Volume 3 - Panorama 1992

  • Thread starter Lucas
I'm feeling mixed emotions this time... i'm glad that Charlie won :cheers:, but i'm sad that Euro Challenge is at an end :(. But seriously, that was excellent, and what a swansong... beating an M5 isn't easy! :)


Your comment is one of the best I've seen so far in my story! šŸ‘ I'm glad that you are able to express what you feel in words. But Euro Challenge is not coming to an end anytime soon :) There are still many races to be fought. I would not let Euro Challenge end in this kind of cliffhanger ;) In fact, the name of the story is a bit out of place. I should definitely change it. But this is not the end. Sure, I will start school in around three weeks or so, and most of my time will be dedicated to it. But I will spend the rest of my time thinking, writting, and making this story the best I can get out of it! :cheers:

By the way, the race was easier than you think. Of course, a pro driver like the M5 would win easily in a course of his knownledge. But that is the beauty of the 'Ring. Comparing the time I got in the IA-15 Licence when I first played the game, and the last time I did it at around 8'46.xxx, the difference was of about one minute :eek: That just shows the difference between knowing the course. Things are going to change in the next chapters, so stay tuned...
Yeah. At the beginning, one thinks "when the hell is this going to end?". But after a while, you start loving it.
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3 excellent parts to the last chapter and a great touch including the motorbike shots from TT. šŸ‘

...I gotta admit, though, the 'Ring is ultra boring.

You have to be kidding, right?
Name 1 other course with the variation in bends, elevation changes and driver involvement that Nurb' provides?
You don't know how much does your comment mean to me :) I thought Tourist Trophy would be a great addition to the story, and I could also make a spin-off focusing on Chester. :D
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Well prepared story, Lucas šŸ‘.. I hope it'll never end or that you'll make another one.. Maybe together with me? šŸ’”

Best wishes,

S-Line Audi Fan :cheers:
I enjoyed while it lasted. *starts printing the story*

Until this doesn't come back, we can ask VTiRoj to write more RTN.
that was Freaking amazing!!!! :irked: it was still kinda short in my opinion but you put a lot of dedication!!!! That was very exhilerating. Andy sned me a copy i don't want to waste ink :P
Even though I wasn't sure if I was going to have the chance to continue Euro Challenge, I still believed that sooner or later I would get the chance to continue the story. Seems like I was right. I appreciate those who have read the story before its sudden end, and I would appreciate even more those who continue reading it. Hopefully, it will continue for the best. So, here it is. What could be called "Stage 2", or "Act 2", or just "Volume 2", has just arrived. I knew since the beginning that Euro Challenge was not going to be the definitve name. It just wasn't a name for a race report. Thus I came with the problems of a new name. I've decided to stick to an unnamed name, and since I can't have a story with no name, it will be called "The Biography of Charlie Williams." Sounds stupid. Volume 1, known as Euro Challenge from now on, was merely the first part of the story. Got more views than I expected it to have. Volume 2 will just be what it is. No other name needed, as I would probably come up with something stupid (even more than the story's title). From now on, chapters will be shorter. But as Conan says ahead, it will be for good. Something new to this... Hmnmnnm. These "( )" will mark an action. I will be the narrator from now on, when it comes to these actions. Dates are something new. You can't have a story lost in time. Anyways, enjoy the new chapter, my friends!


The Biography of Charlie Williams: Volume 2
Chapter 1: A Tale of Three Drivers

October 25th, 2005.


