Gotta say much improved website, looks very good...
£699 is IMO over what most people would pay.
At the end of the day this is just a seat and fancy frame but still let down for true sim fans particulary as for PC i cant attach a keyboard and other designs offer more workability in the seating/wheel region. Although I wish you guys all the best because it is a beauty of a product.
Mistake or Sheer Madness?
I almost fell of my seat when I seen the asking price on the website for a "Logitech G25" @ £279. Are you guys crazy or maybe its a mistake?
With a quick search its easy to find these now for £150 or slightly more these days.
So well mmmmm lets see thats approx 85% more or about £129 more expensive you guys are charging and for what exactly?
Good Luck with that, going to monitor your site to see if this changes or if really your basically just robbing people ...
Not sure what others think but thats extortion.