Volume 3 - Panorama 1992

  • Thread starter Lucas
Charlie: How long do you know Aaron?
Ethan: That, I can answer. But it's actually "How long have you known Aaron?". I know him from a while.
Charlie: A while, huh?
Ethan: Yes.

Short Story Nº4
Aaron Sheperd & Ethan Norton​

March 3rd, 1960.

(Location: Seattle, Washington, United States of America. To be more precise, the area surrounding the currently inexistent Space Needle. There are no pedestrians on the street, except for two kids running. A small caucasian kid with curly black hair is seeing chasing another kid, also caucasian, but with sleek black hair.)

Sleek-haired kid: Can't you run faster?!

(He is mocking the other kid, struggling to keep up with him. The kid is holding a black, small lunchbox, likely to belong to the curly-haired kid.)

Curly-haired kid: Give it back! Give it back to me!
Sleek-haired kid: Come and get it!

(The kids continue running as they approach the end of the block.)

Curly-haired kid: That's my father's old lunchbox! Give it back to me, please!

(As the kids reach the end of the block, a hand comes out from a dark alley and grabs the lunchbox from the sleek-haired boy.)

Shadowy figure: I will take that from you, thanks.
Sleek-haired kid: Hey, that's mine!

(The curly-haired kid then arrives, exhausted from running.)

Curly-haired kid: That's... mine... please... give it... to me.

(The kid takes pauses to catch air, as the shadowy figure watches from the alley.)

Shadowy figure: Is this yours?
Sleek-haired kid: Yes.
Shadowy figure: It's not you who I'm talking to. Kid, is this yours?

(The curly-haired kid then relaxes, and nods his head. The shadowy figure then comes out from the alley, tall and muscular, with short grey hair. He then hands the curly-haired boy his lunchbox.)

Aaron: Take it.
Curly-haired kid: Thank you, sir.

(Aaron, as tall and muscular as three years ago, then looks directly into the sleek-haired kid's eyes, while grabbing him from his jacket.)

Aaron: If I ever catch you stealing again, I will be sure to bring you to my house, and I will grab my butcher's knife to cut your body in half, starting from your crotch. Got it, kid?
Sleek-haired kid: Y-y-yes.
Aaron: Now go.

(Aaron releases the kid, which runs away in panic, probably towards his house.)

Aaron: We won't be seeing him again anytime soon.
Curly-haired kid: Thank you, sir.
Aaron: Please, don't call me sir. I have a name. It's Aaron. Aaron Sheperd.
Curly-haired kid: A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Sheperd. My name is Ethan, Ethan Norton.

(Both shake hands, until Ethan sets his hand free, apparently hurt by Aaron.)

Ethan: Ouch... It hurts.
Aaron: I'm so sorry. Sometimes I don't measure my own strenght. By the way, who was that kid just now?
Ethan: A bully from my school.
Aaron: I see... You have to take care from bullies.
Ethan: Have you ever been bullied?
Aaron: No. Actually... I was one. So you know where my advice comes from.

(Ethan scratches his head, while Aaron looks both sides of the road.)

Aaron: Well... You have your lunchbox. I gotta go.
Ethan: Thank you. It is my father's old lunchbox. He used it when he was a kid.
Aaron: Just like you.
Ethan: Yes.
Aaron: Alright. See you around, kid.

(Aaron attempts to cross the road, but is stopped by Ethan, who grabs his arm.)

Ethan: Do you live around here?
Aaron: Aren't you a little young to ask me that? Go back home. Your family must be worried. How old are you?
Ethan: Eleven, sir. I will turn twelve in October.
Aaron: Well, Mr. Eleven, I got a schedule to fulfill, so if you let go of my arm, I would greatly appreciate it.
Ethan: And what if I don't?
Aaron: If you don't, then I suppose I will raise my arm and carry you with me in the way to my job.
Ethan: Where do you work?
Aaron: Construction.
Ethan: Where do you live?
Aaron: Far from here, I come from Monterey. Ever heard of it?
Ethan: Nope.
Aaron: It means "Mountain King" in spanish, or so I heard from the mexicans back there. Anyways, what the hell am I doing here?
Ethan: You cursed!
Aaron: Yes, I cursed, for Christ's sake! I'm a grown up man, and I curse like one, God dammit. Now, will you let go of my arm or will I have to carry you to the building I'm working on?

(Ethan stays in silence for a while. He then releases Aaron's arm.)

Aaron: Alright. Good bye, kid.

(As Aaron walks away, however...)

Ethan: Gotcha!

(Ethan grabs Aaron's arm again.)

Ethan: Take me to your work!
Aaron: You are eleven years old! I can't believe you are acting like this! If that's what you want, I take no responsability for what happens to you next!

(Aaron lifts his arm up and carries Ethan around his neck. They both disappear as Aaron walks away...)

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This is starting to look to work as a screenplay ;)

And that is a good thing.

While reading I can formely see a picture of the things happening.. I love it so much, man.. :drool: Keep it up!

Thanks for the replies, guys 👍

I wouldn't call it a screenplay, though it indeed gives a better insight to what the characters are doing.

