Volume 2
Chapter 12 - Die Verwandlung
November 1st, 2005.
(The night sky of Capri engulfs the island as the waves of the sea seem nothing but an endless field of stars. Aaron's house is just below it, looking fairly new, as it had just been constructed. Aaron is in the living room, reading the same book he has been reading since Charlie's arrival on the island. The doorbell rings, and Aaron leaves the book, and the cover points out it is Franz Kafka's Die Verwandlung. It is often cited as one of the seminal works of short fiction of the 20th century and is widely studied in colleges and universities across the western world. The book has a small piece of paper attached to it, which reads "To Aaron. Loves you, mom." The doorbell rings, again. Aaron walks through some sort of gallery, with plants hanging from each wall, to the main door. He opens it, and sitting on the road is Eric, arms crossed, and Conan, ready to step into the house. Eric's Mercedes is parked outside, just behind the Elise, also parked.)
"Nice seeing you back, brother."
(Aaron grates Conan.)
"It's my pleasure to be back. I was already missing this place."
(Conan steps into the house.)
"Look who we have here. I must say, I'm not surprised to see you again."
(Aaron talks to Eric in a fairly sarcastic voice.)
"Do we know each other?"
(Eric stands up, and walks towards Aaron.)
"I know I'm old, but do you need to be that straight forward?"
"I think you got the wrong person."
"Come on. It's me, rockhead."
"...Aaron? Is it, is it you? Really?"
(Eric face changes from grumpy to surprised.)
"Nice to see you again, son!"
(Aaron hugs Eric, as he tries to escape from his arms, like a couple of kids playing.)
"Aaron? Aaron, what are you doing here?"
"This is my house, boy. What did you expected?"
"I thought this was Ethan Norton's house."
"You looking for Ethan?"
"You know him?!"
"Of course I do! This is not Ethan's house, it's mine!"
(Eric screams Conan's name, who is inside the house, searching for a cold drink from Aaron's fridge. Obviously, Conan can't hear him, rather focused on searching his drink.)
"Conan! I swear I will beat you down!"
(Eric steps into the house, just to be stopped by Aaron.)
"You want to fight outside? Do it. Inside my house, you are not going to. I told Charlie already, and I will tell you too. It's my way, or the highway."
"Where's Charlie? I want to see him!"
"Wait for him here, then. You are not going in as long as you don't calm down."
(Aaron goes inside the house and walks through the gallery, makes his way to the living room and takes a right turn to the library, and goes through the corridor to the fourth room from the left. Inside, Charlie is sleeping, holding the pillow tight with his arms.)
"Hey, wake up. Wake up, kid."
(Aaron moves Charlie's arms.) "Kid, come on. Wake up. Wake up already."
(He tries again, but Charlie is a persistent sleeper.) "This is not working."
(Aaron walks to the room next to Charlie's, and turns on a stereo.)
"Welcome to the Jungle! We got fun 'n' games! We got everything you want! Honey, we know the names!" (Axl Rose does an amazing job waking up Charlie.)
-"Oh, 🤬!"
(Charlie falls from the bed.)
"That sounded like a boy falling from his bed, alright."
"If you got the mo-" (Aaron turns off the stereo. He returns to Charlie's room.)
-"Damn... what the hell... was that about?"
(Charlie is still drowsy, though.)
"You better get up already. Eric and Conan are already here, and we are eating in a matter of minutes."
-"Really? He is here?"
"Yes. Get dressed already. I gave you permission to sleep here, not to get naked."
(Charlie looks at himself. He is only wearing his boxers.) "Christ..."
(Aaron returns to the main door. Eric is waiting for him there.)
"I'm impressed you waited. Had time to chill?"
(Aaron gives a mean stare to Eric.)
"Yes... let me in."
"Good. Come on in, it's cold out here, you know?"
(He slaps Eric's back in a friendly gesture.)
