Volume 3 - Panorama 1992

  • Thread starter Lucas
I must say that I'm very sorry, because even though I have half of the new chapter on the making, I feel that I left you with a big gap between chapters. I should have focused on doing them rather than playing around (pun intented). But don't worry, I have plenty of time next week, I don't have school for three days :D
I was happy when I got here to find a new chapter. Then I finished it in 3 minutes...

Now I'm more confused than when I read some chapters it took 30 minutes to read! :confused: :lol:
Don't worry, next one will take you a while to read. But I have a problem with it, though. Remember Volume 1 ending? Well, I had to split that chapter into three parts, if you recall. I have the same problem now: the chapter is a long one. I will split it into two parts. What I don't know is if I should post one today and one tomorrow, or the two in one go.
First of all, sorry about the previous mini-chapter. But I will remedy the situation right now with this two-part chapter :) Enjoy!!

Volume 2
Chapter 9 - Part 1

October 29th (Saturday), 2005.


"How can someone do something that crazy?"
"That's suicide. Not fair, he knew I was going to back off, just to not bump him."
-"I believe I may have a chance to win this."


-"But I need to get rid of them!"
"Watch out for what you are doing!"


"Ohhh, 🤬!!!"


-"God, I'm starting to love this track!"


-"I need to catch up with everyone else."
"He is running as fast as he can, yet he still can't come close."
"He can do it. I'm sure he can!"


-"The uphills of this track kill me, though."
"When will Audi release the A5?"


"I will stick to my concept no matter what, but I just want to know."


-"There has to be a way to pass the Audi. But it is so big that my chances are reduced."


-"If I only had my Elise, this would be a cake."


-"Still, I have the feeling that I can do something!"


"Okay, now what?!"
"Uh, oh..."
-"B-M-W coming at you!"


"He is way too close to the Audi! What kind of idiot does these kind of things?"
-"Not yet, just a few more meters!"


"What had he planned? Did he actually thought he would-?"
-"Now it is!"

August 21th (Sunday), 2005-----------------------------------------------------------------------------


"Huh? How did he got here so fast? I thought it would take him a little longer to recover from the impact."
-"This is my chance."


"Woohoo! This has become my favorite course!"
-"His car is fast. One of the lightest muscle cars I have seen."


-"But I can't give up any hope just yet!"
"Here comes the second one!"


-"It's amazing how he flies!"


"Your turn, boy! Can you break my landing length unofficial record? :lol:"
-"I have to plan how to land after this one."


-"I will upset the car's balance!!"
"Watch for the landing!"


-"Here it goes!"
"Huh? What will he try with those movements?"


"Beautiful!! Best drift I have ever seen!"
-"I never..."


-"...did this kind of slide before. Will I ever be able to do it again?"


-"No, I don't think so."
"Although it was very good, I see no point for you to drift. Initiating it may have been unintentional, but actually controlling it, that requires some skill from you."


"Leaving aside your amount of skill, I must say that you seem to have a great affinity with your car. If I recall, that car's production started last year. Lotus Elise 111R, if I recall correctly."
-"I've got to catch him fast."


-"This is a feeling I can't explain. I never drove like this before."


-"Yet it is like I'm used to drift 24/7."
"You are good indeed. But the Callaway is close, so I can't let myself lose concentration."


"But it seems I should for a moment! He is ready to do something!"
-"I got you!"


"He is too close!"
-"Move... Move..."


-"He is moving!"
"If I take the next corner from the inside... I will lose control."


"So, if I am guaranteed to lose control, so should he, right?"
-"I can pass him now. It's clear track."


-"And the Callaway is just there, too! Perfect timing!"
"He is going for the apex? I don't believe it."


"...But he is! He is crazy!"
-"Come on!!"


"Oh, damn! He IS crazy!"
-"Woohoo! 🤬!!!"
"What the 🤬 is THAT?!"


"He landed on his side! He will roll over!"
-"Do not fail me, please!"


"He regained control. Though the real question is 'did he ever lost it?'"
-"Phew... No more risky moves like this again!"



"I, I can't-"
-"Come on!"


"Oh, hell no!"
-"Take... this, 🤬"


"He has the priority!"
"You are not getting away with this!"
-"I'm almost done!"


-"Son of a 🤬!"
"I'm surrounded by imbeciles this day!"


"He made it!"
-"I can't do this everytime if they are closing me in."


-"It is vital that I keep this car in the best conditions possibles."
"Can you do something to pass me, brother?"


-"I know I have to win. I never desired to win so much as I do today."


-"So I really don't care about what happens to this car!"
"Where is he going? The wall?!"


-"I've got to win one way or another!"
"His brakes won't do the work so fast!"


"Can he do it?!"
-"Dammit! Brake!!"


"He's slowing down!"
"What is wrong with you, people?!"


"You are not going to pass here! No way I'm letting you do it!"




"...You come from Costa di Amalfi, don't you brother?"
-"This is it! I've got nothing to do but break my laps!"


"Yes, you are... I heard they breed some spectacular drivers there."
-"My only question now is: where's the TVR now?"


-"Exactly how far I am from him? Or her, could be a female. Though I doubt so."


-"I can't let those kind of things blur my vision now. I may be one lap behind, or 10 seconds behind."


-"One way or another, I'm behind, and all that matters is to catch up!"


"How stressed do you think Charlie is?"
"Much. Very much."


"Judging about his driving over the last three laps, you can easily say he has increased his rhythm."
"For good."


"Even if he increases his pace, though, he will need more than a simple pace increase to catch up."
"In a course like this, with this kind of corners, it is essential to maintain speed through them."


-"This feeling... Like I'm flying. I have sensed it before. When I first jumped onto the Elise."


-"...I never thought I would feel it again, in all honesty."


-"Of course, fastest I went for the first week was 50km/h. But at the time..."
"He can win. It may not seem possible, but if he gives just what it takes-"


-"...it seemed like I was going 170km/h. Terrifying."
"-he will win. Without a doubt."


"That sound does not come from my car. Did the Aston Martin managed to catch up with me?"


-"I'm almost sure 10 seconds ago I heard a rumbling sound. Was it the TVR?!"


-"It must have been! I'm getting closer! It's working!"


-"Increasing my pace worked out! Being in front of the pack worked out too!"


-"He is just ahead!!"




"That car right there is no Aston Martin."


-"With the two laps I have left, I'm sure to catch him!"


"How long as Charlie been racing?"
"For a while."
"More specific wouldn't hurt, you know?"


"The Lotus Elise he drives was bought with his own money, the 24th of July. The day of his birthday."
"Are you joking?!"
"What surprises you the most?"


"Well, where do I begin! The fact that his own money was used, or the fact that he is just so good of a driver with just 15 months of driving?!"
"I taught him personally. It's easy to drive when you have someone to tell you what and what not to do."


"Still! 15 months? I can't believe that."
"I told you. I taught him. There's nothing impossible to believe. Everyone can learn with a good teacher."
"You've got a point there. Personally..."


-"I've got to win. Eric and Conan look up to me. They want me to succeed."
"Personally, I know of a very good teacher."
"Really? Who is that?"
"Meh, you don't know him probably."


-"He is nowhere to be seen now, yet I can hear his engine going up the hill."
"I think I may have an idea. But that would be the pinacle of coincidences."
"Tell me what do you think the coincidence is, then."


"When I was young, and I'm talking about 1976, which would make me 19 by then, I was approached by a man."
"Keep going. I'm listening."


"Back then, I was friends with Charlie's father. His name was Benjamin, and at that time, he was 18."
"Go on."
"I met this man, Benjamin, on 1974, while we were in highschool. Anyways, I'm going out of course."


"The man I met was called Aaron."
"I see."
"Is that the man you were referring to as a good teacher?"
"No, but proceed. I'm interested to know what happened."


"This man shared the passion me and Benjamin had for cars. Muscle cars specially."
"Many people of your age and living in America shared it."
"Yes. But I bet no one would approach a pair of teenagers offering to teach them everything one could possible know about cars."


"Did he do that? Did he taught you everything he knew?"
"He did more than that. He taught us how to drive. That's where my story goes. Not only did we learned faster than anyone else in our time. We learned the meaning of the word perfection, and how something as seemingly insignificant like a lift of the pedal before a turn could mean one less second on the track."
"Sounds like a fantastic teacher."


"Of course he was. And for every good teacher, there has to be a good apprentice. And for every good apprentice, there has to be a bad one. I was the good one; Benjamin was the bad one."
"Many things happened later."


"Like what?"
"To be honest... I do not remember. I was hoping you could tell me. What I do remember, though, is travelling to Spain in 1980, after hearing from an old spanish friend, called Herbert, about his wife going to give birth to his third son, called Cole. Funny enough, we met with this boy Cole the 18th. Charlie raced against him, and won."
"Very interesting."


-"Things are easier than before, now that I think about it."
"I missed the birth of his previous son, Richard. He even told me his wife was pregnant! It happened the 14 of December of 1978. Only God knows where or what was I doing."
"But I was present for Cole's birth, therefore remeding the mistake I commited with Richard. That must be the reason why Richard was not so kind to me, even though he was just 2 the first time I saw him."


"I know of a person called Richard too."
"Really? Could it be the same?"
"Impossible. The one I know is 40 years old by now."
"Oh, I see."
"Does your story go on?"
"Of course! My stories are always long."


"Anyways, Cole was born the 11th of February, in 1981. His mother died five years later, on April. Herbert was devastated. I could not stand seeing him that way, so I said good-bye, and travelled to Switzerland. There I spent a good part of my life, living until 1989, learning a lot of rally techniques. You know there's a famous circuit surrounding the Swiss Alps there, right?"
"I have heard of it. Never been there, though."


"One of the last things I remember is being a successful rally driver. I was unbeatable there. I had won a lot of championiships by then..." (Stays in silence for a few seconds.)
"And after that? What happened?"
"I remember being in a hospital. My doctor at the hospital said that someone had come to visit me."
"That's nice. Who was it?" (Eric looks into the sea.)
"I don't know." (He looks at Conan again.) "Perhaps you could tell me?"