Things are moving slowly here. I've got a test on Monday, which I haven't studied for yet, and the only way I can study for it is with a "work" I haven't done yet. :lol:

Honestly, last thing in my mind right now is failing. I couldn't be bothered with something more useless than an assigment I won't be remembering in two years, when I'm finally out of school. However, I do care about losing my PS2 for playing when I should be studying.

I'm currently working on chapter 15, but it may take a while until I get it done.
Don't you have to do Chapter 13 Part 3 and Chapter 14 before that?

EDIT: If I'm late on the story, redirect me to these chapters, I'vew been a while without internet and all that...
Looking forward to read it, Andy 👍
Best people for writing are those that know more things about the world than teenagers like me.
Thanks about the comment, by the way. Chapter 15 is still a big trouble to me :banghead:
So I've just read through the entire thing so far and all I've got to say?

...my goodness, this is amazing! Your writing is excellent, the photography is superb and the story actually deviates from the "Initial D" norm and actually goes into detail to show characters interacting with each other outside of a race.

And the fact that you're focusing on cars that aren't JDM makes it all the more sweet. 👍

Seriously, this is great stuff! I can't wait to see more :D
Thank you very much, SaberFire 👍
However, that's less than I can say about yours :) It takes a lot of never to start a new story amidst the "revival" of Red-Line. You are getting a good amount of response, and I'm very happy about it. I still have to read the new chapter, so expect a response tomorrow ;) Glad to see you come by, as always!
Volume 2
Chapter 15 - Him

November 3rd, 2005.

(A clock flashes 11:17 a.m.)

Eric: Hello, this is Eric. It seems you are working right now, I hoped you would be in your house by now, since I wanted to tell you that we will stay here for the next two years, so we won't be seeing you in a while, as I told you we would, but that doesn't mean we won't be able to talk to you. I hope you are doing okay, and you will continue to do so. I will pass your brother to the phone now. I love you, good bye.

(Eric leaves a message in Chester's phone, almost breaking to tears.)

Eric: Your turn, Charlie.

Charlie: Okay.

(Charlie then grabs the phone.)

Charlie: Hi, brother. Eric said it pretty well, we won't be seeing you until two years, but I will make sure to call you monthly, perhaps weekly, but monthly for sure, and for your birthday obviously. I know you are not working, but sleeping, Eric missed that. I hope you will read this message as soon as possible so we can talk to each other. Good luck, Chester. I'm going to miss you. Bye-bye.

(Charlie then hangs up the phone. He and Eric are in Aaron's living room, sitting in one of the couches, and start looking at each other.)

Eric: Are you sure you won't miss him?
Charlie: No. But I can live with not seeing him.

(Eric stays in silence as he looks into Charlie's eyes. He then gets up.)

Eric: Good. I will see what is Aaron doing.
Charlie: Okay. I will go for a walk outside.
Eric: No, no. You can't do that.

(Eric stops Charlie, who started to leave the house.)

Charlie: Why not?
Eric: Conan wants you to wait for him here. He should be back soon.
Charlie: I will be right back, I promise.

(Charlie starts leaving again, but Eric grabs him by the arm.)

Eric: Charlie, no.
Charlie: Alright... What can be so important?
Eric: You will have to wait to find out.

(Eric leaves the living room and heads for the "white room", where Aaron is waiting for him, painting. Eric enters, and Aaron is wearing the white overall that reads "Aaron".)

Eric: What did you say you needed?

(Aaron grabs one of the paint brushes next to him.)

Aaron: Mind to give me a hand or two?
Eric: Sure. I haven't been painting in a while.
Aaron: Put on that overall over there.

(Aaron points to the white overall, with Aaron's name crossed.)

Eric: Seems like somebody didn't liked your name.
Aaron: It was one of the overalls I used to wear in Art School.
Eric: I didn't knew you went to Art School.
Aaron: Recently, in Italy.
Eric: Oh, that's why...

(Eric puts on the overall, that fits him perfectly.)

Eric: Let me guess... Conan uses it, right?
Aaron: That's right. He has your body shape, so it is only natural you figured out quickly.

(Eric grabs one of the brushes, submerges it in one of the buckets of white paint lying around, and starts painting.)

Eric: How long have you been painting this room?
Aaron: A week... or two.
Eric: Looks very... white, to me at least.
Aaron: We work here daily, except the last two days since you boys arrived.

(Both paint as they talk, covering the last pieces of brown that have been left unpainted.)

Eric: Would you mind if I ask you something?
Aaron: Not at all.
Eric: Do you know where can I find a gifts shop around here?
Aaron: Sure. On the marine you will find many of those. Any special ocasion?
Eric: Just an old friend's birthday.
Aaron: Nice to see you do remember my birthday.

(As the old friends chat, Charlie is waiting in the living room for Conan to arrive, alone.)

Charlie: What is taking him so long...? I can't stay here and do nothing.

(Charlie gets up, and leaves for the gallery. He opens the door, and as he comes out, Ethan is about to enter the house.)