"Something troubling you?" (Looking worried.)
-"No, why?"
"You look like if you had just died."
-"I did died. And I have reborn at the same time."
"You drove better than I expected, congratulations." (Comes out from nowhere, while clapping his hands.)
-"The car's fantastic."
"It is Winston's, what did you expect?" (Gives a slight smile.)
"So, what will we do now?"
"Well, my friends! I don't mean to be disrespectful but, seeing as how my work here is done, I will return to my home."
"It was nice to meet you." (Luca shakes hands with Chester, in a friendly gesture.)
-"Thanks for the drive."
"Don't worry. You should have won even without knowing the course."
-"I wouldn't be so sure about that." (Laughs in a modest way.)
"Believe whatever you want to believe, Neo. I'm out of here."
"I hope to see you again, Luca."
"Don't worry. I'm sure you will." (Hops onto the motorcycle and rides away.)
-"What a nice guy. Where do you know him from, Conan?"
"I must admit that I feel a bit of envy towards you. You have many friends." (Laughs just to avoid the tears.)
"Quality before quantity." (Gives a serious look to Eric. Eric's smile dissapears.)
"Well, where?" (Chester breaks the ice between the two. Conan exchanges looks with Eric, smiles, then turns to Chester.)
"Not long ago, and I'm talking about 15 years or so, he lived in southern Italy. Luca is an italian name, you know. Lucas or Luke would be the english equivalent."
"He was born to an Italian mother and a Japanese father."
-"Hence the surname Kaneda."
"Anyways, I had a birthday to attend to in Italy once. A private club."
"Did you meet him there?" (Conan seems to be bothered by the interruption.)
"No. I met him while returning to the island." (Charlie mutters Lost's signature song. Chester laughs.)
-"Something else?"
"He was eleven back then... That would make it 17 years ago. He was born the 23th of December, of 1976."
"Same year as Michael."
-"Who's Michael?"
"Cole's older brother. Except he was born in January 17th, making Luca younger than Michael."
"How do you know that much about him?"
"Herbert, Cole's father, gave me a call that day."
"Back to Luca, I met him in a rainy day. I believe it was June or July, I don't know. It was just the birthday of an old friend of the family, so it didn't really matter to me back then which date was it. Just to make it short, I caught Luca stealing some food close to the docks where my ship was. I gave him some money in order for him to go and study. We kept seeing each other a few months from that, but then he disappeared suddenly, and I never heard of him again."


"Come on, be honest with us."
"Excuse me?"
"You are just saying a bunch of lies." (Anger begins to appear in Conan's face.)
"Are you calling me a liar?"
"And a good one, I give you that. But if he is as famous as he alleges to be, then I see some BS in your words."
"I think I've got to clear up something." (Chester talks in a soft voice. Everyone looks at him, and silence takes over the place.)
".............................. and?"
"What he said, about being a Tourist Trophy Association Champion."
"Yeah, what?"
"I'm waiting for an explanation here!"
"That's no big deal. It's just an amateur cup."
"You mean that he (points to Conan) is telling the truth?"
"Well, yeah, basically."
"... Seems like I owe you an apology."
"Everyone commits mistakes."
-"If he was an amateur, then why the hell were you excited to meet him?"
"He is not like any other amateur!"
-"[Citation needed]." (Laughs)
"He's special. He won most amateur titles than any other amateur in his class."
-"Wow, if I knew about motorcycles, I would say you are just saying, in Eric's words, a bunch of BS."
"Matter of fact is, he never became a pro because he didn't got the chance to."
"Well, there you have it! The history of his life, complete with date of birth and doings. Ready to be uploaded to Wikipedia, if you ask me." (Everyone laughs. Charlie is truly rolling on the floor laughing.)
-"Oh, my God. :lol: I can't, :lol:, I can't stop! :lol:"
"Okay then. What do we do now?"
"Let's go to France."
-"Wait, I want to know about my car."
"They must not even have half of the car ready."
-"Uh, okay."
"You could give them a call if you want to. I doubt they will answer you."
-"It doesn't matter."
"Well, to France, then?" (Conan looks at Eric, waiting for an answer.)
"Ask Charlie. He's our reason to be here after all."
-"France again? We have been there already."
"Think again. I doubt you have drove in the Circuit de La Sarthe."
"Now that you mention it... (Looks at Charlie.) You've got the M3 now. May as well take the best out of it."
-"Yeah... Yeah, you are right! One of my main reasons to avoid it was just because the Elise would look out of place. But now, I don't have to fear."
"That's the spirit."
"Well, then. What are we waiting for?"
"Charlie, you come with me in the M3."
-"But that's my car!"
"I have to test for myself if the claims about the Benz handling like a BMW are true."
"Fine. Chester, come with me in the Benz."
"Yes, sir!"