(The house per se is very well kept. The living room is the first thing to notice as you come inside the house. There are two couches on it, three armchairs, and a table. The couches and the armchairs surround the table. The kitchen is in the room next to it, left wise, along with the dining room and a TV. There's a door leading to the bathroom in the living room, too. The library is on the right room from the living room. There's a corridor on the library leading to the aforementioned four rooms in the left, with an extra room at the end, and two rooms on the right. The three rooms left from Charlie's to the corridor belong to Conan, Aaron, and Ethan, respectively. The stereo was in Conan's room. Charlie's room and the one next to it seem to be nothing more than guests rooms. The other two rooms contain a second living room, decorated with photos and trophies. One of those photos reads "The Gang". Both Aaron and Eric are present on it, along with five other men. One of them looks suspiciously similar to Charlie. The last room from the right is an empty room, with a few buckets of white paint lying on the floor, along with two white overalls on the left wall. One of them reads "Aaron", the other one "Aaron", crossed with a black marker. Overall, it is impressive to think that such a big house hides behind the small door leading to the road, but the gallery is what gives the house its space, measuring about 20 meters in lenght. In the living room, Eric takes a seat, while Aaron goes back to his book, puts a thin piece of paper on the page he is currently on, and closes it. He then seats in front of Eric.)
(Aaron looks to the library, then looks back at Eric.) "How are you doing, Eric?"
"Good. How about you?"
"Pretty good, to be honest. In a place like this, how couldn't I?"
"I don't know. You tell me."
"Hmmm... It may be just me, but I'm feeling a bit of hostility towards my person. Am I correct?"
"Are you?"
(Eric doesn't show emotions at all.)
"...Alright, Eric. Let's set things straight. You are the last person in this world that has a plausible reason to be mad at me. I'm a very patient person, as Charlie should have noticed by now, but if someone tickles my nerve, I won't hesitate to start an argument with them. Why are you mad at me? Do you have any reasons to at least?"
"Perhaps the fact that you haven't tried to contact me in the, let's see... 25 last years of my life?! Not even to say hello, or happy birthday!"
(Eric gets up. Aaron follows. He is a much taller person that Eric, at almost 195cm tall, while Eric stands below 175cm.)
"So what! Do you even bother about my birthday for that matter? Does someone else bother? No! Last time someone said happy birthday to me, they were 7 months late! Do you see me complaining?!"
(Eric sits down.) "I'm trying to treat you with all the respect you deserve, but if this is going to be one-way only, then I may as well treat you like a piece of 🤬!"
-"Good to know you started with the wrong foot too, Eric."
(Charlie comes through the library.)
"Charlie! How are you doing, my boy?"
-"Great, just a bit dizzy from sleeping, but okay."
(The doorbell sounds again. Aaron walks to the door to open it.)
"Who is it?"
(Eric tries to leave the fight aside.)
"Don't you see I have not opened the door yet?"
(Aaron opens the door, and it's no one else than Ethan.)
"Are they already here?"
"Yes. Be careful with what you say."
(Ethan steps into the gallery.) "Help Conan find a beer, he seems to be having trouble to do so."
(Ethan races to the kitchen. Aaron goes to the living room, where Eric and Charlie are waiting for him.)
"So... where were we, weirdos?"
"Nowhere. Charlie got up and interrupted us."
(Eric looks at Charlie, who is rubbing his eyes.) "By the way, who was that guy?"
(Eric looks towards the kitchen.)
"Oh... that guy? His name is John... John McClane."
(Aaron takes advantage of Eric, who is looking at Charlie, to wink at him. Charlie nods his head, in a sign of agreement.)
"John... McClane?"
"Yes, John McClane. He is a good friend of ours."
"John McClane like Bruce Willis' character in Die Hard?"
"Did I say McClane? No, I meant McLean. I always confuse the names."
"Oh... if that's the case..."
(Eric gives a suspicious look to Aaron, who is scratching his bald head. Aaron is a tough, muscular man. He is very well built for a man his age, in fact. In the kitchen, Ethan a.k.a. John McLean is helping Conan find his beer.)
"Did you hear what he just said, Conan?"
(Ethan whispers at Conan's ear.)
"Yeah. Seems like we will have to call you John for a while. Better get used to it."
"I will damned if we keep lying like this."
"Hurry up with that beer, man. It is starting to become suspicious, I tell you."
"It's not my fault if the fridge is such a mess. Alright, here we have it."
(Ethan closes the fridge. They then walk to the living room.)
"Good night, sir."
(Ethan says hello to Eric, who stands to shake hands with him.) "My name is John McLean, how about yours?"
"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. McLean. Mine is Eric Cañas."
"Latino, I presume?"
"No, spanish."
"Oh... spanish."
(A bit of conversation to build the lie is always good.)
"So... Aaron. Where's Ethan? Where does he live?"
(Eric starts to become impacient about Ethan, who blinks whenever Eric mentions his name.)
"He lives in the other side of the island."
-"That's true."