To be continued in Chapter 9 - Part 2...
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Volume 2
Chapter 9 - Part Two

October 29th, Saturday. 2005.


"I can't. I'm really sorry."
"...I thought so."
-"I know I'm getting closer to him by the second."


-"But if I can't see him, I get the goosebumps!"
"So, what happened after the hospital?"
"Does it really matter?"


"I want to know, at least."
"If it makes you happy, why not?"
-"At least I've got two laps left."


-"He won't go too far in two laps. I can see him."
"The doctor told me that this man didn't gave his identity to the hospital."


"Why wouldn't he?"
"I keep asking myself the same question every time I am lying in my bed, awake."
-"This car is amazing! I don't get tired from saying it!"


-"I've got to shorten the distance as much as I can, though. No time to waste in praise."
"Do you have trouble sleeping?"
"Every single day."


"I don't know. I used to sleep perfectly."
-"I miss my Elise... With all these Lotus banners around here, I can't help it."


"But after I woke up in the hospital, I am afraid that I could sleep forever if allowed to."
"While on the car, Chester told me you didn't like to be awoken. That you like to sleep."
-"The TVR is right ahead."


"I do like to sleep. I just don't like the fact I could die while doing so."
"That makes sense."
"I don't believe that sound!"


"Is that the BMW that started in last place?!"
"Back to the point, the doctor told me something else. That this man told him something about a man called Benjamin. That he was dead." (Conan looks down.)


"I'm... I'm sorry."
"It wasn't your fault that he died."
"I know, but I feel pity for you. When did he died, by the way?"
"January 2nd, 1991."
"...Wait, what?!"


"What's wrong?"
"When did you won your last race?!"
"In 1989, why?"
"Don't you see it?!"


"See what?"
"There's a huge gap between 1989 and 1991!"
"Yeah, that's where something happened to me. I just don't know what, I told you."
-"I see everything clearer now! He is right ahead of me!"


"How did he...?"
-"I'm going to win this race!"
"Look, here comes Charlie!"
"He is very close to the TVR! He still has a chance!"


"Final lap! Go, Charles!"



-"I can do this. I know I can."


"He is keeping up with me! His car is as fast as mine!"
-"There's no room for errors in this lap!"


-"It's an all or nothing, baby!"


-"I can see you..."


"He is fast, but with a car heavier than mine, he should be slower. I don't understand."


-"Charlie, just keep focused. The race is almost over!"


"Charlie can win."
"Charlie is going to win."
"Tell me the truth, Conan. Do you know who came visit me?"


-"This is the last time I see this corner."
"I told you already. I don't. I'm sorry, but I'm not lying to you."
"I see."


-"Dammit, Chester! You could at least pop out of the balcony and see how I'm doing!"
"He has a good cornering technique, I give him that."


"You overtook someone here, didn't you?"
-"I don't believe I can pull off a pass here. He seems to be very smart."


-"I need to think of something else, quick!"


-"Not here, either!"
"What's the matter? Did you ran out of tricks?"


-"The tunnel. Here's my chance to think of something and relax."
"I bet you don't know what to do..."


"I have to watch out, though. I don't want to lose this race because of a bad thought out plan."
-"If I could find a way... just to make him move out of my way..."


-"...then maybe I could win."


-"But he seems ready for every move I can think of."


-"It's impossible to do it. I would have to crash one way or another."


-"I have to think of something! Why can't I do it?!"


"The BMW is driving at a very irregular pace. He seems unsure about what to do. Poor guy."
-"Where does the TVR open up? Where?!"


-"There has to be a place. How would I have been able to catch with him if he wasn't slower in a corner? Or two?"


-"He seems to drive slower through this section."


-"Definitely! He is slower here! I know what I have to do!"
"The BMW is straighting up."


-"...I'll do it!!"
"Going for the inside, likely. Won't do much good to your car, though!"








-"That was the easy part!"


"God dammit!" (Holds the wheel firmly with his hands)


-"Come on, accelerate!" (Floors the gas pedal)


"I can't hold it for much longer!"


(Everyone on the stands rise to see the struggle.)


"Yeah, man, that's what I'm talking about!"


"That's a good driver right there."
-"I needed this win so much!"


"I can't believe he did it! He was amazing!"
"Yep! I knew he would be able to do it."


"Still... there's something that worries me."
"Huh? What's that?"


"Where are the guys? The ones supposed to bring the Elise back?"


-"See ya, man!"
"Oh, that? Once we are in the hotel, I will tell you."

4 hours later, at the hotel.

(The room is a very luxury one. Candles are all over the place, and through a door, Chester can be seen lying on a bed, with a cold handkerchief on his forehead. He is sleeping.)

"Okay, Conan. You told me before you were going to tell us where are those boys."
-"Yeah, I thought the Elise would be here by the time we got here."
"Actually, something happened on the way while we were getting to Monaco."
"An accident?"
-"Crap! Is my car okay? I mean, are they okay?"
"Don't worry, there was no accident."
"Then why are they not here?"

13 hours before...

(Conan and Chester are inside Eric's Mercedes. Conan is driving, and Chester is lying on the back passenger's seats. He holds his forehead.)

"Something wrong, Chester?"
"My head... is killing me. I don't feel good."
"Don't worry. We are almost there."
"Arrrghh! I can't stand the pain!"
"Try to sleep! You will feel better once you wake up."
"It's killing me! My head is killing me..."
"Listen, relax. We have four hours of travel left. Once we get there, we will look for an hotel to stay in, and you will be able to recover for as long as you need to."
"Dammit! Arrgh!" (Chester covers his eyes with his hands.)
"Listen, would you like me to stop? I will tell Eric to drive the car."
"No... Stay, please."
"Alright. Trust me, everything's going to be okay."
"Talk to me, please."
"Talk to me... My father used to talk to me when I was ill."
"I don't... I don't know what could I tell you to feel better."
"Don't you have a son? Arrrg! 🤬!!"
"I will stop. You will feel better with Eric."
"Don't do it!"
"Tell me, please."
"I don't. I don't have a son. Never wanted to have one, actually."
"Why... not?"
"Because... I don't know, I'm not father material."
"Everyone needs... a chance."
"Not me. We need a hospital, quick. You don't look well."
"Keep... your eyes... on the road."
"Yes." (Some minutes pass. No one says a word.)
"You are still awake?"
"Yes... talk to me."
"What do you want me to talk about?"
"I don't know... Don't you have any stories?"
"How about you?"
"Before we came to Europe..."
"We went to Eric's house, in Manhattan.
"What happened there?"
"Eric has a terrible time... when trying to sleep."
"Why's that?"
"I don't know... You should ask him sometime."
"I probably will."
"Tell me a story of yours now..."
"Alright. Once, there was this guy that--" (A cellphone starts ringing. Conan answers.)
# "Hello, Conan?"
"Yes, this is him. Hold on a sec." (Conan turns off the speaker option.)
"Yes, hello?"
# "Conan, it's Matthew."
"Matthew, how are you doing?"
# "Great, listen. We had some troubles with the Elise."
"I don't understand, is it okay?"
# "Yeah, perfect! But something happened. The trailer we had for the Elise broke down, and we are just below Germany."
"I see."
# "And, well, you know. We won't get there as fast as we thought."
"Listen..." (Conan takes a look at Chester. He is fast asleep.) "Can you do me a favor?"
# "Sure."
"A big, big favor."
# "I don't like the sound of it. Tell me what you want."
"There's a man living in Costa di Amalfi. Ever heard of the place?"
# "Yes! We actually tuned a car for one of the persons living there a few days ago."
"Hey, may I ask you a question?"
# "Sure, what is it?"
"Was that man named Ethan?"
# "...How did you know?"
"I thought so. Listen, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to deliver the Elise to Costa di Amalfi. A man called Aaron Sheperd will be waiting at the docks. I will tell him personally to go and wait for the car there. Understood?"
# "Sure."
"Thank you very much."
# "Hold on a sec, though. How will Charlie get the car if... the car is in Amalfi?"
"This trip is about to take an unexpected 180º turn."
# "I like that kind of surprises. Well, see you later, Conan!"
"Thanks, bye-bye." (Conan puts the phone in his pocket.) "So, Ethan got one of his cars tuned, huh? I thought he did all the tuning himself. But meh. Are you awake, Chester?" (Chester doesn't answer.) "I'm glad you are finally resting. Before getting here, you told me you had a job. Your vacations end in two days. But what I'm planning will endure more than two days. I'm sorry you will not see your brother in a while."

13 hours later...

"Don't worry, there was no accident."
"Then why are they not here?"
"I asked Matthew to take the car to an island."
"And island?"
"Yes. A very special one. Some of my friends live there."
"Why did you do that for? Don't you know? This vacations won't last forever! Chester has a job to do. In fact, we should be taking our plane tomorrow."
"Well, you will take it."
-"And what about my car?"
"Good news are, you will see it again."
"And the bad news?"
"There's a catch, though. Bad news are... you won't put a foot on american soil in a while."
"As I said. You will see your car again. It's waiting in an island called Costa di Amalfi. My home is there."
"But, what do you mean that Charlie won't put a foot on american soil in a while?"
"You know, Eric. When I first saw Charlie driving in Seattle, I knew he was special. Not because he can drive, but because he has a passion towards it. Anyone with two hands and two legs can do it. But listen to this: what if I told you that your life, Chester's life, and Charlie's life specially, will significantly change in the next two years?"
"I would tell you to stay away from my boys. We are not going anywhere."
"You are not. Charlie is the one who is."
-"Are you crazy?"
"As I said, Charlie. It's a long way out of Europe, kid."