(Everyone runs to their respective car, and both Eric and Conan start the engine, the Benz following the BMW.)


"Last to La Sarthe is a rotten egg!"


March 11th, 1969.

-"So... Anything left for today?"
"You can go home if you want to, Benjamin. I will take care of it myself."
-"You sure?"
"Go on! Take the day free. Stay away from trouble."
-"Don't worry, sir. I will."
"Say hello to your mother for me."
-"Don't count on it!" (Laughs.)

Back at home...

-"I'm back, momma!"
"Benjamin! How was today?"
-"Good! Mr. Goldman gave me the day free."
"He is so kind to you."
"Want to eat something?"
-"Momma... why don't I have a father?" (His mother turns away from him.)
"Your father is dead, Benjamin."
-"I know that."
"Why do you keep asking, then?"

September 26th, 1975.

"So what. You can't come?" (His voice has a frustrated tone.)
-"I'm sorry, man. I just can't."
"Why not, Ben? You always say the same."
-"I've got my reasons not to."
"You know, Tim got himself a Barracuda."
-"He didn't got it himself. His father bought it."
"He has worked his šŸ¤¬ off for two years in order to buy it."
-"His father bought it."
"Whenever you can, ask his father personally."
-"He will only try to cover it up."
"Hey, listen. Do you have a couple for the prom?"
-"... I'm thinking of asking Sally if she would mind to come with me." (Blushes.)
"I doubt so. Popular girls like her don't hang out with guys like us. She's a lost cause for you."
-"I don't know who do you think we are. Hey, don't you have to work today?"
"Yes, but why do you ask?"
-"It's four o'clock."
"No, it's no- (looks at his wrist-clock)... Oh, šŸ¤¬! See you later, Ben!" (Runs toward his car.)
-"See you, Brendan."

November 14th, 2006.


(A loud, powerful turbo engine increases its pitch as it is being driven towards a corner. Inmediately, the driver brakes, and turns around.)


(Once again, the turbo pitch rises, and after a few corners, the previously unknown car shows its face.)




"Grr... This is not the kind of fight I was expecting from a car like his..."




"At this rate, if I don't speed up, I'm going to lose!!"


(The GT-R tries to catch up with the leading car, driving its way to the finish line, with only two U-type corners left...)


"Damn it, damn it!!!"


(The camera zooms out, so it's now possible to see the full car, at the last corner of the track.)


"Oh, man... What am I going to do now? What am I going to do now..."


"How did he got here so fast with that car, anyways?!!"


"It's impossible!"

-"God-like my šŸ¤¬!!"
"Hey, we had enough here already, don't you think so?"



-"This just proves my point that imports can't defeat what I have built all these years."


"Shall we go now?"
-"Yeah, I have nothing else to do here. Listen, old man! You may have 500 horsepower or so, but as long as you are driving a 4WD, you ain't got a chance, man!"

"How embarrasing of me to lose like this... Joushima surely would be angry."

(The two man, who defeated the GT-R in an apparent mountain battle, head back to their house, and begin to chat there about an unknown person.)


"He has been practising with him every day since he arrived."
-"I've been practising every day since I got my car. Thirty years ago."
"It's just an exhibition, in my opinion."
-"He won't get past me. At all."
"Just play with him a bit. Then leave his car in the sand."
-"Those who play with their opponents are the ones who lose. Those who think they are the best, also lose."
"But you won't."
-"That's right. I won't."
"Because you are the best."
-"So... Is it ready?"
"Everything checked."
-"And the hood?"
"Did well in the previous race."
-"Good. If he is really as good as he claims to be, who knows? Maybe I will let the race endure a bit longer."
"Didn't you just say...?"
-"Don't worry. I have everything planned for today." (Winks his eye.)
"Oh, and... By the way...."
"Horsepower sells cars. Torque wins races." (Smiles.)
-"You are damn right it does. Let's go, he should be there already."

October 27th, 2005.