"And how do you know that, Charlie?"
(Eric looks at Charlie, surprised about him.)
"Aaron took me there when I arrived at the island."
(Eric looks at Aaron. Charlie winks at Aaron, just like he did to him previously.)
"Tell me, Aaron. Is Ethan on the island right now?"
"What are we waiting for, then?"
(Eric stands up, ready to get out.)
"He wasn't feeling very well. I think he won't welcome us."
(Eric sits down.)
"I see... So, Charlie, how was your trip?"
-"Pretty good, actually. I met an old woman while getting here, she said she was going to meet with her grandson."
"I believe you met Martha, then."
-"Martha? Do you know her?"
"Of course I do. I know everyone in this island. Everyone, but you. Tell me, Charles."
"Right. Charlie, what do you do for a living?"
-"Back in America, I just finished high school. I am taking a one year vacation and then I was planning to enter the Boston University."
"Good University, I must say."
-"Did you study there, Aaron?"
"No, but a friend of mine did. Do you remember Brendan, Eric?"
"Yes, I do. Did he study there?"
"Yup. He got his Master of Criminal Justice master's degree there. I find akward that you don't remember that."
"I'm getting old by the minute, you know?"
"New York's minutes, I presume. But Charlie, you caught me perplexed. How were you planning to enter there, anyways? Do you know how high the admission cost is? Well... more than you can surely afford, kid."
"Not as much as you may think, Aaron."
(Eric steps into the conversation.)
"What do you mean?"
"Remember Benjamin?"
"Of course I do."
"Who's Benjamin?"
(Ethan and Conan also step into, at the same time.)
"A friend of mine. I thought I talked you about him, Conan."
"Anyways... You know his father was missing since... well, since he remembered."
"Yes. He always wanted to know about him."
"He finally did. His mother's last words were key to know his whereabouts."
(Aaron leaves the couch he was sitting on and sits besides Eric.)
"Yes. He found his father on January of 1990. That's what Charlie's mother said to me. He was a rich man, to say the least. He was an inversionist."
"What kind of inversionist?"
(Aaron tries to fill the gaps.)
"He invested a lot of money in small companies that later turned big. That's all I have heard, you should ask Janine about that."
"Who is her?"
(Conan is too focused on the plot to be left behind.)
"Charlie's mother. That's her name, Janine."
(Eric replies quickly, staring at Conan.)
"Oh... Is she still alive?" (Ethan, too, is focused to be left behind.)
-"Yes. She lives in California, alone."
"California? Isn't that the place where El Capitan is located?"
(Ethan asks Charlie.)
-"Yes. My father once climbed it. At least that's what my mother told me..."
"Yeah, I remember that day. We climbed it together. If my memory serves me well, there is a track there."
(Eric takes his time to develop the story.)
"No, I heard there's a track about to be built."
(Aaron corrects Eric.)
"Oh, I guess I was wrong then."
"Don't worry, we all commit mistakes sooner or later. But wait, Eric. You haven't answered my question yet. What happened to Benjamin's father?"
"He died."
(Eric's answer is a short one. Everyone in the room, except Charlie, looks down.)
"I'm so sorry to hear that."
(Aaron apologizes for insisting.)
"He died from lung cancer in August of the same year. What's interesting is that Benjamin inherited all of his father's money, even though they knew each other only for eight months."
"The man had no choice, it seems. Rather than give the money to someone else, he decided to give his money to his own blood."
(Aaron gives his opinion about the matter.)
"You are wrong about that, my friend. This man was willing to give his money to somebody else than his son. It may seem cruel, but abandoning a child is also a cruel thing to do. Let us not forget about that. The time Benjamin spent with his father was precious, and after he died, Benjamin got the money he deserved. Benjamin was not there for the money. He wanted to be with his father. More than that, Benjamin didn't knew his father had cancer until he died. When his father died, the first thing Benjamin did was to give him a proper funeral. Short thereafter, he set things straight with his debts. Charlie's family lived a hard time before that: Benjamin was full of debts and he couldn't afford the everyday food of his family. The company he was working for went bankrupt on November 1980. Do you have any idea how hard must have been for him to live 10 years without money?"
-"First thing my dad did after inheriting the money was to settle the debts, as Eric said. Then he bought a new house for us, and a Ferrari F40 just for him. My father set his eyes on that car since the very moment it was released. He said it was his "dream car". He died at the beginning of the following year, the 2nd of January of 1991. Alcohol was found in his blood, but I don't know what could have drove him to drink. I just don't... He was a great man, and a model of inspiration to me. Sometimes I feel sad for people who don't have a father to take care of them, but my father was always there for me. I'm sorry, I've got to go now."