August 21th, Sunday. 2005-----------------------------------------------------------------------------


"The sun of Seattle is stronger today than ever. It had never been so hot like today."
"Everyone is behind us now... We are the stars today. Too bad I can't drive at my best... I would easily wipe out everyone."
-"I will lose some ground now... But in the chicane, I am sure to shorten the distance."


"I am like the rest... I can't pass him in the straights, it just seems unfair. But on the other side..."
-"You won't pass! Look for another route!"


"Bloody boy just won't let me pass!"
-"There's my chance! He seems to be understeering!"
"Uh, oh..."


"Hell I'm not going to lose against an Elise!"
-"This race is mine!"


"He will squeeze Charlie against the wall!"
"No way he can be such a son of a 🤬!"
-"What is he doing??"


"Damn! He got away..."
-"Take that, sucker!"


"That's my boy right there! Come on, everybody! Let me hear some screams!"
"Eric, you embarass me..."


"Eric, stop already!"
"Alright, alright! But he was mangnificent this time! Of course, he is not as good as I am."
"What makes you say so?"
-"I won... I won already, there's no need for more strategies. I can't believe I did it."


"There are many drivers better than Charlie. You probably don't realize, but right now, everyone Charlie has drove against were just beginners."
"You just feel envy."
"Think about it."


"If everyone was almost as good as Charlie, they should have been able to beat him. Their cars were way better than the Elise. That's the main proof that they are all beginners, and Charlie is just below average."


"One of these days, I will race against Charlie just to show you how fast he is not."
-"I need to throw up..."

To be continued...
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:big applause: Very good, sir. I really enjoy reading your story.. Every time more and more.. 👍 I like the déjà vu's and the B&W shots.. Makes the whole thing more interesting.. :)

Some mistakes:

I heard they breed some espectacular drivers there -> spectacular

I'm almost sure 10 seconds ago I herd a rumbling sound. Was it the TVR?! -> heard (reminds me of that pizza thing :lol:)

They want me to succed -> succeed
Nice new chapter, I had been away from this for a while so I had some catching up on the story to do, but this one's been the best yet!
Nice new chapter, I had been away from this for a while so I had some catching up on the story to do, but this one's been the best yet!

Hopefully your opinion about this one being the best will change in the next one. I wanted to make chapter 10 since a long, long time ago, and I finally did it in two days! :D You can see how excited I am, right? I will probably post it today, or tomorrow. You guys can tell me when :)
Volume 2
Chapter 10 - L'Isola

December 25th, 2007.

My name is Charles Williams. I'm 21 years old, and I'm currently living in Capri. I haven't seen my brother Chester in two years, and I'm already starting to miss him. When I first got here, I didn't know what to think. I was in shock when I heard that I would spent two years of my life in here. I thought I was being played a bad joke. I soon found out that it was not a joke. That I would learn to drive once again, and for good. My father was Benjamin Williams, one of the kindest persons I have ever heard of. I have learn more about him in the past two years than in 19 years of living in America. I'm glad I came to Europe. It is my second home now, and I have grown to love it more than I love America for that matter. But I will stop right here, for I don't plan to keep you sleeping for long. Next in my story, is the 2-year period I spent living here, in Capri...

Two years ago... November 1st, 2005.

After my race in Monaco, Conan told us that I was not going to put a foot on american soil for a while. I first thought of it as a joke, but after seeing Eric arguing with Conan as I have never seen him before, the 31th of October Chester took the first flight to America, with Eric staying with me in Europe. Conan told him that he would reveal the identity of a man called Ethan Norton to him, something that Eric thought he would know if I had just lost the race back there in Monaco, Eric said. Conan then leaded, me and Eric followed him. He told Eric that I wouldn't return to America for a couple of years if he wanted to meet Ethan. I'm not sure what did he meant, but before I boarded the ship to Capri, he told me that as soon as we picked up the Elise, we will set sail off to Italy, and take the first flight to America, just as Chester did before us. He then started to talk to me about this Ethan, and how this man is a key person to his relation with Conan. I don't understand a word he said, but I guess we will find out once we both are there. That reminds me to tell you that I'm am in a different ship than Conan and Eric, which are both going together. Conan told me to wait for them there, and that as soon as they both arrived in the island, we would go get the Elise.
As far as the BMW M3 CSL and the Mercedes Benz goes, the M3 has been returned to Winston Wolf, the 31th of October, after we announced him that we were leaving Europe in one day. After all, that was the deal: we were supposed to give it back just before we left Europe.




-"Woooow!! Is that the place?"
"It's beautiful, huh? I have come here many times, and I am always surprised by it!"
-"Do you live there?"
"No, I'm actually going to visit my grandson. He went to live there when he was 26. He is 34 right now."
-"I see... It's beautiful."






"I guess that must be the boat, alright. He told me he was arriving alone. Guess I will have to give him the best impression I can."

As soon as I arrived, I started walking through the port. At the entrance, I found a car there. I never thought I would see one of those ever, but it was a Ford Mustang SVT Cobra right there in front of me.


Suddenly, the driver inside the vehicle stepped out.

"Hey, kid."
"Is your name Charles Williams?"
-"Yes. Why?"
"Ehem... Do you know who I am, Charles?"
-"I think I may have a slight idea, but no."
"I am a friend of Conan, if that helps you."
-"Still no. I've got no idea who you are."
"Don't worry, just get in the car."
-"I'm sorry, but I'm not 7 anymore."
"Come on, don't be shy! I won't hurt you, I promise."
-"And I'm not 12 anymore..."
"Alright, listen. If I was a criminal, how could I know your name? And that you know Conan?"
-"...You could have just asked someone."
"You are wrong there. Nobody knows your name here. Well, only me, and someone else."
"See? Why don't you get inside the car, and find out for yourself?"
-"I'm sorry, but I have to wait for someone here."
"I know who. Conan, and your friend Eric, right?"
-"...How did you know him?! Who are you?! Tell me! I swear to God that I will call for help if you don't tell me!"
"I would like to see you trying. Everyone in this island is a friend of mine. Who do you think they will listen to?"
"You, the newcomer? Or me, who have lived more than the last 20 years of his life here?"
"Come on, Conan knows about this."
-"Prove it. I dare you to."
"Prove that there's a God. I hate when people who believe in God ask me to prove things."
"Alright, if you want it. Conan told me about your friend's Eric plan to escape as soon as he gathers with Ethan Norton. He told me that he saw you two talking about him. Here's a cellphone." (The man takes a phone out of his jacket.) "Conan's number is on it. Call him if you still don't believe me."
-"Give it to me." (The man hands the phone to Charlie. Charlie begans searching for the number, and dials it.)
-"It's ringing."
# "Hello?"
-"Conan? Conan, is it you?"
# "Yes, who is this? Ethan? Your voice sounds different, Ethan!"
-"Ethan, what the...?"
# "Wait. Charlie?!"
-"Conan, what's this all about?"
# "Listen to me, Charlie! Do whatever Ethan says! You are in good hands with him! /"
-"Conan, wait! Conan!" (Looks at Ethan.) -"He hunged up."
"Do you believe me now?"
-"I do, but what will Eric say?"
"Eric plans to leave as soon as he meets with me. What he doesn't know is that there's someone else waiting for him here. Eric doesn't know this yet, but it is someone who Eric needs to talk to desperately for a long time."
-"Who would be that?"
"His name is Aaron."
-"Who is he?"
"Eric will tell you once he arrives at his house. Conan will take him to see him. But I want you to see him first. Let us make haste, we don't have time to lose, boy."
-"Alright... But do me a favor. Don't call me boy. My name is Charlie."
"Nice to meet you, Charlie. My name is Ethan Norton." (Charlie follows Ethan into his car, which Ethan starts right away.)



-"Nice car, by the way."
"Thank you. I got it some years back."


-"Is it fast?"
"Mustang fast. You can't appreciate it here, though, as I'm driving only at 50km/h."
-"Yeah, that's the first thing that came to my mind."


-"By the way, you seem to know Eric, right?"
"Yes, I do know him."
-"From where?"
"From nowhere. I just know about him."


-"Who told you about him?"
"Guess who. It shouldn't be that hard."


-"Who's this Aaron?"
"Aaron is a great person. He is old, too. 67 years and counting!"
-"He is not old, he's a grandfather!"
"He knows that, but his driving excels in every possible way."


"That's my house right there."
-"It's gorgeous!"
"Glad that you liked it."
-"Who are the three guys on the balcony, though?"


"Those three? Just a couple of guys from the island. They are welcomed inside it everytime they want to."
-"Don't they steal your stuff?"
-"Yeah, like, I don't know, money?"
"Oh, no, no, no, no! Nobody steals here in Capri."


-"Beautiful island, I've got to say."
"Isn't it? That was one of my main reasons to come and live here. No other place in the world is as beautiful as this one."
-"The street, though, makes me wonder. Don't you have problems with street racing?"
"Street racing? There's nothing of that here. Not that I have heard of, at least. Every race here is legal and sanctioned."
"Nobody races unless Aaron says so."


"If we had street racing, then every idiot driving an Integra, a Skyline or one of those crappy imports, would get killed at each corner."
-"Aren't you underestimating imports?"
"Ha! The only real imports are European imports. Japan has nothing against America."


"Every japanese car that has set foot here as lost against Aaron. Nobody can beat him. He is undefeatable by any means."
-"What does he drive?"
"It's a little secret."


"Hell no! What kind of idiot keeps a car in secret? It's a Plymouth Superbird. Ever heard of one of those? I'm sure you must have, if you are american."
-"Uh... sure. It's that car... long... with the... you know, THAT!"

Honestly, I have never heard of a car called Superbird. I have heard lots of things, though. Mitsubishi Pajero, Mazda Moco, Mazda Laputa, and things like that. But Superbird? It's not in my book at least. After that, though, we came around a bunch of people on one side.


As soon as we were there, everyone started chanting something, but I didn't understand a word about what they were saying. Then, I asked something that was pretty obvious.