"And your mother is not worried?"
"I can take care of Charlie. Besides, Eric is with us. Nothing can go wrong."
"Had she been my mother, I would have make sure to tell her about it."
"She must know he is with us already."



"Well, Charlie, we are here. The Circuit de la Sarthe. in Le Mans, France."
-"Great. Let Conan catch up with us."


"Seems like we have arrived."
"Yes, let's see if we can park the cars somewhere. (Searches around with his head. Inmediately founds a good place to park across the BMW.) There!"



"I found a map."
"You did not needed to. There's one in the Internet already."
"I am aware of that. But this one is much better. Come take a look, Charlie."
"Hey, Conan, wait a second."
"What's wrong?"
"Aren't you hungry?" (Points out at the nearby building.)


"We'll eat later. So hurry up."
"No problem. Come on, Charlie. Let's go see it."
-"I'm going." (Runs towards Conan. Both of them disappear while walking.)
"This is a long track."
"Around 14km, but..."
"But what?"
"It is shorter than the Nordschleife, as you may have noticed."
"I know, but why is that a problem?"
"Do you remember the race at Deep Forest? Well, you should, since it was just five days ago."
"What about it?"
"The cars Charlie raced against were much faster than the Elise."
"Yet he won."
"The Elise was better than those cars."
"But... I don't understand, they were faster."
"They had more power. Just that. No one was lighter than the Elise. You see, lightweightness has its advantages. Not only does the car accelerate faster the lighter it is, but braking, cornering, and fuel consumption are also improved by the car's reduced weight."
"So you are basically saying that-" (Chester is interrupted.)
"The Elise was not as handicapped as most think it was."
"Charlie knows about this?"

"Here's the map."


"Be sure to check it out deeply. Not only does it state the corners, but you can also take a look at the surroundings."
"What? Just 'incredible'?"
-"Is it wrong to say that?"
"I would have expected something else from you..." (Conan is disappointed of Charlie's attitude towards the circuit.)

"Charlie should know about it by now. I mean, there's something that just doesn't fit."
"Yeah, he has been driving only a year."
"But I have been his tutor. Okay, I admit that he has become fast in a short time span. But he has drove almost 7 hours a day since the very first day I taught him."
"And these long travels have also increased his endurance, now that I think about it."
"I doubt so. He has been driving, yes, but there's a difference between and endurance race and a road trip. You are constantly focused on an endurance race. Your mind wears out quickly."
"Why did we came here, anyways."
"It was Conan's decision. Ask him when he returns. But I think it has to do something with this track's huge straight. The Mulsanne straight."
"Wasn't it longer before?"
"Yes. But a good difference in horsepower is enough to lose a race in here." (Chester stops talking for a few seconds, and thinks.)
"...How long did you say the straight was?"
"Before, it was 6km long. But in 1990, FIA decreed that it would no longer sanction courses with a straight longer than 2 kilometers."
"Good for Charlie, I guess."
"Even if his opponents's cars are as fast as the M3, he will still have a tough time."
"You just said that-" (Interrupted again.)
"I know what I said. The shortened straight is just an advantage. But the Sarthe circuit is not so famous for nothing. The corners of this course are very tricky. Just to name a few... The Ford chicanes and the Mulsanne corner at the end of the straight."

"Let's go back, shall we?"

-"Sure. They must be waiting."

To be continued...

Even though Eric didn't mentioned it, the Elise 111R is acclaimed as the best Elise to date, putting out incredible performance numbers. Along them, is the 4.9 seconds 0-100km/h run. As you can see, every car has its advantages. I did not choose to use this car for nothing in my story, you know?

The GT-R driver is God Foot Kouzou Hoshino, from Shuichi Shigeno's Initial D manga and anime series. This is a personal tribute to him for having introduced me in a way to Gran Turismo 2, as I wanted a game were you could drive the Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86.
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Even though the 111S is theoretically superior due to lower curb weight and nearly the same capability in terms of power :sly:
Thanks, Andy! I surely like doing this story. Especially when you have tons of ideas that don't even let you sleep :scared:
Yay! Finally a new chapter :dopey:.. Incredible.. šŸ‘.. Oh and Lucas, "Oh, man... What I'm going to do now? What I'm going to do now..."
-> "What am I going to do now?" is right ;)

Best wishes,

S-Line Audi Fan :cheers:
The Biography of Charlie Williams - Volume 2​
Chapter 2 - The Hardest of Times

October 27th, 2005.