Charlie: Ethan, what are you doing here?
Ethan: You were supposed to wait inside. What made you come outside?
Charlie: How do you know about that?
Ethan: You are not waiting for Conan, Charlie. You are waiting for me.
Charlie: But Eric just told me---
Ethan: Eric told you what Aaron told him to tell you. Remember, Charlie, that for Eric, I'm still John McLean. Imagine if Aaron told Eric to tell you you had to wait for John McLean. Eric would become suspicious, after all, he barely knows him. So, Aaron decided to tell Eric you had to wait for Conan. Now that I'm here, and not Conan as Eric told you, I've got something to show you.
Charlie: Wait, what are you talking about...?

(Ethan points to the car in his back. Charlie looks amazed at it, and gets closer to it to inspect it better.)


Charlie: It's... it's... amazing!
Ethan: Isn't it?


Charlie: You DO like Mustangs, don't you?
Ethan: Actually, this one isn't mine.


Charlie: Who's is it, then?
Ethan: Conan's. He likes Shelby's. A lot.


Charlie: Does he only drive Shelby's?
Ethan: Yep. If you see a Shelby on this island... it's likely to belong to Conan.
Charlie: Nice... What do you drive, Ethan?
Ethan: Well... you obviously saw the Mustang.
Charlie: Yes, pretty good. How did you get it, by the way? When I arrived, you just told you got it "a few years back". I remember it clearly.
Ethan: Almost six years ago. Brand new, I bought it before the start of the new millenium.´

(Charlie inspects the rims of the Mustang.)

Charlie: New millenium... Gotta say, what a good way to start it, dude.
Ethan: Other than the Mustang, I have a Ford F-150 SVT Lightning. To get groceries, move things, you know. Extremely practical.
Charlie: I don't know... I don't like pickup trucks so much...
Ethan: I also have a Ford Focus. RS, to be precise.
Charlie: You like Ford's as much as Conan likes Shelby's, right? Sounds like a good car.
Ethan: Looks good too. The handling, however... leaves much to be desired. It's a front wheel drive, after all... You can't expect much from those cars.
Charlie: F-F-F-T-L.
Ethan: ...What?

(Ethan looks at Charlie, puzzled.)

Charlie: High school acronyms. It stands for "Front engine, Front-wheel drive cars For The Lose."
Ethan: Well... I use the car for daily driving, not racing. The Focus only does the talking. The Mustang does the racing.
Charlie: FF cars just can't do it. I mean, that was one of my main reasons to buy the Elise.
Ethan: You chose well. For a kid your age, that is.
Charlie: Yeah, I know.
Ethan: Most american boys your age go for Honda's. I can't find any words to describe them, but they just...
Charlie: Suck.
Ethan: ...suck. Precisely.

(Charlie smiles at Ethan, who gives the smile back.)

Charlie: You can't deny, however, that those rice cars have more technology than american muscle...
Ethan: I really don't want to end this good conversation in an argument you would eventually lose.
Charlie: Oops, sorry. But really, why is it so hard for muscle car drivers to acknowledge that japanese cars are just better?
Ethan: Because the muscle era extinguished on the early 70's. Yet there are people driving, and racing them against the modern cars. Not only japanese cars, but every kind of car, from all countries and makes.
Charlie: But you aren't really telling me anything...
Ethan: The modern cars are equipped with so many things, such as ABS, traction controller, and so many more gadgets that they have stopped being cars. They are computers now. They rely on those computers for their cars to be easy to drive. And they know it.
Charlie: The same way you rely on your engines for going straight?
Ethan: Only that people complain about muscle cars because they say they don't require any skill to be driven fast in the 1/4 mile. But here's my question: Does a Skyline R34, Subaru Impreza, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo, or any other of those rice burners require skill to be driven in a straight line? No, right?
Charlie: At least they can turn.
Ethan: Hooooray! 30 years of technology, and their driver's best excuse is that their cars can turn? Not only that, but they also have the nerve to say our cars rely on their engines, yet they still insist on racing against us! My father used to tell me that people only complain about someone superior to them. You can easily see a small kid complaining about the bigger kid beating him, but not otherwise! Take this as a fact, Charlie! Rice burners, tuners, import drivers, however you want to call them, will always complain about our cars, because they know we are superior than them. Period. El fin. There's nothing they can do about it, and let us admit it. They would secretly watch NASCAR over D1GP and their ridiculous driving techniques every day. They even have to create a motorsport because they just don't know how to beat us. And you know I'm not 🤬 you, because even Aaron managed to beat your Elise with a 30 year old Superbird.

(Ethan stops, and Charlie watches amazed at him, eyes wide open. Ethan takes a deep breath, and tries to relax, while Charlie backs off a few steps from him.)

Charlie: Wow, man, chill out. You could have just told me that their cars are crap, and that would have made me happy.
Ethan: ...Every japanese car made to date that came here searching for the Superbird has lost. And I don't think that will change soon enough.
Charlie: Eric said I would spent two years here, right?
Ethan: Yes...
Charlie: I have a good feeling that, by then, I will be able to beat Aaron.
Ethan: You will need more than two years to beat him, believe me. Get in the car, now.
Charlie: What? Am I driving it?
Ethan: Yes.

(Ethan hands a set of keys to Charlie, who grabs them smiling. Both enter the car, and Charlie starts it. The powerful V8 under the hood grumbles, and Charlie doubts whether to drive the car... or leave it to Ethan.)