-"Who are those people?"
-"Of what?"
"There will be a race in one hour. The island is always ready for races. But when there is one, we make sure everyone knows."
-"I see..."


-"What's that road there?"
"It's under construction. It leads to nowhere, actually."


-"We are surrounded by islands, it seems. I saw them while on the way here."
"Many photographers come and live here. Many pictures taken here are actually worth a few bucks. Even if they suck."



Then, Ethan started braking and I could not believe what was lying in front of me. Something that I hadn't seen in ten days or so, but I had been missing like if those days were years...

-"Hey, can you pull over there?"
"Here we are, actually. This is Aaron's house."


After the car stopped, I got out of it, and took a good look at it... My beloved Elise.



-"Why did they change the wheels? I don't understand... They looked good on it."
"There's a letter inside the car. These are your keys, take them." (Ethan gives Charlie the keys of the car, and Charlie opens the door. He takes out a letter from it. The letter reads "Charlie".)

-"Dear Charlie. We tuned the Elise as we promised. The brakes were replaced with newer ones; the suspension replaced too and tuned, the downforce adjusted, and the transmission was tuned for closer gears. We did some minor drivetrain upgrades to it too. I hope you enjoy driving it, as much as we enjoyed tuning it. By the way, you may have noticed or not that your wheels changed. This was because of two very simple reasons: a) They sucked. Seriously, they looked ridiculous on the car. I can't let one of my tunes wander around with wheels like those! And b) These wheels are lighter, so the car performance will be improved. Not so much, but something is something."

Matthew & Steve​
"That's why, huh?"
-"Now that I think about it, they indeed looked ridiculous for a car its size."
"Alright. Now that you have seen it, let's leave the car alone for the moment, and get inside the house. Aaron is inside."
-"Alright, let's go." (Ethan opens the door, and Charlie is the first one to enter.)

(Inside, both walk through a gallery, leading to a door, which Ethan opens. The living room is inside, and both of them enter the room next to it, full of books, and an old man is sitting in a chair, reading a book.)

"We are back, Aaron."
"Alright. I'll be with you in a few minutes." (Aaron stands up, and leaves his book in a table.)
-"My name is Charlie."
"Don't say a word." (Aaron gets close to Charlie, and whispers to his ear.) "Tell me, Charlie. If that's your real name, that is. Are you in league with the Viet Cong?
"Come on..."
"Don't act like if you didn't know!"
"Aaron, come on! We don't have much time before they arrive."
"Alright, alright. Enough with the jokes. We meet again, Charles."
-"I'm sorry, do I know you?"
"Did you forget about me already?"
-"It's just that I don't remember."
"Alright. Let's put it this way. 'Hey, kid! You need more than 190hp for the 1/4 mile!'"
"Moses? What have you been smoking kid?"
"He is right, Ethan."
"Huh? What are you guys talking about?"
-"You are Moses! Why is everyone calling you Aaron?"
"No, kid. Moses Mendelssohn was a German Jewish philosopher. I'm just an old man, named Aaron Sheperd by a pair of Jewish inmigrants."
"Wait, even I am confused right now. What's this about Moses Mendelssohn?"
"Remember that trip I made to Arizona? In June of this year?"
"Well, I met this boy there."
"Aye. And I can tell this little fellow seems more surprised than you do right now."
-"But why did you lied to me...?"
"I leave him to your care, Aaron. I've got some bread to buy. See you later. Remember, they will be here in a matter of hours."
"See you later. Listen, Charles--"
-"Charlie. Call me Charlie. What was that about the Viet Cong?"
"I was just teasing you. I will tell you the truth about my identity."
-"Just like that?"
"Yes. Just like that. I once thought that, the longer the truth remained hidden, the faster the lie would take its place. And that made me lost something very important to me... but not anymore. I once fought in the Vietnam War. I was a common soldier, fighting for America. That was the top of my youth, at only 31 years old. As you can see, I'm getting old by the minute. I'm 67, to be honest. But I do look younger. Women around the are reckon that I look a lot like a 55 year old man. I don't listen to them, though. Anyways, I went to Vietnam in 1968. At the very first moment I set a foot in asian soil, I knew I was not home anymore. No... it was a lot different. The feeling that with every step you gave, with every breath you take, and anytime you blinked, you could get shot... was enough to scare the living 🤬 out of you. I could imagine my partners set off a ground trap at any time: while in raids, while resting, while eating lunch, while getting shot by one of Charlie's loyal servants... Never happened to me, luckily. I did get my own war wounds, as you can see here (opens his shirt, showing a gunshot wound near his right nipple). One of those slopes made me that one. I killed him with his own gun, two days after, while he was prisoner in our camp."
-"Too much information to me in so little time!"
"I'm sorry, but I think it's better than you know as much about me as possible. As I was saying, we had to watch out for ourselves every second of the day. Or at least until the war was over. I told you I went to Vietnam in 1968. The war ended in 1975. I spent seven years of my life in yellow ground. I spent them alone, with my thoughts. When the war ended, I came back to America. The first weeks, my family wouldn't stop asking what kept me alive. I told them the same story I just told you, leaving the bloody bits apart. In 1976, I met whose would become the some of the first real friends I would ever have. One was american, the other one spanish. The spanish guy was called Eric. You know him, no doubt about it."
-"Yes, I do."
"Good. At least you know something about your roots. The other man, the american one, was called Benjamin."
"That's right. Benjamin Williams, your father. Both of them would become great friends of mine over time. Eric was 19 by the time I met him. Your father was just 18. I taught them everything they could know about cars at the moment. It was in 1977 when they learned how to drive. I taught them. Eric was a fine student, catching things quickly, while your father left a lot to be desired... Speeding things up a bit, there was a time when I needed a different name because of two reasons: one, I was not welcomed where I was heading--"
-"You could have just called the police."
"Which brings us to reason two: I couldn't."
-"Why not? There were no telephones where you were heading?"
"There were, but police wouldn't come. Or they were coming, but not exactly to help me."
-"Why not?"
"Which brings us to reason one: because I wasn't welcomed there."
-"I'm confused..."
"I took part in an incident there."
-"What happened? What did you do?"
"There was a murder. Me? I did nothing. I just happened to be urinating on the back of the house in which the crime was commited at the moment police arrived."
-"Talk about bad luck..."
"You haven't heard the worst part, yet. Seems like my luck sucked so bad, that the officers who arrested me claimed to have found the criminal responsible of 8 assassinations, which they were looking for at the time. And do you know what does that mean in the state of Arizona?"
"It means you are as good as Mr. Slope: dead. By lethal gas."
-"Holy, 🤬! How did you get away from it, then?!"
"Some friends of mine helped me escape."
-"What friends?"
"You ask a lot of questions, did you knew that? Namely, Brendan Jenkins, Jack Bennett, Conan Adams, and Ethan."
-"Conan helped you avoid the sentence?"
"Yes, he did. And I'm in debt with him for the rest of my life. He lives here, in Capri, because I personally asked him to do so. He was my savior, along with Ethan, Jack and Brendan."
-"Where do you know him from?"
"We are old friends. I met him before than your father and Eric. I met Ethan a couple of years before I departed to Vietnam, and Jack is simply an old friend of Ethan. Jack helped me because Ethan asked him to do so. So, as you can see, I owe Ethan twice than Conan."
-"I understand now..."
"But I haven't answered your question quite yet. The reason I use another name is to hide my identity. And in case you are wondering why would I enter Arizona, just recall what I told you back then: because there's no other place like Arizona's Grand Canyon. Not even this island."
-"So, your name is Aaron?"
"Yes. You can call me Aaron, or Moses. Just don't call me Jesus, okay?" (He laughs.)
"Now that we are done with that, ask me whatever you want to."
-"...What am I doing here?"
"Good first question. You are a smart boy. Conan gave me a call the 29th, while on his way to Monaco. He told me that you were going to compete in a race there, and that he wanted me to see how good you were."
"Because he thinks you have a big potential for racing. My question is: do you think you are good?"
"Are you sure?"
"Are you sure?!"
"Then you are not."
"Actually, that's where people fail most of the time. They think they are excellent drivers, when they are just below the average, like in your case. You are no better than most of the drivers in this island. I personally breed some of the fastest drivers that come out of Europe in here."
-"Are you saying that I'm slow?"
"I'm just saying that you are not as good as you think you are. But to be honest, yes. You must be slow to come here."
-"Want to see how slow I am?"
"If that means a race, I will have to pass."
-"You scared?"
"Three reasons. One, I would win. Second, a race will start in less than an hour. And third, well... I would prove that you are slow, putting you to shame in front of the entire Capri population."
-"You have the power to allow races in this island, according to Ethan. Sure you must be able to cancel them."
"A race is a race. I can't cancel it once I have approved it. Those are the rules. Where would all of my authority go if I approve and cancel races continuously? It has never been done before, and I won't start right now just because you are provoking me."
-"You are just giving bad excuses just not to race against me! You are the one who is slow!"
"...I don't care to be called a bad driver. I don't care to be called a liar. I don't care to be called a ricer by ricers who think the wing of my Superbird does nothing but look ridiculous. But to be called slow by someone who is not even 20 years old, is something I won't stand. You want a race, kid? I will give you a race. I will give you the worst beatdown you have ever experienced in your entire life. You are going down, boy, or I will make sure to bring you down. I will bring you down to my knees." (A door slam is heard.)
"Mother 🤬! That son of a 🤬 of Matías increased the bread's price! He should go back to his 🤬 Mexico one of these days!" (Ethan looks at Charlie and Aaron's
angry faces.) "Wow, folks! What's with the angry faces, what did I missed?"

Twenty minutes later...

(The streets are cleared of all cars, and people gather around the road, even more than before. Silence is the only thing that can be heard, and from nowhere, the Elise 111R of Charlie appears, shining from clean.)


-"There's more on this course than meets the eye, it seems."


-"I can say so because of those two tight hairpins."