"Even if his opponents's cars are as fast as the M3, he will still have a tough time."
"You just said that-" (Interrupted again.)
"I know what I said. The shortened straight is just an advantage. But the Sarthe circuit is not so famous for nothing. The corners of this course are very tricky. Just to name a few... The Ford chicanes and the Mulsanne corner at the end of the straight.

"Let's go back, shall we?"
-"Sure. They must be waiting."

"Do you expect him to lose today?"
"He won his first race at NĆ¼rburgring, the hardest course in Germany, in a car he drove only one time."
"There's nothing to worry about, then."
"If the lineup is composed of faster cars than the M3... The race is over before even starting."
"In a place with so many straights as this track, I can see why you say that."
"It's the driver's skill that wins the race. Let us hope that they don't drive their cars as well as Charlie seems to drive the M3."
"Because if not..."
"He will have the hardest of times."
"Hey, is that him?" (Chester points at two persons walking towards them.)
"Yes, it is."

-"So, what do you recommend me to do?"
"Carefully analize the drivers in front of you. Things as minimal as the way they start their engines, or drive at a slow pace can tell many things about the opponent's driving style."
-"What about drafting?"
"That's one of your most valuable weapons on a track like this. Draft and do not let be drafted. Never forget that."
-"Got it."

"So, did you took a good look at the map?" (Says Eric to Charlie, who is standing in front of him.)
-"I found it a little bit hard to memorize everything..."
"But you have a good memory. I can't see why did you have a hard time memorizing the course."
-"There are many things which came to my mind when watching the map. First, there are many sand traps, so if I go off the course, even a little, I'm in a deep trouble."
"You better watch out for those. Stay close to the leading cars, but never too close as to be in a hurry to brake after them."
-"The other thing I noticed is the huge amount of straights. The course is basically composed of straights connecting to even longer straights."
"As long as you watch out for the sand traps, and stay behind the leading car, you shouldn't have any problem. The second lap should come faster than the first one. You will face a tough competition today."
"Wait, you already entered him in the race?"
"What did you expected?"
"Just look at him! He is obviously not ready for the challenge!" (Eric's voice rises, and Charlie watches in silence.)
"What does it care to you? As far as Chester told me, you put Charlie in that race at Deep Forest to watch him lose!"
"Oh, oh..."
-"...Is that true?"
"I knew you were going to win. You always win. How many times have you lost since you started driving? Fifteen? Thirty? That's nothing compared against the more experienced drivers. You've got one of the best winning ratios I have ever seen in my life."
"But Charlie drove against fields of ten drivers or less. The usual amount is six."
"Does it really make a difference? I know Charlie can win this race. I have seen him drive. Last time at Seattle, that was one of the most incredible maneouvers ever!"
"...Excuse me?"
-"Wait... You are the AC driver?"
"Took you a while to figure that out, huh!"
-"That's why you asked me the color of the Elise, right?"
"And the rims, too. Tell me the truth, since now we are friends. Was it really stock back then, other than the wing?"
-"Well, yeah, I suppose."
"Fact of the matter, Conan, is that I tuned the Elise myself. I barely tell Charlie what do I do to the car, since he doesn't understand much of mechanics."
"He is kinda slow."
"But yes, to answer your question, the Elise only had installed an aerodynamic wing to increase cornering speeds."
"I'm glad you said that."
-"But where's your AC?"
"Oh, don't worry. I keep it in a special place. I haven't got rid of it."
-"Do you really think I can win this race? For sure?"
"As far as I'm concerned, when I entered this competition on your name, the presumed field was of a BMW M5, A Spyker C8 Laviolette, a Viper SRT-10, a Pagani Zonda, and a Mercedes-Benz of some sort. The same car more or less that you faced in Seattle or Deep Forest, for the matter."
"Well, then. Sounds like a good chance to race against a field in a high-speed course."
"With that being said, shall we eat?"
"Yes, please! I'm starving."
"Good, then I guess we will have the race later."
-"I can't wait to test the track for myself!"