Ethan: Can you handle it?
Charlie: I'm not sure... What if I break it?
Ethan: Don't worry. We will tell Conan I did.

(Charlie then gives the Mustang a slight input of gas, and off they go...)


Ethan: And? How does it feel?
Charlie: Odd...
Ethan: Care to explain?


(Everyone's eyes are set in the Mustang, which cruises the island at a very conservative speed of 50 km/h.)

Charlie: I mean, it's a heavy car. Compared to the Elise, that is.
Ethan: There are few cars lighter than your Elise. This car, however, is actually light compared to the way it was before Conan tuned it.


(The Mustang exits the hairpin, and Charlie doesn't seem to have any trouble controlling the beast that lies under the hood.)

Charlie: Really? That explains the lack of body panels here.
Ethan: Yes. Conan got rid of them all, bringing the car's weight down to 1080 kilograms or so.


Charlie: Very interesting.
Ethan: Isn't it so?
Charlie: Sure.
Ethan: What about your Elise?


Charlie: The wing it has was installed by Eric. He said it would make it faster than ever. Maybe you should install a wing to your Mustang, too!
Ethan: Are you crazy?!


Charlie: Why? What's wrong with it?
Ethan: I will never install a ricer wing on the Mustang, I swear that over my mother's grave!


Ethan: A wing on the Mustang would look ridiculous... But your Elise's wing... not too big. Not too small either. Just the right size.
Charlie: I thought the same the moment I saw it.


Charlie: I don't remember how it looked like before he installed it.
Ethan: Honestly?
Charlie: Yeah, honestly. In fact, the car has more time with the wing installed than without it.
Ethan: You are pretty used to it then, am I right?
Charlie: Yes. Eric installed it shortly after my seventh or eighth race.
Ethan: That soon?
Charlie: Yes, is it a problem?
Ethan: I would have spent a little more time to get used to the car's handling.
Charlie: You are right, but I was getting desperated the Elise was not getting me nowhere.
Ethan: What do you mean?


Charlie: My first race, you know? I lost it.
Ethan: Everyone loses their first race... unless you are racing against idiots, or babies. Since babies don't drive, it is likely the former.
Charlie: They were very good drivers.
Ethan: Compared to you. All is relative, depending on the driver's skill.


Ethan: While you considered them fast one year ago, assuming you bought the car back then, you would consider them slow by now, given the increase of your skill.
Charlie: Makes sense, yeah.
Ethan: Where was your first race at, by the way?


Charlie: California.
Ethan: Laguna Seca?
Charlie: Close! Infineon Raceway.


Ethan: I assume you had a very hard time with the track rather than the cars, didn't you?
Charlie: Yes, I kept going off track all the time. Their lines, instead, were very, very precise.
Ethan: Well, it's only natural that a slightly experienced driver won't go off course, unless driving fast cars.


Ethan: Here comes the bump, just keep the speed steady and you will be just fine.
Charlie: Ok.


(The Mustang goes over the bump as if it didn't existed, totally different than in racing situations.)

Ethan: See?
Charlie: I knew that would happen, just like you with your Mustang.


Charlie: By the way, why did you wanted me to drive?
Ethan: I just wanted to get you acquaintanced with a different kind of handling than that of your Elise.
Charlie: For the training, right?


Ethan: Yes. Did you hear about it yesterday?
Charlie: Conan told me this morning.
Ethan: I thought so.
Charlie: So, is this the first part of the training?
Ethan: Actually, only an introduction for what's coming.


Ethan: Be prepared, Charlie. It will be tough.
Charlie: I'm ready.


Ethan: Park the car right over there.
Charlie: Are we going to your house?
Ethan: Just like last time...


Ethan: ...I'm the only one entering.

(Charlie stops the car, and Ethan opens the door quickly and closes it. He then runs towards the house, while Charlie watches him.)


Charlie: What can be so important I can't see it...? And why are those guys always there...? What the hell is this place...?

One hour later...

(Outside Aaron's house, the Mustang arrives and comes to a complete stop. Charlie gets off the car, and watches Ethan with a suspicious look, who is driving it.)


Charlie: We will talk later.
Ethan: There's nothing to talk about, Charlie.

(Ethan, wet, drives away downhill, while Charlie stares at the Mustang, now out of view.)

Charlie: ...He hasn't told me everything about him yet.

To be continued...
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'67 Mustang! *squeee!*

I wonder when you're putting it through it's baptism of fire, so to speak...
Can't wait :D
This chapter is so epic and the Mustang is just gorgeous :) This chapter was worth the wait and I can't await to read the next one.. This story is just amazingly great! :dopey: 👍
'67 Mustang! *squeee!*
It's a '65.:sly:

Anyway, I've been following your story for a while but haven't posted until now. This is the MFT of the Race Reports section. Another great new chapter, I'm sick of Japanese-based stories. (Except for Red-Zone and The Race Begins in 5th.) Found a mistake: choosed should be chose (when Ethan and Charlie are talking about the Elise).
Thanks for the comments, guys 👍 Glad you all liked the Mustang ;)
Honestly, I didn't expected a chapter that didn't focused on racing to get such a good response in short notice, but MFT of the Race Reports section? Come on :sly:

Thanks once again, guys, and thanks for spotting the mistake, Luke. Already corrected :)
Since most of the characters are american, USA POWAAAH!!! will be a recurring theme in this story, Andy. I'm glad you liked it 👍

mustangGT90210, I must say your name is much easier to write for me than four seconds ago because I realized about the last number :lol: Shelby FTMFW indeed!