-"Doesn't matter, I will clear them with the handbrake."


-"That should do the work."


-"He is not here yet. I knew he would avoid the race."


(A rumbling sound can be heard, and from the south east side of the track, the mighty Plymouth Superbird appears.)

-"...That's not my car's engine."


-"What... the hell is that?"
"I will kick his little 🤬."


-"Seriously? That thing?"


"Look all that you made me do! This race is better worth the trouble!"
-"I'm going to beat you, old man. Did you bring your medicine with you?"
"You will regret this so much. If you are as fast as you claim to be, I doubt you will have any trouble racing against me."
-"Are you sure you can make that thing steer?"
"Believe me, boy. With 640HP under the hood, steering ability of my car is the last thing you should worry about."


(The Superbird's engine growls. Ethan comes from the audience and stands besides the Elise.)

"Alright, people! This will be an old-school street racing start. Take in mind that only the beginning will be like this. It's a one lap race, therefore, I recommend you two to put all of your effort into it. Of course, Aaron, you don't need me to remind you of that. Alright, are you guys ready?"
"If he is ready..."
-"I'm ready."
"Great! Here we go!"



(The Elise's engine roars.)


"Get set!"

(The Superbird's hood is shaking, and Aaron with his hands firmly on the wheel.)



(The Superbird takes the lead quickly from the start.)


(The Elise follows. The first of Charlie's races at Capri has begun...)​

To be continued...
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A very nice chapter Lucas, well done. 👍
The pictures are spectacular, capturing a good essence of the location in which to develop the story.

I found this part a lot easier to read than some of the others, the conversation seemed to flow naturally, whereas I find it's very difficult to follow a race from a "conversational" standpoint where the driver's thoughts are the only description of the action, have tended to be a bit similar throughout the races, and somewhat trickier to follow because of the colour shifts depending on which vehicle Charlie is driving.
Needless to say, I can't stress this enough, but I am filled with happiness every time you comment in my story, Smallhorses, since I know you are one of the few readers that leave constructive criticism. I agree, I found this chapter much better than the rest of them.

the conversation seemed to flow naturally

I knew someone had to notice that! Yes, I thought it was time to take a break from over-thought conversations, and just go with the basics. How would you act if you met a person you don't know anything about? How would you formule your questions? How would the person answer them? The conversation you see here in this chapter is actually, in my opinion, the best conversation I have ever wrote, and I'm glad you noticed that it flows naturally.

whereas I find it's very difficult to follow a race from a "conversational" standpoint where the driver's thoughts are the only description of the action

Comparing my story to yours, I find a lot easier to read yours than mine, the race is more of the subject in your story, very well detailed and written. It's not either too long or too short, it is what it is, with the race as the protagonist of it.

have tended to be a bit similar throughout the races

Right there on the spot. Seems like your writing style on the forum is the only original, since you take more of a... civilized writing style, rather than the popular anime-style writing, which I'm already starting to despise, not noticing that I'm too a popular user of it.

and somewhat trickier to follow because of the colour shifts depending on which vehicle Charlie is driving.

By colours shifts I suppose you mean the dialog. It represents who is speaking, and I agree, it's hard to follow. It would be made a lot easier if it was something like a movie, and definitely, this kind of writing we are using on the forum is not the best type of writing we should use. It is easy for us to understand it, because we drove those races. But for people who didn't saw them, it's not so easy to understand.

Anyways, I will change my writing style next time, hope to make it easier for you readers to *read* :lol:! Perhaps you could give me some tips to write, Smallhorses, through PMs? :)
Nice new chapter, Lucas.. I really have to admire your work.. Damn, I can't even imagine how long it takes to write so much text and taking the perfect photos for the chapter.. Just wow :drool: 👍
I will upload the images for Chapter 11 right now... I'm in a good mood lately, so this will be a good way to advance in the story, something that I haven't been able to do due to so many short chapters. Hopefully, that is going to change from now on 👍
I will follow your advice, Smallhorses, and so in the next chapter, the way the races are narrated will change.
Volume 2
Chapter 11 - The Battle



As soon as the race started, I floored the pedal, knowing that Elise doesn't suffer from wheelspin, unlike the heavier and much more powerful Superbird.


The Superbird was already gaining lead, even though the straight was short, it was enough for it to take distance from me.

-"Okay, I knew this had to happen. It's an american car, so I guess it's ok."
"Bye-bye, son!"


Struggling to keep up with the Superbird on the straights, I knew I would easily catch up with him on the hairpins!

-"Once we get there, you are done, oldman!"
"What's the problem, son? Are you in a hurry?"


With the Superbird heading already to the braking zone of the first corner, and I still with the foot heavy on the throttle, it seemed like the straight was infinite.


-"He is too fast... I have to gain most of the time on the hairpins for sure."


But to my surprise, the Superbird was not suffering a bit of understeer at all! :eek: It seemed like it was tuned specially for Capri's winding roads.

"You must be surprised, don't you boy?"
-"I can't... I can't believe it."



-"...He was actually cornering?"
"The race is over. I doubt you will see my tail for much longer."

Indeed, I couldn't believe it. From what I could imagine, that car should weight like 1800kg or so, but the way it took that hairpin was more like if it weighted 1250kg!



Driving uphill, I caught air during a jump which I previously hadn't noticed due to Ethan's slow pace driving in his Mustang. The Superbird, however, was already braking for the second hairpin.

"Having fun, kid? Jumping doesn't help you much in this track."



Full speed on the uphill, after landing on my tires, I could not see the Superbird, but its roaring was felt from the distance. He was clearly going out from the second corner.

-"Another one, too?! What the hell is that car??"
"I knew you were not worth the race. I'll just relax from now on..."



Aaron surely knows how to drive his car, more than anyone else I have ever seen. Now I'm beginning to wonder something: Am I too slow or is he too fast??

-"It's impossible to beat him like this...!"
"A long, long, time ago... I can still remember-"



Coming out from the second hairpin, I drove through some fans looking towards the third hairpin, where Aaron was already on.

-"How much power does that thing have? 500HP? 600HP? 700HP?"
"-how the music used to make me smile..."



As I was driving my way to the fourth straight of the course, an amateur photographer missed his chance for an award winning shot of my Elise, which indeed was worth the shot.

-"Hi there..."
"...And I knew that if I had my chance... I could make those people dance..."



The Superbird was, indeed, nowhere to be seen by now. I really didn't cared whether I would be able to win this or not, because the way things were looking, it was an obvious result.

-"I'm losing... Against a muscle car, I don't believe it..."
"...and maybe they'd be happy for a while..."



My father was a big fan of Ferrari and Lotus, so much that he died while driving his F40, but always told me that a light car is better than a powerful one. If I lose, then it is sure that I will have dissapointed him. I'm not going to let that happen. Coming out of the last real hairpin of the first section of the course, I slammed the gas pedal, and I noticed something that had changed since the very beginning I drove the car in stock form.

-"It's not the same Elise it used to be... It seems more... powerful. The suspension is better too, and the brakes stronger."
"Did you write the Book of Love and do you have faith in God above? If the Bible tells you so..."


Photographers were already becaming a nuisance, and I couldn't stand seeing them take pictures of the Elise!

-"Alright, stop, dammit! I understand you have never seen one before, but come on!"


"...Now do you believe in Rock N' Roll, can music save your mortal soul and... can you teach me how to dance real slow...?"



The Superbird is hell fast for its size, and for being a muscle car, I must say. But it is the least of my concerns right now.

-"Now I wonder... If he has a car so fast, he knows the course, and he surely knows his car better than mine, then maybe I'm not a bad driver. Perhaps he has more experience, that's it."
"...Well I know that you're in love with him, 'cause I saw you dancin' in the gym! You both kicked off your shoes... Man, I dig those rhythm 'n' blues!"



At one second, the Superbird could be heard. At the following second, it couldn't. The mountain walls wouldn't allow it to. I could imagine it to be braking for the left-hander sweeper, though I expected it to be far away from me by now.

-"I thought that a lighter car was faster than a heavy one on corners, but I was wrong?"
"I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck, with a pink carnation and a pickup truck, but I knew I was out of luck, the day the music died..."



Whether he was closer or farther than my standard, we only had half of the course left for racing. I dived into the apex of the left handed second sweeper, but all I could see was a big island in front of me.

-"I wonder... is someone else on that island driving like I am right now?"
"...I started singin'! "Bye-bye Miss American Pie", drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry. Them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye, and singin "this'll be the day that I die. "This'll be the day that I die.""



My mind was wandering so much that I thought I could take a glance at Ethan's house on the other side of the mountain... The only way this race could have been worse would have been if we were racing on the streets. At least, the view was beautiful in here.

-"Eric and Conan are still waiting, I guess. Had Eric been here, he would have gave me an advice on how to win."
"...I guess it's not the same singing with a V8 in front of you than in the shower."



Braking downhill, the car felt very, very stable, not wanting to drift or anything like that, like in previous ocassions, namely, the race at Seattle, where I drifted uphill :sly: Still, the race was definitely lost already, and all I wanted to know, was how far of the Superbird I would reach the finish line.

-"There's no point to catch him now, I have to reach the finish line as soon as possible, at least to keep my honor!"
"I have to think how will I train this kid."



There was still small dip on the road, which I assumed was the same kind of jump in the beginning of the track. Therefore, I deduced that the track could be ran both directions, but I didn't knew which were the conditions required to race it backwards. Perhaps, I was already racing backwards.

"He better learn the rules of the island soon.



Anyhow, there were only three corners on the track left, and I could hear the Superbird heading my way, Aaron smiling inside, likely.

-"I can hear him. He is just ahead, but how come I hear him heading my way?"
"Or else, I will make quick work of him. My time is not to be wasted."



Stupidity, that's how. I forgot that the last three corners formed a snake-like path, and Aaron was exiting the last corner, heading to take the victory, as I was just heading for the second-to-last hairpin, taking a glance of him in the process.