Two hours later, that same day...

"Does he really have a shot to succed?"


"I don't know, but I really wanted to see what is he capable of doing."
"Why even bothering then? He is likely to lose."

-"I don't know why I feel scared today. Like if something were to happen. Something very bad..."


"He can win, only if he gives the 100% he needs."
"I can't believe what I'm hearing."


"What if he loses?"
"We won't leave this place just because of a mere loss."
"There are more important things in life than just winning a race."
"But that field is surely intimidating..."
"It's the course this time who is likely going to have fun with Charlie. Not only with him, but the rest of the cars too."
"Couldn't agree more with you."

-"There IS something wrong today."


-"Dammit! I can't get it out of my head!"

"That clock right there... Is it for the 24hours race, I guess?"
"I don't know. We should ask someone who lives close to here. But I would bet it is."


"Anyhow... You can't deny this will be interesting. Right?"
"I bet you it will!"
"You sure you don't have a problem with gambling, Eric?"

-"Okay, here I am. Focus, Charlie. Don't let the people scare you."


"Alright, it has begun!"
"Come on, Charlie! Show this frogs what you can do!" (A man, sitting behind Eric in the stands, touches his shoulder. Eric then turns around.)
"I'm sorry. What were you saying?"
"Listen, pal. We don't want any trouble with you."
"So you better stay away from us."
"And who are you to tell me that?"


-"Crap. Even though we just started, they already have a gap on me."

"We are three men, two of us older than you are, 'brother'!"
"And?" (Four men behind the guy stand up, looking at the now small group of three, who are left confused.)
"...And... I just remembered that I needed to go to the bathroom. Mind to join me, guys?" (Eric makes eye gestures to Conan and Chester, indicating them to follow him. The three leave the seats.)


-"Now's my chance. They seem to be a little slow around the sand traps."


-"Damn, no wonder why! It's very easy to get carried away here."


"He must be having trouble by now."
"He can handle it. I taught him well."
"...My young Padawan."

"What is he doing?"
-"Okay... Well, seems like high-speed maneouvers are not very effective around here."


-"So I will just draft my way to the goal."
"Huh? Do I remember that M3 from somewhere? The rims look awfully familiar."


-"Great! I'm sure I can pull off something here."
"The last corner in a long time. Pretty much the most important corner in the track. Since your exit speed here determines how fast can you go on the straight."


-"I will cut across the curb."


"What the...?"
-"Alright!" (Charlie swiftly changes the steering wheel direction to a full lock.)


"Is it even legal to do that?"
-"I'm getting there! Just a few meters."


"He caught me. I wonder how long can he stay ahead of me."
-"Phew... I'm a lot less worried now."


-"Still... there are many cars I have to pass before reaching second place."
"He's good. He has been driving that car for a few hours. He was at first reluctant to do the move. But then... He just went all-in."


-"The cars ahead are much faster than the M3. But at least I'm lighter than the rest..."
"We are getting closer to the first chicane. Are you ready?"
-"How come the Spyker is so close to me? Is it the power difference? Or is it that he is drafting me?"


-"The Viper is faster than me anyways. There's no way that even drafting I can catch him."
"So fast that the rest is invisible! God, I love this car, less than three. :lol:"


-"Everyone is unbelievably quick! I'm outclassed in that department!"
"I'm getting closer to you..."


"Thanks for letting me pass. It denotes some honor from you. Other drivers could just block me."
-"Go on... I will catch you later."


"The car is really, really familiar. But I don't know where do I know it from!"
-"There it is! The first chicane! It is decided, I will outbrake the pack!"


"Oh, no... Man, of all the stupid things you must have done in your life..."


"You really, really...!"
"Where's the M3 going?"
"Stupid move."
-"I'm going to, I'm going to!"


-"Ohhhh šŸ¤¬, šŸ¤¬, šŸ¤¬!!!"
"...had to outbrake the pack in the first chicane!!! Surely the most stupid thing I have ever seen!"
"God dammit!"
"Great job, kid!"
"Too fast..."