Oh, boy... I won't sleep like a baby until I get through this part of the story, where most of the development of plot and characters will happen. Will put all of my effort to it. If it takes 10 chapters more, then so be it. I will make them longer :D
Since most of the characters are american, USA POWAAAH!!! will be a recurring theme in this story, Andy.

I was rewferring to the Shelby Mustang GT 350.R '65 (ELEANOR PERCUSSOR). 400+ BHP under that bonnet, that is the "POWAAAH" of american engines! I am so proud of being american....

And one more thing: SHELBY & AMERICA FTMFW!!!
Just 400+? This one has just under 500HP 👍 Not to mention fully tuned ;)

EDIT: Man, Chapter 16 is by far the hardest chapter I will ever write. It's impossible! :banghead: I will make it easier for me and write the next short story. If I go on this way without writing anything, my mind will freeze.

EDIT 2: Title changed for a more suitable one :D The story is on development stage. That is, I can't think of how will I continue it. I'm putting work on it, but it is becoming so hard, I may as well "destroy" the original plans I had for chapter 16. That should do it easier for me. Kinda.
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Conan: When I was 19, I met someone you already know. I'm talking about Ethan, of course.

Short Story Nº5
Ethan Norton & Conan Adams​

July 8th, 1960.

(Location: Seattle, Washington, United States of America. A few blocks from the currently inexistent Space Needle. A curly-haired kid is playing in his room with his dog, a white toy poodle. The collar the poodle is wearing reads no adress, or name whatsoever, other than "Property of the Norton family". This is, indeed, Ethan Norton's poodle. And the kid playing with it, Ethan himself.)

Ethan: You are so cute!

(Ethan scratches the poodle's head, which in turns licks his fingers.)

Ethan: Stop doing that, we have to dinner in a few minutes!

(Ethan laughs as the poodle dominates him with its licking. A few seconds later, amidst Ethan's laughter, the doorbell rings.)

Ethan: I will open!

(A voice belonging to a woman comes from the lobby of the house and replies to Ethan.)

Woman: No, you are not! It's for me!

(Ethan hurries to see who is it, hearing the voice welcoming the unknown visitor.)

Woman: I'm glad you got here in such short notice.
Visitor: You know I'm always available.

(The woman then laughs, but not as a laugh between two lovers, but more as a laugh between two friends.)

Woman: He is upside.
Visitor: Good, I will go there right ahead.
Woman: Are you sure you won't have any trouble with him?
Visitor: If he behaves as you told me he does, I doubt it.
Woman: Great. Anything you need to know before I go?
Visitor: Yes, can you tell me where's the bathroom here? I may get lost.
Woman: Sure. See that hallway?

(The woman points left of the visitor.)

Woman: Walk through it, and once---
Visitor: Can you just take me there right now? It's an emergency.
Woman: Oh, so that's why you got here so fast, Conan.

(The woman then laughs, this time it is a laugh between two lovers.)

Conan: Yes, can you take me there now?
Woman: Sure. Follow me.

(All this time, Ethan had been looking through a balcony located on the upper floor of the house.)

Ethan: Who's that man...? I never saw him around here before...

(A moment later, the woman and Conan return from the hallway. Conan's face now shows a deeper feel of relaxation.)

Woman: No more questions?
Conan: None at all.
Woman: Great. Have a nice day, Conan.
Conan: You too, Linda.

(After both say good-bye, Linda opens the door leading to the street, and leaves. Conan then closes it. He then walks a bit around the lobby, and looks towards the upper floor.)

Conan: Well... I guess I will have to see what kind of kid is this.

(Ethan, who is still peaking through the balcony, swiftly returns to his room, where he awaits for Conan to arrive.)

Ethan: I think she said Conan. Could it be her ex-boyfriend...?

(Ethan whispers, hidden under the sheets of his bed, as Conan finally arrives in his room. Before entering, however, Conan knocks the door. Ethan, however, doesn't answer, causing Conan to knock again.)

Conan: Are you here, kid?
Ethan: Who is it?
Conan: Gosh, I can't believe I'm going to say this...

(Conan looks down on the floor on the opposite side of the door where Ethan is.)

Conan: I'm going to take care of you are.
Ethan: Who are you?
Conan: Conan. Conan Adams.
Ethan: I'm Ethan. Ethan Norton.
Conan: Nice to hear you, Ethan. Now could you open the door for me, so I can see you?
Ethan: Alright.

(Ethan unlocks the door, and Conan opens it.)

Conan: Nice to meet you, Ethan.

(Conan shakes hands with Ethan, who smiles at him.)