As I was making my move in the second hairpin, I could hear the crowd chanting Aaron's name, or something like that. I think I managed to hear "Superbird! Superbird!" or so. Anyways, the reason was obvious: he had won the race, cleanly, and as he promised he would.

"Alright, now I'm done. Better head back home."
-"Damn... This will be bad."



Finally, one of those annoying photographers took the winning shot (or should I say losing shot?) of my Elise heading to the finish line, with no trace of Aaron's Superbird visible, and Ethan was no longer there either. Perhaps Ethan jumped on Aaron's Superbird, though I doubt it. I was left with the option to cross the line and accept victory like a man, or not to do it, and be called a child by Capri's population. One way or another, I would have to apologize to Aaron, so I decided to cross the line, and headed towards Aaron's house...

Aaron's house...

(Charlie opens the door with a key Aaron had previously gave him, and walks through the gallery, entering the living room, and then, the library. Aaron is sitting there, with his glasses on, reading.)

-"Okay, what was all that about?"
"That you are a bad driver, that's all." (Aaron continues reading.)
-"I bet you would lose too against someone who has raced in the course as much as you have."
"Really?" (Aaron puts down his book. He stares directly at Charlie.) "You were the one who told me I was slow. I have proved myself correct: you are the one who is slow. Don't give me excuses. If you can't accept a loss, you shouldn't race. Point made." (He resumes reading.)
-"Can you leave your 🤬 book for a second?!" (Aaron puts the book down again, and removes his glasses. He stands and walks towards
"...Now, I believe you still don't know my rules. Under my roof, you don't yell to me. You are too much of a kid to give me orders, so if you are going to stay in my island for the following days, you better start treating me with the respect I deserve. Second, you won't insult while you are here, only me and Ethan, and everyone that lives on this island can do it. But you, as a foreigner, are not allowed to do so. Thirdly, you lost because you can't race, so you are in no position to insult me just because you aren't as good as you thought you were. That's why you got here in first place: because Conan wanted me to teach you how to drive."
-"But I-!"
"Silence! And lastly, you will not talk while I'm doing so. Now, what was it that you were saying?"
-"I know how to drive already."
"You obviously don't. And being that the case, you will spend the next two years of your life here."
"What is so hard to understand?"
-"Are you crazy? I won't live in this island! I've got a life in America! I live with my brother!"
"Chester, isn't he?"
-"How did you...?"
"How wouldn't I? I know more about your father than you could possible ever know. This is one of my propositions: stay here, with me, Ethan and Conan, and you will know everything you want to know about your father. One way or another, once Eric gets here, I doubt he will want to leave. You are going to find out pretty soon that I can be a very convincing person."
-"You mean I've got no choice?"
"You don't. Eric does, but as I say, Eric is looking for Ethan for a reason: he thinks Ethan as the answers for his past. If Ethan told Eric all about his past at once, Eric would go into shock, something that I don't want happening in my island. Believe me, I know how bad a psychological break can be: I have been on Vietnam, remember.
-"You make it sound too cryptic."
"You are right. I don't need to. But it's not of your business. Take a look at the island if you want. They should not be here until later. A few hours, to be precise."
-"Is there a bed where I can sleep at least?"
"Sure. Through the corridor behind you, fourth door from the left. I hope you have brought some things with you."
-"I haven't, actually..."
"Don't worry. Ethan has some shirts that he doesn't use anymore. You should be around his size, maybe smaller, but I heard that americans now tend to use bigger shirts."
-"You refer to us as americans, but aren't you one too?"
"Yes. But I'm an old american. All of the boys your age are a new breed. Go take some rest. It will do good to you, perhaps will even help you to calm down. Don't hesitate to ask me if you need something."
-"Alright... Hey, where's Ethan? I thought he would be here."
"He is at the bread store."
"He said the prices rised before. So, he went back there to complain. He took the Cobra."
-"I see..."
"Go to bed. I will wake you up once it's time to dinner."
-"Thanks." (Charlie goes to "his" room...)

To be continued...
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Nice new chapter, Lucas.. It was worth the wait.. I very appreciate that you're writing this awesome story :bowdown: 👍


Am I too slow or he is too fast?? -> is he

I dig those rythm' n blues!" -> rhythm

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Thank you, guys! 👍 Added dates at each and every chapter, from beginning of the first Volume to last chapter, to prevent confusion and to help you guys put the pieces together (if you care, at least! :lol:).
Volume 2​

Chapter 12 - Die Verwandlung

November 1st, 2005.

(The night sky of Capri engulfs the island as the waves of the sea seem nothing but an endless field of stars. Aaron's house is just below it, looking fairly new, as it had just been constructed. Aaron is in the living room, reading the same book he has been reading since Charlie's arrival on the island. The doorbell rings, and Aaron leaves the book, and the cover points out it is Franz Kafka's Die Verwandlung. It is often cited as one of the seminal works of short fiction of the 20th century and is widely studied in colleges and universities across the western world. The book has a small piece of paper attached to it, which reads "To Aaron. Loves you, mom." The doorbell rings, again. Aaron walks through some sort of gallery, with plants hanging from each wall, to the main door. He opens it, and sitting on the road is Eric, arms crossed, and Conan, ready to step into the house. Eric's Mercedes is parked outside, just behind the Elise, also parked.)

"Nice seeing you back, brother." (Aaron grates Conan.)
"It's my pleasure to be back. I was already missing this place." (Conan steps into the house.)
"Look who we have here. I must say, I'm not surprised to see you again." (Aaron talks to Eric in a fairly sarcastic voice.)
"Do we know each other?" (Eric stands up, and walks towards Aaron.)
"I know I'm old, but do you need to be that straight forward?"
"I think you got the wrong person."
"Come on. It's me, rockhead."
"...Aaron? Is it, is it you? Really?" (Eric face changes from grumpy to surprised.)
"Nice to see you again, son!" (Aaron hugs Eric, as he tries to escape from his arms, like a couple of kids playing.)
"Aaron? Aaron, what are you doing here?"
"This is my house, boy. What did you expected?"
"I thought this was Ethan Norton's house."
"You looking for Ethan?"
"You know him?!"
"Of course I do! This is not Ethan's house, it's mine!"
"Conan!" (Eric screams Conan's name, who is inside the house, searching for a cold drink from Aaron's fridge. Obviously, Conan can't hear him, rather focused on searching his drink.)
"Conan! I swear I will beat you down!" (Eric steps into the house, just to be stopped by Aaron.)
"You want to fight outside? Do it. Inside my house, you are not going to. I told Charlie already, and I will tell you too. It's my way, or the highway."
"Where's Charlie? I want to see him!"
"Wait for him here, then. You are not going in as long as you don't calm down."

(Aaron goes inside the house and walks through the gallery, makes his way to the living room and takes a right turn to the library, and goes through the corridor to the fourth room from the left. Inside, Charlie is sleeping, holding the pillow tight with his arms.)

"Hey, wake up. Wake up, kid." (Aaron moves Charlie's arms.) "Kid, come on. Wake up. Wake up already." (He tries again, but Charlie is a persistent sleeper.) "This is not working." (Aaron walks to the room next to Charlie's, and turns on a stereo.)
"Welcome to the Jungle! We got fun 'n' games! We got everything you want! Honey, we know the names!" (Axl Rose does an amazing job waking up Charlie.)
-"Oh, 🤬!" (Charlie falls from the bed.)
"That sounded like a boy falling from his bed, alright."
"If you got the mo-" (Aaron turns off the stereo. He returns to Charlie's room.)
-"Damn... what the hell... was that about?" (Charlie is still drowsy, though.)
"You better get up already. Eric and Conan are already here, and we are eating in a matter of minutes."
-"Really? He is here?"
"Yes. Get dressed already. I gave you permission to sleep here, not to get naked."
-"What...?" (Charlie looks at himself. He is only wearing his boxers.) "Christ..."

(Aaron returns to the main door. Eric is waiting for him there.)

"I'm impressed you waited. Had time to chill?" (Aaron gives a mean stare to Eric.)
"Yes... let me in."
"Good. Come on in, it's cold out here, you know?" (He slaps Eric's back in a friendly gesture.)

(The house per se is very well kept. The living room is the first thing to notice as you come inside the house. There are two couches on it, three armchairs, and a table. The couches and the armchairs surround the table. The kitchen is in the room next to it, left wise, along with the dining room and a TV. There's a door leading to the bathroom in the living room, too. The library is on the right room from the living room. There's a corridor on the library leading to the aforementioned four rooms in the left, with an extra room at the end, and two rooms on the right. The three rooms left from Charlie's to the corridor belong to Conan, Aaron, and Ethan, respectively. The stereo was in Conan's room. Charlie's room and the one next to it seem to be nothing more than guests rooms. The other two rooms contain a second living room, decorated with photos and trophies. One of those photos reads "The Gang". Both Aaron and Eric are present on it, along with five other men. One of them looks suspiciously similar to Charlie. The last room from the right is an empty room, with a few buckets of white paint lying on the floor, along with two white overalls on the left wall. One of them reads "Aaron", the other one "Aaron", crossed with a black marker. Overall, it is impressive to think that such a big house hides behind the small door leading to the road, but the gallery is what gives the house its space, measuring about 20 meters in lenght. In the living room, Eric takes a seat, while Aaron goes back to his book, puts a thin piece of paper on the page he is currently on, and closes it. He then seats in front of Eric.)