-"šŸ¤¬ me!!"
"You just cheated your way to second place!"
"Now I've got a dust all over my car..."
"Damn... I regret what I said about you."


"I will take it from here. Thanks!"


"My turn!"
-"šŸ¤¬, šŸ¤¬!!!"


"Dayum! That's a new record. Passed by two cars in less than two seconds. In a straight! Better speed up, buddy!"
-"I was in second. Then I returned to last place miserably..."
"But you really are a nice guy... Here. Draft me all that you want."


-"Wooohooo! Damn! I'm šŸ¤¬ flying, šŸ¤¬!!"
"Having fun? You have to brake soon, so don't let it happen like before."


"Here we go! Brake early, friend!"
"Can't wait to see the BMW in the sand again!! :lol:"
"Now what?"
-"I've got a different plan for this corner."


-"If everything goes well, then I should be able to..."
"Glad to see you made it through!"
"Owww. I was hoping for a crash or something!"


-"Claim fifth place!"
"Huh? Changing direction again?"


-"Dammit! I was going too slow!"
"I know what you wanted to do. But your car's power is nowhere near our's."


-"What will I do if I can't even get fifth place? Not even fourth! I've got to do something!"


I know I can win...

"Oh, oh!!"


-"...What the hell?!!"
"You šŸ¤¬ up the direction!"


"Something's definitely not good with the M3."
"He lost control!"
"Holy mother of šŸ¤¬!"
"Come on, bud! Steer to the other side, quick!"
-"Oh šŸ¤¬, oh šŸ¤¬!!!"


"Dan! Run for your life!" (Two workers start running in panic as the M3 runs towards them.)

"No good! He is going too fast!"


-"Jesus Christ! What the šŸ¤¬?!"


-"Arghhh! šŸ¤¬ sand traps!!"


...HELP ME!!!!

To be continued...
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I'm glad you liked it, Andy! And congratulations! :cheers: Your comment is the 13.000th post in the Race Reports Forum :D
Yeeesss!!! Again an excellent chapter :) Well done, Lucas šŸ‘ You always make it interesting, so that people ask themselves what's going to happen :dopey:

Best wishes,

S-Line Audi Fan :cheers:
Let's just say the following: even if people don't read anymore, or are too busy with GT5, I still have to know how it is going to end! That's how much I like my own story! :)
As always great work Lucas. It's pretty amazing how fast you cook up these stories. Don't you ever get writers block? :happy:
Volume 2
Chapter 3 - The Eyes of Destiny​

September 28th, 2032.

-"Really? I didn't heard that before."
"Well, it's for real, brother. The guy is a maniac."
-"But why do people keep saying that?"
"It's the pure truth, that's why. He went insane five years ago. He used to own a big building, you know?"


"Back there in Japan, that's right."
-"Was he rich?"
"I don't know, but, he surely knew how to enjoy life. At least until he went insane."
-"But why do you say he went insane?"
"It's not just me, brother. Everyone says so. He lost his wife, I heard."
-"Poor fellow."
"Aye. It's such a shame, you know?"
-"Did he had any sons, at least?"
"Not a single one."
-"That's depressing... at best."
"But back when he was alright, he used to be a splendid driver."
-"Some friends told me about it before."
"Do you know what did he used to drive?"
-"No, never heard of that."