Ethan: Same here.
Conan: Well... what do you do here for fun?
Ethan: I like to play with my dog Hunter.
Conan: Hunter, huh...? You like mascots?
Ethan: I only like dogs.
Conan: I assume you have many of them.
Ethan: Nope. I've only got Hunter. My father gave it to me. Before he died...

(Conan places his left hand on Ethan's hair.)

Conan: I'm sorry to hear that, Ethan. I lost my grandmother a few years ago. I know how you feel.
Ethan: Do you miss her?
Conan: ...Of course I do! It was one of the few persons living in our house. I don't have any brothers or sisters. I am glad you had the chance to have a sister.
Ethan: Do you know my sister from somewhere?
Conan: Actually... I was hoping you would remember me. Do you remember me?
Ethan: Should I...?

(Conan looks at the floor, then at the ceiling, while thinking what to answer.)

Conan: Honestly... I have no idea. I doubt you have ever seen me. I know about you, since your sister was friends with me when we were little. She used to tell me many things about you. When we stopped seeing each others in school, however, I also stopped to hear about you. So... other than playing with your dog, what do you do?
Ethan: I play with some toy cars I have in my room.
Conan: You like cars, Ethan?
Ethan: I like playing with toy cars.
Conan: That's enough for me.
Ethan: Do you like cars?
Conan: Yes, I do. I actually am some kind of mechanic.
Ethan: What's a mechanic doing babysitting?

(Conan nor Ethan say a word. Conan then looks at Ethan.)

Conan: ...You are good.
Ethan: Want to see my collection of cars?
Conan: Sure.
Ethan: Great! Come over here, I've got them on this chest!

(Ethan runs inside the room, and drags a chest from under his bed.)

Conan: You know what, Ethan? I've got the feeling we will be good friends from now on...

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This is so sweet :) Again an awesome chapter. I really enjoy that fact you're including these short stories, because they give us the opportunity to look back into past and through them we find out a lot about the characters and their lifes. Keep this up, Lucas, because this is one of the best stories here at GTPlanet. Also, this time there are no typos, which definately shows your improving and you've perfected your writing style, so that it's much easier to follow this story. 👍 At this point, I want to thank you for immolating your time in order to write this story. I really appreciate it! Plus, I can't await chapter 16 to arrive. But that's no reason for you to hurry with writing it. Take the time you need and I hope you'll come along with writing it nicely ;)
This is so sweet :) Again an awesome chapter. I really enjoy that fact you're including these short stories, because they give us the opportunity to look back into past and through them we find out a lot about the characters and their lifes. Keep this up, Lucas, because this is one of the best stories here at GTPlanet.

Thanks, Nenad 👍 I will go ahead and say that besides you guys, the main reason why I started writing these stories is because I want the main story to "sit" on something already built. Sure, it's much easier to start from scratch with a story developing on a main character, but that's the beauty of TBoCW: Charlie is not the main character. Everyone that has lived prior to him and now relates to him is. I know the title completely contradicts this. I am telling his life, but that doesn't mean he is the center of the universe. Looking back into the past, as you say it Nenad, is something I believe every good story should have.

Thanks for the compliment, by the way. :) I, in all honesty, don't write for fame or anything like that. Fame is nothing on the Internet, no matter what Leeroy Jenkins says :lol: I write because once I saw Initial D for the first time (five years ago), I was delighted by it. Now I look at it on YouTube, and think that it's a story so basic (and so unreal at the same time) that that is the reason why it charmed so many. I proposed myself to write something more complex, realist (which is something I want to believe I'm accomplishing as I write down the chapters), and unpredictable so that people can be focused on the story, other than silly phrases and the like. I find sad that so many stories developed over the years in the forum have basically followed the Initial D formula, but I'm glad that there are still some persons (or person), that deviate from it, such as SaberFire and me. I believe that his story has a great potential, and I'm so glad that he is getting the response he deserves from changing the basics of writing 👍

I won't lie: I would like more criticism, cause I know I'm doing some things wrong, I just don't know which. That's why it bothers me so much seeing people read the story, yet not comment. I don't ask for posts, but a profile message would also be enough. I'm glad you have read through the entire thing, Nenad. Believe me I do! :cheers:

Also, this time there are no typos, which definately shows your improving and you've perfected your writing style, so that it's much easier to follow this story. 👍

You really look down onto typos, don't you? :lol: I payed attention when writing this chapter, that may be the reason ;)

At this point, I want to thank you for immolating your time in order to write this story. I really appreciate it! Plus, I can't await chapter 16 to arrive. But that's no reason for you to hurry with writing it. Take the time you need and I hope you'll come along with writing it nicely ;)

Time :lol: I wish I used all my free time to write, it's just that now I'm mentally blocked, and can't write for the life of me. But I will take your advice and continue thinking and writing 👍

One last thing, though.

You really look down onto typos, don't you? :lol: I payed attention when writing this chapter, that may be the reason ;)

One last thing, though.


Yes, I look down onto typos, in order to make this story even better than it is, better say: I'm looking down at them, in order this story gets perfect! :lol:

Thanks! :P
Once again, awesome writing. You've made Chapter 15 almost impossible to continue off of it. However that will make Chapter 16 even more interesting...