(Charlie leaves the room crying, heading for his room.)
"Follow him. Now."
(Aaron orders Conan to follow Charlie into the room.)
"I'm sorry. This is the first time in years that Charlie cries about the death of Benjamin."
"He was holding back. At least that's how I see it."
(Aaron comforts Eric.) "Will he be okay?"
"I don't know. He left his mother a while back, and moved to Boston with his brother. Janine was the one that comforted him whenever these kind of attacks happened. I hope it fades away soon."
"Understood. I guess we will not dine today."
(Aaron stands up, heading for the library.)
"Are you going to see Charlie?"
"Conan can take care of him. Come, I want to show you something."
(They both enter the library, but Eric stops and turns around.)
"Won't Mr. McLean come with us?"
"Don't worry. He has seen it already."
(They both resume the walk. After entering the corridor, they head to the right, and enter the first room. They now are in the trophy room, full of pictures of "the gang of America", as the title below one of the pictures reads.)
"What's this...?"
"My sanctuary. This is where I keep all of my memories. Those that are most precious to me."
(Aaron looks at Eric) "Don't you have memories, Eric? They are what identify us. If you are alone, and you don't even know who you are, then what do you know?"
"...I guess nothing."
"One wise person once said... 'One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing'."
"Kind of a paradox, isn't it?"
"How can someone possibly know they know nothing?"
(Aaron walks away to one of the pictures. It's the same one where Aaron and Eric are present in, along with the five men.) "God, I was so young back then... Now I'm rotting in the Paradise. How would I know I would end up like this?"
"...The one on the far right is Marcos, right?"
"Yeah. I haven't seen him in a while."
"I wonder how is he doing..."
"He was pretty smart... For an argentine, I mean."
"I've got to admit I despised the fact he always mumbled words in spanish."
"At least you understood him."
"Barely! Those argentines have a weird manner of talking. They talk too loud, and too fast."
"You are right. You at least took your time to translate what you said."
"Por supuesto, tío. No creas que disfruto ver a mis amigos luchar por comprenderme."
"I would like to think you haven't insulted me or the like."
"I haven't. Don't worry, it's okay."
"Well then, Eric. Will you be staying with us for a while?"
"Depends on the meaning of 'a while'."
"I was thinking of a minimum of two years."
"Two years...? I hope you are kidding me."
"I'm afraid I'm not."
(Eric's face turns from surprised, to serious.)
"But why two years? Why can't it be one month, one week... I could easily stay one week here, but two years is too much."
"I thought you didn't have a job."
"That's right. That doesn't mean I don't have a life, though."
"Would you miss Manhattan?"
"I would. I know Charlie would miss his brother, too."
"I didn't say anything about Charlie."
"Can't you see? You want him to stay with you. You know you will get your answers here, with time. It's so obvious everyone in the house has already realized about it. Besides... Boston University? Do you really think Charlie would succeed there, especially with his manners? We both know he won't."
"And what do you expect him to do here? Work?"
"Something I know he will enjoy more than working."
"Racing? It may be a good way to earn money, but unless you are a professional, you won't go far in that world."
"You are right. He is not a professional by any means. Not even your average driver that could get an sponsor on his own. But he is special. I know I can teach him more than you surely have. I just need two years. One year to make him forget of everything he has learned thus far. And another one to make him learn racing my way."
"What do you have in mind?"
"American muscle. That's all it takes to turn a bad driver into a good one. Many people complain about their handling, and how muscle car drivers think going fast in a straight line is a hard thing to do, when is in fact somehow easy, just because those people know nothing about real drag racing, not the kind you see in The Fast and The Furious or the like. But I bet they never tried to take a muscle car and drive it around a track. That is what you call driving. No european or japanese car can teach you how to appreciate handling more than a muscle car. Rembember something: they say we rely on pure power, but what about their cars? Don't they rely on their handling? They even strive for power too, whenever they can."
"You are right and wrong at the same time, probably. But do you really think two years are enough?"
"Believe me. You are who you are because I made you. Whether I think two years are enough or not it's not the problem. It's him. Tomorrow evening, at 1400, we shall see what is he made of."
To be continued...
As always, criticism and comments are greatly appreciated