"He had this wacko car. It had a motorcycle's engine. Not only that, but it was very light-weight. Around 580 kilos, I think."
-"That light?"
"With a wing, too. A carbon-fibre one. The drivetrain was tuned in every way possible. Some say it could even slay the fiercest supercars around. It was a Suzuki."
-"Those are bullocks."
"I'm saying the truth! Even the Elise, one of Lotus best built cars, was easily defeated in a time trial comparison between both cars. Stock, of course."
-"You saying that not even a car like the Elise could defeat it?"
"Not even the Lotus 7. If that car was deemed too fast to race, imagine what this one would be called. The Skyline R35, neither. The Impreza 22B, neither. The Mazda RX-7, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X, and even the Pagani Zonda, were all defeated by its speed. Back in its time, remember.Nowadays, with four generations ahead of every car, except the Zonda, of course :lol:, it would be easily wiped out. I want to think that, at least."
-"If it was as fast as you say, would it not be dangerous having one of those around?"
"The guy already lost it. He had to sell it after he went bankrupt. Many companies are going bankrupt these days. Then, when his wife died, he snapped. He tried to jump from his office floor. Luckily, one of the janitors there saved him. The building belongs to another man right now, I heard."
-"What about the times before the incident? What did he do?"
"He was a good man. Or so they say. Anyways, he payed his taxes, he helped old ladies cross the street, he took out the garbage. He was just another common man. With money, but he still was a decent man. Can't complain about that."
-"And his family?"
"Devastated. Before attempting suicide, he sent a letter to them. I can barely remember what it said, but I still remember the first lines, since I grabbed the letter with my hands. My own hands:

"You thought I would never make something useful out of my life. Well, I have proved you wrong, father. I don't need your respect when I can dispose you of the home in which you raised me. I don't care what would have grandpa said if he knew I would have ended up like this. But I know that, even when things wer-----"

-"What happened?"
"It was written in blood. I couldn't read any more of it, since the blood had already started to crumble the piece of paper in which the message was written."
-"Good Lord..."


"The saddest thing of it... I knew this man. Personally. I mean, I even know where did he used to live. And where was he going to live next."
-"That much?"
"Yeah. I can even remember the time when he rode in Seul. He was amazing."


"He had this weird riding style. Before getting into cars, he was a big motorcycle enthusiast. If I recall... 2006 was the year in which he drove in Seul. An exhibition."


"A great one. And he was great at his job..."
-"...Was he a happy guy? I mean, before the accident and stuff."
"Yes. He used to smile very often. I can't remember exactly what did he looked like. And it's been a few years that I have seen him, though. But one thing that I will never forget... is his smile."
-"You were in love with him..."
"Yes. And he knew that. That's why he cared about me so much. But after the accident... Everything went downhill."
-"Was it his arm?"
"Yes... Cut wide open, even the muscles could be seen. I... I still (cries)..."
-"Come on... It's not your fault at all."
"I'm not crying because of that... (Wipes tears out of eyes)I'm crying... I'm crying because he did not listened to me!"
-"Bu-but what are you saying?"
"Before the accident, Seattle was a perfect race track for cars. Remember, the year of its inauguration was 2005. Since the very beginning, it was banned for motorcycles to drive on the track."
-"Because of the pronounced uphill..."
"Riders who went too fast just jumped until catching so much air that the driver would inevitably get "pushed" out of the motorcycle. Besides, most of those who landed with two wheels ended up riding with one only. The uphill of Seattle had that much effect on motorcycles. When the track was built, it was thought for it to be used by cars, not motorcycles. Even so, he went ahead and drove to the top of the uphill. One fast turnaround, and he was ready to go downhill... His life was already to go downhill to... Prepared, with the body tight, he accelerated and started riding downhill. The first bump went good, and he easily regained control. The second one, good too, although not as good as the first one... When he landed on the third bump... The motorcycle went like that (Uses his hands to mimic a motorcycle bending backwards), and he got pushed out of the bike. He landed with his arm, so pretty much the damage was there. His right ribs, destroyed. Even though the landing could have been much, much worse, he still got that kind of injuries. The motorcycle, obviously, got destroyed. Not even one part could be reused."
-"I recall seeing the accident in the news."
"After it, in 2023 using the Seattle roads of the track for any purpose other than daily driving was banned."
-"I still don't know why did he do it in the beginning."
"He wanted to prove himself something. Obviously, no one will ever know what, given his mental state. What I do know, is hearing him talk about someone. A spanish man, raised in France. His name... was Cole."

To be continued...
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Nice new chapter, Lucas! Let's see what's goin' to happen :sly:

EDIT: Forgot to mention I've found some mistakes:

- They guy already lost it. -> "The"

- in which the message was wrote -> "written"
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