PS: Oh, crap! Korea will wipe US off the map!!:(
I won't lie. The reason this chapter isn't done yet is because of my lazyness. However, I'm working on it right now. Actually I logged in again just to check the car list for the game. I'm going to take pictures for the next chapter, and hopefully I will have it ready for Tuesday if not Wednesday.

Please, just please, don't revive threads. I know last post was made one week ago, but there were many threads in between this one and the more recent one. I know people (including myself) hate to lose the headlines because of "moars" or posts like those (conversations between members about cars, I hate those the most). Next time, make sure to send me a profile message, ok Andy? Thanks 👍

Oh, and just a few news for the thread:

- I'm thinking on making a chapter dedicated enterely to resume everything that has happened over the last two volumes. But only when I'm finished with this one, of course. "Idea" goes to LOST. Honestly, I think it was time. People must be getting lost.

- This volume is coming close to an ending. Not sure if it's big news, but for me it's a great relief.

"News" if you want to call them. But I couldn't let this post happen without something good to tell. Oh, and...

Over 96000 views! :D :cheers: Thanks for your support, guys, I wouldn't have got this far if it wasn't for you. Nenad, Andy, LolCats, I'm looking at you guys :lol:
Hey Codename L, like yourself I'm writing a GT4 story. Can you give me any advice?

P.S. If you know how, how do you change your signature, because mine is kinda stupid.
Volume 2
Chapter 16 - The Fall

November 3rd, 2005.

(Outside Aaron's house, the Mustang arrives and comes to a complete stop. Charlie gets off the car, and watches Ethan with a suspicious look, who is driving it.)


Charlie: We will talk later.
Ethan: There's nothing to talk about, Charlie.

(Ethan, wet, drives away downhill, while Charlie stares at the Mustang, now out of view.)

Charlie: ...He hasn't told me everything about him yet.

(Walking through the gallery, inside the house, Charlie reaches the living room, and makes his way to the "white room". There, Aaron and Eric continue talking, but they are not painting anymore. They have already finished with their task.)

Aaron: Looks fairly good.
Eric: For a white room, that is. Sadly, it won't last long.
Aaron: What do you mean?

(Both look the bright white walls of the room, freshly painted.)

Eric: It's a white room, after all. White rooms are not supposed to last long until they get dirty.
Aaron: It's not my problem.
Eric: Aren't you using this room?
Aaron: I'm planning to sell this house.
Eric: What?!

(Eric looks very surprised about the news, leaving Aaron to explain him the decision.)

Aaron: I've lived here for... Twenty? No, twenty-three... I've lived here for twenty-three years already. As you can deduce, this house has already become a part of me, as for Ethan and Conan.
Eric: Why would you sell it, then?
Aaron: Honestly, this---

(Before Aaron can explain, however, Charlie enters the white room, and looks at him.)

Charlie: Hi, Aaron. Have a sec?
Aaron: ...Sure. What's wrong? How were things with Conan?
Charlie: Good, good. I need to talk to you.

(Aaron looks at Charlie. Then looks at Eric as he speaks.)

Aaron: Sure... Eric, I will be back in a moment, okay?
Eric: No problem. Just do what you have to do.
Aaron: Good.

(Charlie and Aaron leave the room, and start walking through the house, heading for the street.)

Aaron: Where are you taking me, Charlie?
Charlie: Far from Eric.
Aaron: ...What?
Charlie: Just follow me, okay? I have to tell you something.

(Both walk through the library, and then the living room, until they get to the gallery.)

Aaron: Something? About what?
Charlie: Ethan. I have to talk to you about Ethan.
Aaron: Oh... So that's why you don't want Eric near us, right?

(They finally leave the house. It's a windy day in Capri, though not a cold one.)

Charlie: Right.
Aaron: Well, then. What is it that you want to tell me?
Charlie: I believe Ethan is up to something here.
Aaron: Up to something?
Charlie: Yes. He acts rather suspicious.
Aaron: Please explain, I don't get what you are trying to say.

(Charlie takes a deep breath. He then puts his right hand in Aaron's left shoulder. They are looking each other eye to eye.)

Charlie: Today... when I try to leave the house, I find Ethan standing right there in front of me. I ask him what he is doing, but he asks me what I'm doing, trying to leave the house. I tell him I was waiting for Conan, but he says that I'm not waiting for Conan. That I'm waiting for him. He told me that you told Eric to tell me I was supposed to wait for Conan.
Aaron: A bit confusing, since you are putting it that way, but yeah, basically.
Charlie: Okay. After he explains to me that telling Eric I am supposed to wait for John McLean, I find it pretty convincing that you rather told Eric I was waiting for Conan. Did you really do that?
Aaron: Yes, naturally. After all, what other excuse could I come up with?
Charlie: Well, until that moment, nothing was weird, or out of place. That is... until later he made me drive Conan's Shelby Mustang towards his house.
Aaron: Wait a sec. I don't understand, where are you heading, Charlie?

(Charlie then removes his hand from Aaron's shoulder.)

