers.

What do you think of it?


The bottom left says:
Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,337 •
Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000
Ok so at this moment im doing advertising and looking into rights and wrongs and controversial adverts. I stumble across this which is an advert about smoking and its dangers.

What do you think of it?


The bottom left says:
Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,337 •
Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000
If they didn't get crap for it they should have. That said the goal was to be offensive and shocking. So, they can't even fake ignorance on this one.
The bottom left says:
Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,337 •
Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000

There were 16k murders in the US in 2001 (terrorism deaths are analogous to murder).
There were 30k suicides in the US in 2001 (smoking deaths are analogous to suicide).

Bottom line? People (understandably) care more about the harm other people do to them than they do about self-inflicted harm.

Stupid ad.
Getting back to the original picture. This is a man being murdered, falling to his death, caught on film. You are looking at a man dying for real. The actual act in action.

The thought that someone would use this or any similar photo for humor, no matter what event it may reference, is worse than “poor” taste, it’s simply atrocious. To look at the picture angers me.

That some do not find it offensive is troubling. That some actually find humor in it is as sad as the day it depicts.

It should be removed.