"So..." (Aaron looks to the library, then looks back at Eric.) "How are you doing, Eric?"
"Good. How about you?"
"Pretty good, to be honest. In a place like this, how couldn't I?"
"I don't know. You tell me."
"Hmmm... It may be just me, but I'm feeling a bit of hostility towards my person. Am I correct?"
"Are you?" (Eric doesn't show emotions at all.)
"...Alright, Eric. Let's set things straight. You are the last person in this world that has a plausible reason to be mad at me. I'm a very patient person, as Charlie should have noticed by now, but if someone tickles my nerve, I won't hesitate to start an argument with them. Why are you mad at me? Do you have any reasons to at least?"
"Perhaps the fact that you haven't tried to contact me in the, let's see... 25 last years of my life?! Not even to say hello, or happy birthday!" (Eric gets up. Aaron follows. He is a much taller person that Eric, at almost 195cm tall, while Eric stands below 175cm.)
"So what! Do you even bother about my birthday for that matter? Does someone else bother? No! Last time someone said happy birthday to me, they were 7 months late! Do you see me complaining?!" (Eric sits down.) "I'm trying to treat you with all the respect you deserve, but if this is going to be one-way only, then I may as well treat you like a piece of 🤬!"
-"Good to know you started with the wrong foot too, Eric." (Charlie comes through the library.)
"Charlie! How are you doing, my boy?"
-"Great, just a bit dizzy from sleeping, but okay." (The doorbell sounds again. Aaron walks to the door to open it.)
"Who is it?" (Eric tries to leave the fight aside.)
"Don't you see I have not opened the door yet?" (Aaron opens the door, and it's no one else than Ethan.)
"Are they already here?"
"Yes. Be careful with what you say." (Ethan steps into the gallery.) "Help Conan find a beer, he seems to be having trouble to do so."

(Ethan races to the kitchen. Aaron goes to the living room, where Eric and Charlie are waiting for him.)

"So... where were we, weirdos?"
"Nowhere. Charlie got up and interrupted us." (Eric looks at Charlie, who is rubbing his eyes.) "By the way, who was that guy?" (Eric looks towards the kitchen.)
"Oh... that guy? His name is John... John McClane." (Aaron takes advantage of Eric, who is looking at Charlie, to wink at him. Charlie nods his head, in a sign of agreement.)
"John... McClane?"
"Yes, John McClane. He is a good friend of ours."
"John McClane like Bruce Willis' character in Die Hard?"
"Did I say McClane? No, I meant McLean. I always confuse the names."
"Oh... if that's the case..." (Eric gives a suspicious look to Aaron, who is scratching his bald head. Aaron is a tough, muscular man. He is very well built for a man his age, in fact. In the kitchen, Ethan a.k.a. John McLean is helping Conan find his beer.)
"Did you hear what he just said, Conan?" (Ethan whispers at Conan's ear.)
"Yeah. Seems like we will have to call you John for a while. Better get used to it."
"I will damned if we keep lying like this."
"Hurry up with that beer, man. It is starting to become suspicious, I tell you."
"It's not my fault if the fridge is such a mess. Alright, here we have it." (Ethan closes the fridge. They then walk to the living room.)
"Good night, sir." (Ethan says hello to Eric, who stands to shake hands with him.) "My name is John McLean, how about yours?"
"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. McLean. Mine is Eric Cañas."
"Latino, I presume?"
"No, spanish."
"Oh... spanish." (A bit of conversation to build the lie is always good.)
"So... Aaron. Where's Ethan? Where does he live?" (Eric starts to become impacient about Ethan, who blinks whenever Eric mentions his name.)
"He lives in the other side of the island."
-"That's true."
"And how do you know that, Charlie?" (Eric looks at Charlie, surprised about him.)
"Aaron took me there when I arrived at the island." (Eric looks at Aaron. Charlie winks at Aaron, just like he did to him previously.)
"Tell me, Aaron. Is Ethan on the island right now?"
"What are we waiting for, then?" (Eric stands up, ready to get out.)
"He wasn't feeling very well. I think he won't welcome us." (Eric sits down.)
"I see... So, Charlie, how was your trip?"
-"Pretty good, actually. I met an old woman while getting here, she said she was going to meet with her grandson."
"I believe you met Martha, then."
-"Martha? Do you know her?"
"Of course I do. I know everyone in this island. Everyone, but you. Tell me, Charles."
"Right. Charlie, what do you do for a living?"
-"Back in America, I just finished high school. I am taking a one year vacation and then I was planning to enter the Boston University."
"Good University, I must say."
-"Did you study there, Aaron?"
"No, but a friend of mine did. Do you remember Brendan, Eric?"
"Yes, I do. Did he study there?"
"Yup. He got his Master of Criminal Justice master's degree there. I find akward that you don't remember that."
"I'm getting old by the minute, you know?"
"New York's minutes, I presume. But Charlie, you caught me perplexed. How were you planning to enter there, anyways? Do you know how high the admission cost is? Well... more than you can surely afford, kid."
"Not as much as you may think, Aaron." (Eric steps into the conversation.)
"What do you mean?"
"Remember Benjamin?"
"Of course I do."
"Who's Benjamin?" (Ethan and Conan also step into, at the same time.)
"A friend of mine. I thought I talked you about him, Conan."
"Anyways... You know his father was missing since... well, since he remembered."
"Yes. He always wanted to know about him."
"He finally did. His mother's last words were key to know his whereabouts."
"Really?!" (Aaron leaves the couch he was sitting on and sits besides Eric.)
"Yes. He found his father on January of 1990. That's what Charlie's mother said to me. He was a rich man, to say the least. He was an inversionist."
"What kind of inversionist?" (Aaron tries to fill the gaps.)
"He invested a lot of money in small companies that later turned big. That's all I have heard, you should ask Janine about that."
"Who is her?" (Conan is too focused on the plot to be left behind.)
"Charlie's mother. That's her name, Janine." (Eric replies quickly, staring at Conan.)
"Oh... Is she still alive?" (Ethan, too, is focused to be left behind.)
-"Yes. She lives in California, alone."
"California? Isn't that the place where El Capitan is located?" (Ethan asks Charlie.)
-"Yes. My father once climbed it. At least that's what my mother told me..."
"Yeah, I remember that day. We climbed it together. If my memory serves me well, there is a track there." (Eric takes his time to develop the story.)
"No, I heard there's a track about to be built." (Aaron corrects Eric.)
"Oh, I guess I was wrong then."
"Don't worry, we all commit mistakes sooner or later. But wait, Eric. You haven't answered my question yet. What happened to Benjamin's father?"
"He died." (Eric's answer is a short one. Everyone in the room, except Charlie, looks down.)
"I'm so sorry to hear that." (Aaron apologizes for insisting.)
"He died from lung cancer in August of the same year. What's interesting is that Benjamin inherited all of his father's money, even though they knew each other only for eight months."
"The man had no choice, it seems. Rather than give the money to someone else, he decided to give his money to his own blood." (Aaron gives his opinion about the matter.)
"You are wrong about that, my friend. This man was willing to give his money to somebody else than his son. It may seem cruel, but abandoning a child is also a cruel thing to do. Let us not forget about that. The time Benjamin spent with his father was precious, and after he died, Benjamin got the money he deserved. Benjamin was not there for the money. He wanted to be with his father. More than that, Benjamin didn't knew his father had cancer until he died. When his father died, the first thing Benjamin did was to give him a proper funeral. Short thereafter, he set things straight with his debts. Charlie's family lived a hard time before that: Benjamin was full of debts and he couldn't afford the everyday food of his family. The company he was working for went bankrupt on November 1980. Do you have any idea how hard must have been for him to live 10 years without money?"
-"First thing my dad did after inheriting the money was to settle the debts, as Eric said. Then he bought a new house for us, and a Ferrari F40 just for him. My father set his eyes on that car since the very moment it was released. He said it was his "dream car". He died at the beginning of the following year, the 2nd of January of 1991. Alcohol was found in his blood, but I don't know what could have drove him to drink. I just don't... He was a great man, and a model of inspiration to me. Sometimes I feel sad for people who don't have a father to take care of them, but my father was always there for me. I'm sorry, I've got to go now." (Charlie leaves the room crying, heading for his room.)
"Follow him. Now." (Aaron orders Conan to follow Charlie into the room.)
"I'm sorry. This is the first time in years that Charlie cries about the death of Benjamin."
"He was holding back. At least that's how I see it." (Aaron comforts Eric.) "Will he be okay?"
"I don't know. He left his mother a while back, and moved to Boston with his brother. Janine was the one that comforted him whenever these kind of attacks happened. I hope it fades away soon."
"Understood. I guess we will not dine today." (Aaron stands up, heading for the library.)
"Are you going to see Charlie?"
"Conan can take care of him. Come, I want to show you something." (They both enter the library, but Eric stops and turns around.)
"Won't Mr. McLean come with us?"
"Don't worry. He has seen it already."

(They both resume the walk. After entering the corridor, they head to the right, and enter the first room. They now are in the trophy room, full of pictures of "the gang of America", as the title below one of the pictures reads.)