Charlie: It was odd enough that I got to drive the car in first place. But to not be able to when we returning, plus the fact that I couldn't enter to Ethan's house, and the fact that he was wet when he got out of his house, as if he went for a shower without even changing clothes... made it all much strange.
Aaron: I see what you mean now.
Charlie: So... will you do something about it?
Aaron: Yes. Don't worry, I have it covered.
Charlie: Thanks.
Aaron: If you don't mind, Eric is waiting for me inside.

(Aaron leaves Charlie and heads for the white room.)

Charlie: ...Wait!
Aaron: Huh...?

(Aaron stops on his feet as Charlie shouts at him. Charlie then walks towards him.)

Charlie: ...Don't you think it's time to tell Eric who John McLean really is? Hasn't he already started to ask you questions?
Aaron: I do think it's time. But what I think isn't always right. Questions, you say? Only once. I told him to wait.
Charlie: What did he tell to you afterwards?
Aaron: He told me he wouldn't wait long.
Charlie: How much, then?
Aaron: Five hours.
Charlie: It seems his curiosity has disappeared then.
Aaron: Not... exactly. It was just one hour ago, while we were in the room.

(Charlie, who thought Eric lost his interest in Ethan, now doesn't believe what he is hearing.)

Charlie: A-and you are going to t-tell him who Ethan is?
Aaron: You see, it's not the problem who Ethan is. It's the fact that we hid it from Eric three days straight. Between you and me, I don't care if someone lies to me. I care more about the period of time I swallowed the lie than the lie itself.
Charlie: I know, I think the same.
Aaron: So you know in what kind of trouble I got myself into.
Charlie: What if we lie to Eric? We could tell him we didn't knew that John was Ethan.
Aaron: Not a good idea to cover a lie with another lie. It would only make things worse.
Charlie: Then what can we do?
Aaron: You do nothing. I... I will think of something.

(Aaron, eyes closed, massages his bald head.)

Charlie: "Something" sounds like...
Aaron: ...A lie. I know!

(Aaron grabs his head, as if he were going nuts.)

Charlie: Why don't you just tell him the truth...?
Aaron: You think I haven't thought about that?
Charlie: What could be so wrong about telling it?
Aaron: He is going to kill me!
Charlie: I doubt it. He can't get THAT pissed.
Aaron: You are right.

(Suddenly, a huge rumble is heard coming from the "dark side" of the island.)

Charlie: What the hell is that...?
Aaron: Oh God...
Charlie: What?
Aaron: Just what we needed.


(Ethan's Mustang is the one responsible for the noise.)


(He is not in a good mood, apparently.)


(Ethan slams the brakes, but he is having some trouble controlling the car.)

Ethan: SON OF A 🤬, MOTHER 🤬!!

Charlie: But what is it?!
Aaron: That's Ethan. And for the sound of that engine...


Ethan: I swear to God I'm going to kill him.

Aaron: ...he is pissed.
Charlie: No 🤬!


(The Mustang bounces from side to side, as Ethan comes out of the corner.)

Aaron: Wow... Look at that body roll.


(As the Mustang gains speed downhill, Aaron grabs Charlie's arm.)

Aaron: We have to move, now!
Charlie: What the---?!

(Both, who were in the middle of the road, run towards the house, just a few steps away.)


(Ethan then proceeds to slam the brakes, that don't seem to be working very good.)


Charlie: W-what the hell is wrong with him?!
Aaron: I don't know, but we will find out in a matter of seconds.


(Ethan finally stops the car, and Aaron leaves Charlie's side to talk to him.)

Ethan: I'll do it... I swear I'll do it.

(Aaron, now right in front of the Mustang, knocks on the windshield.)

Aaron: Ethan!! Get out of the car, now!!

(Ethan doesn't show signs of motion.)

Aaron: Ethan!! ETHAN!! GET OUT!!

(Ethan reacts, and opens the door. Still, he doesn't leave the car.)

Aaron: Get out of the car, dammit.

(As he says this, Aaron grabs Ethan from his shoulders, and takes him out of the car.)

Aaron: What the 🤬 were you thinking, Ethan?!! That was nowhere near 50km/h!! Are you crazy?!!

(Ethan doesn't reply. Aaron shakes his body with his hands.)

Aaron: Tell me, Ethan!! Are you out of your mind, you 🤬 maniac?!! Why did you do that?!! You can't drive that fast here!! There are civilians present, it's not a race!!

(Aaron is furious, and repeteadly shakes Ethan.)

Aaron: Why did you do it, why?!! You almost killed Charlie and me!!

(Seeing as his words aren't going anywhere, Aaron is forced to take drastic measures, and punches Ethan in his chin.)

Aaron: Son of a 🤬!!

(Ethan "regains" consciousness, and speaks.)

Ethan: ...Hadn't been for me in the first place... you would already be dead.
Aaron: How dare you say that...
Eric: People!

(Suddenly, Eric appears. Everyone turns around to watch him standing right besides the door leading to the gallery. He walks a few steps towards the pair of grown up men.)

Eric: What's going on here?
Aaron: It's not of your business.
Eric: Oh, hell it is. Why did you punched John? Or should I say Ethan?

I swear that "🤬" crossed my mind the moment I heard Eric pronounce Ethan's name.

To be continued...
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I finally get caught up and you post a new chapter. That's epic, as is the story.

Seriously, MOAR!