"What's this...?"
"My sanctuary. This is where I keep all of my memories. Those that are most precious to me." (Aaron looks at Eric) "Don't you have memories, Eric? They are what identify us. If you are alone, and you don't even know who you are, then what do you know?"
"...I guess nothing."
"One wise person once said... 'One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing'."
"Kind of a paradox, isn't it?"
"How can someone possibly know they know nothing?" (Aaron walks away to one of the pictures. It's the same one where Aaron and Eric are present in, along with the five men.) "God, I was so young back then... Now I'm rotting in the Paradise. How would I know I would end up like this?"
"...The one on the far right is Marcos, right?"
"Yeah. I haven't seen him in a while."
"I wonder how is he doing..."
"He was pretty smart... For an argentine, I mean."
"I've got to admit I despised the fact he always mumbled words in spanish."
"At least you understood him."
"Barely! Those argentines have a weird manner of talking. They talk too loud, and too fast."
"You are right. You at least took your time to translate what you said."
"Por supuesto, tío. No creas que disfruto ver a mis amigos luchar por comprenderme."
"I would like to think you haven't insulted me or the like."
"I haven't. Don't worry, it's okay."
"Well then, Eric. Will you be staying with us for a while?"
"Depends on the meaning of 'a while'."
"I was thinking of a minimum of two years."
"Two years...? I hope you are kidding me."
"I'm afraid I'm not." (Eric's face turns from surprised, to serious.)
"But why two years? Why can't it be one month, one week... I could easily stay one week here, but two years is too much."
"I thought you didn't have a job."
"That's right. That doesn't mean I don't have a life, though."
"Would you miss Manhattan?"
"I would. I know Charlie would miss his brother, too."
"I didn't say anything about Charlie."
"Can't you see? You want him to stay with you. You know you will get your answers here, with time. It's so obvious everyone in the house has already realized about it. Besides... Boston University? Do you really think Charlie would succeed there, especially with his manners? We both know he won't."
"And what do you expect him to do here? Work?"
"Something I know he will enjoy more than working."
"Racing? It may be a good way to earn money, but unless you are a professional, you won't go far in that world."
"You are right. He is not a professional by any means. Not even your average driver that could get an sponsor on his own. But he is special. I know I can teach him more than you surely have. I just need two years. One year to make him forget of everything he has learned thus far. And another one to make him learn racing my way."
"What do you have in mind?"
"American muscle. That's all it takes to turn a bad driver into a good one. Many people complain about their handling, and how muscle car drivers think going fast in a straight line is a hard thing to do, when is in fact somehow easy, just because those people know nothing about real drag racing, not the kind you see in The Fast and The Furious or the like. But I bet they never tried to take a muscle car and drive it around a track. That is what you call driving. No european or japanese car can teach you how to appreciate handling more than a muscle car. Rembember something: they say we rely on pure power, but what about their cars? Don't they rely on their handling? They even strive for power too, whenever they can."
"You are right and wrong at the same time, probably. But do you really think two years are enough?"
"Believe me. You are who you are because I made you. Whether I think two years are enough or not it's not the problem. It's him. Tomorrow evening, at 1400, we shall see what is he made of."

To be continued...

As always, criticism and comments are greatly appreciated :)
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:drool: :eek: :drool: I'm falling in love with this story.. Lucas, you're so talented.. The chapter is awesome, yes it may be only text, but hey it's awesome.. It's a special story for itself and that's what I like about it.. Keep up the damn good work! Be proud of yourself ;) :applause:
:drool: :eek: :drool: I'm falling in love with this story.. Lucas, you're so talented.. The chapter is awesome, yes it may be only text, but hey it's awesome.. It's a special story for itself and that's what I like about it.. Keep up the damn good work! Be proud of yourself ;) :applause:

Honestly, I wanted only text because I was already tired of chapters with thousands of images that make loading times slower 👎 Second reason was because you can't images inside houses in GT4 :lol: I hope I gave you guys a good description of the place. I even made a drawing of it :lol: This way of writing is a new one I will implement from now on. I took the advice Smallhorses gave me, and sincerely, it looks much better right now.

Best chapter so far, Luke!

Glad you liked it, man! If I had to pick two friends that always comment in the story, guess who would those be? :P

Back to the point, I do believe this story is special, in an akward, twisted way. In this forum, you will see the same cars all over again, except for some special stories, but the standard is the same. So, I try to give the GT community cars they may not know about or perhaps despise, but I got to say every car I feature as a main one is special in its own way. Every one of them has been a favourite of mine from time to time ;) You should test them in Arcade Mode, if you haven't already :)

Anyways, glad you guys liked it! :cheers: Action will follow in the next chapter :D
Volume 2
Chapter 13 - Always Prepared
Part 1

February 7th, 1991.

(Location: Costa di Amalfi, Capri, off the Sorrentine Peninsula. A car approaches through a corner, at normal speed, no more than 40km/h. The car itself is of german origin, painted black. It's a Ruf, nonetheless.)


(The car rushes downhill gracefully, steadily increasing its speed.)



(Suddenly, it starts slowing down.)


(The driver inside starts braking...)

"Finally here."


(The car is completely still. The driver then looks to the house nearby. It's Aaron's house.)

"Okay, let's see what he has to tell me."

(He then gets out of the car, carefully closing the door. He walks to the door, and rings the bell. After a few seconds, footsteps can be heard, and someone opens the door. It's a man, tall and muscular. He has a few strands of hair in his head. It's Aaron, looking incredibly strong, even more than his future self.)

"Nice to see you." (The man grates Aaron, who looks at the Ruf parked nearby.)
"Nice to see you too, brother. But wasn't it white before?"
"I painted it black. Looks much better now."
"I see you took time to buy a new set of wheels, too... Looking good. That's what took you so long, right?"
"Do you know how hard is to come by with these?"
"I can start to imagine. You can easily find people, but if finding these wheels took a week, then I guess they must indeed be pretty hard to find." (Aaron inspects the car carefully, smiling at it.)
"Mind if I come in?"
"Sure. Come on in, Johann. Conan is inside, taking care of Ethan." (Both enter the gallery.)

November 2nd, 2005.

(Ethan goes to Charlie's room. It's currently 12:36PM, and everyone in the house, except Charlie, is awake. Ethan enters the room, and starts waking up Charlie, just as yesterday.)

"Hey, Charlie. Wake up, man, come on."
"Leave me... I'm tired."
"Come on, don't be silly. We have many things to do today."
"I told you I am tired..."
"It's 12:36PM already. Get dressed already. There's something very cool I want to show you."
"What is it...?"
"Just dress and you will see. You are gonna like it." (Ethan leaves the room, while Charlie starts dressing.)

I shall never forget about that day. Definitely the best life experience I ever had until that moment. Probably the best I will ever have. That day I got the motivation I needed to become what I am today. Ethan knew how to convince me. Everytime someone said "You are gonna like it", "You are going to like it", "You will see", or the like, I couldn't resist to see for myself. I'm so glad I got dressed as fast as I could that day...

"Are you ready, Charlie?" (Ethan looks at his clock. It's 1:19PM now.)
"Yes, what did you wanted to show me?"
"It's not here, but you will see. Come with me to the harbor. It's waiting for us to see it there."
"It? What the hell...?"
"Yeah. We will go walking." (Both Ethan and Charlie walk through the gallery towards the door, and leave. No one is left in the house, not even Eric, Conan or Aaron. Ethan and Charlie, now in the street, start walking towards the harbor.)

(Five hours ago... 8:12AM. A car parks in front of Aaron's house. It's a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Tommi Makinen Edition RS.)


(The driver heads toward the main door, and rings the bell. Instantly, Aaron opens the door.)

"I was waiting for you. Everything is ready."
"Good. Remember what I said the other day. If you lose, then me and my crew will get to race here whenever we want."
"Don't you think you are overreacting? First I have to lose, and honestly, a street racer like you and your crew don't have a chance against someone like me. You don't seem to remember that, do you?"
"And you don't seem to remember that I am one of the best street racers Japan has to offer."
"Street racers? Do you really think racing in the street gives you some credit if any? What does it take to race in the street? Obviously you don't need brains. Anyone who races in the street is a moron with a wheel for a brain. Real racing is on the racetrack, but you don't seem to be acquaintanced with that word. Remember this, boy: I know much more than you do about racing, I've been doing it for decades, and if you think a street punk like you can come here and beat me... then I feel sorry for you, 'cause that won't happen in a long time. You must have seen yesterday's race. You know what I'm capable of."
"In first place, you raced with your Superbird, and we all know it's the most overkill car you have. And in second place, you raced against a kid who little knows about driving skills."
"That kid you are talking about is probably better than you are anyways."
"Just remember what I said last time. My Evo against your Charger. A fair race."
"Yes. A fair race. Pairing a 30-year old car against a new one. Pretty fair in my book, I must say."
"Today, at 1:45PM. Be there by then, or else, me and my crew are the new owners of this place."
"Wait a second. I may not be able to be there at that time. I may have to send someone else to race in my place. At least to keep you entertained. I will go later, is that alright? Keep in mind that that first race won't count towards the ownership of the road. The result of it doesn't matter."
"You better keep your word. Or else, you will see." (The street punk gets inside his car.)


(He then drives away, as Aaron looks calmly.)

"Beat me? Really?" (Aaron turns around and enters the house. In the kitchen, Eric, Conan and Ethan are having breakfast.)

"Hey, Eric." (Aaron catches Eric playing with his breakfast.)
"Yes? What do you want?"
"Would you mind to come with me outside?"
"Sure. I'll be right back, guys." (Eric leaves his chair.)
"Don't worry, we can eat while you are not here." (Conan mocks Eric, who leaves the house with Aaron.)

"Listen, would you mind if I asked you something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Are you as fast as the last time I saw you?"
"It all depends on what I'm driving."

(Five hours later, 1:43PM.)

Once we got to the harbor, I remember seeing all the people around the road, just like in my first race there, but there was a small difference: there were no cars to be seen.

"Alright, what's all of this?" (Charlie starts becoming impacient.)
"Wait. They are coming already." (Ethan raises his palm to Charlie as a sign to stop talking.)
"Who's coming?"

(Coming from the last corners of the track, two cars appear. One of them is white, the other one is silver with black stripes.)

"Who... the hell are those??"
"Do you really want me to spoil you the fun?" (Ethan keeps his eyes on the two cars, getting closer to them by the second.)
"They are not Conan or Eric... Conan doesn't drive that fast. And Eric... well, he doesn't race anymore."
"You are saying Conan is not fast?" (Ethan starts laughing.)

(The cars then go right in front of them, to Charlie's delight.)


"The one in front is a Mitsubishi..." (Charlie's knowledge of japanese cars is an apparently limited one.)
"Lancer Evolution VI."


"But the silver one... What is it?"
"Don't you love not knowing?"



(Both cars start increasing their speed. The second race Charlie gets to presence in Capri has begun...)

To be continued...

As always, criticism and comments are greatly appreciated :)
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The chapter is nice, thanks to changing your writing style.. I enjoy reading your chapters very much.. There may not be that much action in this chapter, but that's no problem, because I like you're switching between chapters full of action and those more informative ones 👍 Good job!